How About a Debate?

The following is an open letter from Chris Thompson of the Fullerton Recall to Larry Bennett, the Chairman of Protect Fullerton – Recall No (the anti-recall campaign). It was emailed directly to Larry a few moments ago.

Dear Larry Bennett,

As one of the supporters of the Fullerton Recall, I would like to publicly invite the leaders of the anti-recall committee known as Protect Fullerton – Recall No to debate the issues of this campaign. We believe that the public would benefit tremendously from your organization answering our questions publicly and openly and by the leaders of the Fullerton Recall answering yours. We are utterly open to any venue, format, time or circumstance as long as a public vetting of ideas, issues and values is the goal. Our preference would be to include the three council members involved, but we are willing to debate only the anti-recall supporters and leaders. In the hope of encouraging your participation, we are willing to call for recall supporters to stand down and even disallow protests and signage if the law allows. In fact, if it is your preference, a forum could be held in a closed environment so long as both sides are allowed to video the event in its entirety. We are willing to discuss format, rules and participants and are likely to defer to your wishes as long as the forum allows for bringing our assertions and yours into the light of day.

We have made many assertions about Pat McKinley, Don Bankhead and Dick Jones’ failure to lead. You have answered with many claims of self-interest and political axe-grinding by recall supporters. I think one thing that you and I can and will agree on is that the truth of these claims are very important to the Fullerton community.

Simply stated, if Tony Bushala is pursuing this recall for the sake of his own business interests at the expense of the taxpayers, it absolutely serves the voters of Fullerton to be educated on this reality. In fact, if I become convinced of this, I will cease to be a political ally of Tony’s. In turn, if McKinley, Bankhead and Jones have placed the protection of… and interests of public employee unions and their supporters ahead of the interests of the voters, this should be brought to light.

If right and truth are on your side, I can see little downside to this proposal for your campaign. I know that you have my number and email Larry. I look forward to hearing from you.


Chris Thompson, Representative
The Fullerton Recall

168 Replies to “How About a Debate?”

  1. I have been wanting some sort of debate between you guys for some time. While at the anti recall benefit I was hoping to be invited in to discuss these issues with who ever would talk/listen. That didn’t happen. It was all dirty looks, you can’t be here, you don’t even have a highschool diploma, f*** off, etc. I do not believe this debate will happen because the anti recallers have nothing valid to say. Prove me wrong anti recallers.

  2. My guess is they will have an extremely lengthy meeting priot to getting back to you.
    They will have to respond. Well written Chris.

  3. Chris please send the letter via US MAIL, FEDEX, UPS, DHL, REGISTERED MAIL, PROCESS SERVER, COURIER, AND PONY EXPRESS. Follow up as if it were THE glenngary lead of the century. If they refuse, they will have just created the most powerful talking point of the 2012 election season. They can only hide for so long. As a Fullerton resident and taxpayer, I truly commend your efforts to make our community safer and our government more accountable and transparent. I think the sleeping giant is awakening and Blue Label will have no affect on it.

  4. Great letter Chris, looks like you were sober when you wrote it. Why should they debate? The election was last November!

    1. Poor Form old chap! Ad hominem attacks so quick! My my, what a demonstration of poor upbringing!

    2. Right. When nobody knew Bankhead was senile and McKinley created a murdering Culture of Corruption in the FPD. Oh, yeah, in 2008 that HeeHaw was a major ignorant asshole.

      1. Everybody who was paying attention already knew most of these things, Bankhead and Jones have been useless fools for, well, forever. I guess the difference is now we have a lot more peoples’ attention.

    3. If these three city councilman are going publicly to make Tony Bushala and Chris Thompson their scapegoats for all of their mistakes than you would think that they would at least have the decency to confront them with their accusations in a public forum like Chris Thompson has readily agreed to do.
      Chris Thompson has thrown down the gauntlet and publicly called all three of these councilman on their bullshit, so it’s now up to them to defend themselves or shut the fuck up and start owning up to what is supposed to be their responsibilities and stop blaming everyone else for all of the problems that they themselves have created.

  5. Why bother. They’ll say some things that you don’t agree with and vice versa. Highly doubt either side will convince a voter to change sides. More fodder for this site for sure.

      1. It will be a political suicide if these corrupt Fullerton politicans accept the Debate. These Fullerton leaders and politicans are idiots but not crazy.

        1. Very true. Political suicide to accept this debate. That’s why they won’t. Politicians know to avoid lose lose situations. They like that middle ground.

  6. “Dr. Murray’s reckless conduct in this case poses a demonstrable risk to the public,” Judge Michael Pastor said. “Public safety demands that he be remanded into custody.”


    There are now 2 individuals (AKA: Fullerton police officers) who have been indicted for a brutal murder, and yet they were granted bail and are now free.

    What’s wrong with this picture???

  7. Great Letter, and great idea! So far I have not heard any substantial points or information in the Recall favor unless it is just “they had nothing to do with it.” It is more about just…”it”. Would love to be in attendance…love it, hope it happens!!

