Observer Sisters Sink to New Low

Just when you think they couldn’t be more biased, vindictive and stupid, the Kennedy Sisters, Skaska and Sharon prove you were wrong. They not only lace their “stories” with prejudicial editorializing, now they have now taken to publish letters to their “newspaper” that give every appearance to be cooked up to cause mischief.

In the mid-March version of the Observer there is a very strange “letter” by someone calling themselves “M. Chapman.” It’s a weird missive alright, so odd and so badly written that you get the idea it was written by one of the sisters herself. I’ve seen walls at FJC covered in globs of pre-class gum that made more sense.

Our correspondent informs us of a house on Wilshire Avenue that nobody wants to talk about. It’s a Big Mystery to M. Chapman because no one wants to “save” it either. A conspiracy is afoot, make no mistake!

The house is an abandoned, dinky 400 square foot box that somebody tacked siding and a porch onto in the 1960s. It’s decrepit and looks like a fire hazard; but not to Chapman who sees a treasure.
For some reason Chapman thinks the “unsafe” City notices are “poorly written,” a claim I’ve never heard before, but obviously inserted here to suggest something untoward is going on.
Then the letter gets interesting. You see, the property next door is a “land grab” by “Bushala” and the insinuation is that he wants this derelict property for some reason.

The first statement is just defamatory. Bushala Brothers, Inc. bought the vacant lot next door from the North Orange County Community College District with the condition that they relocate a NOCCD bungalow from Chapman Ave., which has been accomplished – a fine upgrade to the neighborhood. (picture above). BBI was the highest bidder, responding to an open and fair public bid. The house is now owned and occupied by a family member who bought it at market rate from BBI. Naturally, Chapman provides zero evidence to support his insinuation that maybe “Bushala” (by now we have to ask “which one?”) wants to own the dilapidated property next door. That’s classic Observer Sister stuff, right there.
At this point, it seems pretty obvious that somebody is cooking up information and “M. Chapman” is regurgitating it. Now who could that be?
Chapman is real interested in his/her architectural discovery, it seems, so he/she turned to Fullerton Heritage for help, but they wouldn’t “touch it with a ten foot pole.” More sinister evidence of something, Chapman concludes. Chapman says he/she was referred to the Observer(!) for some inexplicable reason – the Kennedy Sisters know very little about anything.

Then Chapman reveals the stupidity of his/her own narrative by sharing that Fullerton Heritage did indeed touch the issue with a ten foot pole. In fact, somebody at FH went way out of their way to do Chapman’s homework for him and provide a bunch of information, alas, none of it evidentiary to suggest the derelict shack was historical.
In parentheses at the end of the quote, someone thinks the run down mess would make a great “juice and java shack” which, of course the lot is not zoned for. Was it Cheri? Was it Chapman? Was is Skania Kennedy? Whoever said it, they got the shack part right.
(I now have it on excellent authority that the last paragraph in quotation marks did NOT come from anybody at the City or Fullerton Heritage. In other words, the “editor” – Skasia Kennedy made a glaring editorial error that wouldn’t have been made in a high school news paper.)

