Breaking News: Kelly’s Mom Sues Rackauckas
According to our Friend Scott Moxley over at the OC Weekly, the mother of Kelly Thomas, Cathy Thomas has sued our illustrious District Attorney, Tony Rackauckas. It seems she wants to gain access to materials collected by the DA about the murder of her son by officers of the Fullerton Police Department.
Naturally, the DA said no, forcing Ms. Thomas to sue.
It sure would be nice for someone outside of law enforcement to takle a look at just how the DA came up with the dubious theory that only two cops were implicated in criminal activity; that Officer Joe Wolfe had no idea what was going on just 15 feet from where he was standing; or why he exculpated Hampton and Blatney who not only made made no effort to stop Cicinelli’s tasering and beatdown on Kelly, but seemed to have piled on; his take on the role of Sergeant Craig who seems to have coordinated mop-up operations while the dying man was waiting for hospital transportation; his reasoning behind not charging superiors in a blatant criminal conspiracy to cover up the misdeeds of the McKinley Six.
Well, good luck, Cathy.
Joe, here is the full petition that was filed with the court by Cathy Thomas’ attorney:
An Omen to the Kelly Thomas Trial Outcome
As most know, Police Brutality is not unique to Fullerton. It seems power drunk cops are everywhere. Just ask Ronnie Holloway about New Jersey police and the associated court system.
Similar to Kelly Thomas, Holloway is schizophrenic (according to his mother, Betty, with whom he has lived for more than 20 years). On May 29, 2009, Holloway was standing idly on the corner of Main Avenue and Summer Street but the cops thought he was acting strange – perhaps he looked like an “aggressive pedestrian”. So the cops naturally decided a good beating was needed and they beat Holloway for three minutes. They then arrested him and charged him with resisting arrest (LOL).
Like the Kelly Thomas incident, there is surveillance video showing the beating which shows a Passaic, New Jersey, police officer beating the 49-year-old man for standing idly on a street corner. (see ). Unlike the Kelly Thomas, it seems only one cop executed the beating and Holloway survived. Additionally, the beating video was released to the public.
Officer Joseph Rios III was charged with aggravated assault and official misconduct and put on unpaid leave in connection with his alleged use of excessive force against a city man in 2009.
On Friday, July 8, 2011, in a bench trial before Superior Court Judge Donald J. Volkert Jr, Officer Rios was found not guilty.
Volkert acknowledged that the videotape that captured Rios swinging his baton and trying to subdue 49-year-old Ronnie Holloway was indeed violent. But the judge ruled that the violence should be seen as a “textbook” case of a police officer trying to deal with an unruly man.
Nice, a “textbook” case of how to beat an unruly man for standing idly on a street corner and not bowing to the demands of a power drunk Gestapo agent.
This problem is wide spread and I hope you guys start truning the tide against unpunished police misconduct with the Kelly Thomas trial.
“Did he ever punch you?”
“He squared off, and I felt he was going to punch me,” Rios said.
The word “felt” is an emotion. In the private sector, this word is dismissed when you file any type of a claim or report.
Rios is a lying sack of crap!
Below are links to videos of Police around the world abusing their power and beating people. Most are so server they are considered human rights violations.
That said, at least one notable difference between the beatings below and the beating Kelly Thomas took from Fullerton Police . . . all the people below (in the video) survived the beatings.
• Tanzania Police Brutality :
• Police Beat Man who’s son had just committed suicide:
• China – skip to time index 2:35 (video show people being beating after being handcuffed – said to be a violation of international norms regarding captives – Perhaps this is where Fullerton Police receive their training) :
• Liverpool, England
• India : skip to time index 0:35 :
• Brazil :
• Iran :
• USA Malika Calhoun :
• USA Kelly Thomas
• After watching the above, Got to love this one though – Police Brutality Backfires:
Plain and simple. Its called a cover-up.
You got that right!
That’s just crap. The cops kill her son and six months later they still won’t tell her what happened.
T-Rack can’t be trusted, period! He charged the brute that started the onslaught with 2nd degree murder, but fails to charge the SOB that actully murdered him with the same.
T-Rack has always walked hand in hand with the LE RAGWUS, and has done little to protect the unconnected citizen from the sociopaths that inhabit the FPD, or any other LE organization in the county. 😉
Agreed. He did jus about the least he thought he could get away with.
The charges are designed to fail.
Way to go Cathy Thomas!!!
We all know damn well that Ra-cocksucker was crossing his fingers hoping the Fullerton Gestapo would be successful in their cover-up so he won’t have to prosecute his ‘Bad Boys in Blue’.
According to this story on copblock tomorrow is the pretrial.
With each passing day, this Fullerton rabbit hole continues to get deeper and darker. And a whole helluva lot more disturbing. O.C. DA will not let anybody to open up the ugly and panfully truths. Essetially, O.C. DA Office are the Master of City of Fullerton and its cronies.
Like Fullerton politicans and city officials, corrupted O.C. County District Attorney and its henchmen are Untouchable and Going Immortal. They are protecting each others: enteprise criminal.
U.S. Dept of Justice and FBI are your only hope.
Here is Government Code subsection 6254(f), cited in the DA’s letter of refusal:
6254. Except as provided in Sections 6254.7 and 6254.13, nothing in
this chapter shall be construed to require disclosure of records
that are any of the following:
(f) Records of complaints to, or investigations conducted by, or records of intelligence information or security procedures of, the
office of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice, the California Emergency Management Agency, and any state or local police
agency, or any investigatory or security files compiled by any other state or local police agency, or any investigatory or security files
compiled by any other state or local agency for correctional, law enforcement, or licensing purposes. However, state and local law
enforcement agencies shall disclose the names and addresses of persons involved in, or witnesses other than confidential informants
to, the incident, the description of any property involved, the date, time, and location of the incident, all diagrams, statements of the
parties involved in the incident, the statements of all witnesses, other than confidential informants, to the victims of an incident, or an authorized representative thereof, an insurance carrier against which a claim has been or might be made, and any person suffering bodily injury or property damage or loss, as the result of the
incident caused by arson, burglary, fire, explosion, larceny, robbery, carjacking, vandalism, vehicle theft, or a crime as defined
by subdivision (b) of Section 13951, unless the disclosure would endanger the safety of a witness or other person involved in the
investigation, or unless disclosure would endanger the successful completion of the investigation or a related investigation. However,
nothing in this division shall require the disclosure of that portion of those investigative files that reflects the analysis or conclusions of the investigating officer.
Customer lists provided to a state or local police agency by an alarm or security company at the request of the agency shall be
construed to be records subject to this subdivision.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subdivision, state and local law enforcement agencies shall make public the following
information, except to the extent that disclosure of a particular item of information would endanger the safety of a person involved in
an investigation or would endanger the successful completion of the investigation or a related investigation:
(1) The full name and occupation of every individual arrested by the agency, the individual’s physical description including date of
birth, color of eyes and hair, sex, height and weight, the time and date of arrest, the time and date of booking, the location of the arrest, the factual circumstances surrounding the arrest, the amount of bail set, the time and manner of release or the location where the individual is currently being held, and all charges the individual is being held upon, including any outstanding warrants from other jurisdictions and parole or probation holds.