  8. OOPS…not “Recall Favor” MEANT So far I have not heard any substantial points or information in the “ANTI RECALL FAVOR”.

  9. Good job Chris, that was well written. The voters in Fullerton deserve this, and I can’t wait to hear the anti-recall’s response. After being at the anti fund raiser with Friendly Neighbor I can attest to the hostile attitude they hold; I was shocked to be standing there saying absolutely nothing, threatened by bouncers that I was to be removed for being on on private property, being called rude and told to “F off”. McKinley even glared at me and pointed me out to a woman next to him as a “rat”. PLEASE make this debate happen!

  10. He was glaring at me when Ackerman pointed me out with my video camera. I captured them whispering about me on video. lol
    There is a great ‘evil’ looking shot of McKinley also glaring right at the camera. I can’t figure out how to post that on here.
    Clickin’ and draggin’ didn’t work. Anyone?

    1. post it on You Tube first and then you’ll be able to send the link to other forums like FFFF and Facebook from the You Tube website.

    2. What kind of reception did you think you were going to get showing up and video taping? WG and VW you said it was hostile? You mean the the same hostility any of them would have received if they were to show up on a Sat at a protest? The same hostility shown at the Sat protest when someone was climbing up the flag pole at city hall or vandalizing the attorney sign across the street or tearing down the crime banner at the PD. The same kind of hostility shown towards them at a council meeting? You mean that kind of hostility?

      Wrong Guy arent you Ron Thomas? Why did you show up in the first place? You had no business being there. Sounds like you were looking to incite trouble. Nice job. Way to set a good example. Did you bring your baseball bat for Jones?

      If any of those guys showed up on a Sat they would be crucified. I just lost any respect i had for Ron.

      I hope there is a debate, but i doubt it. There is no way you guys could stay away and keep your mouths shut for a couple of hours without getting rude and hostile.

    1. Even better would be to sell tickets and the rights closed circuit coverage to this debate, and use the proceeds to benefit the homeless here in Fullerton during the holiday season. Win/Win for everone.

  11. Let me think of the ways the Recall No folks will use to not accept the offer to debate.

    1) Foolishness
    2) Object to: a) the moderator b) taping/filming of the event c) location/scheduling issues
    3) They do not want to
    4) Too public an event

    Wonder if there will be a write up of the offer in the Fullerton Observer or OC Register.

  12. In the last recall, there were three separate debates. You can expect that debate requests will start to come forth, once the recall petitions have been qualified. WSH

  13. Nice letter. Good to see you are attempting to address the Tony thoughts. I doubt they will respond and doubt they will do it but at least you tried.

  14. I would like to hear from Fullerton residents in this blog. All supporters from other Cities, can you please withhold your comments, just for a monent. I just want read, Fullerton people just say “Yeh”. I am a resident. Please come forward .

        1. I do not live in Fullerton but I used to shop and drink ooops imbibe in Fullerton quite regularly. Now i avoid Fullerton. About 4 years ago, I almost moved to Fullerton, I liked it so much but it would have been too far to drive for wifey’s work 3 x week.
          To say I should not have a say in the mess that Fullerton is in is disingenuous. Now that is a word that even Tuco Benedicto Juan Maria Ramirez knows!
          Fullerton to the Fullertonians! Hoorah for the Gray! OOPS! Hoorah for the Blue!
          No intelligent person would dare venture into the Fullerton Badlands run by the Fullerton PD. Still see Sgt. Goodlie got a job! Officer Wolfe on payroll. Lots of bad apples in them badlands still there, tells me Acting Chief is snoring. The real chief is hurt bad man, he’s got a case of blue flu itis. Wants to git outta Dodge on a $200,000 a year pension.
          Yup we sure do not want to move to Fullerton anymore. No wonder there are 43% underwater homes for sale!

  15. cg :
    I would like to hear from Fullerton residents in this blog. All supporters from other Cities, can you please withhold your comments, just for a monent. I just want read, Fullerton people just say “Yeh”. I am a resident. Please come forward .


  16. vw type 53a :

    cg :
    I would like to hear from Fullerton residents in this blog. All supporters from other Cities, can you please withhold your comments, just for a monent. I just want read, Fullerton people just say “Yeh”. I am a resident. Please come forward .



  17. Sorry, I guess we are done. But I can only hope. It’s a good thing that we have people from other Cities that are into Fullerton. Would have never happened if it was not for one homeless sick man, giving his life, at the hands of our FUCKED FPD, Fullerton would be just a quick train stop, if not for this poor man.

  18. Hey cg,
    Wrong tack, we are fed up with pushy, aggressive and arrogant people telling us what to do.
    You my put forth thoughts and ideas with the hope of influencing people which is your right to do, but don’t come asking people outside of Fullerton to withhold their comments.
    We need everybody to embrace this blog because it is an important instrument/tool of the movement for the reformation of this city.
    This blog appears to have a high percentage of people that do NOT approve of many ways the city is managed and operated aside from the FPD and the city council. Many of our concerns are being vetted and discussed across the United States.
    I would thankfully invite and include all efforts and contributions by all persons in support of the goal to PUNISH all participants and condoners in the beating, torture, and death of Kelly Thomas.

