Is Bruce Whitaker A Man of His Word?

He sure is.

See, Bruce campaigned on a platform of reforming Redevelopment, recognizing that redevelopment grabs needed funds from schools and other core government functions. And where does it go? To subsidize boondoggle after boondoggle with no accountability; and the creation of “affordable” housing empires in which staffers create fantastically expensive housing for less poor people than the ones they pay off to skeedaddle.

Well, at Tuesday “emergency” Redevelopment/city council meeting Whitaker stood tall and was the lone vote against an 11th hour encumbrance of funds meant to stymie Governor Brown’s long-overdue plan to put Redevelopment in California out of business. His argument is clarity itself, and he opposed the panic mode plan.

On a sad note, Sharon Quirk went a long with the pro-Redevelopment crowd. Well, we obviously have more work to do.

Anyway, here’s Bruce:

18 Replies to “Is Bruce Whitaker A Man of His Word?”

  1. I’m really very proud that I voted for Bruce.

    Thanks for including that video clip of his intelligent and informative comments.

  2. Good for Bruce, and for Fullerton! At least someone on the council won’t be led around by the nose.

  3. Bruce sort of got off the rack with “whose money is it, ours or the States.” The State can and has grabbed it.

    The real issue is “whose money is it, Fullerton Redevelopment’s or the school’s, County’s, etc.

    1. Well, we could have Majority of 3 if the two old Grandpas (McKinley and Bankhead) didn’t run, then it would have been Whitaker, Chaffee and Sebourn.

      The writing is on the wall the old guard establishment power is shrinking as the new generation is ready to take over Fullerton!

  4. Bruse Witaker is a man of his word for sure.

    Like, when he grabs you by the front of your jaket and says CLETUS I”M GONNA KILL YER DOG AND EAT IT. you can belive that is relly his plan. Take this guy serious I’m tellin you all.

  5. Cletus, we’ve been through this. The smart money is on you killing and eating your own dog – a couple winters ago when the crick done froze over ‘n yeruns meth habit got reel bad.

    You know you did it. Out behind what’s left of yeruns old barn. Dint neither even cook ’em up I bet.

    Man up, Cletus and stop blaming Whitaker!

  6. Amen, brother Bruce! Bruce is a real man with a real conscience and I hope he cherishes it while he serves fullertonions. the truth is there is no such thing as RDA or state’s money, it is our money and it should not be taken from us via taxes to pay for pet projects that profit a select few.

  7. Pick your buddy Travis to help your buddy Tony. By the way I saw when Quirk was passed over for Bankhead Whitaker congratulated Bankhead.

  8. Anonymous, you really need to get over thinking this is a 6th grade class election. BTW, what is it that you think Tony is doing? I wish somebody would enlighten me on Tony’s ulterior motive.

  9. Anonymous, you seem to have selective memory or vision..maybe you need to take the patch off the other eye? Whitaker voted for Quirk and as a gentleman and a sportman would, congratulated Bankhead.

  10. The fallacy of his argument is that the funds belong to the City of Fullerton however if the RDA’s are closed by the State, those funds would be held in legal limbo forever and would be of no use to anyone. F the State, and use those funds for other uses in the City…like, how about some fucking road repairs in east Fullerton? The roads out here are a disgrace.

  11. well if shawn nelson hadn’t voted against coyote hills, there may well have been some additional money for road imporvements, and oh yeah more people would have had jobs. But hey, those NIMBYs had colorful protest signs at city hall, and they even had there small children who cant possibly understand the issue chanting along, so screw everyone else.

    1. Money for roads? Are you some sort of imbecile? Money for roads would have gone to pave roads – in Coyote Hills.

      As for people with jobs let’s talk former Anaheim businesses in the Platinum Void…

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