Hypocrite Hugh Hewitt Says “Enough”

Oh, I'm so happy!

Okay Friends, fight the gag reflex as you peruse this column written in something called The Washington Examiner under the by line of Hugh Hewitt, sanctimonious repuglican blabbermouth. I say “under the by line” because we recently disclosed how this allegedly literate yakmouth had stuff written for him by Children and Families Commission Scribe/Flack and $200 an hour Toothbrush Distributor, Matthew J. Cunningham, and it would now be risky to assume Hewitt writes anything for himself.

Hugh is a very busy man. He can't write all that stuff himself!

“Enough!” Hewitt loudly admonishes his ignorant readers at the end of his drivel. Ignorant? How so?

If they are reading anything attributed to this hypocrite they are almost certainly unaware that he serves on the biggest Tax and Redistributionist Commission in the history of California – the OC Children and Families Commission; and no doubt unaware that his words may very well be written by someone else – Cunningham, perhaps – his protege, and the fellow whose $200,000-a-year PR contract with the Commission Hewitt annually votes to approve.


4 Replies to “Hypocrite Hugh Hewitt Says “Enough””

  1. The Washington “Examiner” is a throw away, FREE paper formerly known as the Northern Virginia Journal.

    Once Phillip Ansutchz bought it, he directed it to take a severe TURN RIGHT, to counter the Washington Post (note: the decline of the Washington Times).

    The profile is to hire guys like Hugh, who have no real National exposure, to take some big swings.

    The results are EXPOSURE for clowns like Hewitt and even lower food chain media wanna-be’s like Jubal to get traction.

    Keep in mind, Sean Hannity got his start shilling for Newt, and now he makes a few hundred million a year.

    Suite C only needs a few “paid” apperences a year to pay for Lauras wardrobe.

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