  19. Hey Anonymous
    Sure glad you mentioned climbing a flag pole to be such an affront and endangerment to the public safety. This is about as petty as it gets.
    Probably 10% of the prison population are incarcerated for similar offenses. Such acts of spontaneous behavior would have 50% of the fans at a hockey game in jail and ALL the players.

  20. Leaders of the anti-recall committee known as Protect Fullerton are cowardice and will NOT participate in Debate.

  21. After years of reckless policies, Fullerton is in deep budget deficit and financial crisis in 2012 and years to come.
    Your pension will be cut deeply in 2012 and beyond because there is little money in the banks.
    Warning: Corrupt polices and politicans are only a small issue to deal with. It is time to get rid of corrupt systems and Fullerton does not want snakes guard hen house.
    But you do not want a successful recall because these crooks will leave a huge mess behind. Are you ready to deal with it?

    1. Yes Yes yes (i picture you marching city hall with your sign and two people behind you). I’ve learned people love to talk talk talk in this day and age, but getting people to act is very hard.

    2. I can guarantee you one thing though. No ones pension will be cut deep, or cut at all, in 2012. That I can assure you.

  22. Yes that is reality but how can reality be changed? A good leader will make a stand against government waste and be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

    1. I just said 2012 LOL. Even though I do feel existing pensions and existing employees pensions won’t change. I think changes will be made to new employees pensions. Time will tell.

      1. Yes, those are the facts. The sum of facts = reality. But for changing reality it takes more… to be part of the solution instead of the problems is what creates change. To know the facts of the way things are and profit from the problems will not help create a solution. I wish to be apart of the solution instead of profiting from the problem.

  23. what is there to debate?
    Chris Thompson”Why did our city council persons Jones, Bankhead and McKinley first ignore then cover-up the fact the Fullerton Police dept. beat a disabled, homeless man to death?”
    Larry Bennett”What murder? Oh, you mean the Kelly Thomas guy where his father Ron only cares about suing the city for money? Ron never cared about his son. As for cover-up of Kelly’s murder by our police officers, its only an accusation not a fact so our dear civic leaders, Jones, Bankhead and McKinley, could not cover-up something that did not happen.”
    Chris”surveillance tape and eyewitness accounts, coroner’s autopsy all prove Fullerton PD beat Kelly to death.”
    Larry Bennett ” That is not proof that our dear civic leaders, Jones, Bankhead, McKinley, ignored then covered-up a murder. Instead, our dear leaders have taken great steps to improve the quality of life for our city’s homeless by setting up a task force on homelessness that facilitates listening sessions.”
    Chris T. “How many homeless are on this taskforce?”
    Larry “Maybe one?”
    Chris”How many on this task force are friends, supporters, hangers-on of Bankhead, Jones and McKinley?”
    Larry” At this time I would like to bring the public’s attention to the wonderful 10 million dollar improvements on Fullerton’s library that now includes a coffee bar! We must thank our city council members, especially Jones and Bankhead for bringing us this new and improved library.”

  24. Anonymous :What kind of reception did you think you were going to get showing up and video taping? WG and VW you said it was hostile? You mean the the same hostility any of them would have received if they were to show up on a Sat at a protest? The same hostility shown at the Sat protest when someone was climbing up the flag pole at city hall or vandalizing the attorney sign across the street or tearing down the crime banner at the PD. The same kind of hostility shown towards them at a council meeting? You mean that kind of hostility?
    Wrong Guy arent you Ron Thomas? Why did you show up in the first place? You had no business being there. Sounds like you were looking to incite trouble. Nice job. Way to set a good example. Did you bring your baseball bat for Jones?
    If any of those guys showed up on a Sat they would be crucified. I just lost any respect i had for Ron.
    I hope there is a debate, but i doubt it. There is no way you guys could stay away and keep your mouths shut for a couple of hours without getting rude and hostile.

    You should
    change your name to clueless.

  25. Stop Stop stop. I agree with most of the letter. Chris is now offereing to cut out the people to get them to debate the issues. Thats a no no. Only Fullerton residents should be allowed to be in attendance.

  26. Ron or Wrong guy is not Ron Thomas. If you had been to the protests as you say you have been anonymous you’d already know they are two separate and distinct persons!

  27. Anonymous is Clueless:

    He states: “You mean the the same hostility any of them would have received if they were to show up on a Sat at a protest? The same hostility shown at the Sat protest when someone was climbing up the flag pole at city hall or vandalizing the attorney sign across the street or tearing down the crime banner at the PD. The same kind of hostility shown towards them at a council meeting? You mean that kind of hostility?”

