252 Replies to “A Moment Of Silence From John Mirisch & 90210”

  1. That man puts the “honor” into Honorable John Mirisch. Too bad Fullerton doesn’t have 3 honorable elected council members who understand right and wrong.

  2. Fullerton Council can’t hold a candle to this councilman. Has Fullerton Council even paused for a moment of silence.
    Very classy and a very much needed statement about taking care of not only our mentally unstable, homeless, but also to bring resolve to cops on steroids, thugs with no regard for human life. FULLERTON COUNCIL, WITH EXCEPTION OF THE TWO MENTIONED, STEP DOWN.


  3. Sent this video to the Fullerton City Manager’s e-mail address yesterday. In my message I asked him to recall the entire FPD since they still continue to lie, ie. “we got the wrong guy”, when there was no guy jumping on any of those gestapo pigs backs.

  4. It’s a vicious cycle of cover-up and lies in the city of Fullerton. From the department to the D.A to the city council and around around we go. No accountability anywhere. Becareful of how quiet it is getting, the quietness of this issue is exactly what the department and D.A wants. Out of sight, out of mind. No facts have been released, no more talks about the video, the issue of the officers watching the video, no toxicology/autopsy reports, etc. I urge for the people, Ron Thomas and his attorney, Chris Thompson, the operators of this blog to continue to keep the pressure on, and I will do my part by doing so and showing up every Saturday.

  5. Mirisch also wrote an eloquent letter to the Huffington Post earlier this week that got a great response. As to “we arrested the wrong guy” the DA is equally at fault with the FPD since they prosecuted the case even after seeing the video! What morons!

  6. Do you hear that?
    It is a standing ovation for this man and all who are speaking out for justice.
    This ladies and gentlemen, is a real man.
    Tony and Chris a real men.

    Thank you, you have my respect and heartfelt gratitude.
    I am no longer worried about the streets being safe when my child or grandchild walks them among citizens.
    I am worried about the authorities who might encounter my family and what they might do to my child or grandchild and how I could possibly not be able to protect them in a moment like that if I am not there to hear their cries.

  7. As this good man said, trust is very important to have in your government….every dept head I dealt with in that city lied through their teeth to me…the police lied to me and tried to intimidate me….its time to clean house..dont just stop with sleepy, dopey and grumpy on the city council!

  8. Here is a really good article written my Christopher Orlet.
    For all you Thomas Supporters, take the time to read this.
    Tony Bushala, why don’t you publish this one.

    The Nation’s Pulse

    Misplaced Compassion

    By Christopher Orlet on 8.11.11 @ 6:08AM
    Early last month police in Fullerton, California, received a report that someone was breaking into cars at the city’s transportation center. For years, the station has been a popular hub for the homeless. Unlike private business owners who have to worry about their bottom line, the public employees who run the transit center are more tolerant of street persons. The station is also a convenient place for burglars to ply their trade, since car owners often leave their vehicles unattended for hours at a time. Security guards are supposed to keep an eye on things, but this is unfeasible when on any given workday an average of 3,000 commuters travel through the hub.
    Fullerton police discovered several homeless persons hanging round the bus station. Among them was 37-year-old Kelly Thomas. Thomas, who suffered from severe schizophrenia, had a string of arrests going back 17 years, during which time he’d been charged with everything from vandalism to assault with a deadly weapon. In 1995, he had pleaded guilty to hitting his grandfather in the head with a fireplace poker.
    The pattern never varied. Thomas would be arrested and serve a brief jail sentence, after which he would be transferred to a treatment center. He would respond well to medication, at which point he would be released onto the streets. Or he would simply escape, since, as he told his father, he “hated” the treatment centers.
    Inevitably Thomas, who was often heard saying he preferred the life of a drifter, would go off his medication. (He did not appear to have a similar aversion to illegal drugs, a probation report stated.)
    This time when officers tried to search Thomas’ backpack for weapons, drugs or stolen items, he made a run for it. Police easily caught up with him and, when he resisted, they allegedly zapped him with a stun gun. Perhaps as many as six times. It was reported that officers savagely beat and kicked Thomas until, at length, he slipped into a coma.
    Five days later Kelly Thomas was dead.
    MUCH OF THE nation was outraged by the news reports of his death. And rightly so. Editorials, blogs, and talk shows focused on the brutal actions of the six cops. There was virtually no criticism of Thomas’s divorced parents for allowing their schizophrenic son to roam the streets. One newspaper reported that Thomas’s father said he “just didn’t have time” to be his son’s full-time guardian. While his mother reportedly took out a five-year restraining order against him last December after he refused to leave her porch where he had been sleeping.
    But if Kelly Thomas was too dangerous to live at home with his mother or father, why was it okay for him to roam the streets where he might harm innocent passersby? Another newspaper account noted that, “in the nearly two decades since his son descended into madness, Ron Thomas has worried every day that the schizophrenic 37-year-old would die of exposure or illness on the streets.” Was there nothing Mr. Thomas could have done for his son except to “worry”? (Rather than opprobrium, Thomas père received an offer for nearly $1 million in compensation from city officials, which he turned down. No doubt, he intends to sue for much more.)
    One woman, interviewed by a television crew at a candlelight vigil, choked back tears as she recalled how she used to wave to Thomas and bring him breakfast. That doubtless made her feel better, and may even have made Thomas feel better for a bit, but it hardly addressed the problem of the mentally ill languishing on our streets. Indeed, no one seemed to be addressing the problem, or even giving it much thought. Perhaps because for society to actually do something helpful like involuntarily commit a violent schizophrenic in order that he can be treated — would be considered cruel and a violation of his civil rights.
    In a statement, Fullerton police noted that officers receive training on how to deal with the mentally ill and the homeless. But police are not psychiatric nurses or orderlies. And unless a police officer has a specialized medical degree, how is he to know whether this or that transient is mentally ill? It is unlikely a veteran psychiatrist could make that kind of diagnosis under such circumstances. It seems to me the job of police should not be to “deal with the mentally ill,” but to arrest criminals. To expect otherwise is like asking social workers to arrest carjackers.
    There are some 200,000 homeless in America with untreated mental illness, according to the Treatment Advocacy Center. In the name of civil rights and compassion, society allows such persons to languish and die on the streets of our greatest cities. I fail to see the compassion and justice in that.

    1. Yes, the rage some people feel towards what happened to Kelly Thomas evolves into turning Kelly into a hero, a true innocent. He was no hero, he was a troubled man, a was a small threat to society, he was probably also very smelly. Still, not enough to deserve a death sentence from officers of the law. Some of the commenters who are chanting ‘justice for Kelly’, are more concerned with destroying a police department than justice. True the Council is joke — I think their legal counsel is advising them to be. The City Manager — he can’t do anything. The DA has to go slow. They have to gather the evidence. Will they want the cops that threw the most punches charged — don’t know yet. The only real thing that can be done, at this time, is put the pressure on the PD and its new chief to start making real changes. Whether Hamilton is the man for the job permanently is up in the air. But, the time to start kicking some PD ass has come. I hope his 30+ yrs in the department will give him the insight to start making FPD an asset to the community and not a liability.

    2. Thanks for that article Allen, it’s useless and beside the point. Kelly Thomas’ previous transgressions and family life has literally ZERO to do with officers beating him to death. If you’d like to debate what it’s like trying to deal with a mentally ill family member, by all means, start a website, but it has no place here and isn’t what the people on this blog are concerned with. Criminal history, family history should not condemn a man to dying in the street at the hands of police officers. Your attempts to distract from the true issue is pathetic and your presence here is useless.

    3. You cops keep spewing shit from both ends. You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground! SHUT UP AND LISTEN YOU DUMBASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can’t force anyone to take medication, or live in a house when they don’t want to. It was not Ron Thomas’s fault. where his son chose to live, he was past the age of 18. It was his choice I GET SO TIRED OF EXPLAINING THIS TO COPS WHO HAVE NOT LEARNED THIS YET

    4. I was reading this until I got to the word “allegedly” when the writer mentions the use of the tazer on Kelly Thomas.
      Funny how that word didn’t appear before the officer’s actions are mentioned.
      Kelly isn’t afforded the same word for his breaking into cars accusation. He was never convicted of a crime but he doesn’t get treated as a “ALLEDGED” burglar.

      misplaced compassion,

  9. You really do have to respect and appreciate Mirisch’s decision to recognize the death of Kelly Thomas.

    On the other hand, it seems quite foolish of him to proclaim that the Beverly Hills Police Department could never brutally murder someone like Kelly (I personally thought he was acting a bit toady when talking about the BH police chief and the city’s officers). Since nowadays, it seems like most cops throughout this country are completely capable of using unlawful violence against the public without losing a stride in their step.

    And as a resident of Hollywood, I’ve heard many stories from friends and acquaintances regarding Beverly Hills cops acting like a bunch of arrogant bullies during their encounters with them.

