Time for Fred Jung’s Iron Fist

Yeah. It’s about time. For decades Fullerton’s citizenry have picked up the tab for one bad idea after another. So if Mayor Jung really did say he wanted the City run with an iron fist, let’s get going with the plug pulling.

It’s a total waste of money, but it sure is short…

The Trail to Nowhere

The abysmal Trail to Nowhere, a bad idea that was germinating for 14 years before the grant was finally approved at the end of 2023. City staff has never told the truth about this fiasco, and because of incurious and stupid councilmembers, they never had to. I can simply say that it would accomplish none of things its backers promise, mostly because the wishful thinking behind it was so untruthful from the start. No users, possible contamination, no linkage to anything, no destination at either end. Just a waste of 2.1 million bucks.

Oh, and yeah – the milestones for design submittal to the State and start of construction were blown past 9 months ago and still no status update from anybody.

Enhanced with genuine brick veneer!

The Boutique Hotel

The boutique hotel next to the train station started out as just a stupid idea by then Mayor-for-Hire Jennifer Fitzgerald. Then as the likelihood of failure increased, the City kept doubling down on dumb, adding density to density until an appended apartment block raised the density to at least 2.5 times the already dense limit in the Transportation Center Specific Plan. No one seemed to care, because those plans are only occasionally adhered to.

Nobody bothered to ask why useful City property had to be deemed “surplus.” Bruce Whitaker didn’t.

And last we looked the whole thing had been turned over to a couple of con men who paid 1.4 million for a property whose new entitlements made it worth ten times that much. Fullerton, being Fullerton. Those guys haven’t met any of their milestones and must certainly be in default. Not a peep out of City Hall, of course. I’ll bet my last dollar Sunayana Thomas is desperately looking for a new “developer” to assign the mess to, without a backward glance.

Forgotten but not quite gone…

The Florentine/Marovic Sidewalk Heist

This 20 year+ scandal is still alive and kicking thanks to the stupid and cowardly attitude of staff/city council toward first, the Florentine Syndicate, and now, a new scofflaw, Mario Marovic. Somehow, the City let Marovic do remodeling construction work on our building on our sidewalk – an illegal trespass if ever there was one. Then the City let him open his newly remodeled place with promises to remove the “pop-out” as a condition of re-opening.

Zahra Congratulates Marovic for his lawsuit…against us.

Naturally, Marovic gave the City a big fuck you on that agreement, as he no doubt planned to do all along. He had six moths to start and nine months to finish. That was two fucking years ago, and Marovic is drawing income from our property the whole time. Nowadays this matter is safely hidden in closed session, where the painful subject of accountability for this quagmire can be safely discussed away from embarrassing public revelation.

Fortunately for the cast of characters involved there are so many culpable people in this story that blame can be diluted to the point where nobody feels the least bit compelled to explain what happened over two plus decades, just so long as the municipal humiliation goes away once and for all.

So, yes. Let the Fullerton Observer sisters and their ilk boohoo about iron fists and poor, intimidated staff. Fullerton has been in need of some accountability, even a tiny bit, for a long, long time.

22 Replies to “Time for Fred Jung’s Iron Fist”

  1. Perhaps if the Dear Leader Kim Il Jung spent more time focusing on Fullerton and less on polishing his brand for next office he might actually do something about Fullerton’s many failings. Fred is a hump – another two-bit Fullerton politician looking for the next office. He should take that iron fist and fist himself. Can anyone point to anything he’s improved while in office thus far? Go ahead, I’ll wait for an answer.

      1. Promoting himself? Jung has no social media presence. Hardly says two words about himself in public. You might be mixing up Asians dumbass. Because Ahmad apparently is now Asian.

    1. Remember when fake cripple Bernard (no his real name) called Jung the SOS? Back in the comment section again duh duh duh? Missed your nonsense dribble asshole.

    2. Don’t forget, he got rid of Ken Domer, queen Sharon Kennedy’s left hand. He crushes Ahmad Zahra’s self important hopes every December. I want him to fix our streets, but he blocks evil and throws out dead weight. I will give him some time for our bad roads.

    3. I’d tell you to go drive down 100 W. Wilshire but you are obviously an political hack with an agenda. How about a clue? Is your real name a type of fish?

  2. Hey, how about FFFF in the City Hall lobby. Let’s see if they have any appetite for real freedom of speech!

  3. Hey Friends, I don’t mean to point out the obvious because FFFF really has gotten mileage out of this blog post series, but based on the source of this alleged remark from Jung, FFFF is doing the same BS the Observer does. You’re making your own news. Whether he said it or not is not news because he apparently maybe said it years ago and people change. Politicians always change. Think how many iterations we got of Chris Norby, Shawn Nelson, and Bruce Whitaker. Not just in weight, wives or hair color.

    1. You miss the point, Friend. It doesn’t matter if Jung said it or not. I don’t care. The fact that someone said this in an Observer comment just makes it funny. This is sarcasm.

      But I do want SOMEBODY to kick some ass over there in City Hall.

  4. Whitaker isn’t that smart, but he certainly couldn’t be fooled into thinking that useful parking lot was surplus, even though he said so.

    The Mrs. might have liked the idea of the boutique hotel.

    1. Yes he could be fooled. The dummy started out being afraid of low income housing and in the end approved a monster rabbit warren. It never occurred to him to do nothing – after all those years of questioning government redevelopment boondoggles.

      I do agree that it was probably the old lady’s idea. Good riddance.

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