11 Replies to “Bruce Whitiker?”

  1. Well, ol’ Dick didn’t write the letter and probably didn’t even read it before it was sent on his behalf, and I’d be surprised if Whitaker or anyone else outside of ‘staff’ had any say in the matter.

    How about a rebuttal letter on behalf of Fullerton residents and taxpayers (you know, the people he purports to speak for)?

  2. Shame on you City Hall. More evidence that they adhere to their well deserved motto, “It’s good enough.” Bruce, what have you done to earn their disrespect?

  3. Dick Jones is such an embarrassment….begging and pleading with a liberal Dem gov to save their precious redevelopment schemes.

    1. Careful, Allan. You’re talking about Ed Royce’s handpicked councilclown. And darling of the Federated Republican Bluehairs.

  4. I know all about him being Ed’s “handpicked ass cl err councilclown”. It is obvious he is not dealing with a full deck up there. Same goes for Bankhead. Some things just are what they are and there isn’t any amount of lipstick to put on the pig to make people think otherwise.

  5. Ha Ha. The letter was written by the League of California Cities. They sent it to all cities to just sign off on. Buena Park did one tonight and did a few changes that they thought made it look it better. No thinking required just sign it and mail.

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