    So it’s hard to support Mirsch’s opinion, and believe that Beverly Hills cops are any better than other police departments who violate the law and protect themselves from criminal charges and prosecution.

  10. and to KNOW, that there are OFFICIALS, that have some clarity of sight , and some HEART, gives me more hope.

    thank you


  11. Oh there’s Allen again and his pro-police brutality propaganda. Time to pick a part. First off was the call somebody breaking into cars? Or somebody looking into cars? Or was the call made up? See, his first line is already lacking validity. I’ll continue. Has there been reports that the homeless are causing an influence on restaurant’s “bottom-line?” I mean other than, ahem, Slidebar maybe. Please tell me also, what crimes entail, when it is said, “everything from vandalism to assault with a deadly weapon.” He must be referring to the illegal camping issue…because that sums up EVERYTHING in between. Lastly, the police officers DID KNOW he was mentally ill. They KNEW who he was and his condition. Yes the officers are not doctors but they knew he was mentally ill. That statement from Orlet is irrelevant. Kelly chose to live how he wanted to. Just like you Allen choose to live your life submitting hogwash and meaningless posts and of sources lacking in validity.

  12. Anyone else in here have ThinBlueNonsense’s Insight? Sounds like he/she knows it all.

    Poor job picking this apart.

    Yes, I do have as much time as you guys do watching this blog.

  13. And the best we got here from our “leaders” was a “socks for the homeless” drive. Why couldn’t anyone in a leadership position have made such human, albeit personal, statement? We have all been waiting to hear something like this from our own council members since day one. Was it really because of the city attorney silencing them? No…it was clearly because of the influence of the FPD over our city council and its culture of corruption and standing behind their own no matter what. Shame on the leaders of our city.

  14. If the police knew who Thomas was and where he could be found most times, why didn’t his family know where he was most times? Ron Thomas said that he, his sisters and other family members drove around many times looking for him. I bet they did, to make sure he did not come near there homes. I blame Ron Thomas and Kelly’s mother for this whole situation. Nothing they can do? So they said. Dad Thomas was never so happy as to be put in the spotlight. And also money involved. He can’t wait to get his hands on the money he thinks he will get from his son’s death. Dad Thomas, SHAME ON YOU FOR CASHING IN ON YOUR SON’S DEATH!!!

    1. Well said jaynbond 😉

      Careful though – we will be accused of being the same person. Get ready for some bashing by some REALLY insightful citizens here.

      Lets keep this going! We need more realists making comments on this site and lets keep voicing our DISAPPROVAL of what this site stands for!!!!

      1. You’re right Allen! It’s so hard to scrape off enough PRO-police brutality scum from the bottom of our shoes. It must be tough for just you and one other off-duty office to “man the fort” against those AGAINST excessive force, cover-ups and perjury.

    2. Wow, you guys are like two peas in a pod (or pea brains, perhaps). An unarmed man is beaten to death by multiple police offers, and your “outrage” is the fact that his family is suing the police and city — yeah, that’s the big problem here.

      By the way, WHAT could they have done for their adult son?? Is it legal to force an adult, even one suffering a mental illness, into a particular treatment program or force them to take medication ??? No. Is it legal for sworn officers to beat him to death?? (I thought the answer to that one was NO also, but you claim that this whole thing is the fault of the parents. Shame on YOU for being a soul-less moron. Ron Thomas is bringing this suit to punish the FPD and start a fund in his son’s name — if that’s cashing in, then I’ve seen a lot worse. Also, if you think that “crime” is far worse than what the cops did to Kelly, then I probably haven’t seen worse humans than you or Allen. )

    3. This is for Jaynbob and A-hole Allen…..

      Shame on you for being dumb really…. You have NOT ONE clue what it’s like to care for a schizophrenic. I DOUBT VERY MUCH THAT HIS DAD IS TRYING TO CASH IN. I know about this disease and what it does to families, how difficult it is to treat this disease. Whats really funny is why do we keep really criminals safe behind bars when they in fact know what they are doing when they commit crimes? Yet, we can’t even make mentally ill people stay in board in care facilities…. you know why??? Because they still have the free will to leave and nobody can make them stay! Not even their own family! Just so you know Mr. Thomas has a top notch lawyer and he will get millions and I have no doubt he will then turn around and use it for good!! You have no clue what his family has done or not done…until you have a family memeber with a serious mental illness keep your uneducated comments to yourself….. and by the way The Beautiful Mind movie is Hollywood bs.

  15. “But if Kelly Thomas was too dangerous to live at home with his mother or father, why was it okay for him to roam the streets where he might harm innocent passersby?”

    Who was he harming the night he was beaten to death? The state would not keep him locked up, no one could keep him locked up. If he was such a career criminal why was he not locked up in one of our overpaid prisons? I guess since his parents were divorced and he had a mental illness but not even the state could keep him in a cage…… he deserved to be beaten to death. You are a sick individual.

  16. Hey Allen…. they beat him to death. Why are you so fixated on how much money Kelly’s dad might get? From the sound of it you are sucking off the taxpayer teet, you and your kind a little scared that someone else will be getting what you think of as “your” money? If they had not beaten Kelly to death no one would get a thing. Beating a man to death is what brought all this on. The cops had a choice too and they made the wrong one.

    1. The protective culture and cronyism was the reason for them giving no second thought to issuing the type of beating that was without question unjustified. Our PD was headed down a path where something like this was inevitable. It is so sad it had had to be Kelly and his relationship with his family IS irrelevant. You guys sound like morons in continuing to bring it up. What is relevant is that it could have been any member of our community.

    2. Citizen reports someone breaking into cars.
      Citizen describes suspect
      Kelly fits suspect description
      Kelly is detained by police
      Kelly resists by fighting police
      Some police are injured
      police use force to stop Kelly from fighting
      Kelly is injured, along with other police
      Kelly’s injuries MAY have caused his death – to be reported later



      1. You forgot the last three lines…

          1. Wow, you failed fact vs. opinion in elementary school, didn’t you Alana? Kelly’s dad didn’t give a crap about his son??? Really?? That’s a fact??? (He told you????)

            Some police are injured — really tool, which ones?? What were their injuries??? You mean the “broken bones” that were lied about????

            The police MAY have killed Kelly? Really, jerk-off??? It wasn’t natural causes??

      2. What did he steal? Answer: nothing (the only reports are that he took some papers out of the trash — not a crime).

        What injuries did the police sustain from this unarmed man? Answer: none (original report was multiple officers sustained broken bones — turned out to be more perjury from FPD and completely false).

        “…MAY have caused his death” — you’re right… could have been blunt force trauma from being stomped, beaten, and hit in the head, but on the other hand could have been his heart stopping from all the excessive tasing (real strong argument here, moron).

        “… resists by fighting police…” — Wrong. no evidence to support this

        “Kelly’s dad didn’t give a crap” — Who knows?? Certainly not you.

        You’ve posted a total of about 2 facts in this whole diatribe… pretty weak!!

        1. @Anonymous
          Don’t flatter yourself. You DO NOT have firsthand knowledge on anything you rebutted. NOTHING

          The police were sent to a person breaking into cars. Police have to investigate – whether or not a burglary is occurring. It happens all the time.

          Kelly did resist and fight that is a known fact.
          One officer was put on IOD – Injured On Duty as a result of Kelly. Broken bones or a flesh wound – its still an injury. enough to take him off the street.

          Kelly’s dad didnt give a crap. Kelly would not be dead now.

          Ron did not have enough time to care for Kelly (as been reported to have said) but he certainly has enough time for Grandstanding
          restraining orders are not approved by a Judge unless violence and/or threat of violence can be substantiated

          and I have much much more info on this case than you. Much More.

          1. The only way you have “much more” than anyone else here is if you were one of the murderers. In which case, may you receive what you have coming. As someone else noted, you are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

            Also, your brain doesn’t work as well as you think. You clearly don’t know the difference between FACT, OPINION, and inference (you getting inside the head of Ron Thomas and telling the world what HE thought of his son and whether HE cared is an inference at best, not a fact — and actually a completely douchebagish thing to do to any man or woman who has had his child murdered in the past 2 months).

          2. Allen, before you became a police officer, were you on the debating team on school? Is that why you are such an arrogant, pompous ass?? Did it teach you to take either side of an issue, even one that is indefensible (like pro-Hitler, anti-Hitler), and give yourself a woody by arguing better than your opponent.

            Well, in any event, you just plain fail in this case. Even if you are one of the cops who killed Kelly without provocation rather than just a POS sympathizer, you are a total waste of humanity.

          3. Hey Officer Allen, can we set up a vigil or another website to “grandstand” for that poor officer who bruised his hand during the murder of Kelly Thomas? It must be really tough to try to beat a bound man with the butt of a taser when so many of your “brother in arms” are in the way kicking, stomping, tasing, and getting in their own licks??

            By the way, he didn’t need his “owie” to take him off the street. The attention cast on the FPD by this blog, the media, and the Thomas family has taken care of that for the whole group of murderers.

