Oops! We Did it Again!

Yes, Friends, Friends for Fullerton’s Future has been named Best Blog 2011 by our admirers at The OC Weekly. And what’s not to admire? We tell it like we see it. We insult the Hell out of people, but we don’t make stuff up and we’re going to keep at it until Fullerton gets political representation free from union hackery, corporate welfarism, and all-round general brain deadness.

And thanks to you Friends for sticking with us as we expose things that need to be exposed.

63 Replies to “Oops! We Did it Again!”

    1. The trophy is that this blog is the most read BLOG in the OC by the Fullerton police department, the Fullerton City Government, the DA, the FBI, the Fullerton City Council and men and women from ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. Now that is an honor. Say what you want about perspective. This is good stuff- truth, slant, satire, humor, spin. Makes ya think dudn’t it? Good job guys. Keep it up. The city of Fullerton will never be the same now and that is a good thing for ALL of us. THE LIGHTS ARE ON NOW AND THEY’RE NOT GOIN’ OUT.

      1. This blog never ceases to amaze me.The great investigative work behind this and the regular posts keep the momentum going. I also like the ease at which one read and post comments. I would like to see a model of a blog like this with a national theme called Americas future.org. With the impact this has had locally and the large following I know it would work nationaly as long as there where good writers who would post good investigative reports.

  1. Wow…the OCR’s in here?

    For as much as you guys deserve it, anything coming out of the Weekly ought to be disinfected first.

    And hey…DeVore’s not running (moving to TX) for Supervisor.

  2. I believe I saw officer Wolfe working the streets last night sporting shaved head. I saw him several weeks ago arrive in an white unmarked police car at an accident and shake hands with the officer at scene.

  3. Congrats!!!! Thank you for stepping up and speaking out, and be willing to get it out in print! Love ya

  4. Woohoo! Thank you for your efforts in helping to bring truth and justice to our city. It is a relief to have somewhere to go that I know will keep me informed and up to date and also allows everyone to have a voice. Thank you and congrats! 🙂

  5. From OC Weekly: “Yes, we named this feisty blog—whose world begins and ends within the Fullerton city limits—as the best blog last year, but while the major OC political blogs have imploded into irrelevancy with infighting, lawsuits, hackery and neglect, Friends for Fullerton’s Future has not only continued its muckraking, name-calling genius, but it has also broke many important stories, most crucially the Kelly Thomas death-by-cop scandal. A schizophrenic transient, Thomas was beaten by six police officers in July and died afterward—and it was Friends for Fullerton’s Future that posted the horrific picture of what the bloodied, bruised, destroyed man and found videotape showing a distressed Thomas being tased multiple times, photo and video that soon made headlines across the world. Started by Fullerton property owner Tony Bushala and featuring a cast of contributors that ranges from political activists to, um, the dead dog of former Fullerton councilwoman Jan Flory, it’s essential reading for anyone interested in the North County city—or great investigative reporting in general.”

    Nice and well earned.

    1. Are you gonna get outta that basement and help me with the jello? Those pesky marshmellows- what did I tell you Kenton…I mean FPD Rocks…if you cant say anything nice…

      1. The jello is actually a 2 part epoxy resin with cloth. The marshmallows consist of baked enamel coated forged alloy steel. Both are alot tougher and stronger than they appear to be.

  6. Thank you contibuters, Tony etc and all the commentaters-you all rock except for a few trolls-know that you are making a difference, world wide

  7. Thank you to this blog and bloggers for throwing a floodlight on the circumstances and evidence surrounding the Kelly Thomas killing. This forum provided an outlet for many who were concerned that Goliath would prevail his time.

    If Kelly Thomas finds vindication and justice in the end, much credit must go to FFFF!

  8. Wow, look at this giant contradiction: It only took DA Rackauckus a couple days to hold a press so he could cry and explain the details in the horrible OC salon shooting.


    So why’d it take him months to say anything about the murderers who killed Kelly Thomas?

    Is it because cops killed Thomas and DAs like T-Rack are in bed with bad cops and rely heavily upon them for their votes that help them keep their jobs?

    1. It took him months to try to find the emergency exit for his pals but they were all blocked. Someone should have just given him a flashlight. He would have figured out alot sooner that there was no way out. Oh wait maybe the VCR was broken and he was waiting for the parts to be brought in by raft from Malaysia. Oh I don’t know. Go figure.

