Rackauckas’ New iPhone App Wants to Track You Down

With much hullabaloo, the OC District Attorney’s PR machine announced the first mobile application “ever launched by a prosecutorial agency.” A dubious use of taxpayer dollars, sure. But there’s more to this app than just Rackauckas’ duplicitous grin.

An FFFF staffer who installed the T-Rack app immediately discovered an alert indicating that the DA was seeking out his current location via GPS and cell triangulation. Hey, that’s pretty creepy!

Yes, very creepy.

Of course, the irony of the DA’s mobile intrusion is not lost on FFFF. Remember when his bumbling prosecutors couldn’t manage to track down Supervisorial hopeful Harry Sidhu after he lied about his residence at the lovely Calabria apartments in Anaheim? We even got real Private Eye to gather the evidence and draw him a map. It was a slam dunk.

But even with the goods sitting right under the prosecutor’s nose, Anaheim’s craftiest carpetbagger still managed to elude justice… at least until the voters finally caught up with him.

I will not be installing this one!

Back to the app: I’m not sure what the DA really had in mind with this little gimmick, but experts generally agree that it’s best to keep The Man as far away from your cell phone as you can.

11 Replies to “Rackauckas’ New iPhone App Wants to Track You Down”

  1. I especially like how how Susan Schoeder had her friends type comments on the aplle site!

    I guess Corona won’t be needing one, we know where he is!

  2. What the hell is the app supposed to do anyway? Record you in the back seat of a squad car getting it on with a hooker or somebody’s wife?

  3. Two things are going on here:

    1. The public servant who put this app together is padding his resume with a cool new technology even though it serves no real purpose to the taxpaying public.

    2. Tony Rackauckas finds one more place to promote himself for the benefit of himself.

    And so once again, proliferation of shiny things that do nothing takes priority over technology that might actually be useful.

  4. The intro in the Apple store says “The creation of this application came at no additional cost to taxpayers.”

    Really? Time equals money, and I guarantee that some county employee put this up and promoted it on the clock.

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