            Sadly, if he was one of the many homeless people whose family truly did NOT care about, it probably would have been completely swept under the carpet.

          4. It is very odd how much Ron has gotten under your skin. Your agenda in this regard causes you to lose focus. I can promise you its only going to get worse for you. Ron ain’t going nowhere, and he may very well receive lots o money one day. However, he and his relationship to Kelly prior to his murder continue to be irrelevant to the fact that on that night (and hopefully no longer) we had rogue cops so readily capable of murder patrolling our streets, and thereafter a department hell bent on and so used to getting away with a cover up that our city has been shaken to its core. Changes are in store for your boys in blue my friend. That will be Kelly and Ron’s legacy whether you like it or not.

          5. Allen really….. just stop writing already. You are totally baseless and senseless.

            I love how you think you know what Ron Thomas did or didn’t do for his son. When you have a mentally ill son/daughter get back to us…… untill then take nap and get back to your Jersey Shore programs.

          6. Allen – I’ll give you the point for having more information most of schmucks using this blog to vent their displeasure at the police dept and council. I’ll even give you the point that cops have a right, to not only defend themselves, but to use the APPROPRIATE amount of force to subdue a resisting suspect. I asked this once before, and I’ll ask again: isn’t there some kind of protocol in these situations where someone says ENOUGH!! suspect is in custody, or whatever. Why aren’t cops trained to turn off the adrenaline once the threat to them has ended and the suspect is in custody???

      3. 1) No reports yet of what the call was- invalid
        2) A description of the perp has yet to be released-Invalid
        3)See #2
        4)True- however was it lawful? Not so sure
        5)Resists by fighting or resists by walking away?
        6)Some police were injured, you their hands were injured from beating Kelly. However, lies were told about broken bones. Police were injured but Kelly was killed.
        7) Police used excessive force, ultimately 6 officers killed an unarmed, known mentally ill schizophrenic man.
        8) Kelly was not injured, he was beat into a coma…there’s a difference.
        9) Kelly’s injuries (inflicted upon by the 6 officers) caused his death.

        And the last 5 does not warrant 6 police officers to brutally beat a man to death. This is why we have a JUDICIAL system.

        Man, I feel sorry for the city that you represent. Actually, you are a horrible representation of life itself.

      4. You’re absolutely right — NEVER fight the guy with the gun. You take life into your own hands. BUT, what’s the protocol once the suspect is in cuffs and on the ground? Isn’t it the responsibility of the senior officer to tell the other officers to stand down or cuffs on, or subject in custody — isn’t there some standard phrase used in these situation that officers know and are trained to respond to and obey where they stop beating a ‘resisting’ subject?? By the way the subject was known to the cops, I bet they knew he had a severe mental problem. I think they used his resisting arrest as an excuse to beat him … to death. If that’s the case, FPD is no better than Hitler exterminating the mentally ill. I pray that I am wrong and it was only a few ‘mentally defective’ officers who decided to exterminate a sick man who was a problem to the community.

    1. Yeah, you’re quite the human being, jaynbond. In your perverse world…

      1) parents seeking justice — the biggest criminals and source of the problem,

      2) those using incorrect grammar — also bad,

      3) six police officers beating an unnarmed man to death — ehhhh, stuff happens.

  17. WANTED; To answer for the MURDER of Kelly Thomas:

    Jay Cicinelli
    Kenton Hampton
    Manny Ramos
    Joe wolfe
    James Blatney

    “Stop resisting, stop resisting” the TRUTH!

  18. Hey Allen, just stop it, your G.E.D is showing again. If there is anything that I said that was untrue, then you are entitled to correct it. However, if you think my pointing out the inconsistencies in Orlet’s post/letter was a “poor job” then I’m afraid your lack of argument proves that I just may be right. Everyone is entitled to say what they want, the fact of the matter is, Kelly did not deserve to die. To try to justify Kelly’s death is just absurd and barbaric. I’m all for punishment for crimes, I do not stand, however, for police officers taking the law into their hands.

    By the way, I’m not keeping count, but I’m pretty sure more people see things the civilized way.

  19. I don’t think reasoning with someone like Allen is any use. There could be a video of a cop standing behind him and summarily executing him while he was bound, and Allen would give the same tired excuses and lies: he ran from the cops, it’s his daddy’s fault, he was a known criminal, we don’t know if that bullet killed him, his family didn’t care, the video is tainted, he threatened to kill them first, he brought it upon himself by trying to flee from the murderers, he was known to be “violent,” etc., etc….

  20. Attn: Fullerton City Council

    An important but unmentioned issue thus far in regard to the Thomes / Fullerton P.D. investigation is the possible use of HGH ‘steroids’ by these officers. If these Fullerton ‘officers’ were using HGH steroids on July 5, blood & hair sample tests will show evidence of HGH, and that information should be entered into the official record.

    If I had any say in the matter, steroid use by any public safety officer (police / sheriffs) would be a FELONY. HGH steroid use is rampant among police and sheriffs in Los Angeles and Orange Counties and most everywhere else, AND IS THE #1 REASON COPS CANNOT CONTROL THEMSELVES IN HIGH PRESSURE SITUATIONS WHEREBY THE PUBLIC GETS SERIOUSLY HURT OR KILLED. All you have to do is LOOK at these officers to see who is using HGH. HGH cops also have a look in their eyes that is unmistakable. Steroid use by police and sheriffs should be made a TOP PRIORITY at the Federal level for obvious reasons.

    There isn’t any good excuse for this type of violent, vindictive behavior by police officers & sheriffs other than HGH use or possible methamphetamine use.

    In any event these six Fullerton cops should be REQUIRED to have their hair / blood tested ASAP for HGH. This concept has apparently never yet occurred to the Fullerton City council members.

    Fullerton’s residents should be able to be assured by that videotape that their City’s officers are there to PROTECT them and not beat its residents, (homeless or otherwise), to death. Nobody deserves that type of treatment by public safety officers.

    1. MCR :It is very odd how much Ron has gotten under your skin. Your agenda in this regard causes you to lose focus. I can promise you its only going to get worse for you. Ron ain’t going nowhere, and he may very well receive lots o money one day. However, he and his relationship to Kelly prior to his murder continue to be irrelevant to the fact that on that night (and hopefully no longer) we had rogue cops so readily capable of murder patrolling our streets, and thereafter a department hell bent on and so used to getting away with a cover up that our city has been shaken to its core. Changes are in store for your boys in blue my friend. That will be Kelly and Ron’s legacy whether you like it or not.

      Oh MCR, are you really that ignorant? Ron Thomas is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY! He’s got money problems. He is NOT a retired sheriff, you have to be off probation, and on the street without a training officer to be a certified sheriff. He didn’t make it but noone ever reports about that. Ron Thomas was called at least 3 seperate times from FPD and Placentia PD and he said “Ive washed my hands of my son and I don’t want anything to do with him.” So now you got some heckler in Beverly Hills ranting about Ron never being able to hug his son or take him to a ball game. Sorry John, Ron washed his hands of Kelly years ago. Now, Ron wants everyone’s compassion. Where was the compassion when he was asked to come pick him up and get him off the street?

      Answer: No payday. But now he’s all about Kelly cause he knows he’s gonna get paid.

      1. Perhaps you cannot read….its irrelevant to the murder of his son and the fact that the PD could and did kill the way they did. I don’t know a lot about Ron, nor do I care. If it wasn’t Kelly, it would have been another innocent citizen murdered by a crazed, uncontrolled band of murderous, lying cops. Ron and Kelly’s legacy will be an overhaul of the FPD…watch what happens. Read more slowly…helps with comprehension. Are YOU really that ignorant?

    2. Hey Dodge 440, you wrote this last night. Be original next time. It didnt occur to you that the same people are here every night? Or maybe you used a different blog name. But its under the The Gang can’t shoot straight or worse.

      Great job.

    1. Hey Anon… you read this last night too becuase we were debating it back and forth. Is all the blogging running into together? Is it getting confusing?

      Yea that’s what happens when allegations and opinions of those who were NOT at the incident, become factual. Get it ?

  21. Seriously, after reading this, it’s time to ignore this Allen fellow, he/she/it is clearly either delusional or just trying to rile people up because nobody can be that dumb and inhumane. Just ignore and focus on the issue at hand, please.

  22. @Anonymous
    You have an anger issue you need to deal with. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You are full of rage and discontent from those who govern you and you are crying out for help. At least thats what your blogs indicate.

    Just because someone disagrees with this issue you burst out with expletives when you have no further rebuts.

    However, I would much rather you burst out at me and divert your attention to bursting out at the men and women of law enforcement.

    Call me what you want. It doesn’t hurt, in fact, it is rather amusing.

    1. And Allen you have rational issues, education issues, and humanity issues. You probably have a lot of other issues too…. by the looks of it I am guessing you think its ok Kelly was beat into a coma and died. The devils advoate thing you are tying to pull is really lame…… there are too many smart people are here. So go to the blog where other dumb people like you hang out.


