‘Tamnation. OC Register/News Tribune Really And Truly Hits Rock Bottom

Every week they insult my intelligence all over again. Why do they do that?

I really thought the OC Register/Fullerton News Tribune had gone about as far south as was humanly possible. I was wrong. Yesterday they produced an on-line “piece” by a “columnist” named Dennis Bode.

It was dressed up to look like an article about remodeling your house – which is about as newsworthy as tulips in the front yard. Pretty soon the article started talking about house prices and foreclosures and REO’s, etc. Upon closer inspection it turns out the thing is nothing but a real estate come-on by Bode who, it turns out, is a real estate agent.

Sweet Emancipator, are they joking? Was this an infomercial that somehow missed the “advertisement” label and got put in the news tab, instead? Or has the Register/News Tribune descended to printing ads under the guise of news? Other ads on the page are clearly labeled “advertisement.”

Did Mr. Bode pay for that ad? I have to wonder.

This is beyond incompetent and lazy. This is unethical. But what do I know? I’m just a dead dog with a bust-up eye socket and a bad under bite. Arf.

3 Replies to “‘Tamnation. OC Register/News Tribune Really And Truly Hits Rock Bottom”

  1. The OC Register’s death rattle is heard in Dennis Bode’s “newsworthy” article. The demise of old regime media gives rise to blogs like FFFF as sources of information and insight into our society.

  2. A couple of weeks ago I saw an announcement that there was a new real estate column being introduced. The first addressed median pricing. As I recall, the second was a repo column.
    If this is the same “column” then it is a new approach on an old topic.

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