California Land Surveyors Association Endorses Sebourn

This just came over the transom:

Fullerton, CA – The Board of Directors of the California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA), a statewide organization with 2200 members, voted unanimously to endorse Greg Sebourn for Fullerton City Council.

CLSA was established in 1966 advances the interests of the profession of Land Surveying, to maintain the highest possible standards of professional ethics and practice, to encourage uniformity of practices and procedures, and foster public faith in and understanding of Land Surveyors and their work.

CLSA represents Land Surveyors, in public or private practice, whether they are employees or proprietors.

“I have observed Greg as an effective Board member and team player with sound judgment when working through difficult issues that involve our profession,” says Aaron Smith, CLSA President. “Greg has been an active member of the Orange County Chapter, CLSA and currently serves as co-chair of the State CLSA Trig Star Program, which is an annual high school mathematics competition that acquaints high school students, career guidance counselors and high school math teachers with the use and application of trigonometry in the real world.”

Mr. Smith stresses, “Greg’s involvement has demonstrated his dedication to carrying out duties assigned to him in a professional manner.”

“I am humbled by the endorsement from the CLSA,” says Fullerton Council Candidate Greg Sebourn, “The CLSA serves with distinction of dedicated professional land surveyors that shapes our local communities by making our neighborhoods a better place to live.”

Mr. Sebourn says, “I have been tested in my profession as a Land Surveyor, who is ready to serve the people as the next Councilmember for the City of Fullerton with dignity and dedication, because the voters demand nothing less.”

21 Replies to “California Land Surveyors Association Endorses Sebourn”

  1. I wonder if they heard about Greg Sebourn’s idea for Fullerton to buy foreclosed homes and rent them out to the homeless? I guess among other things Sebourn spouted out Saturday night will be forgotten by his buddies at the FFFF blog.

      1. I’m not. I wish I was too because there are so few people to vote for. The two year seat belongs to Bruce Whitaker. The two four years seats are a toss up…Sebourn sounded good until he started touted that and other FUBAR ideas to waste tax payer money.

  2. Sebourn was probably talking about the mandatory 20% set-aside for low income housing (you know… the one that RINOs like Bankhead and Jones keep perpetuating.) Renting out existing homes with that money would probably be better than all of the boondoggles that we get when the city plays developer.

    Of course, that’s just my theory. I’m sure Greg will come by sooner or later and explain what he meant.

    1. No but yes. The group isn’t unionized however most of the surveyors in the group are apart of a public employee union so yes.

      1. You are incorrect. But nice try.
        “CLSA advances the interests of the profession of Land Surveying, to maintain the highest possible standards of professional ethics and practice, to encourage uniformity of practices and procedures, and foster public faith in and understanding of Land Surveyors and their work.

        CLSA represents Land Surveyors, in public or private practice, whether they are employees or proprietors.”

  3. The original press release gives the reader a link to the CLSA. The organization is not a labor group but rather a professional society of licensed land surveyors. Go to for more information on the organization. The State organization’s endorsement is largely symbolic with no money being solicited by me nor any offered by them. However, the more than 2,200 members are quite capable of opening their checkbook should they be interested.

    As for the housing, Travis is correct. In my haste to answer the question, I failed to predicate my response with the fact that I believe the City should be out of the home development business, regardless of income levels. However, if the State or Federal governments are to mandate that cities provide low-income housing opportunities, a new opportunity exists to use a portion of the surplus housing in Fullerton.

    Here is how in 2008 the City of Fullerton identified income levels and some examples of occupations for that income level (

    Very-Low Income = $39,350
    Pre-School Teacher (6 years experience), Secretary, Maintenance Worker

    Low Income = $55,090
    Teacher (credential, 6 years experience), Electrician, Librarian

    Moderate Income = $86,750
    Associate Engineer, Sewer Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Manager

    Clearly these numbers are skewed. The total compensation for our own Park & Rec manager is $158,784.

    The idea I mentioned at the forum regarding Miami’s housing issue would decentralizes low-income families. For some, the down side is that someone poor might move in near you. That may be a low-income senior or a preschool teacher, according to the City of Fullerton’s website.