    I don’t blame anyone fighting cops if you’re being jumped by 6 badged goons.

  24. I watched the streaming video feed of the council meeting the other night, and initially I was a little disappointed, as I thought it would have been the proper time to have the most eloquent speakers Fullerton has to offer, address the council, but after reconsidering for a moment I came to the realization that it was as it ought to have been, to me it was very poignant to listen to some of the less “eloquent” speakers, some of which were clearly struggling to overcome thier fear of public speaking, some struggling to supress thier outrage, some struggling to overcome language barriers, some struggling to fight back tears and even a little girl attempting to make sense of the whole thing. The cross section of society that was represented, and raised thier voices as one on behalf of justice for Kelly Thomas & the Thomas family only goes to show that this is no “fringe” element out for blood or as it was refered to by city council. a “lynche mob” this is the citizenery of Fullerton and they demand answers!
    adendum: It was good to see that supporters of the fpd had the same opportunity to express themselves 1 woman did, that I heard. Loved the woman with the “cue cards” Bless her heart, the “lil” blonde spitfire gave ’em hell, the vets, karate experts, and business men and women, homemakers, unemployed, former homless, Kellies dad and the girl, you all stood up, and spoke against something that is bigger than any one of us, but not all of us together! Thank You All! …..loved the guy that told Mayor Jones in esscense….”I’m proud to be from the South, but everytime I hear you speak Mr. Mayor, you make me feel ashamed.”

  25. No, Allen, I am “crying out” for the police to not brutalize its citizens, abuse their authority, or commit perjury. I do have an anger issue, but it’s pretty specific — I’m angry about sworn officers brutally killing an unarmed “suspect.”

    Thanks for the diagnosis, though (would that be fact or opinion, btw?), even though you have never met me and are just talking out of some orifice.

    By the way, an unarmed man being beaten to death is not “AMUSING” — that fact that you find this a rhetorical game and funny just once again confirms everything I’ve said about you (you are narcissistic and completely devoid of empathy for other human beings, especially those different from yourself).

    The only “bursting out” I’ve seen is by the police, who as someone pointed out, may be due to roid rage or HGH. (For the record, I have never threatened anyone with violence, not even you, tool.)

  26. innocent in a court, not by me who viewed the video and saw the pictures- Nazi animals are GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY and anyone who can look at the pictures and see the video and say anything else is a souless devil

    and BTW, I sent this beverly hills Vid that was posted to my council woman, and the media -hope everyone feels ashamed

  27. Pay attention Fullerton city council, if you were going to give us silence , this is how you do it. we can still hear you kelly.

  28. Allen :
    Citizen reports someone breaking into cars.
    Citizen describes suspect
    Kelly fits suspect description
    Kelly is detained by police
    Kelly resists by fighting police
    Some police are injured
    police use force to stop Kelly from fighting
    Kelly is injured, along with other police
    Kelly’s injuries MAY have caused his death – to be reported later

    you are mentally disturbed
    go hang out in front of or near the slidebar fullerton and when the cops put their gloves on and tell you this time its for real.. pucker up and take it all of it.. ALL OF IT..

    Those are not men in those badges..

    For three weeks your corrupt souls with tin stars on their chests let the murderers roam the streets.

    Your Shcity council .. pigs.. Mayor wouldn’t even talk to the parents to console them when asked

    The Shcity council are afraid of the cops they allowed to grow rabid who have shown to be more powerful than them

    This case has NOTHING TO DO WITH the parents or really.. not as much to do with Kelly Thomas as making sure there isn’t another one or maybe there ALREADY ARE others.. maybe the coroner is in on this shit too.. afraid of cyclops and the pension gang

  29. Allen :
    Citizen reports someone breaking into cars.
    Citizen describes suspect
    Kelly fits suspect description
    Kelly is detained by police
    Kelly resists by fighting police
    Some police are injured
    police use force to stop Kelly from fighting
    Kelly is injured, along with other police
    Kelly’s injuries MAY have caused his death – to be reported later

    I would like you to re-read your self

    You go about la la talking about how someone falsely reported him for breaking into cars (insider reports: FPD coached local businesses that they can report it as a crime in progress and they will remove the bums)
    How he fit the wrongfully accused description
    __I wonder if the cops ever beat on any other homeless ppl.. notice how they kept beating on him and tasering him over and over and over like he was still alive and just a GIANT OF A MAN
    ^^While innocent citizens screamed out in horror for them to stop

    .. ^^ so you get all that out of the way and then proceed when it is time for

    caps and stuff..

    whew.. you exposed a big part of yourself there..

  30. Perhaps one or two officers used excessive force. It certainly looks that way right now. They will pay most certainly. But don’t blame an entire FPD and City for Kelly’s death, because if we do, then we should blame everyone – including his mom and dad.

    It is up to the State to prove a case beyond reasonable doubt. The State cannot disclose evidence until the case is completed or the evidence could be excluded.

    Those charged are entitled to a fair trial by an impartial jury. With this tragedy, its going to be extremely hard to find an impartial jury.

    Let the system play out and let this investigation continue with patients and calm.

    This kind of prosecution is unique and unlike others where an arrest is made and charges are soon filed.

    This is a case where police were initially investigating a crime that turned into possible Abuse under Color of Authority. A death at the hands of police is highly suspected and literally 100s of witness will need to be interviewed.

    Not only that, we have multiple parallel investigations:
    1. The Coroner’s Death Investigation
    2. The District Attorney’s Investigation
    3. The FBI Investigation
    4. The Contracted 3rd Party Investigation
    5. The Internal Affairs Investigation.

    This is no easy task and I am sure Ron Thomas completely understands this.

    Do a search on Off-Duty Police Officer’s who have been charged with a crime. Arrests occur just as fast and are put out by the media immediately – Just like any other with the additional mention of “Off-Duty Officer Arrested and Charged”. WHY? because cops are cops on and off duty and they are held to a higher standard.

    Should Kelly have died? Absolutely Not!

    I disagree with Ron and Tony for what they are doing.

    I don’t believe its the right approach at this time, however, once WE ALL KNOW THE TRUTH, then it will be time to move forward with whatever changes are necessary.

    Just my take and YES ANONYMOUS – my opinion this time

    1. News Flash – there is and has been no Internal Affairs Investigation. None. Zilch Zero. Nada. That was all a Goodrich lie.

      I am ashamed of our department. We have all failed.

      1. Go whistleblower. You will not believe how strongly the citizens of Fullerton, and for that matter, people all over the world will support you.

        All it will take is one insider to make an ENORMOUS difference…..

        At the same time I know its not an easy thing to do. 🙁

    2. “Perhaps one or two officers used excessive force. It certainly looks that way right now. They will pay most certainly. ”

      Looks like Allen is cracking, even through his delusional mind he sees a crime here… come on Allen make the leap, you can do it… beating someone to death is not excessive force it is ….. murder! …. there ya go, now you see it. He was beaten to death… yeah good Allaen you can see it now… and the other good officers stood by and watched it happen… calm down Allen… there ya go.. stood and watched a man get beat to death… just a little further you are almost there.

    3. Allen, the problem with the approach you favor is that it represents “business as usual,” and it’s the usual approach to this business that has landed us where we seem to be at right now, a once proud and very free nation rapidly moving more and more toward becoming a police state.

      Business as usual means waiting for a long and dragged out investigation, while the criminal suspects go on with their lives, even collecting fat paychecks for doing nothing, until the incident is 99% forgotten by the public. And then one day, seemingly out of the blue, a small article somewhere in the back pages of the OC Register announces, “Fullerton officers cleared in scuffle with homeless man.” All of us who are old enough have seen this result a thousand times.

      It’s an approach favored by celebrities as well as it’s right out of PR-10: Delay until the media has moved on, becuase you know, for the sheeple it can’t really be that important if they haven’t seen it lately on their TV.

      This is why I applaud Ron Thomas and Tony Bushala, along with everyone else trying to keep the focus on what happened here in this specific case. It’s not easy, our short attention spans and the way we as people tend to divide ourselves up into sub-groups (eg, ‘repuglicans’ vs democrats), thus losing our unity along the way, strongly work against Ron and Tony’s effort. And clearly, it’s what the evil-doers count on happening as time passes.

  31. A-nonymous :

    Man, I feel sorry for the city that you represent. Actually, you are a horrible representation of life itself.

    Props! that is exactly what it/he/she is.. frightens me internally to think of how little it likes Freedom and Civilization and Law that also protects the citizens from the government/authorities…

  32. They were not held to any standards whatsoever

    It took OUTSIDE pressure to even uncover this one incident.. and then the other one reported yesterday and we all know there are more

    You don’t let your coworker murder someone while you are trying to cuff them

    they even stole cell phones from citizens

    detained the ambulance

    when you find out all the piggish stuff we are and have heard about that force.. how can you not hold coworkers responsible.. they see them every single day and know their family and should be writing police reports about each other

    Have you conveniently skipped every single piece of negative details about his murder?

