Who Is “Bertha Washington?”

Yesterday we had some fun with a self-righteous, pearl-clutching visitor calling him/herself “Bertha Washington” who seemed peeved that her/his Heroes on the Fullerton city payroll were being impugned. It doesn’t seemed to have entered this empty cranium that perhaps, just maybe, these miscreants deserved a wee ladling o’ the disapprobation.

Spokesphincter was the last straw. Apparently.

Today we entertain guesses from the Friends as to the identity of Dear Bertha.

Have at it!

92 Replies to “Who Is “Bertha Washington?””

  1. My vote is for the hemmoroid of Jan Flory,

    but it could be Pam Keller’s Welder glasses or Molly McClanahan’s frontal lobe

  2. Hahahaha, all I have to say is internal affairs is looking into police misconduct via blogs.. I sure hope it’s Good”lie”rich..

    1. You really think anyone has said anything on this blog outside of free speech? Rants related to opinions, especially not saying you are a Fullerton cop and clearly anonymous, is protected free speech and won’t be punished. I hope they do look at the blogs. More overtime. 🙂

  3. I would exclude anybody from Fullerton’s Old Guard Left. I don’t think their fingers could type out the word nigger with or without sand in front of it.

    1. curious, it’s been a while, but I remember reading on the blog that Joe is married to The Fullerton Shadow and he either worked or works in a gun shop.

  4. I have no patience for people like Bertha, as I think their sense of entitlement is worse than ignorance……please lady, , take it somewhere else…….

  5. Bertha also needs to learn that no one listens when you talk ‘AT’ them, , people only listen when you talk ‘WITH’ them……..

    Also, her racists comments were the first I’ve ever seen on this blog. I had to read another posters definition of the term she used to know what it meant……what a stupid woman….

  6. We Are All One :

    If the FPD want’s to be respected by us, they should’ve had this guy named Jim Palmer as their spokesman when Kelly Thomas was murdered…

    Some advocates for the homeless in Orange County said attacks of this nature weren’t surprising. But Jim Palmer, president of the Orange County Rescue Mission, called the slayings “disgusting.”

    “It’s really sort of evil for somebody to prey on homeless people,” he said. “They really are the weakest people in our system.”

  7. Hey does anyone know what happen at 1323 w valley view dr. I was doing my Sunday ride and came upon this address and there was Fullerton finest and a coroner behind a curtain. Sorry dont me to hijack this thread….

  8. My guess is Berth is Tony just like the other 15 pseudonyms Tony Posts as. Apparently Tony would like to play the role as victim for a while.

    1. My guess for who is Steve Anderson, would be, he/she is a nincompoop anti recall buddy who likes to hear him/herself cluck and think its funny

  9. Clearly anyone that posts here with opinions contrary to the dominant group-think is either a shill for the FPD or the “do-nothing” OC DA. Hell, it’s been well establised that I’m Susan Kang Schroeder, right? It’s all one giant conspiracy. Keep your tin-foil hats on tight!

    1. it’s been well establised that I’m Susan Kang Schroeder

      If you say so.

      I did find it a little suspicious that you continuously posted misleading pro-DA posts, didn’t really follow up when confronted then suddenly disappeared after charges were filed.

      1. “I did find it a little suspicious…”

        Of course you did. Anyone who doesn’t toe the party line and stick to parroting the dominant group here think is immediately viewed with suspicion. It’s not only paranoid, it’s juvenile. It’s also amusingly self-aggrandizing. News Flash: FFF is really just not that important except in your own minds.

        “Misleading pro-DA” posts?”

        You mean like going against the dominant group think and correctly predicting the DA would file serious charges?

        You mean like documenting the fact that another high-profile death investigation last year, and the coroner’s report, took the exact same amount of time as in the Thomas case, proving the supposed “cover-up” to be a baseless accusation?

        And as for “suddenly” disappearing after the DA filed MURDER CHARGES in the Thomas case, that’s a plain lie. I stuck around for awhile, but after the DA rendered FFF’s Thomas case charges moot, and exposed FFF, its bloggers and commenters, as unreliable sources for objective analysis of a county-wide issue, I didn’t see much of a reason to continue visiting this site. From the looks of things, I was hardly alone. lol

        1. Susan you keep giving your boss credit for filing charges while ignoring the fact that the charges are weak and the case itself is full of holes that the defense will ram through.

