Bitter Jaramillo Bites Dust. Again.

Oh, the humanity!

At last night’s Fullerton City Council meeting, Ahmad Zahra revealed his second nomination for the city’s Planning Commission. You may recall that his first nomination, Adrian Meza, doesn’t live in Fullerton and couldn’t take the job. Zahra’s new nominee? Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo. Friends may well remember Jaramillo from the fall city council campaign, where she finished behind Jamie Valencia.

Full of hot air…

Jaramillo’s nomination went down like the Hindenburg. Zahra and Charles voted yes, of course; Valencia, Dunlap, and Jung voted no. Unequivocally. How come? These appointments are usually rubber stamped by the Council.

In defeat, malice…

Well, Friends may also recall Jaramillo’s political valediction, presented in the Fullerton Observer: a bitter lamentation how dirty tricks sank her little boat:

Rule number one in politics must be that if you want somebody to vote for you, try to refrain from calling them knuckleheads and puppets. During the campaign Jaramillo questioned Valencia’s credentials and commitment; not a big deal in an election, but not helpful later on when you want something from your former rival.

Where’s the lie”

Then there’s the marijuana dispensary problem. Jaramillo has been a big supporter of the now reversed ordinance that would have permitted the greatest latitude for future permits. Dunlap and Jung had already votes to repeal that law. The thought that the dope lobby contributed $60,000 to get Jaramillo elected certainly must have caused pause for the council majority.

And then there’s the problem of Zahra’s own recent vote against nominations made by Jung and Valencia, most noticeably the choice of Arif Mansuri to the Traffic and Circulation Commission. If you’re going to start voting no on qualified nominees you should expect reciprocation for your unqualified ones.

My guess is that Zahra was on the phone after the meeting to boohoo like a little girl to one of the Kennedy Sisters, and they’ll be crying in print real soon about the usual outrage.

8 Replies to “Bitter Jaramillo Bites Dust. Again.”

  1. Zahra swings and misses. Again. Poor, little tyke. He needs to stay in the shallow end with his water wings.

  2. Outcome predetermined.

    BTW, did anybody catch the collection of Fullerton Boohoo last night. Zahra summoned those puppet knuckheads to show up and beg to keep State mandates.

    1. Doesn’t look like it. Maybe Zahra can put her on the Active Transportation Committee because she’s such a public health zealot.

  3. Water seeks its own level. Ahmad’s inner circle keeps getting smaller. The lies and the cons must be catching up or the idiots who believe in him may be catching on.

    1. No, they’re dying out. Look at Vena and Lloreda. Jesus H. Molly McClanacan’t and Gin Flurry showed up yesterday. It was like Night of the Living Dead.

  4. Somebody should do records requests for all communication between Ahmad, Shana and Sharon, Saskia.

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