  33. Why does this case have anything to do with Ron Thomas.. tell us Allen.. are you some idiot paralegal who wants us to focus on something COMPLETELY UNRELATED to this case?

  34. Wow! Just about fell out of my chair, finally, a thoughtful, and insightful post by “Allen” We dont all have to agree with one another, just a little humanity when posting about someone who just recently lost thier life in, I think we can all agree, a brutal way, and the family that must bear the burden. Welcome to the human race…..

  35. FPD Insider – step away from the pipe, you don’t know shit…. What the hell does
    john mirisch know? He must be running for a higher office. I love how a few people disagree with the bullshit on this site and you guys go ape shit. RON THOMAS IS A LIAR and is out to make money on the unfortunate death of his son, the son he did not recognize in a recent booking photo.

  36. Here we go… :
    FPD Insider – step away from the pipe, you don’t know shit…. What the hell does
    john mirisch know? He must be running for a higher office. I love how a few people disagree with the bullshit on this site and you guys go ape shit. RON THOMAS IS A LIAR and is out to make money on the unfortunate death of his son, the son he did not recognize in a recent booking photo.

    Another Knuckledragging Neanderthal trying to tell us this case is about Ron Thomas

    This case, like I have said many times, has little to do with Ron Thomas and a little more to do with Kelly BUT A LOT MORE to do with FPD and their murder of an innocent citizen of the United States of America

    Are you people who defend the murder of a schizophrenic homeless man any chance nazi sympathizers or racists? Takes a very dark soul to condone what those cops did

  37. Come on Allen… tell us what Kelly did that warranted for being beaten to death while other cops stood and watched? What did he do? Run? Have some garbage on him? being homeless? smelly? having a mental disease?… what did he do that warranted being beten to death?….. give us the answer so we can spread the word and maybe let people know that they can be beaten to death by an officer of the law for this offence… and other officrs can stand by and watch…… Are you understanding why people are upset now? If a down and out person can be beaten to death what about a guy in good shape who stands up for himself?… guess he gets the instant firing squad, Huh?

  38. Wow.

    Well said.

    A city official with a heart and a conscience speaking out for Kelly and for justice.

    Tears rolling ..

  39. this video makes you want to cuss because of the irony…. this John Mirisch guy said more in volume in 5 minutes than what the entire Fullerton city officials have publicly expressed in the past month and a half. what the fock is wrong with this picture…. It’s not even about questioning the sincerity of John Mirisch…. that’s besides the point. It’s how you should face the public when you open your mouth. good grief… wtf is wrong with my city..

  40. Our city leaders all need to go-all of the council, police chief ,city manager-The house needs to be swept clean. Nothing short of that will put Fullerton back to what it once was. The DA needs to be replaced as well. Can’t wait for election time. This mess will end up costing in the tens of millions-lawsuit payout, overtime, loss of business revenues from our reputation being tarnished-what a shame.

    1. I agree, the entire city council should have been on it from the start. They all need to be recalled. FFFF, you should look into organizing a protest against the D.A. at least once a month. The D.A. is getting off to easy.

  41. The compassion and regard for humanity is clearly evident in Mirisch’s speech. It is awesome to see so many people from all over making sure this issue does not get swept under the rug while the FPD, D.A., and mayor keep claiming they have to examine the “facts” of the case. On a separate note, anyone who has not seen the youtube video of Kenton Hampton roughing up an innocent bystander filming a friend being arrested by the FPD should check it out. You can clearly see Hampton acting like a enraged, testoterone filled ape. Why would he need to rough up a guy filming the arrest unless he was doing something he did not want caught on tape? I am sure the same lack of restraint and regard for civil rights played a role in Thomas’ murder. Unlike in the Thomas case where the officers illegally confiscated the cell phone of a woman filming the murder, the cops were unable to prevent this debacle from getting out there. If you are a Fullerton resident who continues to condone the officers’ actions, have fun footing the enormous bill the city will be paying out to Thomas’ family as well as Mam while they continue to drag out these cases and create more distrust for the powers that be in Fullerton.

  42. Allen.. answer the question… what did Kelley do to get beaten to death? smell bad? run? have trash on him? mentally ill? divorced parents? low level criminal past? sit on a bench shirtless with no weapons?,,,,,, we did not hear the catchall.. he reached for his waistband because he was shirtless and no weapon….come on Allan tell us why was he beaten to death? We are waiting? Why Allen? he was BEATEN to death… why?… the jury against you will ask that question…. why was he BEATEN to death?…… we are waiting. Come on Allen why? Oh, he was beaten to death so you could cry about how much money his dad could get … I hope Ron bankrupts the city and your pension does not get paid….. he was BEATEN to death, that is the issue, nothing more nothing less… beaten until he died. Hey Allen, they beat him to death…. to death, and he was crying for his dad, … do you have kids… beaten to death.

  43. I can’t believe this Mirisch guy puts his whole career on the line for info that he got from Ron Thomas. Hook, line and sinker. Hey Mirisch, I have ocean front property in Arizona for sale???? When all is said and done, he will be sorry. That’s all I have to say about that.

  44. My name is officer Allen and Kelly was beaten to death because ” ” and that is why the cops who beat him to death and those that watched him being beaten to death are not guilty……….. fill in the blanks Allen… obviuosly beating someone to death is in your procedure book. Imagine Allen, beaten to death, blow after blow till you die….. to death… come on Allen… beaten to death. if i get on the jury that will be the mantra…. beaten till he cried for his dad and died….. yeah.. cried like a scared little kid and was beaten till he died…. dad dad dad…. and died.

  45. If Ron Thomas would of put a quarter of the time into his son that he is putting into this three ring circus……. maybe this wouldn’t of happened. Putting time into his son’s well being didn’t =$$$

    1. he was beaten to death, he cried for his dad. he was beaten till he died…. he was beaten to death by a guy with a badge and a gun till he died… he pleaded for God and his dad (on video) and was beaten till he died…. kelly was beaten to death and you worry about money… A jury will not hear how much money the city has to pay… but they will hear kelly crying for God and his dad as he is beaten to death…. Your pension is irrelevant cop lover if you beat a guy to death begging for God and his dad to save him….

    2. Yeah, and maybe if another, different, one of Ron’s spermatozoa had been successful and/or Kelly’s mom had dropped a different kind of egg, none of this would have ever happened. Who knows?

      What we do know is that a serious crime appears to have been committed when a malnourished homeless man was beaten to death by seemingly out of control Fullerton police officers.

  46. Hey corrupt…. you are so sure he was beaten to death. How are you so sure? How are you so sure he was murdered? I want to know how you know beyond a doubt that it went down like you say.

    1. 2 videos support the killing…kelly crying for his dad, at least a dozen witnesses on video saying what happened…. all saying he was “chillin” and then being beaten. One of the main cops on video beating and arresting an innocent man in another incident, a one eyed cop who was rejected by POST. Then givin the “good ole boy” job….. show the video ther tough guy…..now tell me how you know beyond a doubt it did not go down like the witnesses, video, etc say?…. 6 weeks later and the cops would be putting evidence up that exonerated the killing… that is not happeneing,,, he was beaten to death because he was alive before sissynelli and steroid shampton showed up.. 4 more cops showed up (on video) and then kelly was brain dead from a beating, his system could not keep him alive equals murder… kelly alive…. cops show up … kelly dead…. put the GED to work einstein.

    2. I <3 Cops………..you are really that dumb… wow!
      How are we sure? He's dead you idiot! 6 to 1 unarmed, down on the ground, screaming for his life and dad. I am going to assume you are deaf, dumb and blind, becuase you are clearly out of touch and have not seeen one video from the OCTA or other witnesses taping the beating. I'll pray for your sanity to come back.

  47. Hey Anonymous, Nomad, Merijoe, and everyone else screaming murder, what proof do you have? Calling someone a murderer is pretty serious and you have to have hard core proof to back it up so come on, what cha got?

    1. Kelly alive, cops beat him, Kelly dead…. yep murder…. cop lover they are going to prison 2 for sure and at least 4 complicent in not stopping a murder….. put some money on your account, just watched lock up, it is $180 a month in California. Watch out for the spit in your food.

  48. I am not a police officer and just as I thought, you have nothing. Kelly alive, altercation with cops, Kelly dead…. does not = murder…. try again.

  49. Hey you homeless guy with trash in your backpack come here…. oh you ran take this… darn your dead….. shucks now I have smelly homeless guy blood on me…. freakin POS.

  50. Corrupt….. still all your speculation. I said proof, hard core proof. None of that is proof. How do you know that the officer with one eye did not pass POST? Do you have documentation of that? Were you told by someone who really knows? Or again are you ASSuming?