(2) Subject to the restrictions imposed by Section 841.5 of the Penal Code, the time, substance, and location of all complaints or
requests for assistance received by the agency and the time and nature of the response thereto, including, to the extent the information regarding crimes alleged or committed or any other incident investigated is recorded, the time, date, and location of occurrence, the time and date of the report, the name and age of the
victim, the factual circumstances surrounding the crime or incident, and a general description of any injuries, property, or weapons involved. The name of a victim of any crime defined by Section 220, 236.1, 261, 261.5, 262, 264, 264.1, 265, 266, 266a, 266b, 266c, 266e, 266f, 266j, 267, 269, 273a, 273d, 273.5, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 288.2, 288.3 (as added by Chapter 337 of the Statutes of 2006), 288.3 (as added by Section 6 of Proposition 83 of the November 7, 2006,
statewide general election), 288.5, 288.7, 289, 422.6, 422.7, 422.75, 646.9, or 647.6 of the Penal Code may be withheld at the victim’s
request, or at the request of the victim’s parent or guardian if the victim is a minor. When a person is the victim of more than one crime, information disclosing that the person is a victim of a crime defined in any of the sections of the Penal Code set forth in this subdivision may be deleted at the request of the victim, or the
victim’s parent or guardian if the victim is a minor, in making the report of the crime, or of any crime or incident accompanying the
crime, available to the public in compliance with the requirements of this paragraph.
(3) Subject to the restrictions of Section 841.5 of the Penal Code and this subdivision, the current address of every individual arrested by the agency and the current address of the victim of a crime, where the requester declares under penalty of perjury that the request is made for a scholarly, journalistic, political, or governmental purpose, or that the request is made for investigation purposes by a licensed private investigator as described in Chapter 11.3 (commencing with Section 7512) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code. However, the address of the victim of any crime defined by Section 220, 236.1, 261, 261.5, 262, 264, 264.1, 265, 266, 266a, 266b, 266c, 266e, 266f, 266j, 267, 269, 273a, 273d, 273.5, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 288.2, 288.3 (as added by Chapter 337 of the Statutes of 2006), 288.3 (as added by Section 6 of Proposition 83 of the November 7, 2006, statewide general election), 288.5, 288.7, 289,
422.6, 422.7, 422.75, 646.9, or 647.6 of the Penal Code shall remain confidential. Address information obtained pursuant to this paragraph may not be used directly or indirectly, or furnished to another, to sell a product or service to any individual or group of individuals, and the requester shall execute a declaration to that effect under penalty of perjury. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit or limit a scholarly, journalistic, political, or government use of address information obtained pursuant to this paragraph.
Where the DA is going to get into Deep Doo-Doo, is that some of the records are not describable by the above code section. They are source electronic documents that are routinely gathered, and not gathered in connection with an investigation. The distinction between routinely gathered materials and specially-gathered materials is “as big as the sky”. If it is specially gathered, then the “Business Records Exception” of the evidence laws does not apply, and special authenticaion is needed for its admission.
At the end of the tape, the tape is NOT the DA’s “record”. It is material evidence that belongs to the City of Fullerton; it is the City of Fullerton’s “public record”, and not the DA’s “public record”. No doubt the City of Fullerton still has a copy, if not the electronic master of the videotaping in question.
I hope that Mr. Thomas, in tandem with Mrs. Thomas, files a CPRA request with the City of Fullerton, using the same or an equally-qualified “public interest attorney”. And then I hope that he sues the City of Fullerton, if the tape is not released. The DA cannot make a unilateral order that evidence not be released. He has no such power over anyone. He would need a court order to do that, and it ain’t likely to come when the document will necessarily come out during the prospective trial.
There is no prejudice to any party… because the accuseds already have a copy, and well in advance of everyone else.
This is good “choreography”. Let the record come out and get a thorough exposure, so that the comments on this blog-site will become increasingly learned. And so that, in the future, others will agree with me that District Attorney Tony Rackauckas is knowingly and willingly failing to charge crimes against certain police, where he has probable cause to charge such crimes as a matter of law, arising from his own findings-of-fact; that his failure to do so is an official dereliction that may be remedied by a Writ of Mandate (not too different from what Mrs. Thomas is seeking); that the same failure is a criminal dereliction under Government Code section 1222, because there is no discretion involved in his inactions, due to the application of law to the undisputed prior findings-of-fact by DA Rackauckas; and that, because of the special fiduciary power that he has over the defendants and those not accused, his failure to charge such crimes constitutes a dereliction of his duty to stop an escape from a crime, and thus constitutes an accessory-after-the-fact crime, thus making his name “Mudd”.
And the People said: ” “.
Thank you Snowhume. I always find your posts thoughtful, intelligent, and very helpful in navigating through the judicial process.
I’m glad shes taking the lead over Ron. I know I’m coming off as a dick saying that but sometimes it seems like Ron is too eager to settle and “cooperate” with these dirtbags. had this to say: Ron is not coming off with much integrity in this situation, mostly becaue it has created a carnival atmosphere comeplete with gala type charity functions, and he is, after all, one of the brotherhood of dirtbags. As much as he disgusts me, (a mutual appraisal) and regardless of his motive (which appears to be feasting on Kelly’s carcass in the tradition of 501c3s), the good news is that he has drawn a lot of attention to misconduct, and it is going to be less easily swept under the rug at every turn, from now on, thanks to Ron. For example this is the rare occasion when the court procedings are posted before a large audiance of supporters. Information and exposure have been advanced here, unfortunately the real issue, ‘homelessness’ is constantly beaten down and slapped around with profiling, which, naturally, originated from the police who, as policy, use homelessness as grist for the arrest mill.
Maybe if mommy was a little more pro active her son wouldnt have been on the street in the 1st place…way to go mommy dearest
YOU Swinehole!!!
And if your mommy had been a little more proactive your daddy’s sperm never would have found pay dirt and we’d all be better off.
Just plain mean and nasty! For no good reason.
little too late-may all your children die a horrendous death because of your comment..
Have YOU ever gotten a schizophrenic claustrophobic person off of the streets? If you have — be sure to let us all know how you did it.
Too bad mommy didn’t have access to a rusty coat hanger before conceiving “a little too late”.
Just got half-way through Snowhume’s #9 and was recalling how this DA’s office refused to acknowledge the fact that the Veth Mam case, also brought to them by FPD, was another sham, with no evidence of a crime commited by Mam, yet an obvious trump-up by the police with a cell phone video cam revealing Mam doing nothing but filming.
HIs office also refused to file any charges on Officer Rincon, stating that many of the victims got together and concocted stories, which is exactly what FPD did when the six murdered Kelly Thomas.
Double-standard. ‘Do as we say, but don’t do as we do, or go to jail.’ had this to say: “Sham” is an understatement, wow, what a sleeze-guppy that slipperty DA is, “jeopardize…criminal prosecution,” my bee-hind. I can’t wait to see the resultant court order that will slap down the DA from hell, for his idiotic attempt to keep the case low profile, it’s a little late for that isn’t it?