    And I, Wrong Guy am Ron Thomas.
    You are not only clueless; you are gutless which is why your name is Anonymous (puss).

        1. You’re asking too many questions, ya dipshit. If you want to play narc take your act to South Central — I’m sure the boyz in the hood will be glad to give you a job as worm food.

  28. Remember Fullerton PD, “If you are gonna shoot, shoot! Don’t talk!

    That Sgt. Goodlie talks too much! Eats too much! He looks too slow……….

  29. We have seen Travis and his public speaking skills. He is out. Chris is good if you catch him sober. The Register reported today some of the people on the Bushala payrole. Maybe Bushala can pay someone to debate for him?

  30. I wonder how many of these bloggers are being paid to post? I know some of the signature gathers are being paid. This could impact their future SSI checks.

    1. The only ones being paid to post are RI and his ilk..posting on the public dime while eating their donuts. They are truly shameless.

  31. When you work, your Supplemental Security Income
    (SSI) payments are reduced by some of your earnings.
    When you receive SSI and are self-employed, Social
    Security is going to look at your net business profits, not
    gross income. Your net profit is calculated by taking
    your gross income minus any allowable business
    expenses. Your net profit is then averaged over the
    entire 12 months of the year and is used to calculate
    your monthly SSI payments. Your annual net profit will
    be averaged over the entire calendar year, even if you
    only worked a few months in the year.

  32. Uh oh. Where did that post go about Chris and the $10k and the scandal? Hope that was made up. That could kill the recall.

  33. These people posting about SSI checks obviously have no REALITY about everyday people, the economy, and the economic events of the past few years that have taken innocent, hard-working individuals and have them accepting SSI and unemployment. As I said before, they think they are above the common folk and will do anything in their power to win-including screwing over anyone they can.

  34. Here’s a debate for you. It’s debatable whether or not Chris can lay off the booze long enough to actually show up to a debate.

  35. Sheep :Neither clueless or gutless. Just fed up with the shenanigans of this group. So WG are you or are you not RT?

    Sorry Sherlock, I am not Ron Thomas. Talked with him on many occassions though.

  36. The murder of Kelly Thomas at the hand’s of certain members of the Fullerton P.D. is a tragedy beyond comprehension and the officers involved must be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

    However, the citizens of Fullerton need to be aware that FFFF blogger, TONY BUSHALA (the individual who is funding the recall movement and using CHRIS THOMPSON as his paid $$$ front man, because, for whatever reason, Tony chooses not to speak for himself), is using this tragedy to further his own agenda, and most importantly, to line his own pocket$.

    GET ALL THE FACTS PEOPLE! Here are some of them:

    a) TONY BUSHALA is a multimillionaire real estate “developer” who was given his money by his multimillionaire parents.

    b) Tony has used some of mom and dad’s money to secure cushy “development” deals with the help of votes in his favor from members of the Fullerton City Council (including council members he is now trying to recall). These cushy deals helped make multimillionaire TONY even richer! These cushy deals are part of the Fullerton City Council record and as such are available to the public for review – read them.

    c) Now that the current Fullerton city council members will no longer “play ball” with Tony by handing over still more cushy development deals, TONY has turned on them and wants them out of office.

    d) Being the man of great character that TONY is, he has sunk to the lowest of lows by using the death of Kelly Thomas to misdirect the understandable anger of Fullerton’s citizens away from the police officers who killed Kelly, and toward the city council members who refuse to keep handing out the cushy development deals $$$ that Tony so desperately craves.

    e) TONY BUSHALA’S plan, his end-goal, is to fill the city council with people who will do his bidding. Tony will use his family money to finance the campaigns of individuals running in the next election for the Fullerton City Council who will support his insatiable greed by voting in favor of all the sweet development deals Tony want$.

    g) A special recall election will be expensive. Who will pay for it? You the citizens of Fullerton – with you hard-earned tax dollars. You pay, and TONY BUSHALA profits. What a guy!


    I suggest that those of you who read this blog site redirect some of your energies away from the three council members Tony wants recalled and instead direct your energy to finding out more about TONY BUSHALA:

    In all his years in Fullerton, what has Tony Bushala done to better the quality of life in Fullerton for all its citizens?

    In all his years in Fullerton, what has Tony Bushala done to help the homeless population? For example, has he volunteered to work in any of the local church-run soup kitchens that feed Fullerton’s homeless?

    In all his years in Fullerton, what elected public offices has Tony Bushala held (or run for) out of his concern for the welfare of Fullerton’s citizens?

    In all his years in Fullerton, how many times has Tony Bushala volunteered to sit on any civic committees which provide input to the city council regarding needed community parks, the senior center, the library, city street safety issues, community services, etc?


    Wake up citizens of Fullerton to the fact that you are being used as pawns in Tony Bushala's greed & ego game and to the fact that Chris Thompson is Tony's well-paid mouth piece.