          As I said before, the whole intent was to appease the public NOW and law enforcement LATER. Its a win/win situation for him.

          It’s one thing to “file charges” and another to “file appropriate charges” along with a good case. What your boss did was the equivalent of filing littering and public nuisance charges against Scott Dekraai.

          …Of course you can sit there and say “Well, he filed charges” but that wouldn’t be right.

        2. “and exposed FFF, its bloggers and commenters, as unreliable sources for objective analysis of a county-wide issue”


          If it were not for FFFF, many things would never have come to light.

          1. Like the Kelly Thomas murder for one thing. And the illegal 10% water tax for another.

            This blog has immense influence. Everybody who is anybody in the OC comes here for news and fun!

        3. And yet like all the others you keep coming back to the Best Blog in OC – two years in a row. Suck on that.

        4. Ha Ha Ha – poor brain constipated Eye, do you need some attention?

          Or is it that you just caint stands that fact, FFFF IS important and read by many – is that why you are obsessed with blabbering continuously about how ineffective FFFF is?

          or both

    2. Ha ha! Still have a sweet spot for do-nothing T-Rack? Maybe we should just call him “The do as little as humanly possible DA.”

      1. I just have a sweet spot for the truth.


        There never was any attempt at a cover-up and the investigation into Thomas’ death, including the autopsy results, took the same number of weeks as did the investigation into the death of Huy Thanh Pham, the cokehead who jumped from the Costa Mesa City Hall roof.


        Those of you who were told otherwise by FFF and believed it were taken for a ride.

        1. How do you know there wasn’t a cover up?


          1) Goodrich releases misinformation, disinformation, outright lies? He Either did it on his own or on orders. Either way: coverup.

          2) Councilmember Whitaker is told the same misinformation and is denied access to the video by his own employees. Cover up.

          3) Superior officers collaborate with cops involved to write and rewrite reports omitting key information. Cover up.

          4) DA refuses to prosecute Wolfe who initiated the violence and who knew that Ramos was threatening Thomas.

          I won’t even get into the rickety crafted to fail case constructed by your man crush.

          Man you really are an asshole.

  10. Bertha Washington -an ironic choice of moniker- is the voice of reason for the individuals whom with their CH3CH20H & C6H5CH2CHNH2COOH infused, pickled cerebral cortexes and seared consciences think that all men and women are NOT CREATED equal. Its party affiliation runs the gammet. Its abstract reasoning has been severly impaired by their nightly addiction to the 1,920Ă—1,080 pixel resolution that has become its conscience and its spirit guide. Where it differs is its affluence. It thinks it is safe and secure and nothing cannot happen to it. Its trust is in a network of lies built upon a delusion. What else could explain its worship of the flippant violators of the public trust that have derided what is inscribed above and on the doors to this Nation’s Supreme Court.

  11. EyeNeverSayNo :
    “I did find it a little suspicious…”
    Of course you did. Anyone who doesn’t toe the party line and stick to parroting the dominant group here think is immediately viewed with suspicion. It’s not only paranoid, it’s juvenile. It’s also amusingly self-aggrandizing. News Flash: FFF is really just not that important except in your own minds.
    “Misleading pro-DA” posts?”
    You mean like going against the dominant group think and correctly predicting the DA would file serious charges?
    You mean like documenting the fact that another high-profile death investigation last year, and the coroner’s report, took the exact same amount of time as in the Thomas case, proving the supposed “cover-up” to be a baseless accusation?
    And as for “suddenly” disappearing after the DA filed MURDER CHARGES in the Thomas case, that’s a plain lie. I stuck around for awhile, but after the DA rendered FFF’s Thomas case charges moot, and exposed FFF, its bloggers and commenters, as unreliable sources for objective analysis of a county-wide issue, I didn’t see much of a reason to continue visiting this site. From the looks of things, I was hardly alone. lol

    pontificate: to rant rave and otherwise try to convince some one of your own point with out careing if they are listening or not.

    1. You cared enough to quote me! lol

      Sanity Is wrote: “It’s one thing to “file charges” and another to “file appropriate charges” along with a good case. What your boss did was the equivalent of filing littering and public nuisance charges against Scott Dekraai.”

