Who is Jamie Valencia?

I have to admit, I don’t know who Jamie Valencia is. But I know what she wants. She wants to be Fullerton’s 4th District Councilmember.
She is a serious candidate. Real serious. Here’s her website: https://www.jamievalencia.com/
There isn’t much to go on, issues wise, but according to her website Ms. Valencia has the endorsement of Fullerton’s power police union and the influential carpenter’s union. Because of the latter, I’m assuming she is a Democrat, and if so, is going to cause some real problems for the OCDEM establishment that went out of their way to slide Vivian Jaramillo into this office, even going so far as to create a fake candidate, Scott Markowitz, to help her do it.

Another candidate with a Latino name is the last thing they could have wanted.
Ms. Valencia is a registered nurse, a profession that garners respect; Jaramillo is a retired Fullerton municipal employee, a code inspector and a writer of parking tickets. The comparison is stark. Ms. Valencia says she is 41 on her ballot statement; she looks a lot younger. Jaramillo is at least 70 and looks her age. In an election where age and its attendant difficulties have become a big deal this could be really significant.

But even more significantly, Valencia has raised a startling amount of money for her campaign in a few short weeks. Somewhere between 15 and 20 grand, based on the 497 forms posted by the City Clerk. That borders on the fantastic, and it’s only the third week in August. She must know some important people who believe in her.
In a race that looked shaped up to be between the establishment Democrat and the wife of the well-known and well-like outgoing councilman, Bruce Whitaker, a whole new dimension has opened up.
The new dimension is name is Jaimie Valencia. When FFFF leans more about this newcomer we’ll be sure to share it.
Wow. I don’t know where she came from, but this puts a whole new spin on D4. I can’t imagine Zahra is very happy with the cops he’s been slurping up to all these years.
Who donated all that money? Is that all cop union money? Or did the paramedics kick in a big chunk too? Paramedics and nurses go together like peanut butter and jelly.
You don’t have to smell anything. She’s posted the support on her website. I already noted the cop union support on an earlier post. I can’t explain it, but somebody’s got some mojo working here and it isn’t Whitaker or Jarsamillo.
“Paramedics and nurses go together like peanut butter and jelly.”
That’s just dumb.
She’s young and attractive. Her competition is 70, 70, and the fake one is 67.
I think I’ll give odds.
Yeah, that’s why we vote for people–young, inexperienced and cute duh. And she gets really bored at the INRAC meetings–yawn–why ? because she knows nothing about most of Fullerton and couldn’t care less.
Yeah, too bad about that cute thing, huh?
You could go with old. Jaramillo has no experience running anything except her big yap at council meetings.
Oops. City Hall dweller alert.
You are really jealous of her huh?
She was a championship downhill skier in college. Probably very competitive. This could be fun.
With four people in this race it’s a near certainty that whoever wins will do so with less than 50% of the vote, meaning that most people will have voted for someone else. That’s not right, no matter who wins. Ranked Choice Voting would solve that problem by setting a winning percentage threshold of over 50% for a more democratic process.
Regarding Ms. Valencia’s campaign funds, the 497 forms are only required when contributions of $ 1,000 or more are received, meaning we are only seeing the totals of contributions at that level or higher.
Because she began her campaign after the required July 460 filing, which would show contributions of $ 100 or more, we don’t know how much she has raised in individual contributions in amounts between $ 100 and $ 1000 in addition to the $ 20k. We’ll find out in September when the next 460 filing is due.
Good point, Mr. Leslie. She may have more. And if the Carpenters gave her a donation she’s probably well over $20,000. That’s a boatload for a late start.
Mrs Pettigrew has not lived in Fullerton very long
If she going for Unions she’s not in it for Fullertonians
Mrs. Pettigrew isn’t her name.
Ah but it was her maiden name
Posting from City Hall?
Ok Linda.
From shadows, she leaps
Obligated money flows
Fullerton’s new guard
This will not end well for Fullerton. It never does.