I am developing a new cocktail using several types of hard liquor and a few prescription drugs. I shall call it the Carolyn Phillips. had this to say: From Carolyn Phillips: “I have no history of drug or alcohol abuse, no convictions, no history of mental illness or hospitalization. When you read the term ‘homeless’ in my comments on this site, and react the way the police have propagandized you to react; with derision, adopting their profiling, you have only yourself to blame for their ease in killing the Kellys. YOU made the very City Policy that patrol level officers enacted when they blithely killed a homeless man. I mean you flebus.
I wish we could go back to protesting! I’d be there every week.
There was a small group who continued the protest. If they’re still going out there, join them. Drive by any given Saturday to see (unless someone posts here that it has completely ceased).
who’s stopping you? jump in it. it’s your world too
I don’t necessarily think this is Cathy taking the lead over Ron. I tend to view this as two people attacking the same problem from different angles. My prayers are with them regardless.
Does anyone know if this could be a precursor to a civil suit, or have some connection with a potential federal case? Polite, interesting responses from Non-Trolls would much be much appreciated.
freetibetbooks had this to say, from Carolyn Phillips: Dear Stupid Texan, Are you including Kelly in your ‘Troll’ evaluation of his freinds. Just out of curiosity how many Lamborghini cars do you own, that distinguish you from ‘troll’ status, do you own as many as I do? If not does that entitle me to call you a loser or a ‘troll?’ Really, what is the cut off point? You don’t need me to slot and denounce you, reciprocally, because, you do that in front of everyone in the world who observes your stultified thinking. You are one of those rare stupid people who have dubbed a Presidential Task Force representative a ‘Troll,’ you have denounced someonw who is in the Museum of Modern Art as worthless, you have negated someone who is in the Rothschilds Private Collection, and you have derided someone who writes policy papers for the Whitehouse under Bill Gates, so we know what your status in society is, don’t we: Stupid Texan? had this to say: From Carolyn Phillips: “I have no history of drug or alcohol abuse, no convictions, no history of mental illness or hospitalization. When you read the term ‘homeless’ in my comments on this site, and react the way the police have propagandized you to react; with derision, adopting their profiling, you have only yourself to blame for their ease in killing the Kellys. YOU made the very City Policy that patrol level officers enacted when they blithely killed a homeless man.
Is Cathy Ron’s wife? This is getting down to semantics, but does anyone know? My understanding is that the current Mrs. Thomas is not Cathy Thomas, but rather Kelly’s mother Cathy, is the former Mrs. Thomas. Who knows the exact status of the various Thomases, speak up.
Why don’t you check with on that one and get back to us. No…please…we insist…really…we’ll be here…hold all your thoughts till you do…
The pole cam video used as evidence is 30 minutes long. Presumably, it spans the time from initial police contact until shortly after the ambulance arrived when Cicinelli made a comment to paramedics about his use of force and the physical damage to Kelly. The pole cam, which falls under the Public Records Act, kept recording after that. It might be interesting to see the aftermath even with no audio.
Kelly Thomas’ mother sues D.A. to hand over evidence
They are anticipating that the interest will die down (which it has) Gay Sissynelli will get off. Manny will get a slap on the wrist. Business as usual. The longer they postpone the trial the fuzzier the details become. Sad but true. I will not be a damned bit surprised if Fullerton voters elect Sissynelli to the City Council in about five years. I feel bad about what happened to Kelly, but seriously where the Hell has everyone been? Cops are out of control, the school district is ran by boobs, the city has sold its soul to St Jude Hospital and No one has done a damned thing. It’s the MANAGERS people! Wake up. They are on the take. Gee Whiz you dont have to be a genius to see what’s going on. From the top to the bottom.
Hey Admin,
I made an earlier open ended comment with the intent to encourage honest discussion amongst people who visit this site. It was not aimed at any one blogger in particular. I am a proponent of free speech, however, could you encourage people who respond to posts to perhaps moderate their comments and perhaps stay on topic? I appreciate honest open dialogue with others and find it discouraging to try to participate in such only to be called “Stupid Texan.” etc. I hope that this blog will remain a somewhat “friendly” and open point of information for those of us who care about Kelly Thomas and what transpires in Fullerton even though we might reside elsewhere. Thank you.
it is not off topic if you are a fullerton lifer, like myself. This is the norm for this town and it is what caused the downfall of fullerton as legitimate place to live and do business.
Theme is an impure town(fullerton) main protagonists are Bushala, Kiger and Thompson, the catalyst is the murder of
Fullerton homeless man, Kelly Thomas by those who vowed to protect and serve the public, fullerton police officers.
the climax is the protagonists ripping off the impure town’s veneer of respectability and decency by exposing its municipal government, the antagonists, to be corrupt, self-serving, greedy men who think nothing of covering up the murder of the homeless man.
It is not a digression but subplots that show the depth and pervasiveness of the evil doings by the impure town’s government.
the denouement is the successful recall of the antagonists for public office
That I get, but how does accusing me of owning Lamborghinis have anything to do with Cathy Thomas suing the D.A.?
I actually really am interested in what people have to say about this (the blog topic that is). Outside of Fullerton it is difficult to find anything relevant to the Kelly Thomas murder these days. I have been very upset at the fact that the D.A. chose not to pursue charges against more of the officers. It screams of corruption. I was asking / wondering if the law suit by Cathy Thomas plays into a larger strategy to attack said corruption in Fullerton.
That person is to be ignored. Do not engage it.
Stick around and if a post sounds too deranged just ignore it.
My apologies,concerned Texan,I did not bother to read Carolyn Phillips ramblings. I have compassion for this woman as she has emotional and mental issues. I don’t like mocking her because she is disabled.
I suppose you imagine that there is something profoundly compassionate, about resisting the impulse to mock Carloyn Phillips. That’s very white of you, but, not very intelligent, I know her, she is not on dissability. Do you enjoy libeling people? Or is it just the ‘willing victim’ underclass who you target? I’m sorry to tell you, but you are missing the mark this time.
“It is not a digression but subplots that show the depth and pervasiveness of the evil doings by the impure town’s government.”
Without a doubt!
Venerunt, et viderunt se esse mentitum
Read an OC Register article that the Investigator, Mr. Genasco intends to have his report delivered to the FPD “Hamilton” in February.
Just who hired Mr Genasco and who is he working for?
ANY compromise of this report or any part there of, during the investigation constitutes a breach of contract and in addition other possible misconduct charges.
Mr Genasco and his brethren are also feeding at the BURBANK city trough to reform the Burbank PD.
@39 a LEO stooge brought in to whitewash some piggys. yea he sucks gravy from every trough as there is plenty to hide
FBI is already involved. Civil stuff is yet to come as I understand it.
Who all is going to the courthouse in the morning?
I should be there around 8:00. There will be signs.
I don’t care for Ron either way, never did. He came off as phony and emotionally dead in person but to his credit he really knew how communicate with the media, is well spoken and provided great sound bites which really took this thing off.