    2. Yes, this really puzzled me as well. The DA says the investigation is continuing yet has a full-blown press conference detailing charges, evidence and personal feelings within a couple days of the incident. Make no mistake, that guy is a monster, but the contradictions are startling.

      1. tragically ugly contrast, yet, the treatment of kelly thomas murder and the massacre of 8 people by DA rackcauckus must be shown to show the level of corruption that translates into law enforcement may murder will nilly and others will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law

  9. Concerning the person named GHANADIAN that was driving the vehicle that crashed into the vehicles parked in front of Steamers.
    I ran the name on the Orange, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles county tax assessors data bases and guess what! The name is in the LA cnty data base in a partnership.
    The name is either phony/fictitious or is covered,meaning access to this name is not available.
    This GHANADIAN name is probably phony??
    If anyone got the license number of his vehicle, PLEASE post it ……

  10. Can you post the website stats of the visitors? That would be fun to see. Just a simple chart of countries. Sources would be fun to see as well.

    1. The FullertonsFuture.org homepage has a very respectable Google ranking of 4 out of 10. The Alexa rating is even more impressive.

      If anyone doubts the Kelly Thomas story went viral around the world beginning in late July, look at this FFFF Alexa graph.

  11. congratulations! Big City Cops, FPD, and anyone else that tries to talk smack against Kelly Thomas supporters, EAT THIS!

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

  12. Well earned gentlemen!!! This blog has shed new unseen light where others “Fullerton city council” have keep us in the dark. Nice job FFFF keep up the great work.

  13. FFFF, my first “blog”. Thank you for opening my eyes. I feel I am a better informed Fullerton resident. I promise to stay engaged and never put my head in the sand again.


  14. I can’t think of one mort important entity or any greater fiend to the city of Fullerton than the Friends For Fullerton’s Future Organiztion.
    When no one else in this city would even have the nerve to step up to the plate, you guys were digging your heels in and hitting them out of the park.

  15. good job everyone.. now i hope it is going to be usual saturday business in fullerton let us get bacvk the momentum we had and get justice for all fpd victims………..justice for all……………

  16. Anonymous :
    congratulations! Big City Cops, FPD, and anyone else that tries to talk smack against Kelly Thomas supporters, EAT THIS!
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

    That needs repeating.

    1. like that kid in Simpsons “Ha …Ha”

      Keep exposing the truth, rip off those covers- we dont know what the honey badgers are doing underground

  17. Congratulations FFFF!!!
    I didn’t know about you until the Kelly THomas killing, which I learned about in early August.
    It was also nice to hear councilman Whitaker mention FFFF was his source of the truth about the incident and that everything out of this blog came to fruition.
    I am a lifer of FFFF. Stay hot guys!

  18. shout out for tony bushala’s friends for fullerton future (FFFF). the FFFF is relief from the crapaganda put out by sharon kennedy’s fullerton observer because FFFF tells the truth to Fullerton residents and business owners in fullerton. sharon kennedy’s crapaganda for too long has schmoozed bankhead, jones and let us not forget current fullerton city councilman pat McKinley. McKinley may hold a special place in sharon kennedy’s heart as Mckinley is a colleague of her brother, rusty kennedy. and who is rusty kennedy? why he is the executive director of the orange county human relations commission where mckinley served on this commission’s board. we all know pat mckinley’s name because he is the ex-fullerton police chief who is responsible for promoting policies at fullerton police department that turned this police department from an arm of law enforcement to a hang-out for drug addicts, thieves, molesters, liars and murderers .

  19. Congratulations! Things that seemed like exaggerations or paranoia before have been proven true time and again.

  20. ‘Grats.

    P.S. I have to sign some papers in the morning so I might be a few minutes late tomorrow, I WILL be there but it might be like 9:15 instead of 9 sharp.
    @merijoe: offer still stands for coffee if no one else is there, but I think that won’t be an issue, 😉

  21. VW type 53a

    oh good i will be there at 9:15-I thought you weren’t coming out until 11- Im going to breakfast at 9 at…well- i will have admin give you my email and then i will tell you

  22. Fair enough, I was wondering how to pm people on here and so far haven’t fingered that out lol…anyways yeah, please let me know and I’ll see you there.

    Looking forward to meeting 9c1, moron and others too. 🙂

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