Zahra’s Small Business Forum Draws Small Crowd
I guess, if you wanted to call it a crowd at all.

Last Friday’s Small Business “Forum,” brought to Fullerton by the North Orange County Chamber of Commerce and featuring Councilperson Ahmad Zahra as “Master-of-Ceremonies,” didn’t attract a whole lot of turnout. Could it be that the NOCCC is seen for what it is – a useless toady for Fullerton City Hall, rather than an incubator for small business? Or maybe folks realize that the unemployed and unemployable “film director” Ahmad Zahra, is hardly the person to talk authoritatively on the subject of business, large or small.
In any case attendance was sparse.

There seem to be about 20 people here, and half of them are wandering around, holding private conversations, or just walking away, even as Zahra, at the podium, is burnishing his credentials as an agent of economic development.
Maybe next time they’ll hold their “brilliant” and “dynamic” conference in a broom closet to enhance Zahra’s profile, and keep the City from further humiliation.

This forum is another wonderful metaphor for the City of Fullerton’s hapless “economic development” department, a function that can present no evidence that it actually pays for itself in new tax increment. In fact, if another metaphor, the ridiculous, money losing “Wake on Wilshire” is any indication, they never will.
And I still want to know: who approved the use of the City seal, and who paid for the hall.
“Wake on Wilshire.” Instant classic.
I can only imagine the pain of sitting through that. When City staff and Chamber employees are subtracted turn out was about 12.
And those 12 were Zahra’s minions.
How much did this boondoggle cost us citizens?
You’re not getting your 5 grand back.
Another stellar Zahra self-promotion production bombs. The Observer will paint this as a triumph.
That Jack Hutt nobody from the Observenothing will say Ahmad is the only one who knows what economic development is. More opinions disguised as fake news.
At least Zahra is working hard for Fullerton’s future.
The only thing Zahra is “working hard” for is himself to feed the insatiable appetites of his ego, his belly, and his genitals.
I think anon was being facetious.
Zahra is all hat and no cattle. He couldn’t run a penny gumball machine.
The idea that there is an Economic Development Department in Fullerton is comical. Sunayana Thomas is Director and Taylor Samuelson is the rest of the Department. Can anyone name one positive economic thing they have done in Fullerton except cash their paychecks ?
Nothing, zilch, goose egg, blank, scratch, shutout!
FFFF has been making this point all along.
Government bureaucrats should be providing services to the residents, not trying (and of course, failing) to generate more taxes to give themselves raises and to hire more of themselves.
All of these plus other self-promoting and self-prospering actions are the only things which they absolutely excel at.
None of them prosper. Never have.