Lorri Galloway Has Friends

Cynthia Ward is just jealous of my wonderful life.

A quick google search of Lorri Galloway discovers this website, constructed during her 2008 re-election campaign.

The site appears to have been manned/operated by “researcher” and current Mauve County wholesale purveyor of sanctimony, Cynthia Ward, aka Colony Rabble, so you can take it for what it’s worth.

As a public service we pass it along.

6 Replies to “Lorri Galloway Has Friends”

  1. It seems like she was actually a decent blogger before she joined the purple people eater. There are some pretty horrible truths about Galloway printed on her old site.

    Too bad Ward doesn’t doesn’t have the guts to go all the way. Instead she spends her time being outraged at nothing.

    I guess we should thank her – all of the anti-Bushala rantings at Red County only highlight Sidhu’s carpetbagging. I’m sure Sidhu wishes the whole thing would just go away.

  2. Sometimes I just feel sorry for Lorri…. Actually no I don’t.

    I just go down the list and cringe:

    -Pretending to live in a home provided by a donor
    -Moving into another home of said donor
    -Endorsing Lynn Daucher…
    -“Not” recruiting Sue Perez to run against Correa
    -The Chavez Corruption Scandel
    -Her and her daughter drawing a check from Eli Home whilst her husband sits on the board.

    This lack of ethics is why she has conservatives and liberals down her neck. She needs to go, for the betterment of people everywhere.

      1. The Chamber put this very picture on 3’x7′ campaign signs! Loads of them all over the city… I was embarrassed for her!

  3. Luke, it would be good to know how much money the City of Anaheim gives (gifts) to the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce each year?

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