Oh! Come All Ye Fringers: Engaging Political Mailers 2010

Another Big Fringie Award. Most Engaging Political Flier. It’s a sad fact that most positive, puff political pieces are mind numbingly boring and or stupid. They are almost uniformly awful. Maybe it’s just human nature (I don’t know I’m just a dead dog), but the hit pieces are always a lot more fun. And the more your attention gets grabbed, the better they are.

So here’s your nominees:

1. The Food Poisoner. ‘Tamnation, this ones right in yer face. Banner header, gross pictures of code violations, international barfer, nice, clean Helvetica text for the “informed voter,” concluding banner footer. Message loud and clear: this pustule is a scum suck!

2. The Mug Shot. Nothing says municipal rip-off artist like a side-by-side with City of Bell crook Robert Rizzo. What makes this more fun is that the hard-stool-passing tough guy look by Fullerton’s Pat McPension was actually harvested from one of his own puff pieces!

3. The Hot Air Balloon. from last spring comes this gem, an image of a giant Sidhu head floating over a nearly dwarfed map of OC, brilliantly symbolizing a massive ego and the throw-weight of a lighter than air balloon. Well done!

3. The Bankrupt. More brilliant graphic design. There’s lotsa information here but it draws you in and tells you all you need to know about a first class sumbitch. A wonderful quote from a victim seals the deal. And the images are classic.

4. The Evil Hippy Elder Abuser. This one is actually pretty lame. The title alone hints that something stupid is on the way. But the nominating committee was captivated by the image of a dude who seems to be wearing beads!

12 Replies to “Oh! Come All Ye Fringers: Engaging Political Mailers 2010”

  1. There are too many very good pieces to choose just one.

    Chi is just so damned funny.

    McPension is hysterically funny too with thought sour face, stink-eye I heard someone say.

    The big-headed Harrish floating his big turd of all of OC is a good one too.

    Oh Aaron Gregg, the man with too many consonants in all the wrong places. What an idiot to think this wouldn’t come back to haunt him. I hear his new wife had no idea he BK’s and evaded paying taxes. Word is she is pissed.

    And then there is the overtly liberal taxass Chaffee. I hope he spent every last flipping penny he had on that stupid recount. Of course, if he needs more money to run, he need only jack up the rent on his tenants and ask Mom for some more money. Oh but Mom is spending it all on the other Chaffee brother who Doug has been ignoring. What a taxass!

    And what a bunch of stupid voters Fullerton has for electing the foxes to guard the hen-house. Some 30,000 voters failed that IQ test!

    and remeber children, Pam Keller spelled backwards is just another relleK maP in the history of Fullerton.

  2. Gotta go with McPension = Rizzo. But damn, that Chi mailer was great and for pure revelation of assclownery that Sidhu hit piece really cut to the chase.

    It was a good year for hits. And that’s sad because it means the candidates were just so goddam lousy.

  3. Giant Empty head of Sidhu. The assclown that’s too assclownish to go away. If it gets any bigger it will explode hot air.

  4. I have to respectfully disagree with the comments above. The piece on my colleague Aaron Gregg is really good without having to resort to any hint of humor (except insofar as the pictures of the guy provide comic relief).

  5. How about the one Chaffee sent out to everyone to counter the Chevron/Firefighters Union smear campaign against him….oh, yeah that never happened. I guess the McKliney Rizzo one then.

  6. what about the sidhu mailer against nelson with the sex offender learing at children in the park? that was a good one. reminds me of tony and joe at a pee-wee football practice.

    1. I didn’t see that one. Didn’t do much good did it? Your boy asshat Assclown lost by damn near 30 points. Just like I called it!

      And now the turd Sidhu is done.

    2. Compton, your comment reminds me of that 80’s tune by Adam Ant “Desperate but not Serious”. Muchacho, you are a one track loser and it is obvious you are Sidhu himself or one of the six people that gave a shit about that pathetic campaign.

      This award is for creativity and effectiveness not awkward inefficiency or desperation. I’m sure there are plenty of award opportunities for Sidhu’s team on the horizon so dont worry too much.

  7. YOu need to show the second side of the Chaffee piece. I remember getting this one in the mail with the old lady on the front. Poor old lady.

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