      I’m guessing you don’t know much about criminal law.

      T-rack has a solid second degree murder case against Ramos, and yet Ramos could have just as easily been charged with mere involuntary manslaughter or even assault.

        1. Not a Boohoo :Wrong. Ramos will walk and Cicinelli might get a few months.
          It’s all set up to fail.

          I guess it all depends on how much of the unaldulterated video gets out. The verdict in the court of public opinion will have far greater ramifications than any rigged trial. We have seen it before. What we havent seen before is the trifecta of the economy implodi

      1. with the exception of the inference to my lack of knowledge in criminal law, you did a much better job of explaining and supporting your positions and opinions without critiquing others.

  12. —-We have seen it before. What we havent seen before is the trifecta of the economy imploding, the rise of political protests and demonstrations and the masses being pushed to the edge in this country. I hope you are wrong.

  13. “[So far, the primary lead is footage from a security camera captured at the time of the first attack, on Dec. 21, showing a man whom police described as dressed in black and “lying in wait.” Police said he appears to be about 18 to 25 years old, with a thin build and of average height.]”
    Why hasn’t the police released the footage so the public can help identify the perpetrator?

  14. homeless killings :“[So far, the primary lead is footage from a security camera captured at the time of the first attack, on Dec. 21, showing a man whom police described as dressed in black and “lying in wait.” Police said he appears to be about 18 to 25 years old, with a thin build and of average height.]”Why hasn’t the police released the footage so the public can help identify the perpetrator?

    Why dont you call the cities where it occurred. If you really give a sh%$t.

  15. Ever notice that when the name of a certain former FPD officer is mentioned (a Slidebar regular), Reality disappears?

  16. Speaking of the slidebar, the crybabies contacted Yelp! and got my review removed.

    Probably because it mentioned, among other things, their bogus call to FPD that resulted in Kelly Thomas’s death.

    1. Don’t you dare compare the actions of these loud subhuman animals to what happened to Kelly Thomas. In fact I’ll go a step further and compare the officer who was “sucka punched” by one of those animals to Kelly Thomas.

      Like Ramos and the rest of the gang, they create and provoke the situation then claim brutality.

      What happened in that video is NOT brutality on the police part. They were just trying to take that subhuman man child info custody and these ramos/cincinelli type thugs were trying to create a situation where there was none.

      Sad to say but some gray haired hippie judge will probably let them all of with a slap on the wrists.


  17. That was an unprovoked attack on a police officer that was clearly illegal and will certainly result in some serious charges. We are brave but we are not fools Mr Cyclops.

  18. One report indicated that the man on the ground was being illegally arrested. If that in fact is the case the man on the ground has every right the world to resist his unlawful arrest. The orange county DA said that himself. The man that came to the aid of the subject being arrested is a hero.

    1. Maybe you would feel differently if the men being attacked by the pigs were white.

      Keep talking Unibrow Is. Whatever garbage you’re selling we’re not buying.

      We can smell a troll even when they’re hiding in the basement of 237 West Commonwealth.

    2. Like I have said we are not fools. That man that was arrested will obviously make it to the trial and will have his day. Kelly Thomas was not afforded that option. The psy-ops and cointelpro are getting very bizarre on this blog. We will take that as a compliment as it shows that we are not just making a dent but rather an incision.

  19. Don’t you dare compare the actions of these loud subhuman animals to what happened to Kelly Thomas. In fact I’ll go a step further and compare the officer who was “sucka punched” by one of those animals to Kelly Thomas.

    I did not compare this incident to the Kelly Thomas beating. Your discription of the men as subhuman animals is telling. Through out history name calling is a common tact to dehumanize the oppressed.

  20. off subject:
    ever notice that andrew good lie looks like the illigitimate offspring of the late great Divine and Anne Heche? no? never mind?

  21. I am no longer employed as a paid supporter of the FPOA or any other POA thanks to this blog, but I will live on indexed by google.

    “Thanks for risking your lives so that my family and I can enjoy OURS!”
    – Joel Swintowski

    1. karma—nailed it…chaz bono is goodrich..I stand corrected-I love divine too…maybe the contacts were dirty…but 100% you are right!

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