OTOH I feel Cathy has a hell of a lot more emotion invested in the murder of her son and because of that she will continue this fight for justice for as long as she can.
I had a choice, I would settle with her and Kelly’s siblings directly. God bless her.
“He came off as phony and emotionally dead in person…”
How understanding of you to give him some credit.
Why would you even mention that?
When I met Ron Thomas in August, I hugged him and felt his sorrow, anger and frustration. No one can possibly criticize him for anything given what he has endured.
Carolyn Phillips has many personas…..this is what she is posting at the OCR right now, , homeless? I doubt it, , opportunist? You bet! ( the link below is the facebook page she posts under)
Nancy Wood · Stanford University, Maryland Institute of Art, over the years
Freetibetbooks had this to say, Carolyn Wood comments: Actually Cathy was there for Kelly, and Ron’s sister was there for Kelly, but I am not so sure that Ron is entitled to hold the endless three ring circus he has held since Kelly died, with his “Kelly’s Army” of sociopathic couch potatoes, complete with fund raisers, and that horrid ongoing 501c3 patronizing pitty party that is the basis for perpetuating homelessness. The gift shop of Cafepress T-Shirts sporting the logo “justice for Kelly,” are the final straw! On the other hand, without Ron, Fullerton would have pulled off a cover up. Still I am getting tired of so many ‘Kelly supporters’ feasting on his carcass.
Nancy Wood…. Go away!
No wonder Ron quit. If I was constantly being harassed by some babbling lady trying to sell a book project I would think about walking away too.
The smell of fame and cameras really bring out the nutjobs. Same story everytime, when these kooks aren’t trying to sell a “CD” or the next great invention, they’re trying to sell a book project.
Hey Carolyn, freetibetbooks or whoever the hell you are on particular day, if the incomprehensible garbage you write here is anything like your “loving emails” to Ron, id say f it and head for the hills for awhile.
Leave the man alone you greedy opportunist bitch.
Wow someone is very clever, this (comment # 39) is a comment as if I had authored it, with my name: BUT, in fact, I didn’t write it, so, someone has been able to go on this site as me, really clever, please tell me how that is done. If anyone knows how to do that, email me at Here is the thing about making assumptions, and judging a book by it’s cover, eventually your long winded attacks, and your one-liners will betray you as foolish. This (Sociopaths of Fullerton) site is where the stupidest attacks are launched for the dumbest reasons, all in the name of Ron Thomas, who is well, to say it nicely, the advocate of misperception, leading, no doubt, to regret. At least I know who my friends are and I hold them to a high standard. Ron has no sense of what is right under his nose, apparently, since he denounced my friendly offer. The book is a collection of characters based on homeless people, cops, lawyers, and charity board members, and their communities, as animal: OK do your get it? I’m a Disney animator, these are stories of street life, AS CARTOON CHARACTERS, because sad stories need to be told, without hurt, and who better to tell them than critters. Well that is why you go to Disney isn’t it? To get the truth in a way that even kids can digest. Just read the book and stop being so nasty. The beneficiaries are the characters, rather, the real people who the characters are based on. Why do you immediately jump to the conclusion that an illicit grab at fame is a part of all of that. Are you one of the cops who let someone (like what Ron did to me by calling me crazy and an opportunist through all of you) call in a theft report on Kelly for toting trash, and are you one of the cops who jumped on him (like you all jumping on me and my book), or are you one of the City attorneys who tries to back track and cover up cop crimes, like Stupid Texan tried to do; desperatedly attempting to make his victim (me) into the perpetrator, after he called me a troll. -Carolyn
Here is another of her posts at the OCR, , notice how she conveniently leaves several words and phrases out of her quotes…….
Nancy Wood · Stanford University, Maryland Institute of Art, over the years
freetibetbooks had this to say, from Carolyn Phillips: All I know is that I offered a very prestigious book project to Ron Thomas as a fund raiser, in two loving emails, one of which placed the blame on Ralphs inability to stay in business without dumping past date food on the homeless for wite offs at full value, via the 501c3s. When Ron discerned that my persona is that of a homeless person; this is what he wrote, on Friends of Fullerton site, having never contacted me or viewed the gorgeous book in which his son is lovingly remembered. From Ron Thomas on December 3: “This woman is out of her mind. ‘Kelly is dead so that Ralph’s can stay in business.’ Carolyn Phillips needs to leave me and Kelly alone. She has sent many E-Mails to me and some others with the same kind of BS. If anyone knows who she is is, please get her some help.” -Ron
May God bless you and guide you Cathy Thomas as you seek justice for your son Kelly.
Why is Cathy Thomas doing this now?
She feels empowered to speak out since Ron’s ego stepped aside.
If a group of people commit a felony resulting in death, all involved are charged in the death of the victim.
Unless they’re cops.
This has got to be a strategic move on the Thomas’ family’s part.
Since Ron already has a kind of rapport with Rackauckas, it makes sense to have Cathy play tough from the other side. Kind of like ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop.
I certainly believe she/they are doing the right thing, since Tony brought charges on only two.
Very WEAK!
Brian Gurwitz in this case, myself in several pending cases in the Orange County Superior Court, are challenging the DA’s absurd interpretation to exclude victims from the criminal justice process. Brian is asserting violations of the Public Records Act. I am asserting violations of the CPRA and Marsy’s Law (Prop. 9 2008). The case where the DA denied my victim discovery is the People v. Scott Peterson who molested my client’s daughter. The DA also denied the molestation victim, herself, from receiving discovery of the crimes occurring against her.
In my case, the National Crime Victims Legal Institute has weighed in with an amicus brief. These cases are receiving national attention given the disregard for crime victims shown here in Orange County.
We will certainly get a court decision one way or another. When we passed Marsy’s Law we were hoping that elected DA’s would change their historically detrimental treatment of crime victims.
In my Los Angeles case, DA Cooley has provided me and my client discovery. Orange County has chosen to pursue an anti-victim approach and sentiment.
If you would like copies of the briefs filed in this case please contact me:
Todd Spitzer
Nice self-promotion, Todd, but when are you going to endorse the Recall?
Water Boy settle down not everything has to be political.
I really appreciate you taking the time to post here Todd. Thanks for letting us know about this case.
Wow, I’ve never heard the phrase “not everything has to be political” and “Todd (Spitzer)” in the same sentence. You obviously don’t know Todd.
Not everything in life is political and not everyone involved in politics has eeevil intentions. Snap out of it!
