Greenhut Counsels CSPAN on Fullerton’s Pension Problems

In this video from CSPAN’s BookTV, Steven Greenhut talks about his book Plunder!: How Public Employee Unions Are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation.

Fast forward to 22:20 and listen to Greenhut recount the story of how Shawn Nelson saved Fullerton taxpayers from a secretive retroactive pension spike orchestrated by council RINOs Jones and Bankhead in 2008.

2 Replies to “Greenhut Counsels CSPAN on Fullerton’s Pension Problems”

  1. Steven Greenhut’s exposure of out-of-control unions should cause every union leader and union member to thank Greenhut’s efforts to restore unions to their original purpose of ensuring reasonable pay and benefits to public employees. Fire fighter and police officer unions need to be reminded that they represent public servants not action figure heroes who deserve out-of-this-world pay, benefits and pensions.

  2. Quoting van get it da artiste ….”Fire fighter and police officer unions need to be reminded that they represent public servants not action figure heroes who deserve out-of-this-world pay, benefits and pensions.”

    You must be living in a DREAM world They have NEVER thought of themselves as “servants”.

    Firemen/Policemen are the WORST offender of the GIveme-Giveme-Giveme attitude. No level of pay, pensions, and benefits, however EXCESSIVE is ever enough !

    When I grew up calling cops PIGS meant something entirely different. Today the term certainly fits !

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