Kiducrats Love to Pat Selves on Back
One of our observant friends passed along this iridescent pearl from Rob Reiner’s under scrutinized Tax and Redistribute OC Children and Families Commission:
July 15, 2010
The Children and Families Commission of Orange County was awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). This achievement is the highest form of recognition among government finance and is given annually to promote high quality finance reporting in the public sector. More than 3,500 governments participate in this program each year.
This self-congratulatory item was no doubt scribbled by Chief Commission Wordsmith and $200 an hour toothbrush hander outer, Matthew J. Cunningham, and is typical of government accountants passing out accolades to each other.
Too bad nobody has done a real external performance audit, including investigating how exorbitant PR and lobbying contracts are being handed out to Commission member Bill Campbell’s political running buddies like Curt Pringle and Cunningham himself.
Well, not to worry. Something tells me that come 2010 Fringie Award time we’ll be recognizing the Commission with our own special brand of recognition.
Reminiscent of Mike Clesceri buying himself a trophy for excellence in running his own program at the DA’s office.
unfortunate for us tax payers, cunningham is a replicate found at all levels of our government
Mother and I were discussing how Jerbal is following my lead on getting politicians in their pocket. After all, I own Sal Tinajero’s butt (and you will never call him Sal TINYjero
Yay! The books balanced. Give ’em a prize. Let’s all have a cigar!
So, Grover, what awards have you received?
If you really had been around a while you’d know these people hand out awards like party favors.
I am reminded of the idiots who adorn their cars with “my child is citizen of the month at Florence Cobb Elementary School” bumper stickers.
My kid gave me a Greatest Dad coffee mug.
But I didn’t publicize the fact.
That paragraph probably cost the taxpayers $400!
7/15: write draft of award post; call to MR; revise draft; confer with MR; revise and post. – 4hrs = $800.
The C & F Commission is out of bounds, you folks should file a complaint to the Grand Jury. That will get the reform ball rolling.
Old news Grover.
Did’nt you get the $650. Twitter from Matt!
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
Hey guys, back off. Not just any government agency can get an “Achievement for Excellence” after paying a political crony $200 per hour for PR services that nobody needs.
I hear the City Manager of Bell needs a spokesman quick–in 2 languages.
Maybe Cunningham’s your man. But you’ll have to pay John Lewis his cut.