Geez! some people can’t deal with life unless its packaged in a neat little liberal vs. conservative/left wing vs. right wing bubble. Carolyn Phillips had this to say: Wow Todd, you are really good, most lawyers just sigh and say, ‘oh well the opposition always refuse the first request,’ but you got right in there and gave the most comprehensive analysis ever written on what the DA have done in refusing your request; and what the judge should do about it: I love this kind of legal work, I was an analytical writer for my emphasis in school, I did my internship at CPSR, Stanford, (feminist): This (your) attention to detail is very rare! -Carolyn (AKA Nancy Wood) PS, Phillips is the cop who rolled over on Corona and got the ball rolling in that case, he was hit by a car, but his name lives on through me. Welcome to Sociopaths of Fullerton, most of them need to clean up their rooms, really kids, one hour of work for you means a week of happiness for your mom, come on, it’s Christmas. (I walked out on Lion King, as an animator, hired through Valerie Winslow, because I hated the depiction in it, of black people as hyenas, but there are plenty of people on this site who quality. I have lunch every day with Ron’s Lt. a really sneaky snake, and that is how he will appear in the movie. Is Ron even Kelly’s real father, something is amiss here, all I said in offering him the book on homelessness is ‘I know something about Kelly, view the book I wrote: it’s all yours if you want it.’ For some reason, he went off on me, on the Voice of Kelly site, and he sent his army of attack trained couch potatoes after me, to libel both me and the book without having so much as taken a glance in our direction, like the proverbial cop who gets his gang member son killed, in order to collect on life insurance: because having a kid in a gang is just too embarassing. What is Ron trying to hide? He is obviously afraid of exposure, what other reason is there to denounce a beautiful book about his kid, without so much as taking a look at it. Who are these ‘Sociopaths of Fullerton’ people; with their conspiracies and their paranoia? Cathy is Kelly’s mom, but who is Ron to Kelly, and who is Ron’s wife. And who is the sister of Ron who gets so much praise (especially by Kelly when he was alive and by his friends now), is she Ron’s sister in law, or an actual sister. And why does Ron need 501c3 bucks to fight the case; that anyone of 10 top law firms would do pro-bono. Why does Ron’s 501c3 Lt. talk about nothing but the big bucks potential of publicity, at lunch. Kelly’s mother is a brave woman, I’m glad that she has you. I have a lot of questions, like, why was Kathy Wyatt kicked out of Mary’s Kitchen and threatened with arrest by OPD for whispering to Ron’s wife that Kelly had been banned from Mary’s, and why does Ron’s Lt. tell everyone that Ron’s wife is Kelly’s mother, daily at Mary’s, if in fact Cathy is Kelly’s mother, who is Kelly’s father? Is Kelly’s father Cathy’s husband (the husband who died)? Why do I have to keep asking these questions, why so much obfuscation that no one knows who is who, and no one ever gets an answer to these questions?
Here is the link to my brief fighting for crime victim discovery in People v. Peterson where I represent the mother of a molestation victim.
This link should be accessible.
Email me if you have any trouble accessing the discovery motion.
without transparency
Bless her heart.
Im sorry .
Cathy should be able to have that information. I know I would want to know everything if it were my son.
However, it looks as though the defendants have more right than the victims.
This reeks of the continued cover-up.
it’s gonna take a minute Cathy while we destroy whatever we can get away with……….. Love, Tony
What tape? ….Love, Tony
I don’t know Todd Spitzer personally, however I do know former O.C. District Attorney, Brian Gurwitz very well, and I can attest to anyone and everyone here on this blog that you would be hard pressed to find a nicer person and first class attorney who possesses the morals and good nature of a saint.
Brian Gurwitz worked in the O.C. District Attorney’s office for many, many, years, and I think the world of this man and would be his biggest supporter if he were to ever challenge T-Rack for the Orange County D.A.’s job.
I honestly believe that Brian Gurwitz as our next O.C. District Attorney would be the biggest and best first practical step that Orange County should take to ensure that justice in O.C. is for everyone and not just those that are politically connected.
Okay. Good idea. What does Todd think? I second that! -Carolyn Phillips
Is the court hearing for Ramos and Cicinelli supposed to be today? If so, what’s is happening… or has happened?
Cathy Thomas and her attorney were smart announce their intention to sue Rackauckas just before the pretrial. Now it becomes part of the pretrial coverage. I think channel 4 is doing something live at noon today. Maybe other channels are too.
Kelly Thomas’ mom sues D.A. for records in homeless son’s death
Kelly Thomas evidence to be laid out in March
SANTA ANA – An Orange County judge scheduled a preliminary hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to put two Fullerton officers on trial in connection with the death of a homeless man for March 28.
Wow someone is very clever, this (comment # 39) is a comment as if I had authored it, with my name: BUT, in fact, I didn’t write it, so, someone has been able to go on this site as me, really clever, please tell me how that is done. -Carolyn
Just look at how we got our “Top Cop”, Eric Holder. Even videotaped Blatant Voter Intimidation and much much more.
I Had to Quote this comment.
“Hipocracy, you are absolutely right.
So that everyone understands the situation. In 1981 a Court Decision came out that blocked civil suits against police departments. So as not to bore you, the decision went way beyond civil protection, it actually pronounced that “Police Owe You No Individual Duty”. Yes, that’s right “No Duty At All as an Individual”. Now couple that decision with Copely v. San Diego Superior Court and The Police Officer’s Rights and the extremely uneducated, emotionally unstable, poorly trained, poorly supervised and terribly lead humans who are hired and promoted through the ranks in Law Enforcement and you have the following result.
1. A City that teams up with the City Attorney, the Chief, Internal Affairs anf a District Attorney who take two months to make a decision on a Murder and who did it. Notice on all other murders there is an immediate arrest of the guy holding the smoking gun.No Bail. They needed time to reduce the incident to the bare elements they couldn’t deny. These officers have worked together and assisted each other many times while engaging in excessive violence. They know each other, protect each other. The digital recorders “Claimed not to be on” were in fact on and recorded evidence of all of their knowledge of the crime they were committing. There was no video evidence of that culpability. It was erased to help the DA in the coverup.
2. Government and these thugs are sewed at the hip, them against the citizen. They are afraid of Law Enforcement who might band together and use the same technique on them. San Jose Councilman folowed and arrested for DUI, Oakland City Councilman followed and arrested for DUI and like in Los Angeles a special Task Force that tracks the movements and conduct of many wealthy and Politically prominent. 1985 was the scandal on that in L.A. but they are still up and running. As long as the victims are homeless, mentally ill o poor minorities there is no problem. This time they murdered a Cop’s son on video and that was “There only Crime”.
3. Your paying people $100,000.00 to $300,000.00 dollars a year with GED’s , Cafeteria-one night a week-$15,000.00 (paid by the taxpayer) degrees in 18 mos sold by NAME colleges who need money. Your giving these losers a 90% retirement at age 50 with 3% yearly increases and totally free Medical and Dental for life.
4. You get a police force who owes you no duty and stares at you saying “I don’t have to listen to you and you are legally prevented from knowing what criminal behavior I have engaged in on or off duty.” Nobody can touch me because you need someone in charge of me to take action against me and that person doesn’t exist. I’m self employed and protected against inquiery or statistical reports. The last time Government protected itself with thugs like this was Germany 1934-1945.
5. The trick is to say nothing, let time and tempers pass and pretend it never happened. The Rule “Bull—t everybody and play the percentages of those who find out”.
