When Something is Funny…

You have to enjoy it. Even when the laugh is not so much heartfelt, but the reaction to a painful example of utter head-in-the-sand stupidity; or as in this case, breathtaking lack of self-awareness.

A Friend alerted me to a post on the the Yellowing Fullerton Observer website, in which the “editor” thereof, one Skasia Kennedy wrote in high dudgeon about campaign signs posted by Fred Jung and Jamie Valencia on – wait for it – public property! Railing against these criminals, Kennedy admonishes all Fullertonions to “know their rights” and report the illegal signs to the City!
It’s odd that this worthy woman and crack journalist failed to identify other lawbreakers – like Sharon Quirk, and the supporters of the massive school bonds who are in violation of the letter of the law. It’s Jung they despise over there, and of course they are all in for Vivian Jaramillo, Ms. Valencia’s opponent. It’s also amusing that they never cared about this issue before, so we can surmise a level of desperation about Jaramillo’s candidacy chances.
Anyway, it’s not Kennedy hypocrisy that this post is about, well, not exactly. It’s about a fun exchange between a reader and Ms. Editor herself, when the former accuses the latter of subjective harassment of her political adversary, Mr. Jung. Then Kennedy goes sideways-funny. Check it out:

Fullerton Troll got a good laugh out of that as well he/she might. The Fullerton Observer is and always has been about emotional responses to civic issues, especially the ones that signal some sort of virtuous liberal high ground. Well, Hell that’s easier than actually finding out real facts and reporting, right?

And so Kennedy and the Observer not only beat the drum for nonsense like the Trail to Nowhere and the Wake on Wilshire, they refused to print a single fact that would undermine their glandularly-charged objectives. In fact, the Kennedy women, mere et fille, have actively participated in both of those boondoggles, throwing all inconvenient objectivity aside. Emotions? Check. Preferences? Double check.
This Skasia Kennedy is so damn stupid that I really think she believes her bullshit, Running free ads in that paper for “Walk on Wilshire?” Refusing to tell the public that it’s a money loser? Refusing to even address the dozen good reasons not to waste $2,000,000 of public money on the dismal Trail to Nowhere? Do those sound like the actions of someone who is free of bias and journalistic integrity?
That is funny. But not surprising. People are aware of poor Saskia (you spelled her name wrong) and her limited intelligence.
Putting her in charge of something would only make sense if it were a case of family welfare. First Sharon, then her daughter. Living in Paw Paw’s house on Brookdale, never having had real jobs and preaching their shit to any idiot who will listen.
Haha. Limousine liberals without the limousine. I wonder how much welfare the two of them have sucked up in the past 40 years.
That’s a supreme example of unawareness. That level of stupidity is easy pickings for a con man like Ahmad Zahra.
LIKED COMMENT. Preach! Con men love the blissfully stupid, who are too full of their own white guilt to look into any bit of the Zahra fraud.
Correct. They don’t care about the lies, the immigration fraud, the assault and battery charge that was not “exonerated” by anybody but Zahra.
The important thing is that Zahra says what he knows they want him to say.
The Kennedy sisters are mental flatliners.
Which is worse, white guilt, or white stupidity?
In the case of the Kennedy Klan I suspect it’s just a case of being so fucking stupid and so indoctrinated that it’s impossible to grasp the idea of common sense, let alone reason.
When Skasia took over everyone fled except Mommy Dearest and a couple of kids who don’t know any better, either.
I just can’t understand how anyone can be so utterly oblivious to not only their own bias, but just how completely out of touch with reality in regards to the fantasy land that they seem to live in. I do actually believe that mom thinks she is somehow making a difference in a positive way for society. However bone headed and ridiculous her methods are. Daughter on the other hand seems to just be towing the family line. I doubt she is 100% on board, but it’s her lot in life at the moment. Would expect it to rapidly change once mom sets off to become a tree, or whatever.
Yeah, that level of oblivion is hard to grasp. Most of us have some sense of our limitations. Of course the Observer demonstrates the Dunning-Kruger effect in full force.
I think the daughter is 100% on board – trying mightily to earn a place in a family Pantheon chock full of middle-class, liberal do-goodism. But she is as dumb as a sack of doorknobs at the bottom the the Mariana Trench. Truly.
The irony here is that neither one has ever actually contributed much to society in general except by supporting really dumb, vacant ideas that aren’t tethered to any sort of reality.
Thanks for the nod.
Honestly, those two phonies just make it too damn easy.
Saskia is an invaluable member of my Ministry of Propaganda. Leading the righteous astray isn’t as easy as I make it look.
Your targets are bullet proof: they are both so stupid that they will never get it. “Ignorance is bliss” has never been so well personified.
The Kennedy sisters are useful idiots to our noble cause.
So, our illustrious comrades at the Fullerton Observer have a problem with campaign signs on public property. At least -some- campaign signs. I assume that the same outrage applies to using public property for any other personal gain, like putting their newspaper racks on public property. Last time I was in the city hall, there was a Fullerton Observer rack in plain view. I seem to remember seeing their racks in a post office.
I think that everyone out to complain about this outrageous illegal use of public property for private gain. The Fullerton Observer can lead the charge.
Or do they think that they are somehow exempt from their own bias?