Pringle Outed; AG Yanks Open Closet Door, Shines Light on Embarrassing Scene
Yesterday the State Attorney General handed out an opinion that, yes, outgoing Anaheim Mayor-for-Hire, Kurt Pringle did indeed hold incompatible offices as the Chairman of the California High Speed Rail Authority. For three long years. And that raises all sorts of questions about the ethics of Der Pringle’s votes on both HSR prioritization issues that benefited him and his clients, and City of Anaheim land use issues that benefited – him and his clients. You can read all about it in an LA Times article, here.
Well, we told you so. What will his mom say?
Interestingly the other day the Voice of OCEA did a story on an e-mail exchange between Herr Burgermeister Pringle and his former Director of the HSR, in which he attacks the “core competence”of the Authority’s engineers. The author misses the point, somewhat, in noting Pringle’s critique of the “experts” like so many others in California have done; but the real point is that his anger was based on their unwillingness to defy engineering realities to deliver the HSR line to his already designated ARTIC boondoggle. It certainly wasn’t lost on the recipient of his e-mail who noted dryly that he wasn’t sure if he was communicating with the HSR Chair or the Mayor of Anaheim.
Well, our boy Pringle is days away from being off the OCTA and out of City Hall (except as a lobbyist to his hand selected replacements, of course). But what about his Chairmanship of the CHSRA? Can the new guv keep him? Hard to imagine why Jerry Brown would keep on the HSR a repuglican who has soiled himself and the Authority so badly, if he had a choice.
Pringle’s got to go. He’s disgraced the HSR program and that’s saying a lot for a program that has bee a crooked scam from the get go.
Der Pringle really got his schnitzel stuck this time. And now the boondoggle will be built between two nowheres in the Central Valley. Horrah!
Guys like Der Pringle always seem to make it as, like pond scum, they manage to rise to the top and keep sucking oxygen no matter what. I’d put a few bucks on Pringle & Associates signing Parsons Brinckerhoff as a client next year (a marriage made in heaven considering PB managed the Big Dig) if Moonbeam does the right thing and push him off the CHSRA Board. Of course, the whole damn thing needs to go.
The know-nothing Winships over at the OJ report that Pringle was NOT at yesterday’s HSR board meeting. So he can say he didn’t vote for the nowhere alignment they chose? Or was it in protest for the engineers screwing him over by telling him he’s building ARTIC on the wrong side of the 57?
Trying to read one of the Winship posts is guaranteed to give you a headache.
You end up with a headache and can’t finish the post either.
Pringle has not been at the last 2 Board meetings, avoiding the conflict of interest until he is off Mayor/OCTA. However, the last 3 years worth of decisions can potentially be challenged, and don’t think that HSR’s opponents don’t know it. I doubt moonbeam will keep Curt, seeing how much shame he has brought to a project that Brown was pushing back when he was Guv the first time (yeah it goes that far back) and with Curt and Katz gone, the brain trust at HSRA shrivels to nothing. Nobody else on that board can get this thing done. Game over.
I was going to sternly comment about your title linking gayness with unethical behavior (incompatible, unethical, dual-office holding on the part of Mayor Pringle) but because the title is witty, and because, from my interactions with you, I know your not really a douche, I won’t.
I only respectfully ask that you try not to link negative, unethical shit that these OC Republicans do to gays, gay behavior, and gay culture.
Unless of course, they themselves (which is often the case) linked the two. This isn’t one of those very entertaining scenarios however, and we (being the gay residents of OC) have enough shit bringing us down without a prominent local blogger adding weight to our burden.
Steve, “witty” and frickin priceless, oh and I didn’t write this post, Mr. Peabody did.
Ah, thanks for pointing that out Tony. I started reading this on OJ where you cross-posted it… when I followed the link I didn’t notice that Mr. Peabody had actually written it.
Your very welcome Steve and by the way 🙂 to you for referring to me as “a prominent local blogger”.