Nelson’s Newsletter Lands on E-Doorsteps

I received a copy of recently elected Supervisor Shawn Nelson’s newsletter in my electronic in-basket Friday afternoon.

Other than the redistricting issue that we reported on here, the thing’s all about art walks and pets of the week and the Lion’s Field astro turf. Sort of light in the loafers, issues-wise, but I guess we can cut Nelson some slack since he just got into office a few weeks ago and may not have much to report. Still, the puffery on events and wonderful County parks, etc. really needs to be condensed into something a lot more substantive.

Oops, got the date and the month wrong, too!

Anyway, here it is:

View the newsletter

9 Replies to “Nelson’s Newsletter Lands on E-Doorsteps”

  1. Take a look at the newsletters that come out of Moorlach’s office. He cuts out the crap and just copy/pastes news articles about himself with a few sentences of commentary. It probably takes him 10 minutes to put them together, as opposed to wasting four hours of staff time on all the boohoo dribble.

  2. shawn needs to man up to the voters and cut the crap and trim the fat from \oc county government

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