Quirk-Silva Calls For The Voters To Decide Who Replaces Nelson

Q-S says no to an appointment.

I recently spoke with Councilwoman Sharon Quirk and she is adamant about letting the voters to decide who replaces Shawn Nelson – not the Council.

I couldn’t agree more. I’m against any backroom deal that would simply appoint a compliant candidate who met the jaw-droppingly low standards that have been set for “anointed” candidates in Fullerton’s past.

There is also the possibility that the discussion of appointing a replacement is tied into the need to get three votes on some issue or other before November. Of course we could speculate on that all day.

6 Replies to “Quirk-Silva Calls For The Voters To Decide Who Replaces Nelson”

  1. Unfortunately those ‘jaw-droppingly low standards” is all it takes to not only get anointed, but get elected.

  2. I’ve been “warned” before (on this blog) regarding my very favorable impression of Mrs. Quirk-Silva, but I must say, every time that I really care about an issue, Councilwoman Quirk-Silva is on the sensible correct side of that issue.

  3. If NOTHING happened on the council between NOW and January, that would be a GOOD thing.
    Hold the election and let’s see what the voters say.

    Quirk-Silva is reasonable on most issues. She is certainly more conservative than the other 3 still in office.

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