Welcome to DTF!
This clip was posted to YouTube a few days ago. Warning: explicit content.
Friends For Fullerton's Future
FFFF supports causes that promote intelligent, responsible and accountable government in Fullerton and Orange County
This clip was posted to YouTube a few days ago. Warning: explicit content.
I’ve seen better fights in high school. Alcohol increases courage but reduces accuracy.
See the tattoos? Proof that tattoos cause violence. We must restrict tattoo parlors in downtown.
Was this reported to the FPD?
If the cops don’t see it in person, then they can’t make an arrest. Something tells me that none of these dudes want to make a citizen’s arrest, so I think they’re out of the woods.
Yeah somebody called in something about someone but I forget. I’d check the log but I just purged it.
Yep. Now lets expand Downtown Fullerton.
From the language one of them sounded like Marylin Davenport!
DTF is seriously fucked up because of those bars.
Q: What was downtown Fullerton like before the bars?
A: Nobody knows because nobody went there.
Look, people like to drink and socialize. It’s human nature. You can’t stop it.
Sure, a small percentage can’t handle it and should spend the night in jail. Do you think these guys would stay sober if Florentine didn’t sell ’em those grande margaritas? No. They’d still be drinking and fighting.
This isn’t new. It happens every Thursday-Friday-Saturday night without missing a beat. Guys and girls.
Those people don’t look like me!
These clowns all need to hop on the 91 east and head back to the 909 where they belong.
Do the downtown bars accept EBT now?
Yo Gonzo Esq., what’s EBT?
EBT is food stamps (“Electronic Benefits Transfer”). I guess a joke isn’t funny if you have to explain it. I’ll try harder next time.
I’d like to point out that the cops stopped the fight by not even showing up. The job must be tough…
Just had time to watch a minute of this but it looks like a bad version of West Side Story. Are they really fighting or playing?
So that is not fair to judge until I watch the whole video..more imput later.
“Fight Club For Girls” brought to you by the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency.
man u guys are so up tight, chill the f out
Every time my boss says something stupid I feel like shrinking. But I can’t shrink no more!
Fullerton is open fer bidness!
It’s the New West!
This is how the Italians ran Galveston. It was well run.
Small percentage? Have you been to downtown more than once? Its riddled with d-bags. All shapes, sizes and colors.
Yes, youll get this when you got bars around. But FPD used to patrol every 30-45 mins and give this sense to everyone that cops owned the place. This year, ive seen nothing of that sort. Its gone to all the drunks. And they know it.
Im sure people leaving for a night train or getting back from one love the harrassment that comes with being near those bars. FPD rather patrol the middleclass neighborhoods looking for kids getting high in their car. Instead of dealing with the real problems of Fullerton.
April 17th around 11pm I was at the 76 on raymond and commonwealth.
A drunk was yelling, threating the cashier and everyone in there. (Me, and 2 other people.) While me and the cashier called 911. Explained the situation, they say cops will be there shortly. He proceeds to try n pump gas without paying for it. He waits for it to be done “filling up” around 15 minutes later. (Cashier wouldnt help us until cops got there. Cashier was a great guy.) So he walks back in, does the same yelling threating crap. We both call 911 again and get the same response. Walks back out, falls RIGHT ON HIS FACE. A huge smack! Then gets into his car and sit theres for another 10 mins. Then proceeds to drives off. 25 minutes and no cops to be found? ridiculous. Made me lose all faith in the FPD. Ended up paying and leaving. I wonder what the whole squad was doing on a sunday night?
That video was a nice change pace. We usually see Tony getting the shit kicked out of by Papa San or being bullied in some fashion.
Or those could be some of the tenants that Tony rents his shit bag houses to.
Mckinley is being investigated by the FBI for bribery. Do not call Mckinley with any crap.
(consider his phone; and Fullerton Police computers taped) THIS IS NO BULLSHIT, AND THIS NO GAME.
The FBI will take any informants call as real.
FBI Santa Ana (714) 542-8825
Thank you for allowing this posting.
You can e-mail me.
That Fullerton cops are a bunch of punks, and take bribes.
This is real thank you for this forum.