    The reality is that our City should not be responsible for providing any particular type of housing; let the market determine what is built. I have heard ideas on the use of vouchers to supplement housing costs would be a better use of resources. Perhaps that could be part of the solution to a problem exacerbated by the Redevelopment Agency’s determination to destroy all of Fullerton’s existing low-income housing. I admit I don’t have all of the answers but it’s time to stop the bulldozers of the Redevelopment Agency.

  4. Rewording statements after the fact are all fine and dandy however this idea is a redistribution of wealth. Mr. Sebourn the president would be proud. The fact remains that the only one that said the city needs to stay out of the redevelopment and therefore for go the 20% to low income is Bruce Whitaker.

    So according to FFFF’s own Sebourn moving in next door to you might be a poor family with a brand new city agency acting as landlord!

    1. Watcher, you are incorrect. I said I opposed the Redevelopment Agency and their decision to spend more than $20 million to evict 600+ families, bulldoze apartments, and turn it over to a private developer to build a few shiny new homes all in the name of providing low-income housing. That is a gross misuse of taxpayer funds. I am the only candidate for a 4-year seat proposing any real reform, budget cuts, and solutions to restoring services like our library.

      1. Yes you did say that and your solution was to use the 20% to buy property (foreclosed homes) and rent them low income residents with an option to buy. I might have missed the part were you said you wanted to cut the budget and perhaps fix Fullerton because of the laughter heard in the background…Sorry got to mail my rent check to The Sebourn Office of Foreclosed Homes Turned into Rental Properties With an Option to Buy.

        Wait wasn’t the whole reason the economy sucks because the feds put people in houses they couldn’t afford?

        1. Watcher,
          Nice try. I will try to make this as simple as possible for you. If the State or Federal Government mandates that the City spend money on affordable housing, Miami’s partial solution is worth looking into for several reasons.

        2. TheFullertonWatcher: Your arrogance and sly cuteness is an insult to so many in Fullerton.

          Perhaps you should come out of your shell and admit you support McKinley and Bankhead by turning Fullerton into a retirement enclave like Florida. Geez…Get real dude!

          1. I wasn’t the only one that heard Sebourn wants to rent foreclosed homes to poor people. He even admitted it in his above statement. The fact that the admin is now sending me links of past comments by someone named Greg is surprising. Oh that’s right Sebourn is a plant by FFFF blog. So openly saying, what he did in fact say, and now realizing that it was a bad idea I get attacked. You forget I was at the CRA Forum an invite only event maybe you should be nicer because that endorsement will actually matter.

            Bottom Line Sebourn express a desire to have redevelopment funds spent purchasing houses. That still could include the ending of the redevelopment agency in Fullerton and a creation of a new one.

  5. WTF? TheFullertonWatcher is some kind of mixed nut, hell-bent on taking comments out of context. Good luck with your solo mission, buddy.

  6. It’s only a solo mission if what Sebourn said was out of context. He admitted saying it read his own comment but nice try Greg and rest of the FFFF team for trying to surpress the truth.

  7. Greg your statement above at #11 that….
    ” I am the only candidate for a 4-year seat proposing any real reform, budget cuts, and solutions to restoring services like our library.”,is just plain not true. Just go to my website at where I plainly spell out my desire to ensure that the library remains open 7 days a week and that we restore the bookmoble and the 98% cuts to the book and periodical budget. Also I have stated that I am for reducing the pension benefits for all of the city workers going forward and I am also for reducing both the size and power of our Redevelopment Agency. In fact all these ideas (except for the library) were aticulated by me at the CRA on Saturday night that you also attended.
    Please listen to your opponents answers. It might stop you from looking silly!
    Also, please try to get your facts straight the next time you make a broad based claim! Its not enough to have good ideas if you are going to misrepresent your opponents postions! This time I will assume it was an innocent mistake. If you continue to do it, I will have to come to a different conclusion!

  8. You go Barry! And why didn’t you seek the OCGOP endorsement?

    Greg, you’ve got some splainin to do, I’m all ears, in this case eyes.

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