Chris Norby Gone Almost Forgotten

This communication was sent to the high school board by former Brea HS teacher, Fullerton Councilmember, County Supervisor, and State Assemblyman, Chris Norby, on Thursday. I reproduce this from the Fullerton Observer.

To: FJUHSD Board Members, Steve McLaughlin, Superintendent, John Caffrey, Principal, Audrina Gomez, ASB President, Kimberley Harris, Tribe Tribune Adviser, and Fullerton Observer:
State law (AB 3074) now requires all Native American nicknames to be dropped by public school athletic teams by July 1, 2026. The law bans “Indians” and even the word “Tribe.” It’s time to look at the best options for Fullerton High School. As a second-generation alumnus, former ASB President, athlete, and Wall of Fame Member at FUHS, I propose a new nickname: The Fullerton Fenders.
Fullerton Fenders would honor the technological and cultural contributions of alumnus Leo Fender, Class of 1928. It would recognize his namesake invention, the Fender Guitar, and its role in the development of rock music and its ongoing impact on international culture. Just one block from campus is the permanent Fender Exhibition at the Fullerton Museum Center. It could also lead to corporate sponsorships and a beneficial relationship with the Fender Musical Instruments Corporation, now headquartered in Corona.
Fullerton Fenders is unique—we would be the only high school in the country with this nickname. It is an alliteration and easy to say. Our mascot could be the Fender guitar itself, or someone playing a guitar on the sideline. The word fender itself is defined as one who “fends off, repels.” It could mean an athlete defending a goal, or a car fender. It would allow future pep squads to use their imagination on how it’s portrayed.

Enclosed are some examples of how our new mascot could be portrayed. There is plenty of time for a comprehensive process involving students, coaches, faculty, administration, and alumni in the new nickname selection process. It should be deliberate and thoughtful. We need to take advantage of this opportunity to select something creative, unique, and reflective of Fullerton’s heritage.
The Fullerton Fenders do all this. Fight On, Fenders!
Sincerely, Chris Norby ‘68
Of course the new law is one of those top-down diktats from Sacramento from a legislature that has too much time on its hands and too little common sense. Norby wastes no time arguing the point, but instead has his own solution to getting rid of the name “Indians” that follows Fullerton High School.
Fullerton Fenders sounds ridiculous to me, and not the sort of name that usually accompanies a mascot. Then again, Mr. Norby presents FFFF with the opportunity to provide a better name.
The Fullerton Norbies.
The Fullerton Asleep at the Switchers
I know time flies, but it can’t be April first already……
Really. Norby should just go back to the park bench for a snooze.
Yet another example of Sacramento WOKEness destroying Fullerton heritage. The mascot was already changed from Fullerton Indians to Tribe, whatever that means. Change it again and you might as well call them the Fullerton Commanders or Fullerton Football Club. Both are better than Fullerton Fenders, which is stupid Chris. Jon Caffrey is the Principal Norby. Finally, sending it to the Fullerton Observer thinking it might impact change is idiotic Chris. You might as well have sent the letter in a bottle and tossed it off the deck of the Titanic.
Yes, Norby is old school. Somehow he believes the Observer is relevant.
The Observer didn’t even use his name in the headline. The Sisters still hate him.
I noticed that too. Yeah by the recall of 1994 old Ralphie and his little helper Jack Harloe really went after Norby.
How about someone sues the State instead?
We already had to change Plummer Auditorium because Plummer was apparently a member of the Klan, as lots of people were back then. Then why should we allow the Democrats to exist? They were the party of the Klan and of racism.
Truth be told
It is, and always will be: The Plummer Auditorium
Let the kids decide, not some geriatric geezer.
How about “The Jan Flory’s Dogs.”
I like it! Go JFDs!
This is why Democrats are losing. Dumb.
“It could mean an athlete defending a goal, or a car fender.”
This is satire, right?
Sadly, no.
I vote for Fullerton Futures.
Love the headline.
Isn’t Norby a wife beater?
No, he is a wife beatee.
The Stratocasters!
Not bad. “Stratos” for short.
The Fullerton Cheif’s. Or can there only be one Cheif around many Indians? Quirk should know.
The word is “chief.”
Yeah, I like that name, The Fullerton Chiefs.
How about the Fullerton Chefs?
Someone needs to tell Norby that The Fullerton Observer may not be a thing much longer.
Another “Oscar Mayer Moment”
Thanks for the dialog and for running my letter. Mascots should be up to students — not the legislature, There was a move to dump the Anaheim H.S. “Colonist” moniker (it allegedly promoted colonialism), but the students voted to keep it. Now, Sacramento has declared all Indian and tribal-related nicknames to be offensive—to whom?
If we do have to change, we should look for something unique. If anyone has a other ideas, let’s put them all on a ballot for the students to vote. Note: I am willing to put my own name on this blog post, an option others have, too.
When I think of fierce high school athletes and school spirit, the first thing that comes to mind is a car part. The Fenders will surely be a force to be reckoned with.
Hello Chris Norby
This is Marlene Halvorson
What about we oppose this liberal idiocracy, and push back against this agenda, destroying our history, statues, and buildings ?
Won’t be long.
Your Fern Drive neighbor.
Remember when ??