    1. It’s often called “connecting the dots.”

      You walk out in the morning to get your newspaper, the sidewalk and street are wet, your lawn and driveway is wet and the OCR delivery person didn’t put your paper in a bag so it’s soaked. Now, you didn’t see it rain, you weren’t there, you were upstairs in bed, you have no video or pictures, no eyewitness account yet either, but somehow, just somewhow, you look at what happened and conclude, by golly, it must have rained last night.

  51. Are you sure K. Thomas was just “chillin” at the bus stop when he was approched for no reason? Do you ASSume that because that is what ole dude said on the bus video? Really? You want to say you know that without a doubt?

  52. Willfull killing af another human= murder….. put me on the jury and it will be first degree, especially if Kelly was threatned with an azz beating like has been leaked. Yeah insiders have let things out (maybe honest cops) and if Kelly was threatned and ran then it is premeditated on at least one cop and the others would be complicite in a murder because they just “joined in” and helped kill Kelly. Now you are trying to distant your self “I Love Cops”… why… a man was beaten to death and you seem to not get it…. beaten to death…. beaten till you die… dead, crying for God and dad till you are dead…. get it yet?

  53. Hey Corrupt? Question for ya, this one should be easy? Who was the first officer on scene? Who was the first officer to approch K Thomas out of no where while he was just chillin?

  54. ummm read the reason why LAPD let him go…. one eye no good for post… come on moron, you did not just get into the fray. 5 or 6 ole dudes and dudettes said ole kelly was chillin…. show me the report where they caught him in a car with stolen stuff…. not gonna happen… the bus video and the street video both have him on a bench and then being beaten to death… nice try officer.

  55. NO YOU DON’T GET IT…….. YOU HAVE NO PROOF. P-R-O-O-F… PROOF. There I spelled it out for you. You have not shown one ounce of proof. This is still all your assumptions. Guess what? It takes proof to charge someone with murder. And calling someone a murderer is pretty heavy.

  56. Probably you by the way you are clinging to hopes and lies…. did it feel good to hear a mentally ill man cry for God and his dad as you bashed his skull in? Now cop lover bend over an let Shampton have his way, the roids are kicking in.

  57. Really? You want to go with that? SORRY, there is no video that shows him just chillin on a bench waiting to be assaulted. NONE. I have seen them all.

  58. No not really.. put some money on sissynellis account and go work at Rhinos…. maybe the CDCR will give you a conjugal…

  59. Well, if the officer with one eye was hired on to FPD, he would of had to pass POST. So do you have proof that he did not? If so, show us.

  60. Really? You want to go with that? SORRY, there is no video that shows him just chillin on a bench waiting to be assaulted. NONE. I have seen them all.

    Really…? I doubt it… highly. Cry real good in the court room and maybe the judge will give you one last hug… explain to the kids why daddy is a killer and going to prison…. they will probably understand (better then you).

  61. Why are you changing the subject corrupt we were talking about proof of murder, not working at a strip club. That’s riduculous. So quit changing the subject and still show something for all these accusations. Sheesh.

  62. Sorry, not married to a cop either but nice try. I am not a cops parent either. I just support the good people who put their life on the line for us EVERY SINGLE DAY. What if Crazy K. Thomas would of killed one of our officers in that altercation? Would that have been okay?

    1. Yeah we pay them well and give them guns, body armour. tasers, radios, asps, cuffs etc etc.. if a 135 pound schitzo shirtless, unarmed homeless guy gets the drop on a cop we pay exorbitant amounts of money to… could possibly get an edge sitting on a bench when robo cop shows up…. yeah i’ll let my taxes pay the bill… good try.

  63. And why are you talking about giving me dollars. Is this the subject you want to talk about. Well then you need to be on a different site. On this site the dicussion is you are calling six officers murderers. That’s what we are talking about and you don’t have anything to back it up so you start talking about giving me dollars. ???

  64. Not. I don’t believe that any of the officers drew their weapons. People have died in altercations with the police all over the Country for all different reasons. So again, ASSumtions. And do you know for a fact that Kelly was unarmed? He didn’t have any type of weapon? ARE YOU SURE?

    1. “I don’t believe that any of the officers drew their weapons.”

      Since when is a taser not a weapon?

  65. If I pin a fake badge on and tell you how tough I am can i get what the FPD get from you? second thought… bad idea I do not want to catch a disease.

  66. What was the exact cause of death? Why is kelly on slab? Once again, facts only please? -100 for you for not giving one single fact. Oh and you never answered who was the first officer on scene. You KNOW all their names so come on who was it? Remember only truthful facts here Mr. corruption.

  67. Well, the only fact you have proven tonight is that you are really good at trash talking and saying things that you have no knowledge of. Calling someone a murderer is a serious allegation, one that a person should be sure of and I have not seen one thing to show that you have any freakin clue as to what you are talking about.

    1. And the one thing you proved tonight is how dumb you are……….. how did Kelly die then? Was it a fairy or something? No it was 6 heavily armed, trained (in this case training out the window) policemen who brutally MURDERD an innocent man!! Uh where was the peper spray or hand cuffs once they had him slammed into the curb? Why don’t you answer that? Why couldn’t 6 police handcuff a malnourished mentally ill man? My guess power trip, just like you are tripping with your fantasy land idea that Kelly wasn’t murdered.

  68. i find this whole thing heartbreaking, whats happened to your city.. i adore fullerton, and hope that this will be settled soon… there has been enough publicity, surely it will not be swept under the rug now..
    corrupt.. why are you letting this person get under your skin like this ?? i wouldn’t waste my time even responding to them.. don’t you see that they are baiting you?? and you keep biting??
    please take care of yourself.. go make a cup of tea and find something better to do than waste your time with this person..
    peace to your city.. take care…

  69. You say peace to your city yet you disagree with me for asking for proof before we call someone a murderer? What is wrong with you people? Where is the peace in forming a lynch mob against six officers of the law????

  70. i see no lynch mob .. all i see is many people with alot of anger.. and hate..
    and i find it very sad..
    you could be using this site for compassion, instead of all the hate..
    the courts will take care of the guilty

  71. I agree still love fullerton, the courts will take care of the guilty, if and when they are found guilty. These people are crying “murders” with no proof. PURE HATE. They are calling for death penalty and picketing every week. They are saying “DIE PIGS”. That kind of sounds lynch mob to me.

  72. I am just asking for one ounce of hard core proof. Calling someone a murderer and demanding they go to prison is pretty harsh without proof. Not one person on here spewing hatred could give me one ounce of proof. VERY SAD.


  73. well to be honest.. it doesn’t look good for some of the pd.. but no one has all the facts yet..
    but attacking each other only breeds more hate and anger, and you all need to try to start healing..
    i hope you can stop and think, this is no way to help your city get over this .. you all have to agree to disagree.. till the facts do come out..
    have compassion for your neighbors.. you’re all in this together…

  74. everyone has a right to their own opinion in america.. and you can’t force someone to think your way..
    i hope you all can get thru this peacefully

  75. people are understandably upset.. an ill man died. while in the custody of the pd.. what do you expect?? i can see their fear, that could have been anyone.. this is all normal feelings as i see it

    1. No we’re saying its abnormal for 6 police officers to beat, murder an innocent man, cover it up, be put back on the streets, get paid admin leave. That’s all. Now I am sure you can understand where we’re coming from Jay bob? We’ll all wait for the due process to take place, but you can’t really say this was a normal situation when 6 police officers don’t cuff a man when he’s down on the ground begging for his life.

      1. You really need to stick to the facts of the case. You are lost in your own little idea of what happened. You are going to be very angry when no charges cone out of it all.

  76. WOW, still love fullerton, I thought there was finally someone on here with half a brain. These are not normal feelings. Accusing someone of murder without proof? I see what is going on here. This is corrupt with a differnt name trying to skirt my questions. NICE TRY corrupt.

  77. and by the way , if kelly could of ran away fast enough he would of still been alive.

    and let me tell you , for many years , when dealing with the bitches in blue , i always thought they were gunna kill me.

    not yet , whew , but overtime i get a ticket or some bullshit , attempted search or , some kind of interaction , usually ends up being a VIOLATION OF MY INALIENABLE RIGHTS, and other quasi legal shit.

    Where is the line? that we as citizens , draw? that we as individuals draw? if cop raped my sister , and cop killed ur son. and a cop beat you up , and cop planted drugs on you and a cop gave you a bullshit ticked, or charged you with things that he knew to be untrue, or a cop was about to slap you down and kick your ass.



    your friend

  78. i just feel very bad for all of you, i love your city..
    this is very sad.. and i hope you can all start to heal… the problems will be resolved, but not overnight
    you have to help each other get thru this

  79. Then quit accusing people of murder who have not been found guilty. If you go out and stand with those fools, you are just as bad. Quit trying to give us your peace talk and go have a cup of tea.

  80. i never accused anyone of murder, you said that..
    i said it doesn’t look good for someone to die in the hands of the pd.. you are reading between the lines..