6. What can we do, Recall the Politiians, force a new outside Chief in to Enforce the Police Manual, reduce pension benefits and saleries, do away with Lay Off Seniority and lay off these people on a merit basis and open the books on police conduct by a California Ballot Measure to do away with The Police Officer’s Bill of Rights and make all Government Employee Conduct open to inspection. Total Transparency so you can see the repitition with which these officers commit crimes.
If you don’t take these cops, stand toe to toe and explain to them they work for the taxpayer and the first word out of their mouths to a citizen is “Yes Sir” “No Sir” “Please comply with my orders” and ” I Apologize for mistaking you for someone I’m looking for or I apologise for kicking in your door, I got the wrong house” you’ll continue to have your and your families in danger. These people are not tough guys, they just Dangerous.”
Mr S.
What are you doing! Telling the truth while hiding, (your name), makes the truth a lie! Tell us your name Mr. S, if not you simply are endorsing cowardess. I have a lot of persona’s, true, yet all anyone has to do is look at the inside front cover of any of my publications to see my name and picture. I’m Nancy Wood; in my animation work I’m Carolyn Phillips, I have many characters, ‘Bag Lady’is one, and ‘Carolyn Phillips,’ a lawyer and diamond grader for DeBeers in Jonhannesburg (which I am) is another. And that is all good and well when writing children’s books, but this is a legal case, witholding your identity makes your credibitily go down the drain. I love your insight though.
You know exactly how the LE RAGWUS operates Just a Champion. We are trapped in a police state. The Bill of Rights has no power to protect any non-connected citizen! 🙂
“What are you doing! Telling the truth while hiding, (your name), makes the truth a lie! Tell us your name Mr. S, if not you simply are endorsing cowardess. I have a lot of persona’s, true,”
I was quoting someone. He is an online Paralegal, “I Had to Quote this”
-Just a Champion Got it, but next time, you probably should get all of that ‘permission to quote’ stuff straightened out first, (is it Pat Adams)? If so, I am sure that he wants his name on his words. But I’ll let it go this once: tee hee. -Carolyn
There was no pretrial
Postponed again until March 28, but Cathy Thomas got some exposure. Seems odd that as the mother of the victim, she has to sue the OCDA to know what happened fully.
that practise underpins the whole law enforcement industry. without it it would become quite apparent that they can’t justly convict so many. and business and wages will fall.
this when she gets the tape
Thank you to everyone who posted links to articles about the pretrial and the law suits against the D.A. as well. I am curious if anyone else thinks that it is reasonable to infer that Cathy Thomas’ civil suit was done in anticipation of a pretrial postponement. Is it possible that she might have access to the video before March 28th? I did read that she was willing to agree not to publicly release the video, but does keeping that video out of her hands help the D.A. keep public opinion at bay until possibly after a re-election year?
Corruption spreads: 2 Ex Fullerton P.D Sergeants, who worked during the corruption years, retired from Fullerton, are now getting full retirement/pensions, and recently got hired by the O.C Sheriff’s to work in jails for another 75k a year.
They were looking ahead.
the father of Kelly Thomas, Ron Thomas, had to beg Fullerton city council members,Jones,Bankhead and McKinley, for just a minute of their time. All Ron Thomas wanted from our civic leaders was some reason why Fullerton PD beat his son to death .
Now, OC district attorney, Rackcaucus(?) forces Cathy Thomas, mother of Kelly Thomas, beg for answers surrounding her son’s beating death by Fullerton police officers.
these two grieving parents are rudely treated by the very people who should have helped them seeks justice. Rudely? What are you; going for the understatement of the year award! The plaintiffs were flat out defrauded from day one, especially by the DA who is running interferance, not conducting a prosecution, the murderers were canonized, and all of the City players should be court ordered out of a job! My claim to fame is getting dirt-bags-in-blue fired by court order, but THIS, this should result in getting the entire City police force replaced by Sheriffs and several City employee/officials in particular kicked out and or incarcerated. Don’t get me started; I might tell you what I really think. -Carolyn
I apologize for hijacking this thread with this information. I commend this site the people of Fullerton and people everywhere for speaking out against police brutality however.
The passage of the National Defense Authorization Act 2012 (NDAA) by congress on December 15, 2011 in secret (no news media. law schools?, few websites discussing it) Does it means that US constitutional law, and the court systems in the US are no longer valid.
NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit NDAA is bullshit
obama’s knocking on my door going to jail for a surplus of food. SOPA no more internet no more FFFF!!!!!
take a breath and read section1021a of said bill. get a grip “Things are gettin better all over”…………..The Postman
Not sure if this has already been posted, apologies if so.
Here’s a story that’s eerily similar to the Kelly Thomas case. Police in Spokane beat a schizophrenic man to death (for no apparent reason). There was an extensive cover up but one of the cops was convicted of using excessive. The kicker was that as the convicted cop 50 of his piggy buddies stood outside the courthouse and saluted him as he was taken away.
in NOLA they filled a whole block to hug their killers and scream hero. the mentality is everywhere. now you know.
I am a dumb ass YES I AM No one is going to confuse me for you, my IQ is higher than Einstein’s, and your’s is whatever the average teen has. Come on, though, tell me how you hijack my name? You really are funny, I’m not mad, I just want to do it too; because it’s funny, and I know you are a teenager, because only a teen would have thought of stealing an adults handle. Really Clever! I’m going to make you a character in one of my kid’s books. -Carolyn
keep the books coming but don’t forget to take care of yourself.
My condolences to the Thomas family, I am truly sorry for your lost, for I was almost Murdered in the same fashion, and in the same Orange County.
On March 9, 2011 several Police brutally ordered a K-9 to attack an unarmed, California Registered (RN) and Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN). The California Highway Patrol in Orange County then attempted to cover up the incident.
Malik King, a reportedly “LVN since the age of nineteen” and California Registered Nurse since twenty three years of age, is said to have initially attempted to steal a car. Later it was found he was the owner of that Mercedes. What ensued next on the part of several officers goes well beyond the bounds of simply trying to subdue their suspect.
The several police officers ordered a police K-9 to attack him while he was still fastened in his seat-belt, tasered multiple times while the K-9 attack continued for over one minute and thirty seconds, then hand cuffed, slammed to the ground, hog tied, beat and kicked in the head until unconscious. He was then taken to jail, accused of multiple felonies, and had to pay $50,000 for bail.
Despite witnesses and the clear brutality of the beating, tasering, and ordered dog attack, California Highway patrol allowed several officers to remain active and attempted a cover-up.
Violations of federal law occur when it can be shown that the force used was willfully “unreasonable” or “excessive”. By signing this petition you agree that “unreasonable” or “excessive force” was used on Malik A. King on March 9, 2011 in California Orange County.
The beating of Mr. King is sickening and disturbing. The police involved in the beating and cover up must be brought to justice. Tell Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas to thoroughly investigate and prosecute the officers involved in the brutality of Malik A. King,LVN,RN.
