We Get Mail. Walk on Wilshire Cult Fail
FFFF has received the following communication from a Wilshire Avenue resident who has asked for anonymity to avoid persecution from the Walk on Wilshire pressure group, stirred up by the Fullerton Observer:
This past Tuesday, Fullerton City Council permitted the reopening of Wilshire Avenue to auto traffic, removing the annoying impediment known locally as “Waste on Wilshire.” Starting January 31, the street will reopen to through vehicular traffic, marking the end of the Wilshire Avenue experiment in frustration, deception, and stupidity.
Yesterday, at the invitation of the Fullerton Observer, a handful of self righteous dopes gathered at the Waste. The Observer had encouraged them to show up and “join the peaceful gathering and protest the decision,” bringing “Save WoW” signs to show solidarity.
Their cult followers were asked to mislead passersby into believing this is an overwhelmingly unpopular decision driven by selfish or ego-centric motives. They framed the post as a “fight” against two corrupt of council members and a couple selfish businesses – implying that the WoWers represent a vast and unified community sentiment when, in reality, it was never more than a core handful of ideologues with nothing to lose.
While the Observer statement expresses appreciation for the supporters of the initiative and “incredible” individuals met throughout this process, it purposely suggests that only those who supported Walk on Wilshire are the only the ones truly connected to the community—ignoring those with valid concerns that didn’t align with the narrative of “saving” the space.
Thank God Vivian Jaramillo was not elected to the City Council, otherwise the City would be looking at a lawsuit that would only end with a big payday to the City Attorney defending another losing lawsuit, leading to yet again, a big loss for the taxpayers of Fullerton.
Kitty cares so much she has been virtually nonexistent since her shindig at Salt and Pepper where all these kooks turned up to gather in solidarity to the cause.
And what exactly is that cause?
If you know, tell me, because I have absolutely no idea.
The cause was donating lots money to a lots loser. Good riddance. Later gator. I mean kitty.
Protest the road conditions and not closing any and you might some real support. Roads are terrible.
I went by the Observer’s call to action yesterday for the comic relief. Saw a handful of Save WOW people. The rest were out of town Pokémon Go players who were playing on the sidewalk and not even in the area of WOW. Majority of the public supported it huh? Guess the majority stayed away because of the rain and football. Wait. That’s today.
Another honest person. I wonder what the language of that so-called “petition” was. Probably like the verbiage the schools use to pass a bond.
Here’s what an honest petition would sound like:
We the undersigned support viable businesses downtown.
We support free and unimpeded traffic for businesses and residents
We support even traffic flow throughout downtown
We support restaurant “parklets” to enhance business and resident experience
We support the expanded use of the Downtown Plaza for adult and youth recreation
etc., etc.
I’d sign that! Pass it around a few days and collect 2000 siggies. Really not that hard.
Where’s Hoogerbooger?
Probably off on some blog writing about Elon being a Nazi.
Elon’s a jackass.
Jackass has quite a few more accomplishments than you in life.
Screaming at little kids to get off his lawn and yelling at the elderly and handicapped who “use his sidewalk”.
A member of the silent micro-minority finally joins the vocal nano-minority, while remaining anonymous with the rest of you afraid of who the fuck knows what.
You guys can come out from under the covers. The nice ladies at The Observer have promised not to hurt you.
Nice? Is that a term of endearment Johnny Boy? Or is nice your reference for liberal teat you suckle off of? Idiot. Get back in your hole gimp.
Angry voice echoes,
Arrogance speaks to himself,
Unheard, unneeded.
The silent majority, you meant.
The WOW wokeists live in a zero-sum world. The unhinged Sharon and dumpy Saskia Kennedy, senile Jan Flory, criminal conspirator Diane Vena, recalled Karen Lloreda, doddering Helen Higgins, swinger Vince Buck, and eye doctor Anjali Tapadia who can’t see past her own sanctimonious nonsense, are not harmless and should be treated as threats to reason and logic. Woke mind virus infects the easily fooled like Hogerhuis. Fight wokeness and expose their woke agenda.
“eye doctor Anjali Tapadia who can’t see past her own sanctimonious nonsense,”
Hard to believe that little whiny creature is an MD. There must be two of them.
…………and now on to removing sidewalk encroachments that were illegally constructed.
But, I’m really Sanskia. Don’t tell anyone.
I’m wondering if that isn’t Anjali.
If my parents named me Sanskia, I’d change it immediately and apply for new parents.
That poor girl never had a chance.