      1. Not true, Reality Is. Note the news coverage of him before this all began. Zippo. And plus, why the hell does a Pomona cop with a gambling fetish give a shit about all of this? Unless……..

        Smoke screens, people. I’ve gotten to know Tony over this past year and am proud to know him and call him a friend. He’s generous to a fault. And let’s talk about the task force, shall we?

        Wait, no. I feel a post coming on…..

        1. I saw it on the news before. You are assuming you know who this is at 7:08pm on tuesday night. You should know never to assume. 🙂

          Of course he is your friend. Why wouldn’t he be?

          Task force. Yummy.

          Post. Pot? Spark it.

    1. allthefacts: If what you said is true…

      1. Why does Tony (and the content of his blog) openly support the ELIMINATION of the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency? Why would he do such a thing if his motive is to line his pockets with redevelopment projects?

      2. Since Jones and Bankhead vote yes on 99.5% of all projects put before them, why would Tony need “his own people” to push his projects through?

      I look forward to your answers.

    2. all?thefacts, From what I’ve read, other than the Historic Santa Fe Depot preservation project which Tony Bushala spent his own money (not the city’s) to restore the building, I don’t know of any projects Tony Bushala has “developed”.

      Please list Bushala’s projects by address that Tony has “developed”. I’d like to decide for myself if they were good or bad for the city of Fullerton. I’d like to see what kind of projects he’s done here in Fullerton.


    3. I guess the definition of a “fact” with you is whatever big government, union cronies claim. I will foolishly waste my time and deal with your spewing inanity for the sake of a few of my signature gatherers who were irritated with your comment.

      a. Tony is not a developer. Nobody has presented any evidence that he is a developer.

      b. You cannot name a development that Tony profited from as a result of critical city council votes.

      c. If you can’t refute a or b , c is irrelevant.

      d. If you could answer a and b with real information, I would potentially agree with you.

      e. Again…a and b.

      f. This is getting boring.

      The rest of your post is just drivel. The reason Kelly Thomas was beaten to death was because 2 or 3 evil men wanted to and reasonably concluded that union power would allow them to get away with it. If anybody thinks that a task force on homelessness would have prevented this, they did not listen to the DA’s description of the facts. These cops didn’t misunderstand the plight of the homeless. They wanted to beat the living hell out of a guy.

      As for me being Tony’s mouthpiece, have you read the blog? Have you listened to the radio? You trying to tell me you can’t dig up any of Tony’s own opinion? The PAC, which I will certainly acknowledge is primarily funded by Tony, is paying me a comparatively modest fee to be able to dedicate 70 hours a week to this, rather than the 20 I might be able to without that support. If people choose to discredit me or the campaign as a result of that fact, so be it.

      I can draw only two possible conclusions. You are an idiot, or you are a liar.

      1. Thank you, Chris, for addressing this which is par for their ilk. I still see the person cannot or will not answer a and b.

    4. If this sad rambling pile o’ crap is any indication of their intellectual level, I think the Antis had better just give up now. They’ve had it.

  37. Anonymous :
    What kind of reception did you think you were going to get showing up and video taping? WG and VW you said it was hostile? You mean the the same hostility any of them would have received if they were to show up on a Sat at a protest? The same hostility shown at the Sat protest when someone was climbing up the flag pole at city hall or vandalizing the attorney sign across the street or tearing down the crime banner at the PD. The same kind of hostility shown towards them at a council meeting? You mean that kind of hostility?
    Wrong Guy arent you Ron Thomas? Why did you show up in the first place? You had no business being there. Sounds like you were looking to incite trouble. Nice job. Way to set a good example. Did you bring your baseball bat for Jones?
    If any of those guys showed up on a Sat they would be crucified. I just lost any respect i had for Ron.
    I hope there is a debate, but i doubt it. There is no way you guys could stay away and keep your mouths shut for a couple of hours without getting rude and hostile.

    Here’s the deal: When people drive or walk by the protests and shout insults I just smile at them. Don’t pretend to know me or how I act towards others because you don’t. Like I said before, I was just standing there at the anti recall fundraiser; I said nothing at all to any of those folks but it didn’t stop them from being ugly.

    I hate it when people make assumptions about me or what I do when they have absolutely no clue. Now go find someone else to paint with that wide brush of yours, ok?

    and how many people on this same taskforce genuinely and consistently cared about the welfare of the homeless and mentally ill street people? Having lived within close proximity of the armory on Brookhurst and Valencia, I don't recall Pam Keller, Rusty Kennedy handing out food or blankets to the homeless, matter of fact, I never saw anyone or organization helping these people with much which may explain why they walked around in dirty raggedy clothing, looked malnourished and had all their possessions in a grocery cart, backpack or plastic bag. name me all the persons on the listening session/homeless task force who every week directly helped the homeless.

  39. Allthe facts – pardon my French, but @#$% you………I took time out of my work day to introduce myself to Tony recently.

    Among the things we discussed were reasons why I felt what he was doing and why it was important for the community. The discussion centered around character, integrity, honesty and doing things for the right moral reasons. Lessons taught to us by parents.