  81. Dad Thomas does not want people to move on or forget, not until he has money in his pocket. This is all about money…

  82. If you are grandstanding in Ron Thomas’ circus and standing out on the street corner you are a part of the lynch mob. And maybe you yourself didn’t call anyone a murderer but that is what this site is about.

    1. @I heart COPS, Hey, I will be the first to tell you that I DEFINITELY believe Kelly was murdered. No doubt about it in my mind. I call it the way I see it.

      Kelly Thomas, who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, was approached as he sat on a bench, and he was THREATENED. The officer told Kelly that “these are the hands that are going to kick your ass” or a statement very close to that, according to insider information that has been released.

      The officer intentionally escalated the encounter with Kelly, who was well known to be suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Officers receive training in how to handle the mentally ill and officers are trained to DE-escalate encounters with the mentally ill. Instead, Kelly was terrorized by vicious threats.

      Kelly was afraid for his life, and he tried to defend himself by running away from police brutality. Kelly had a right to defend himself against police brutality. And, the officers proved that Kelly’s fears were absolutely well founded- since they murdered him.

      Kelly had good reason to be very afraid of the out of control, sociopathic, most likely steroid amped up officers who were threatening him that night.

      As it has been stated before, It is not necessary to restrain someone’s head. Officers used excessive force that resulted in death. In my opinion, the officers are guilty of torture, cruel and unusual punishment and murder.

      Kelly’s murder was no accident. The officers intended to cause great bodily harm (which resulted in death) and the officer’s threats go to prove premeditation.

      In my opinion, there was very likely a conspiracy going on between the mayor and the police chief and local businesses. In order to rid the town of the homeless and to “clean up” downtown Fullerton they likely decided to severely beat up and make an example out of someone such as Kelly- in order to let all of the homeless people know that they are not welcome there. That is premeditation. How about it? Does anyone have inside information to back up my theory?? I believe there are videos of the mayor at a city council meeting saying that he is going to get rid of the homeless in downtown Fullerton.

      The continued Tasering, hitting, kicking and bludgeoning of Kelly, even after he was subdued and not resisting, and while he was face down and hog tied, goes to show excessive force.

      The continued bludgeoning, Tasering and knee drops on Kelly’s nose and throat even after Kelly has already been rendered unconscious shows that the murder was willful and deliberate.

      At some point, you know that if you smash someone’s head into the curb, and you keep bludgeoning his head with the butt end of a Taser until blood is spraying everywhere, and you electrocute him enough times- that person is going to die. If you beat someone this severely, you are intending to kill him.

      No, I’m not withholding my opinion until after the trial. If we all had done that, Sellers wouldn’t be on medical leave right now, the six officers would still be out patrolling the streets of Fullerton and the FBI most likely wouldn’t be investigating.

      Now if we can just get a D.D.A. to investigate who is NOT best friends with Chief Sellers and get an honest internal investigation by the FPD.
      I know. Dream on.

      1. Everything you say here is based on the lies in this blog and the media. Glad you live your life thru the media. I can only imagine how your life is.

  83. and by the way , if kelly could of ran away fast enough he would of still been alive.

    and let me tell you , for many years , when dealing with the bitches in blue , i always thought they were gunna kill me.

    not yet , whew , but overtime i get a ticket or some bullshit , attempted search or , some kind of interaction , usually ends up being a VIOLATION OF MY INALIENABLE RIGHTS, and other quasi legal shit.

    Where is the line? that we as citizens , draw? that we as individuals draw? if cop raped my sister , and cop killed ur son. and a cop beat you up , and cop planted drugs on you and a cop gave you a bullshit ticked, or charged you with things that he knew to be untrue, or a cop was about to slap you down and kick your ass.



    your friend

  84. that is the questing i pose, do we just fill up the private prisons. with people, huh , g what kind of shitstem is that .

    that is my question

  85. i come to this site for information.. but i have been watching the arguing getting worse.. everyone has a right to thier opinion, like i said..
    you all have to just let the courts take it from here..
    i’m not in any mob, i am my own person, with much compassion for you and your city..
    the money ron will be getting as i understand it will be going to help the homeless..
    we will all just have to wait and see ..
    please don’t let this take over you with this much hatred for your fellow neighbor..

  86. jaynbond :
    So are you saying it is abnormal to want proof before you execute somebody for murder?

    It was pretty bad of them to murder Kelly like that with no proof of doing anything to deserve to be murdered, huh?

  87. If Ron wanted to help the homeless, why didn’t he start with his own son? And what did he say? He wants to pull the switch when all six cops are excuted! What a loving man he turned out to be. No wonder his own son was schizo.

  88. still love fullerton :
    i come to this site for information.. but i have been watching the arguing getting worse.. everyone has a right to thier opinion, like i said..
    you all have to just let the courts take it from here..
    i’m not in any mob, i am my own person, with much compassion for you and your city..
    the money ron will be getting as i understand it will be going to help the homeless..
    we will all just have to wait and see ..
    please don’t let this take over you with this much hatred for your fellow neighbor..

    towns like this have a lot of cop and politician relatives who suck off the public teets.. they don’t want to face reality so they come in here to try and stir stuff up..

    you can spot them.. same old tired arguments

    BTW.. fastest way to spot someone you want to ignore… IF they bring up Ron Thomas.. this case has NOTHING to do with him at all…

  89. jaynbond :
    If Ron wanted to help the homeless, why didn’t he start with his own son? And what did he say? He wants to pull the switch when all six cops are excuted! What a loving man he turned out to be. No wonder his own son was schizo.

    It wouldn’t matter if that was you those cops murdered.. this site would be defending you and others whom they hopefully stop from being murdered by the police with their tax dollars and representation

    I could care less what your Mother or Father did or did not do.. They didn’t taser you and beat you to death

  90. This case has everything to do with Ron Thomas. He is out there spewing his rot hoping to gain support for his lawsuit so that he can justify in his mind the twenty million dollars he wants from the city. He did not need twenty million to help his son, how much does a meal costs and a prescription for medication? Not twenty million dollars!!!

  91. jay.. have you ever dealt with anyone w/schizophrenia? you cannot force an adult into treatment…

    1. Funny how somebody with such strong opinions and so many posts still hasn’t figured out that the post numbers change when replies are added. That old ‘connect the dots’/deductive reasoning thing sure can be a bitch for some.

  92. Yes many times in my profession. A mentally ill person may not say or show what they are feeling but for a family member to just be there, even for five minutes to say “I love you son!” gives them something to live on for a few days. Many times sustaining and restraining their actions.

  93. then you know how hard it must have been for kellys family.. and you know in your heart they did all they could for him… this whole thing is heartbreaking..

    1. Kelly assaulted the family and they couldn’t control him. The family knows deep down Kelly got what he had coming to him. They know first hand. They can’t say it because they want money.

  94. jaynbond :
    Yes many times in my profession. A mentally ill person may not say or show what they are feeling but for a family member to just be there, even for five minutes to say “I love you son!” gives them something to live on for a few days. Many times sustaining and restraining their actions.

    once again trying to distract attention away from the murder and back onto what a terrible parent Mr Thomas must have been

    It doesn’t matter if Mr Thomas were Hitler and Kelly was his son.. Cops in A Civilized World are not allowed to behave that way…

  95. No, I don’t know that. Why did Dad Thomas kick his son out of his house for sleeping on the porch? How hard was that? Why wouldn’t he let him use his restroom? How hard was that? Why would he not give him a meal before sending him away? How hard was that?
    A premature death is always a sad thing, but there are contributing circumstances by the family. They are trying to blame others for their lack of compassion toward their son.

  96. jaynbond :
    This case has everything to do with Ron Thomas. He is out there spewing his rot hoping to gain support for his lawsuit so that he can justify in his mind the twenty million dollars he wants from the city. He did not need twenty million to help his son, how much does a meal costs and a prescription for medication? Not twenty million dollars!!!

    I find your lack of life comprehension very disturbing.

    You are focused more on this Mr Thomas guy than on the fact the cops murdered one of your citizens.. a citizen of America.. murdered him in from of other citizens like a pack of rabid wolves

    IF Mr Thomas had not realized what they did to his son then they might do it to you or I soon if they were never stopped….. THEY DON’T Police themselves very well now do they??

    Guess you missed their “We arrested the wrong guy” BS … that is ok with you too?

  97. Okay Justice for All, you seem to know so much about it, how about answering some of my questions. Who was the first officer on scene? What did K. Thomas actually die from? FACTS not speculation. Where is the proof K. Thomas was just chillin minding his own business? This is murder you are talking about so you better be sure with hard core proof before you accuse.

  98. jaynbond :
    No, I don’t know that. Why did Dad Thomas kick his son out of his house for sleeping on the porch? How hard was that? Why wouldn’t he let him use his restroom? How hard was that? Why would he not give him a meal before sending him away? How hard was that?
    A premature death is always a sad thing, but there are contributing circumstances by the family. They are trying to blame others for their lack of compassion toward their son.

    Did Ron Thomas force those cops to kill his Son?

