Back in The Saddle; Colonel Cornpone Rides Again

Well, they went and did it.


At last night’s meeting the Fullerton City Council elected Ol’ Doc HeeHaw to be the political figurehead who leads Fullerton into the Teens. We have already gloated over the endless comedic possibilities this situation will afford council watchers and mean bloggers.

Mayor Jones. Let’s contemplate the advent of mirth.

And let’s consider a one-two punch of Jones and the increasingly distracted Don Bankhead as Mayor pro Tem. Is this really the best a city of 150,000 people that calls itself the education community can do?

Guess so.

17 Replies to “Back in The Saddle; Colonel Cornpone Rides Again”

  1. Old farts run Fullerton!

    The average age of a Fullerton Councilmember now has spiked to over 65.

    I suspect Doc and the bald twins did this to get folks like FFFF and other bloggers stirred up…so do not fall for the trap.

    The stupid ass rotation policy needs to be reviewed.

    Why the hell should council themselves elect one of their own as Mayor/Mayor Pro Tem, which only ends up a political chess game?

    Perhaps, we should have direct election of Mayor for a term of Two Years and the other four Councilmembers term for Four Years.

  2. “The stupid ass rotation policy needs to be reviewed”

    The rotation policy had almost nothing to do with this decision. Doc would have been appointed by the other two dimwits no matter what. It’s only a matter of time before the toothless policy is ignored for political expediency.

    The mayor’s seat is and will always be political. Get over it and play the game or ignore it.

    Having a complete idiot for mayor will be advantageous to those who are smart enough to play to it.

  3. I guess Bankhead has done this so many times he didn’t have to raise his hand when he was sworn in…………or maybe all these years he could no lie about defending the constitution anymore.

  4. Yeah—especially when Jones went on about WWII being the “last war we won”.

    Hey–shouldn’t he give us some credit for Bush I / Guld War I, or at least Grenada?

    Then later when he pantomimed hitting Bankhead on the head with the Mayor’s gavel.

  5. Any comments on Keller’s self pity party… deriding “hate & rumors” when she’d threatened Nelson with jail time over spilling the beans on the secret pension deal?

  6. Jones getting elected mayor means as much to FFFF as Monica Lewinsky meant to Rush Limbaugh. You couldn’t even ask for a better opportunity. This guy is the gift that keeps on giving.

  7. EVERY COUNCIL MEMBER should be hoisted by the seat of their pants and ousted from office!! We needed new ideas and foresight on City Council and instead Fullerton chose to reissue these dumbasses their annual pass!!

    1. Rise and shine #12, if you haven’t noticed there’s a new voice on the city council and his name is Bruce Whitaker.

      1. One voice (Whitaker) will soon be swayed by the “OLD” majority. The whole board needs removal and a clean slate for a new beginning must occur for Fullerton to move forward progressively and in a positive motion!!

          1. These were position shifts…not new “blood”. Tell Jan Flory she’s useless too! Woof!!

  8. Whitaker is playing this dicey game very cool who can’t mess with the 3 Grandpas.

    If Doug Chaffee and Greg Sebourn were elected instead as both were in 3rd and 4th place respectively, then we might have seen a breath of fresh air.

    Lets see how much longer will Whitaker be walking a long tight rope…that is the key question and we will find out soon.

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