    I saw him tear up as I listed why I felt his efforts should be recognized by someone with a voice, in person, because of all those who did not have a voice or a chance to express their appreciation. I had a voice and a chance to thank him. I was not going to pass that opportunity up.

    At no time did I get the impression this was about loading the City Council up for his own endeavors.

    Seems to me the scenario you describe with the City Council is currently in affect with the 3 blind mice. Shame on you for suggesting a similar scenario with Tony.

    1. My sentiments exactly when it comes to Tony Bushala. I’ve found him to be one of the most sincere and engaging people in Fullerton, and the very last person that I would ever characterize as a “bully”.
      That’s the part of the political rhetoric that I find amusing because the Tony Bushala that I know would be described as gregarious, affable,charitable, and extremely humble. His truck actually looks like something “Baretta” used to drive

  40. Chris, a debate is an excellent idea. I for one would love to hear you debate the opposition.

    Perhaps the first topic of debate could be the ethical and legal implications of letting a young woman, in this case, Jacki Brazil, use your home address to register to vote in Fullerton despite the fact that Ms. Brazil is not a resident of Fullerton. Certainly a public servant such as yourself knows that doing so is against the law?

    For those of you who follow this blog and may not be aware, Jacki Brazil has received payment from The Fullerton Recall (read: Tony Bushala) to collect signatures for the recall effort. Ms. Brazil is a resident of La Habra, yet for some reason, Chris Thompson allowed Ms. Brazil to use his home address when she registered to vote as a resident of Fullerton. That’s called voter fraud and it’s illegal.

    Chris, can you explain how it is that unethical and illegal behavior makes you better than the opposition?

    1. I’ve been considering doing a blog post on this, but I’ve been busy since learning of this claim yesterday afternoon.

      It’s a completely reasonable question if asked by an average citizen who does not have ready access to the Registrar of voters database. It was not a reasonable assertion by Larry Bennett and Dick Ackerman’s union apologist team as they do have immediate access to this information.

      I acknowledge that the assertion could look suspicious at first glance. To clarify the critical question asked on the anti-recall website, I am not, nor have I ever rented out my house to any out of town signature gatherers. Jackie Brazil and my family members are/were the only individuals registered to vote at my home. Again, a fact that was easily verifiable by the anti-recall supporters who continue to spew completely irrelevant crap in their effort to distract from the real issues of this recall.

      Here’s the absolute and complete story. Jackie Brazil is a very bright, very sweet young lady who was looking to rent a room to live with a family…before the Kelly Thomas incident even occured. I had a room available as my oldest son is away at college and my oldest daughter was living with a friend in an apartment. Jackie moved into our home in June, prior to the Kelly Thomas incident. She moved in completely. Her furniture, her mail, her food, her cordoned off shelf in our refrigerator and the pantry, etc… Unlike Linda Ackerman, the wife of anti-recall leader Dick Ackerman who lied through her teeth about moving into the home of Dr. Dolan in her carpet-bagging attempt to run for State Assembly, Jackie slept in her room every night but maybe 5 (where she slept at her mom’s house) over the course of 3 months of living here. At the beginning of this month, Jackie elected to move to a different location in Fullerton where she currently resides.

      Almost immediately upon my involvement in this recall, Jackie expressed interest and offered her contracted services both in recall administration, and to a lesser extent in signature gathering. Prior to gathering a single signature, she registered at what was her current, legitimate residence, my home. I have verified that Jackie has re-registered to vote at her new Fullerton address, but with respect to the recall, it is a moot point as she has not gathered any signatures since moving out of my home.

      That’s the whole story. We’ll see how anti-recall supporters spin this going forward. The reasonable question has been asked and answered, and all truth and evidence supports this transparent explanation.

  41. hmmm — “blah, blah, blah,” that’s your defense for unethical and illegal behavior?

    Are you saying that it’s okay for Chris to do things that are unethical and illegal? Isn’t that a double standard?

    And by the way, it’s not “old news now,” it happened on Sept. 16th of this year, less than two months ago and only came to light recently. Does time frame somehow right wrongs to your way of thinking? What is your moral compass set to?

  42. hmmm — Actually, I do know. Jacki Brazil is not a housekeeper or “caretaker” in the Thompson household. Even if she were, she would have to LIVE in their home, which she does not. Jacki Brazil is also not a relative of Chris Thompson. Doubt me? Ask Chris yourself.

    Better yet, Chris, why don’t you address this issue for the benefit of your readers?

    1. Just following up and reading this. You sure seem to claim to have a lot of information for somebody who is unaware of the legitimate nature of her registration.

    2. Did you not read the entirety of comment #127 where this was adressed? What more is there to explain?

  43. hmmm — You’re sure Chris will respond? We’ll see. I hope he does. Sad that you consider the truth regarding illegal behavior to be “grasping at straws.”