    Taser him 6 times
    knee drops on his skull

    Why do you want to attack him and forgive them.. you are sick.. really a sick human..

    turn the eye to what the cops did … lets see.. I deduct that you are trying to make him look terrible as a way to take the heat off the heat??

    Why do you condone what they did to Kelly

  99. Anonymous, you also keep using the work murder. Maybe you can answer some of these questions with facts???

  100. Anon. I would like to see all crooked cops on FPD fired. It is not fair to good cops to have to work with ones that are corrupt. It’s a very difficult balancing act for good cops to have to work with on a daily basis.

  101. jaynbond :
    Anon. Cops are allowed to act that way! Read the policy and procedure manual.

    I ♥ COPS :
    Okay Justice for All, you seem to know so much about it, how about answering some of my questions. Who was the first officer on scene? What did K. Thomas actually die from? FACTS not speculation. Where is the proof K. Thomas was just chillin minding his own business? This is murder you are talking about so you better be sure with hard core proof before you accuse.

    Can you imagine cops being such giant pussies that 6 of them cannot cuff a man without murdering him in the process

    I know why the DA is afraid to put out the tape.. Riots.. he knows what will happen when ppl see a Rodney King style beatdown on a little man..

    Amazing.. all that technology and still no brains or hearts.. cannot cuff a man without murdering him and dropping your knee into his skull and throat and putting him into a coma

  102. I ♥ COPS :
    Anonymous, you also keep using the work murder. Maybe you can answer some of these questions with facts???

    tell your DA to release

    911 call
    911 video
    Coroners cause of death?
    Autopsy results

    why are they withheld from the taxpayers

  103. I ♥ COPS :
    Where is the proof that he was tasered six times?

    was corroborated by witnesses.. but since the coroners report can’t be released .. when will we know the truth

    Why did beat him so badly he died.. don’t call it murder then.. why did he die from their beatings

  104. Have you seen and heard all of that? Is that how you have drawn your conclusion that K. Thomas was murdered?

  105. sigh.. well i tried to calm some of the anger.. i failed..
    i wish you peaceful dreams, and compassion for your neighbors..
    good night..

  106. jaynbond :
    Anon. I would like to see all crooked cops on FPD fired. It is not fair to good cops to have to work with ones that are corrupt. It’s a very difficult balancing act for good cops to have to work with on a daily basis.

    Then stay on topic.. How does this case against crooked cops in FPD have anything to do with Ron Thomas and if it does.. how is it a bad thing?

    Don’t confuse yourself while trying to confuse me

  107. Is it possible that in a struggle, an officer trying to tase someone, maybe does not hit his target and the taser can make a sound anyways?

  108. I ♥ COPS :
    Have you seen and heard all of that? Is that how you have drawn your conclusion that K. Thomas was murdered?

    Did I ask you a serious question you are skipping

    Why did he die from their beating on him?
    Why did they beat him so much he is now dead

    Was he dead before they questioned him?

    Was there a pool of blood where they beat on him

    Did he die of a coma induced by trauma sustained by their beatings?

    answer one or none.. you will do all you can to stay blind

  109. I ♥ COPS :
    Is it possible that in a struggle, an officer trying to tase someone, maybe does not hit his target and the taser can make a sound anyways?

    the man is dead after a “tussle” with bad cops who took the shit personal and seriously fucked up the homeless retard..

    Hopefully there are enough good cops who can protect each other and will come out with the truth about some of these mens behavior that night.

    1. From one Anonymous to another, you really should just ignore whatever is written by you know who (I <3 COPS). Reading the fonted excrement that flows from that keyboard serves no purpose other than to make the reader less intelligent.

      You're likely to get more intelligent conversation and forthright answers from a brick wall than from you know who.

      Porno acting has infinitely more brilliance than you know who ever will.

  110. I am not calling anyone a murderer. I do not have all the facts. I am not jumping to conclusions. I am not calling for the death penalty of these officers. Did he die from an injury sustained in the fight? I’m asking you if you have seen the proof?

  111. Anon. Look up a medical term, it is

    “Excited Delirium.”

    It happens many many times in situations like this.

  112. Is it possible that the taser went off several times without hitting target (K. Thomas) during struggle giving the impression that he was tasered six times??????

  113. You stated that was one of your reasons and I’m asking if you have proof of that. Not that witnesses collaborated hearing it. Do you have proof that target was tased six times?

    1. You probably already know that a taser starts making noise as soon as it’s activated, as the electrical charge tries to jump the gap between the two probes. It actually makes less noise after contacting the victim and the circuit is complete (with the victim becoming something like an overheating fuse). That being said, the whole issue here is not unlike when witnesses hear somebody being shot multiple times. Just because somebody hears gunshots isn’t “proof” that each time a bullet found its mark. But if the witnesses also hear a groan immediately after each gunshot, that’s evidence the victim was likely actually shot. More evidence might be that they also saw the vitim’s body jerk or twitch with each shot. Still more evidence might be that the victim ended up dead. And so it is with the witnesses to the tasering and the eventual death of Kelly Thomas. In the absence of proof to the contrary, such as the digital record recorded by each officer’s weapon, the dots would seem to connect beyond a reasonable doubt (not ALL doubt) that Thomas was tasered multiple times, perhaps as many or more than the five or six times reported (who’s reports were recorded contemporaneously) by the witnesses.

  114. Does anyone defending the FPD honestly believe Thomas’ death could have been caused by anything other than blunt trauma to the head? If the officers had not beat him to death they would be releasing the tape in a heartbeat to exonerate the officers instead of dragging their feet. I have not seen anyone on here claiming all cops are bad. I know the majority are decent, hardworking people with a dangerous job that rarely recognizes their heroics. However when a police chief, city council members, and mayor attempt to cover up the case and hope it goes away, people are naturally going to start distrusting and disliking the police in Fullerton. Regardless of what type of person Kelly Thomas was, whether he did drugs, antagonized people at times, robbed, he did not deserve to die the way he did. Most of us will never have the misfortune of experiencing schizophrenia. But some of us can try to imagine what it would be like to be mentally unstable and have cops getting in your face accusing you of something you did not do, recognize how scary it must be to have several large men chasing after you, throwing you down, pinning you, beating your head with a taser, tasing you numerous times, hogtying you, and jumping on your neck with their knee while you begged for help from your dad. But perhaps the numerous witnesses who have described what they saw on youtube and live radio just hate cops and would risk perjuring themselves for a man they did not know. Perhaps it was just a coincidence Kelly Thomas could be heard screaming while tasers went off in the background. Perhaps the city tried to bribe Ron Thomas with nearly a million bucks because they are generous and not because they knew his son had been beaten to death by cops. Perhaps Chief Sellers did nothing about the situation until the youtube videos surfaced because he was collecting evidence on the case. Perhaps the 5 of the 6 were left at their normal posts because Chief Sellers thought they were fixing the homeless problem in Fullerton nicely. Perhaps he is on “vacation” now because he was working so hard at helping the officers get their reports straight and finally needed some rest. Perhaps it is a coincidence Kenton Hampton is soon to be a defendant in two separate civil suits. Perhaps the toxicology report will show Thomas OD’d on heroin that night. And perhaps those who defend the FPD are unable to swallow the fact some cops are bad people capable of doing sadistic things.

  115. Best way to think of FPD is as an organized crime family with McKinley as Godfather.

    Of course there are some good honest cops but they are terrified of retaliation and won’t talk. They know the city council and OC DA will always side with the top brass. Look at the obvious lies Goodrich is able to peddle.

    We need a whistleblower who will go straight to the Feds.

  116. I love cops & Allen. – Keep it up, I love when these people go ape shit!!! What did the coroner say was the cause of death? That’s right UNDETERMINED!! So much for all the bullshit being stated on this site.

  117. Here we go again… :
    I love cops & Allen. – Keep it up, I love when these people go ape shit!!! What did the coroner say was the cause of death? That’s right UNDETERMINED!! So much for all the bullshit being stated on this site.

    Yepp.. WE all knew it.. He bludgeoned himself into a comatose state… can you imagine the abdominal and neck muscles one must have to be able to bag their skull and face and ribs into batons and boots and knees like he did.. Heroic indeed how those brave men fought off that little homeless man and saved their own souls from his beastial wrath that turned them all into violent murderers

    Listenup.. anyone that viewed the video and let those people come to work the next day.. is just as guilty

  118. i thank the couselman for showing compassion for a fellow human being-i was so sad from this it made me cry many times his dad should sue for 40 million dollars and no less hope these criminals officers?? ARE PUT IN PRISON WHERE THEY TRULY BELONG AND SUFFERE EMENSLY FROM THE PRISON POPULATION UNTILL THEIR DEATHS-THIS IS THE VERY LEAST THEY TRULY DESERVE I SHOULD SUE THEM FOR CAUSING ME SADDNESS TO MY HEARTMR. THOMAS I PRAY FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY-DO NOT LET THEM WIN EVER

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