Yelp, Says Michelle W.
An amused Friend shared this Yelp review of lawyer Jan Flory, posted just about the time Flory was on the backstretch of her second lap around the Fullerton City Council track.

Don’t worry, Michelle. She never cared about us, her constituents, either. It’s always been about protecting the bureaucrats in City Hall – the ones she calls the “heart of the City; and protecting the Culture of Corruption in the Fullerton Police Department.
And I agree, Michelle. It’s too bad there isn’t a zero star option.
Crappy lawyer, crappy councilwoman. Another Western State Law Skool grad. OC is full of them.
She’s faking. Dunlap would wipe her out.
I guess the sciatica got better. Some of those council meetings were pretty long.
Her problem isn’t sciatica, it’s that stick that never gets removed.
Speaking of sticks, man she wielded a mean broomstick. Jeez, a little leg humping and out it would come. Whack!
JFD, we’ve missed you! How is Doggie Heaven?
I like it up here a lot more than I liked being on Earth.
The bottle would come out about 3pm and then the broomstick. Whack!
I had a chickenshit lawyer bail on me once. I couldn’t get a replacement.
Flory franchises failure. It’s not just what she does, it’s who she is!
How old is too old? We asked that question of Biden and Trump. Shouldn’t we ask Flory too: why she is running to represent a city whose median age is 35? After all, she is 80 and looks and thinks every bit of it.
Well, more like 95.
It is a fair question to ask. Whether people in the political sphere can ever be too old to lead. Jan Flory will be the oldest to ever seek election to the office of City Council in the City of Fullerton. Does she have the fresh perspective necessary to govern a city whose median age is only 35? Does she have the stamina and energy to do the work? Cities governed by older people – are typically not representative of their population and that is a real concern here with a very old Jan Flory. How old is “too old” to lead? Not sure what the exact age is, but 80 is too old Jan.
That’s funny. No councilperson I have ever seen in Fullerton did any real work at all. If you can share a name, please do.
Fullerton needs a fresh perspective, all right. And none of the current crop have it. They all vote the same way Flory would.
As for Flory, she is locked into a sort of Adlai Stevenson elitism alongside the arrogant and unwarranted self-confidence of George Wallace.
Adlai Stevenson I or II because II was pretty insignificant? Flory isn’t like either. She is more akin to Robert Byrd, who died as a sitting Senator. He was in the Senate for 57 years, sitting at death’s door, and ruining the notion of representative government by representing geriatrics way past his prime. Flory is well past her expiration date. She is changing in color, smell and texture before our very eyes. She has spoiled and should not be consumed.
Byrd was a card-carrying KKK member — just like Flory!