On the Agenda – January 19th, 2009
In a closed session King Rob Zur Schmiede will attempt to beat up a few property owners in his relentless quest to spend your money and expand his kingdom. Tuesday, he will be targeting several properties along West Avenue and Ford Avenue.
The municipal code change for commission appointments is to be approved. Hopefully, we don’t have another scene like we did at the last meeting where all the old guys go nuts. (Item 2)
There is a change in regulations for taxi operators… (Item 3)
Item 4 will be the financial statements for October and November of 2009. Let’s see just how badly we pissed away our kids’ future.
The Engineering Department hopes to protect their investment with an agreement outlined in Item 5. It makes sense…sort of.
There are several sewer projects on the table, which, if managed correctly, will allow for fecal matter to continue to roll down the hill to the sanitation district. It’s a lot of money but probably necessary considering how poorly we have maintained our infrastructure for the last 40-plus years.
The council is being asked to approve a public alley abandonment. Not surprising, this is related to the King Rob stuff in closed session. (Item 9)
There are a few airport items which you pilots might review. (Items 10 & 11)
Item 12 caught my eye. It appears the James Wernke’s family (for those living in a cave somewhere far away, Wernke was the young man who lost his life this past December) would like to name a trail after their son/brother. But the Parks Department scratched their head and are now asking for the council to direct the Parks commission to look at a policy for naming trails. I suggest the council by-pass the commission and just name a portion of a trail after him. Designate a section of trail in the Brea Damn Recreation area as the James Wernke Memorial Trail. Done. Fire the Parks Director and get a leader..
Item 13 is an amendment to the City’s municipal code relating to permitted parking. As I recall, this has to do with the overflow of students parking on public street and residents not being too happy.
Items 14 and 15 fall under the heading of REGULAR BUSINESS. 14 covers moving our money hither and dither in a shell game related to trails. 15 discusses a Budget Review Process.
Chris, I have to disagree with you on #12. I can’t see the reason to name a something after the man who was drowned.
Pretty soon every bit of public space in Fullerton will have to be named after somebody’s loved one who has died, whatever the circumstance: trails, bridges, runways, hillsides, drinking fountains, etc.
At the very least “named” public property should memorialize folks who have done something for the public, and then only sparingly; as far as I can tell, Mr. Wernke was the victim of an tragic accident. His family is right to memorialize him – but they should do it some other way.
Item 14 bike trail, just dangle an eye lash curler and cupcake in front of the whale at the Richman community center and she will cut a swath (oops) I mean bike trail with her girth