  44. Does anyone else share my view that “Recall No” isn’t exactly a slogan that slips off the tongue? Wouldn’t it have made more sense for them to have just written “No Recall”?

    1. “When you say Recall, we say NO! ”



      …nah they’re not that clever. Old perverts and bats.

  45. Regarding post #136 above by JaquelineLivesInFullerton – it is interesting to me to note that last night,
    post #127 above was not a post made by Chris Thompson. Yet somehow, today, his post has magically appeared in the #127 position today as if he responded much sooner than he actually did while a back-and-forth series of posts was going on between myself and a poster named “hmmm.” Last night it was either one of my posts of hmmm’s posts that was in the #127 position. This means that at some point since very late last night, Chris Thompson or one of the other bloggers at FFFF, either acting as this site’s webmaster, or with the aid of the webmaster, inserted Chris’ post at the #127 position. This is obvious if you read the exchange between myself and hmmm that Chris’ post #127 was not there at that time.

    I just noticed that Chris pulled the same stunt with his post #120 which was also not there last night. There was a post #120 last night, but it was not Chris’ post. Again, this was obviously inserted at a later time into that position and the rest of the numbers on posts below it changed accordingly.

    Could it be that Chris felt he needed to make it look as though he had responded earlier while giving himself time to come up with responses that would placate his followers?

    Of course this is not a big deal, but it a small yet significant indication of the manipulation Chris and his fellow FFFF cronies who run this site will go to in an attempt to mislead their readers.

    1. It’s widely known by those of us that post here regularly that the post numbers change when someone replies to a comment above. Try to keep up.

    2. And this lack of attention you have paid to how the numbering system for the comments constantly fluctuates is a small yet significant indication of the ignorant, finger-pointing claims made by the three City Council members and their cronies in an attempt to redirect legitimate arguments to things that don’t matter.

    3. I’ll prove to you right now that you’re dumber than a pile of rocks.

      Your post is currently #141 as of 4:18pm on November 9th. I’m going to add a reply to a post above yours and everything below it will increase by one number. Thus, your post will become #142, or maybe a higher number, if other people add additional replies above.

        1. If Larry Bennett is the person posting as oneeast34, then it’s rather depressing. I used to have quite a bit of respect for the guy. He’s not a stupid man, but his actions over the past 4-8 weeks prove that I overestimated his intelligence and maturity by a long shot.

          1. I’ve been called David Ellis and some other names. Everyone here is everyone else. I just wanna be a pig.

          2. I think even those who aren’t for the recall are still disappointed in the City Council members as well. I heard some comments that led me to believe they’re disappointed in the men they voted for, but they still like them personally and, therefore, are speaking out on their behalf and attending their fundraiser(s), etc.

            1. I just watched a city council perform dealing with a similar incident. They expressed their condolences to the family and friends and they know losing a loved one is a hard thing to deal with. They ensured a fair and honest investigation, and would keep them in their prayers. As with Fullerton, they also knew nothing about the facts of the incident, but expressed sympathy. I guess it was all the same thing Fullerton did, but maybe Fullerton council didn’t show enough sympathy. I looked at this council as a group though, even though deep down I would want 2-3 of the group out as well. I just think if you go after a council, you go after all of them unless they are part of your activist group or vote along your lines day by day.

              1. Yes, exactly. All they had to do was express their condolences (which doesn’t necessarily mean admitting guilt or assigning blame). And when they realized they should have done that, they could have even apologized for not doing that and yet still didn’t. It’s been a whole series of unfortunate decisions that have let the citizens down. Funny you should say that the whole Council should perhaps be recalled because I was thinking that focusing in on one person might be more effective than getting at all three. If I were to choose, I would say Pat McKinley has acted with the least amount of professionalism and has the deepest emotional investment with the Fullerton PD and, therefore, a motivation to act more on their behalf than on behalf of the citizens. Although it saddens me to think of those as two separate sides because, ideally, it would all be one side.

          3. Sorry, Dozier, but I’m not Larry Bennett. Just a concerned citizen who finds it sad that the majority of posters here drink so much of the Bushala/Thompson Kool-Aid that they can’t think for themselves.

            1. I notice the anti-recall whores read from scripts prepared by Dick “I am a dick” Ackerman. So tell me again: who can’t think for themselves?


    4. In other words you don’t have a logical point or response to Chris’ post so you’re stuck nitpicking over minutia.

  46. Thanks to all of you who explained how the reply feature works on this site, not what I am used to on other message boards. My bad and my apologies to Chris.

    1. Thank you for graciously admitting that you were wrong. It’s understandable that you weren’t familiar with the feature. Sorry to have been snarky with you, but I’m sure you can understand why so many of us had that immediate reaction.

  47. Below are parts of Chris’ post with my responses. You can read his post in its entirety up above^.
    “It’s a completely reasonable question if asked by an average citizen who does not have ready access to the Registrar of voters database. It was not a reasonable assertion by Larry Bennett and Dick Ackerman’s union apologist team as they do have immediate access to this information.”