What won’t end well?
Electing a stooge of the local cop and firewhiner unions won’t end well. We’ve seen this side show before and it’s exactly the reason why Fullerton is a perpetual financial shit show. The next time you drive through a pothole be sure to thank a cop or a fireman.
They don’t fight fires much. 90%+ of their calls are paramedic.
But they do get paid way too much for hanging around and playing basketball with their fire bros and sisters.
So you would prefer a retired public employee or the hapless wife of some dude who never delivered a goddamned thing for the people who voted for him?
Jaramillo is a public pension sink hole. Linda Whitaker is the brains behind the Wilshire closing and the idiot “boutique” hotel.
Come to think of it, the Whitakers are public pension sinkholes, too.
Yes, they’re pension sinkholes but the cops and paramedics are worse. Like with every election now you have to hold your nose and vote for the least shitty option available. I think union stooges do far more damage than a hanger-on like Linda or a dim-witted meter maid.
Public safety unions are the worst thing to ever happen to this state and our communities.
Please don’t call Shittie Jaramillo a retired public employee. She hates the pubic. She was a useless city paycheck collector harassing people as a permit inspector and giving tickets to people who paid her salary.
That is her job to enforce the law. I will not vote for someone who does not enforce the law just because it’s inconvenience for you. Why do you not follow the law if you did she wouldn’t be giving you a ticket. Also, Miss Valencia has reduced or try to reduce public speaking time at the council So you voted for the wrong person again?
And don’t forget the continuing homeless saga. Last time anyone stated it, Fitzgerald said we spend about $2 million per year on it. I bet now it’s more.
Haha. Zahra is shitting his pants. Again.
The hissy fits must be spectacular!!
This just made my day!
Valencia is serious and has as good of a shot as anybody in the race. Her personality and charm go right along with her pretty face and, as an actual bonus to Fullerton, she has some policy experience. She is engaging and does not back down from a fight.
Christian, I agree 100% with your assessment of Valencia!
I disagree. A Democrat is wrong for Fullerton as evidence. She just tried to reduce public speaking time at the beginning of the meeting so to shut them up this is not a tyrant meeting. The public needs to be involved in any decision-making need to be heard this is a democratic process and we cannot shorten public speaking time, it’s already three minutes before it was five minutes. So you know you made the wrong choice when you elected a Democrat, regardless of what they do for a living.
The police union gave Jamie $5500 yesterday. Jaramillo must be sweating bullets. Again.
Sweat drops like ammo
The caliber is quite low
Street sweepers will clean
It’s cute to see supporters of Shittie Jaramillo and Whitaker bash Valencia because she is much more attractive, almost half their age, obviously more educated, and not beholden to the corrupt OC Dem party or related to a lifelong politician.
I don’t know Jamie Valencia, but I have seen enough from Jaramillo and nothing from Whitaker. Oh wait, there is also that OC Democrat vixen Scott Markowitz, who claims to be a republican. His candidacy sounds as sincere as Kamala’s cackle.
Fortunately, Markowitz and his handlers were exposed through the excellent slapshot reporting of Joshua “Don’t You Forget About Me” Ferguson, who discovered Scott “I’m a patsy” Markowitz is only here due to the dimwit conspiratoral acts committed by Funky Bunch members Ajay “Smug Thug” Mohan of the Democratic Party, his boy toy Ahmad Zarah, Shittie “Stinks” Jaramillo, and Jan “I need to retire” Flory.
I will take Valencia over the sea of turds floating in District 4.
Yeah, once again, you are wrong because she just try to reduce public comments at the meeting. You wanted to reduce it to two minutes. The Publix were rage before it was five minutes to address the issue that they wanted to address in a Democratic Society. The nurse Valencia wanted to shut them down by reducing the time available for them to comment, Her behavior was especially rude and acting like a tyrant already
I’m going to do a post on that, chum. No person in their right mind wants to listen to Curtis Gamble and Mr. and Mrs. Suspenders natter on and on.