This “letter,” doesn’t quite seem right. It’s a sort of patched together amalgamation of supposed innocence (just asking questions here!) while sharing both outright libel and concocted “guesses” that lead the reader to suspect that information was shared with M. Chapman (if there even is one) from a source that wants to publicly disparage “Bushala” over something nobody gives a damn about.
And that means that the Kennedy SIsters, Skasia and Sharon, who published this tripe are complicit in this cut-rate farce.
Sure looks like classic Miller’s Outpost architecture from the 80’s.
It needs to be saved.
Please, make this happen! I want to buy some corduroy flares, it’s been way too long!
That lot is about 1500 square feet. Completely useless. I know. Shana and Ahmad will want to spend $500,000 there on a pocket park!
Hah. It’s a public health crisis in D5. If you build it they will come! And the more you spend the better you feel about yourself.
Bushala should file a lawsuit and erase them from existence. What would a jury award Bushala for 30 years of slander and harassment? Take Sharon’s family home. It’s worth a few bucks.
Saskia Kennedy regularly attends council meetings. You can hear her on the broadcast direction people for photos for content (probably why Jung doesn’t do presentations). You notice she has gained a lot of weight. Food is not your friend Saskia. Divorce isn’t a permanent condition. It can be if you keep eating though.
Has anyone noticed Zahra has no car anymore. How’s he maintain a job without a vehicle? John Phelps gives him free rent in his apartment complex, but is hoofing it?
He has a job?
If you can’t report on the news because you have no journalists or editors with credibility, you just make up news. Fullerton Fake News Observer.
Or, you just comment on other people reporting the news on your blog, where you get little to no pushback.
I mean, I’m just one guy.
Tell your half-witted, prevaricating Sisters that it’s on. No prisoners. 20 pages to 12. Then none on City property. Then none at all.
All I hear is bloggity blog blog blog.
What do you suppose fiends for Fullerton’s failure readership is compared to The Obsession?
I’m not a fan of the Observer and don’t put much stock in what it says. To be honest, I find it more useful for helping to get my Charcoal Chimney Starter lit when I’m firing up the BBQ, rather than as a credible source of information. Just say’n.
Say what you want. But they do have an audience, and that is galling to the haters.
The audience is two dozen demented geriatric cases and 11 brain-dead boohoos. And you.
What an booming business.
12 brain-dead boohoos. Throw in this idiot.
Their audience is getting smaller.
J.H., let’s be real, the only reason people pick up this publication is because it’s free. If someone handed out free paper on the street, people would take it just because it doesn’t cost them anything. The question is, who actually thinks the content of this rag is worth reading? I don’t know anyone – not my wife, not my neighbor, not my friends – who takes it seriously. In fact, some people use it for things like starting fires or lining bird cages. It’s clear that the appeal is the price tag, not the actual content.
You can use free paper for all sorts of things, like crafting, packing material, or compost. You can even use it as a drop cloth for painting. I’m sure there are plenty of other uses for it too. But let’s not pretend that the Observer is anything more than a bunch of free paper. If you actually believe it’s worth reading, then you’re not thinking clearly. It’s time to wake up and see it for what it is: a waste of paper that’s only good for one thing – being free.
You have a point. Ther than BooHoo’s, nobody in their right state of mind would pay for it, that’s for sure.
“not my wife, not my neighbor, not my friends”
So that’s what 4 people you polled? Not very scientific.
In my experience, if people find something of no value, they won’t even take it if it is free.
Also, as I understand it they have subscribers.
FFFF will find out if they ever put their money where their opinions are and publish a free paper.
Is the Bushala Land Grab in the room with us right now?
This building is where CC Chapman bribed the police chief to look the other way on his stash of booze. It was rumored that the chief hid the bribe money under the floorboards. Many were in on the bootlegger bribery during prohibition but no one was interested in stopping it.
I failed to state the obvious. This building MUST be saved at any cost. Perhaps, if the land is too expensive, the city can move it to the museum plaza or next to the community center.
What’s their unhealthy obsession with Bushala? Oh, I get it. There is no “staff” to speak of. The opinion section went from a page to 12, and mother/daughter hate Bushala so much, there must be some love in there somewhere. The Fullerton Observer is now a joke. They distort perception for the few people dumb enough to bother reading it by sensationalizing everything Bushala or Jung, and spread fear and misinformation. Wait, Zahra does that. Is Zahra the new editor of the Fullerton Observer? Is that the new “job” he keeps talking about?
Zahra has never disclosed where he gets his income.
This obsession with the sisters. Do I detect precious little teeth and claws PB?
Sexist stereotype, pig.
Could be a male cat, I don’t know.
You should be a writer for the Kennedy Sisters. You have the right level of intelligence and ethical qualification.
Ethics would be: if you have critical comments, go over to The Obsession and make your comments there, under your own name, instead of anonymously smearing them over here in this stanky troll hole.
They delete comments they don’t like. Case closed.
Not that I’ve seen. They delete abusive comments.
Yeah, right.
Prove it. Post there in a way that follows the rules including under a real name and then if they delete it you can always post here.
If you don’t even it’s reasonable to assume it’s because you want to hide or just naval gaze over here.
You’re lonely over there, aren’t you?
Prove you aren’t a lying sack of goat excrement.
Bet ya Hogerhuis pays for the Observer –
John R. Hogerhuis, for once, please tell the truth, do you have a “subscription” to the Observer?
Of course he doesn’t. He’s too useless to go to a council meeting or walk the Trail to Nowhere.
“It’s a weird missive alright, so odd and so badly written that you get the idea it was written by one of the sisters herself. I’ve seen walls at FJC covered in globs of pre-class gum that made more sense.
That’s quite an image. Well done.
What’s with the hair trigger response to blame the Bushala Brothers?
If the building is unsafe, then the city should condemn it. If it’s unsafe, condemned and behind on property taxes then the city should make a move to possess it and tear it down. Not having an unsafe pile of termite food around is best for all the homes next to it.
The two Kennedys are zealots to the Zahra religion: all things Jung and Bushala are rubbish. They are true believers. They have the jesus Bushala fish on the back of their Subaru.
They can’t afford a Subaru. It’s a moped.
I know who wrote this nonsense. It a weirdo who roams around the neighborhood. She’s annoying and has a lazy eye. Her name is Molly Something.
That juice and java shack is about to fall down on somebody.
The windows are comical. Looks like a cartoon.