    ** Chris, I am an average citizen, but why is that relevant? You are saying that the question is reasonable if asked by the average citizen but not by someone with access to the voter database. Why does the source of the question matter as relates to the answer to the question? Do you let the source of questions determine your answers? Could it be that you are just upset because this information is now available to the average citizen?
    “Here’s the absolute and complete story.”

    ** I have to agree, it is a story. We’ll see exactly what info. comes out when this situation is investigated as possible voter fraud.
    ” Jackie moved into our home in June, prior to the Kelly Thomas incident. She moved in completely. Her furniture, her mail, her food, her cordoned off shelf in our refrigerator and the pantry, etc……. ……Jackie slept in her room every night but maybe 5 (where she slept at her mom’s house) over the course of 3 months of living here. At the beginning of this month, Jackie elected to move to a different location in Fullerton where she currently resides.”

    ** Chris, your math doesn’t add up. According to you, Jacki moved into your home in June and moved out at the beginning of this month, November. That means she would have lived with you for at least four full months and possibly longer, depending on when in June she allegedly moved in. It’s still a nice story, though.

    1. Below are parts of Chris’ post with oneease34’s responses and my responses to those responses.
      “It’s a completely reasonable question if asked by an average citizen who does not have ready access to the Registrar of voters database. It was not a reasonable assertion by Larry Bennett and Dick Ackerman’s union apologist team as they do have immediate access to this information.”

      ** Chris, I am an average citizen, but why is that relevant? You are saying that the question is reasonable if asked by the average citizen but not by someone with access to the voter database. Why does the source of the question matter as relates to the answer to the question? Do you let the source of questions determine your answers? Could it be that you are just upset because this information is now available to the average citizen?

      *** His point is that he understands why you would ask such a question but that it was misleading for Dick Ackerman’s union and Bennett to pose that question when they knew what had honestly occurred and were, therefore, only misleading the public. This is obvious seeing as how you have really grasped onto this accusation.
      “Here’s the absolute and complete story.”

      ** I have to agree, it is a story. We’ll see exactly what info. comes out when this situation is investigated as possible voter fraud.

      *** Definition of “story”:
      a : an account of incidents or events
      b : a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question
      ” Jackie moved into our home in June, prior to the Kelly Thomas incident. She moved in completely. Her furniture, her mail, her food, her cordoned off shelf in our refrigerator and the pantry, etc……. ……Jackie slept in her room every night but maybe 5 (where she slept at her mom’s house) over the course of 3 months of living here. At the beginning of this month, Jackie elected to move to a different location in Fullerton where she currently resides.”

      ** Chris, your math doesn’t add up. According to you, Jacki moved into your home in June and moved out at the beginning of this month, November. That means she would have lived with you for at least four full months and possibly longer, depending on when in June she allegedly moved in. It’s still a nice story, though.

      *** Whether she has lived in his home or another home in Fullerton for the last month, she has been a Fullerton resident.

      I have a question for you, oneeast34: Even assuming that Chris is totally bold-face lying (which I don’t believe he is), what does any of this have to do with the recall and why the three City Council members should or should not be removed from office? This seems to be a really feeble attempt at redirecting the real issue at hand.

  48. oneeast34:

    How would you know if this matter is being investigated for possible voter fraud if you’re just an average citizen? It’s because you’re intimately involved with the No Recall campaign…hardly an average citizen.

    My guess is you’re one of the following people:
    1. Larry Bennett
    2. Dick Ackerman, or his wife
    3. That miserable wretch named Jan Flory

  49. Another reason I believe oneeast34 is Larry Bennett is because he’s a self-proclaimed “numbers guy” and the obsession with dates, elapsed time, the numbering system used for replies…this all fits Larry’s personality to a tee.

  50. Late in responding here…

    Excellent letter, Chris. It sufficiently puts him/them into a corner where they have to put up or shut up. They can choose to do neither, of course. That choice will only further help us with the signature gathering as have all their blunders and ill-thought out actions.

    I find it vile and disgusting when someone takes a tiny fact and builds a mountain of BS around it, giving it an air of credibility to those too stupid to either see through it or at least research what they hear. I’m referring to the supposed facts (cough) listed about Chris Thompson and Tony Bushala.

    Equally vile and disgusting is to trash a young woman as a means of getting to someone else.

    The old saying is true: “Desperate people do desperate things”. It’s not easy to see things slipping from your grasp – I get that. But you anti-recall people are really embarrassing yourselves with the levels you’re sinking to.

  51. My thought is that the three blind mice will choose to ignore the debate request, as in their mind acknowledgement will “give those Bushala folks legitimacy”.

    1. I would love to see Thompson versus the utterly corrupt Irvine asshole, Ackerman.

      Question number one: where do you live?

      Of course the three blind mice have only one supporter who doesn’t wear Depends – the fool Larry Bennett. That’s all they’ve got.

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