Malik, the purpose of this site is to make people afraid to speak up, so thank you for doing so, and please email me at any time that you would like to share: Did you see the following comment, before the systems operator deleted it? It was on the post page that pictured kelly on his death bed, it was meant to share empathetically with your comment there, you were treated wrongly, there are so many. Some of the cops who the comment refers to, in part, although not in Fullerton were Fullerton cops. The comment will be deleted again, under the excuse of being ‘off point,’ which tells you what the point of this site is, doesn’t it? Were this site not serving dirty cops it would insist that people include their e-mail addresses in order to be responded to properly: Commenting here is the only way to get to you, I hope you get the following, abbreviation of a comment that followed yours but was removed by the host, the commentor wrote: “Police work is synergistic; their buds in the peripheral occupations reinforce (it. A cop acting at the behest of a Fullerton cop perpetrated this misconduct). An undercover cop handed me a quarter, ‘soliciting,’ I was arrested, brutalized, and unlawfully strip searched, I fainted, after being kept dehydrated in a cell for a prolonged period. I was then forced onto an ambulance, (to be transported for an invasive drug test, against my will, to GG Hospital, where I was forced to endure further brutality (under the unwritten City policy of abusing ‘junkies’ with unauthorized invasive procedures in order to get a conviction in the absence of a crime). I protested, I was denied water with this statement by a doctor: “No, not until we run a test, and it had better be clean.” Because hydrating me would dilute the anticipated findings. While putting me on the ambulance the attendant and driver had conveniently looked the other way so that GG Officer Perkins could smash me in the eye with a Polaroid booking camera exclaiming, “(Give me fifty bucks or you are going to jail)… that’s what you get for not cooperating.” In the resultant federal case, for unlawful arrest, his partner, Explorer Zermino (as well as all of the witnesses from the fire department) having been subpoenaed, conveniently could not be located by the City to testify. The drug test determined that there were none, I was promptly tossed out onto the sidewalk in freezing weather with no money, no transportation, no medical treatment, practically no clothes, and no idea of where I was, at 2AM. ( Where predator ‘friends’ of the police could get me: see Mitrice Richarson) When I started demanding to be let back in, a taxi driver (undercover cop who propositioned me, looking to get a soliciting arrest out of it) was dispatched to dump me on the doorstep of the GGPD, where I was refused water, and where I stood on the steps all night until 7AM when I was given back some of my possessions. All the while spattered with pejoratives used to demean homeless people, by everyone from candy-stripers to physicians. Officer Perkins’ blow to my face caused permanent severe acuity blindness. On another occasion, I was hit in the face with a bat by a gang guy (under a bridge, in a park), as a reprisal from an angry cop; the SA ambulance attendants and driver arrived 30 minutes into severe bleeding, pumped me full of morphine against my wishes, and riffled all of the money out of my wallet, on the excuse of looking for my ID, exclaiming, “Whoa, what have we there, the motherload!” When I complained about this at the hospital, St. Joseph’s injected me with unannounced drugs. (AKA the ‘shut her up’ treatment). Having paid fifty thousand dollars in cash for ‘emergency’ medical bills in the year before, this time I simply staggered out of the emergency room and did not look back; collections (pays 10% on the dollar, if that). Don’t be propagandized that it’s one bad apple; it’s a gang-in-blue and an entire synergy of peripheral agencies, all eating out of the public troth. And it doesn’t happen to just those ‘other’ people, or to that less than human ‘subspecies’ called the homeless. It happens to everyone. The City wins in court because there is only one Ron Thomas in a lifetime (who can speak from experience about the police, and demand justice) the paralegal who decided my case, was here on a work visa from Mexico, she now works for a City attorney (because): screwing me out of my rights was good practice. Police go where ever they want to, motorcycle cops are allowed to work ‘inter-municipally,’ so are detectives, and several other ranks, many of the cops who have harassed me travel ‘undercover’ from Fullerton to the Anaheim Hills: we know what kind of ‘police work’ they are doing, not the sort that has any law enforcement purpose.”
The “National Defense Authorization Act 2012” is a game changer!
The National Defense Authorization Act 2012 was signed into law December 15, 2012 by the “government” eliminating all rights of any American citizen they chose. Apparently the military (military assets) will be used to attack American citizens especially christian fundamentalists and incarcerate anyone (Christians, Jews, Muslims, and those without faith like Buddhists, atheists, and pagans witches, wizards, Hindus, etc, etc) indefinitely.
The attack by the military on the citizens will make Kelly Thomas and all the other police brutality issues pale in comparison! Hopefully everyone anywhere can see the danger this law will cause.
Nonbelievers in Jesus whether Christian or Jew. Muslim, pagan of whatever ideology will be forced to accept the NWO, RFID, and loss of all, all human liberties in order to live.
The solution is to return to God and accept his holy word the Holy Bible. Faith in God transcends all religious denomination labels. It’s simple just believe in God the Father, God the Son-Jesus Christ who died for us, and God the Holy Spirit. Ask Jesus Christ, God the Son, in prayer for forgiveness of sin.
John 14:6, 14
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
John 6:37
37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
Psalms 41:1-3
1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.
2 The LORD will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.
3 The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.
Let us get our spiritual house in order.
it does state something like this, that this new law will not override any earlier jobs?
Funny since religion is and always has been the single greatest creator of racism, pain, and death.
Usually by those who say that we have to get back to god.
fat boy and half-pipe are home watching their copies while they spank it
video copies.
Orange County DA office is Untouchable, Invicible, and never to be trusted. I sympathise with your concerns (yes it makes me sick to think this story could be reality, I hope it’s not) regardless I am saddened by the death of this young man and the hurt his family must be feeling especially considering that his death may have come at the hands of the cops and politicans; SHAME!
Truly a sad and unnecessary death. No one stepped up to help this defenseless kid. These cops and their protectors need to be punished to the fullest extent the justice will allow, no exception. Just wearing the uniform doesn’t make you a hero. Is it any wonder these scum in a uniform did what they did? They should be put in the electric chair and fried. Unfortunately, justice in Orange County is a slippery concept, we all know they will just be put in jail for as a show and then to carry on with their pathetic lives.
Weve seen them on camera Schroeder, Rauckakus, they have been deeply touched.
Do you think they want this shit on the Internet and News media, HELL NO, but they are also victims, as a Lion or Bear trainer in a cage at the circus might be.
Its strantge how so many Fullerton City idiots end up in the OC DAs office.
“Whom they have injured they also hate”……………………Seneca,…..
We Do Not Forgive. We Do Not Forget. Expect Us.
I really want to know where all this support was when he was alive?
I find it repulsive that “his supporters” only seem to have gotten around to this after he was killed. I’ll bet anything that many of those incensed by his death ignored him when he asked for money or avoided him altogether on the street.
Oh, and then there’s the family. “We tried to help” is the mantra used by the families of all those who suffer from mental illness. That means they called the cops on him once or twice and may have even given him a stern talking to about messing up his life before closing with “he just didn’t want it”.
I’ll take another bet. Just how much of the fortune his family gets will be used for a shelter or given to a hospital for those who need mental health care?
Yes, the police were wrong and I hope they get the clue and change their methods but the public reaction, postmortem, is just as disgusting.
