Ackerman Hates Norby; Just Like the Good Old Days

A wide-awake Chris Norby contemplates his future as a paper shuffler
A wide-awake Chris Norby contemplates his future as a paper shuffler
Dick Ackerman
An apparently pleasant Dick Ackerman. Out of power, but not out of venom.

Tip o’ the bowler to Art Pedroza at the Orange Juice blog for this entertaining bit . It seems that former Fullerton  City Councilman, State Assemblyman, State Senator, architect of the hideously gerrymandered 33rd State Senate District, and proprietor of the record for the shortest Congressional campaign on record, Dick Ackerman, has named himself honorary chairman of the “Hugh” Nguyen for County Clerk/Recorder campaign. Nguyen’s opponent at this point is our own beloved Chris Norby – termed out County Supervisor about whom some cynical people are saying that he’s just looking for a soft place to land.


Now, why would a former bigshot like Ackerman deign to bestow his name to the candidacy of an unknown government file clerk with political ambition over a sitting supervisor? Well, Friends, it all goes back to the 1980s when both served on the Fullerton City Council, and when Ackerman discovered a deep and abiding hatred of Norby. No one is really sure from which deep well of bile this animosity sprang – but it is a profound source, that’s for sure.

a river of bile runs through it...
a river of bile runs through it...

Ackerman doesn’t give a damn who the County Clerk is, and we wonder if he’s ever even met this Nguyen fellow. But the fact that Norby wants something is enough motivation for Dick to try to keep him from getting it.

Why does Fullerton seem to produce so many Dicks?

6 Replies to “Ackerman Hates Norby; Just Like the Good Old Days”

  1. “Dick” is a common Republican name all across Orange County, probably because it has never been tarnished by scandal or betrayal of principles.

  2. Wonder if Dick’s new partners at the Nossaman Law Firm are awarew Dick is engaging in personal animus – maybe against the firms best interests.

  3. What this amounts to is John Lewis versus Dick Ackerman. Norby and Hugh are just pawns.

    I wish Norby would dump Lewis and run for some other office.

  4. art pedroza :

    What this amounts to is John Lewis versus Dick Ackerman. Norby and Hugh are just pawns.

    I wish Norby would dump Lewis and run for some other office.

    Such as?

  5. John Lewis is a very negative figure in politics these days and Norby would be wise to run the other way. Couple Norby’s failure to endorse Nelson with Ackermans new guy running and I will be curious if Norby gets the support he needs from Fullerton. I for one doubt it.

  6. Harpoon, “Why does Fullerton seem to produce so many Dicks?” Because it takes one to know one! 🙂

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