It’s a shame that mental illness has such a stigma. The brain is the most complex organ in our bodies. There are millions of things going on in that organ every single second. Chemical and electrical reactions buzz about and they all must happen correctly. We have no problem when a computer starts acting funny but get very defensive when our brains reboot.
So many think that there can be nothing wrong as long as we are breathing and most say that anyone with a mental illness is “faking” or “should just snap out of it and get a clue”. Funny, I never hear anyone say that about a person with heart disease.
The family has probably started shopping for a really nice house and 3 or 4 cars.
As for all those who are writing slogans like “never forget or forgive”, keep that in mind the next time you see some whack-job asking for money or acting nuts.
We supported Kelly by not murdering him. Too bad FPD can’t say that.
Sir, I moved to this city exactly 30 days prior to the Kelly Thomas beating and death. So, true I did not know Kelly, but why am I mocked? I stood by every weekend, council meeting, funerals etc with this family and proudly have done so.
So , sorry if, prior to this- my volunteering to help people was in another city, I was helping other whack jobs…as you kindly stated.
I just moved here, and in the course of that time, the police have been in the news, for possible murder,assault, theft,sexual abuses, law suits, and not to mention the very rude and weird city council. Who do you think is footing the bill for all that? You? thats right- me-my taxes.
Since that day-July 10th. I have met with probably most, of the homeless in the area, they know me, I ask them if they need anything and give it to them, if I can accomidate the sue me..I wasnt here..where you and what were you doing for Kelly thomas?
I can tell you what he has done for me, so you can laugh all you want..he has introduced me to the best fullerton has to offer, the best kids, families,people, streets,schools and pride…I met& dig them all, thanks to Kelly. I have met some very brave women who lost their children to police brutality. It was an honor to share their air. Thnx to Kelly. So what ever you find you must do in order to float your boat- go big…Im happy hanging with what the things I do in his name- , and frankly these are some seriously beautiful people. I see them out helping the homeless, delivering meal on wheels helping each other, yep all this has happened since Kelly died, this what the community has done,we have stepped up when asked. Who conscience demanded I do this..for the record Ron Thomas aint out looking for cars- well he did when the drunk driver who was leaving the police dept totally demolishing Ron’s car- so yep he did get a new car his insurance paid for it..he is out lookin for justice for his son, even you sir, if you were robbed of any time with your children, I would stand next to you.. demandin the answers to your questions…why? because of kelly. paint me hypocrite…I have zero trouble sleeping.
Um, why is it hypocritical to protest the unnecessary beating death of a man?
That’s just dumb.
Also odd that you parrot the same crap put out by the cop union trolls.
I just read the so called interim report. The entire report removes any suspicions that the dead victim broke the law in any way by being beat to death. Is that why we hired this bimbo? To clear the victim? Not one stinking word about the six police officers and their role in this horrific crime. I thought that this hotshot was going to level with the public about what these six police officers did the night of the beating. Not one word was written about the murderers! How much are we supposed to take before we use other methods to bring these lowly bastards to justice? Am I wrong or did we just get had by another former police officer who writes expensive reports about anything but activities of the police involved?
I couldn’t have said any better.
“Based on the evidence that Rackauckas presented last September, which included the allegation that Officer Cicinelli “Tasered Thomas four times, kneed him in the head twice and hit him eight times with the Taser,” there should be little doubt [who should be held most accountable for this.] One can only hope that a jury will convict the two men, who bullied a defenseless schizophrenic, whose only offense was that he lived on the streets.”
I see many similarities in this case and that of the beating of Rodkey King. Ok, Rodney King is not a model citizen by any means but he is alive, and 2 officers went to jail. Here’s a refresher from Wikipedia.
The Los Angeles district attorney charged officers Koon, Powell, Briseno, and Wind with use of excessive force. While Sergeant Koon did not strike King and had only used the Taser, he was the supervisory officer at the scene and was charged for “willfully permitting and failing to take action to stop the unlawful assault.” The initial judge was replaced, and the new judge changed the venue, as well as the jury pool, citing contamination of the jury pool by the media coverage. The new venue was a new courthouse in Simi Valley in neighboring Ventura County. The jury consisted of Ventura County residents—ten white, one Latino and one Asian. The prosecutor, Terry White, was African-American. On April 29, 1992, the jury acquitted three of the officers, but could not agree about one of the charges for Powell.[4]
Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley said, “the jury’s verdict will not blind us to what we saw on that videotape. The men who beat Rodney King do not deserve to wear the uniform of the L.A.P.D.”[24] President George H W Bush said, “viewed from outside the trial, it was hard to understand how the verdict could possibly square with the video. Those civil rights leaders with whom I met were stunned. And so was I and so was Barbara and so were my kids.”[25]
I wonder if OUR Mayor will make such a bold proclamation?
The United States Department of Justice reinstated the investigation and obtained an indictment of violations of federal civil rights against the four officers. The federal trial focused more on the evidence as to the training of officers instead of just relying on the videotape of the incident. On March 9 of the 1993 trial, King took the witness stand and described to the jury the events as he remembered them.[26] The jury found Officer Laurence Powell and Sergeant Stacey Koon guilty, and they were subsequently sentenced to 30 months in prison, while Timothy Wind and Theodore Briseño were acquitted of all charges
Mr. Mondana,
Your description of how the human brain funtions as well as it could malfunctions was extremely well said.
Coming from a person who spoke those words, I’m not sure why you come across so insensitive to the mentally ill and in this case, the subject’s family.
It is painfully obvious that you have never encountered or been responsible for one who has mental illness, let alone schizophrenia. (If I am incorrect about this statement, please reply back)
I can also assure you Ron Thomas and Cathy Thomas have been extremely supportive of the homeless since FPD killed their son. They both help out at various shelters throughout the area, Ron set up, has been involved with the United Way, etc. Yet, you insist that their car shopping, mansion shopping and so on.
Is it that you are jealous that they could potentially get a large monitary settlement to the tune of maybe $6 million? If so, get over it.
In fact, I do believe the family will build a homeless shelter somewhere nearby once they get a settlement or court award judgement.
Remember, tax paid employees murdered their son over a bogus confrontation.
BTW, I personally never knew who Kelly was or his family, but the many people I talked to who did, say he was a very quiet individual and WOULD NOT ask people for money. Why? Because his father and his mother gave him a little bit to get him by when needed.
The only thing he asked for, in a very kind manner was cigarrettes.
I am not attempting to debate with you or say you are an idiot, because I don’t think you are; especially after your comments about the human brain.
Unless you’ve been a therapist, Psychiatrist, Psychologist or have a family member or loved one with mental illness, you just couldn’t fathom what it takes to support them, let alone keep them safe at home.
I hope this reply of mine connects with you somehow, just like Chris Thompson’s message got to me yesterday when he pleaded to those who were bashing the families from both sides of the fence.
fuck you ruck. your a fucking cocsucking bitch… you extort money from citizens too you cocksucker… i got over your ass though you fucking piece of shit.
I’m traumatized of the audio that was recording the cry of a mentally disabled man yell for his father like a child when the Fullerton Police department was beating him,My our will never forget you Kelly Thomas,Now you are in peace