Salutation From The Great Lakes State
We get a lot of e-mails from folks all over the place. The following, from a guy named Howard, is not atypical. A familiar thread is the theme of municipal cultures of corruption and lack of leadership across the republic.
Name: Howard McLay
Privacy: You may publish this under my name
Subject: Fullerton Leadership Mess
Since the death of Kelly Thomas, I have read the FFFF blog weekly.
I’m amazed at the depth of coverage of this clowncil.
I am also amazed at the height of the corruption and spending within the city.
This leads to an amazement of “How did it get this bad” considering all the info published in the FFFF blog.
This is not a criticism by any means of the good people involved or the people of Fullerton. For I live in Wayne County Mich where there is a FBI investigation ongoing with our leader, and the world knows about the Detroit mayor.
So my amazement is really…how in the world did our government get so lax in oversight, in checks and balances, to have these messes all across America.
My hope is that your recall, and the investigation into the killing of Kelly, comes to a just ending. Keep up the pressure!
Howard, thanks for the kind words and well-wishes. We will indeed keep up the pressure!
How did it get to be this kinda mess all over the USA? 2-reasons, 1) Most of us are too busy raising kids, going to PTA, paying the mortgage, etc. you know, living the American dream, to pay attention to corruption, 2) Like the Evangelicals of SC voting for an immoral cad like Newt, political ideology & pragmaticism trumps core values.
We are the government and we have become lax. Why? We have all been signed onto a treadmill of debt servitude and turned into CONSUMERS INSTEAD OF CITIZENS.
Sort of a “flip side” of this concern is to realize the fine service (and very hard work) which an honorable public elected official contributes to his community.
I learn a good deal about our city via this blog, but I also know some things from my own investigation.
I think that Bruce Whitaker solidly contributing the kind of fine service which we need (and my favorable, but less well informed, impression of Mrs. Quirk Silva is that she is a similarly able and excellent person).
You forgot reason #3: ENTITLEMENT.
Entitlement is #1
There are few politicians out there who have not sold their souls to the devil.
Watch for candidates who have recd financing from George Soros, the Rothschilds, Bilderbergers, Fabians,Illuminati. THEY FINANCE PEOPLE WHO WILL GUIDE THE COUNTRY INTO SOCIALISM AND THE ONE WORLD GOVT!
Those who have the BIG money call the shots!
Starbucks announced that they intend to start selling beer and wine in locations in So. Cal.
With the bar business being so successful in Fullerton, will the Chamber of Commerce and the City Council be making a pitch to Starbucks, to replace some of the money that is being squandered by the Redevelopment Agency.
Such the pessimist once again RI.
He’s got support in numbers to help out with keeping the replacements in line.
Reality Is , Settle down there Zippy.. Don’t let this site run your life anymore then you already has..
I meant to place this comment in the previous post in a rebuttal to one of ‘Reality Is’ comments. Don’t know how it got here.
I think Reality Is got the hook.
That’s “weak sauce” Reality Is. The reason that Fullerton is where it is is because a small group of dedicated townspeople stood shoulder-to-shoulder to hold the line against these offensive opportunistic octegenarians, until the rest of the town could comprehend the depths of their depravity and join us.
Who is this reality is you keep talking about?
I call fake on Howard!
Who the frick’s Howard and where did a Howard post anything?
This place is getting a bit in the ‘Twilight Zone’.
Howard was the guy who sent in the e-mail.
This is one of the best statements on government today:
“Frankly, I never expect anything good from government. And here I refer to the institution itself. How can you, considering that it’s main products are wars, pogroms, prosecutions, persecutions, taxation, regulation, inflation and assorted idiocy. These aren’t just accidental characteristics; the actual essence of government is coercion, and coercion is not a good thing. Worse, the people drawn to “service” of the state aren’t the “best and brightest”, as their propogandists put out, but the worst and dullest; they’re people who believe in organized coercion. Who else would even consider working for such an organization? That’s why “throwing the bums out” is a pointless exercise in self- delusion. – Doug casey, Casey Research.
I disagree, there are many good politicians, you get what you vote for. A lot of voters are crazy old people who want something.
Yes, it’s called MONEY!!!
Didn’t RI make another smart ass remark on this post at #5. What happened to it admin?
Also is RI Kevin Hamilton? Just wonderin’
I’m gonna need popcorn for this thread. Jim’s (#! post) hit it but then went out there on his second point, but this place is about Fullerton and as such there is a lot of awareness here now. Let’s keep it up.
Lots of 99% ers that want a lot of something for nothing,keep those entitlement programs a rolling!
You mean like your disability payments and discount medicines subsidized by tax payer money?
Who cares what rat fink RI thinks,writes or says. To me his opine is moot!
It is at best an unpleasant fact that the recurrent theme is too much power and wealth via tax dollars and voter apathy has been concentrated into the hands of too few, and too often these few at best are unremarkable persons and worse they act like McKinley, Jones and Bankhead.
And due to this ugly fact, it is essential free speech is protected from government retribution. FFFF brought to the people the truth that was an impetus in reforming our representative government.
Again, thanks to Tony Bushala, Travis Kiger and Chris Thompson’s courage to tell the truth to us and trust us, we the good people of Fullerton, to appropriately take action against our municipal government’s illegal and unethical actions.
Wow, guess RI got kicked out of the sandbox for stirring the turd again, I presume?
Was he the one that typed “keep the entitlements rolling”?
Who or what is this Reality Is I keep hearing about?
From my position behind the keyboard and short time here on this blog, to me RI is a “spin doctor”.
I lurked for a couple months reading RI’s constant comments which appeared to be a full time job for the most part.
RI said too much to often, was DEAD WRONG on some of his comments for me, so I finally came in, and called BS on some of this stuff.
Myself I like a good challenge on stuff like this.
RI is someone within the Fullerton government structure, or strong supporter there of, who inserts what they believe to be funny comments,trying to be one of the regular folks while trying to put the spin on certain topics.
My belief, someone from FPD.
One might say a propaganda minister for the party.
I decided to grab the bull by the horns and make the challenge to RI, to meet face to face after his repeated telling everyone about how “speculative” and “opinionated” “baised”, their comments were on the Kelly Thomas issue.
RI’s comments elluding to Kelly being a POS and suggesting a “no harm, no foul” in his death really pissed me off. That is HOW I took some of his comments.
How does one make such comments unless they are in fact driving the bus, or have a front row seat to this scandal?
The REALISTIC problem I believe, from a legal standpoint is, if RI is one of the main players in this scandal, or an immediate subordinate of one.
If their true identity was known, it could open up another chapter in everything else that is going on.
There might be an attorney out their watching this, and want to subpeona RI and depose them on some of his comments.
That could surely be problamatic for a few.
Onc can track IP addresses right down to ones home or office. The technology exsists that’s for sure.
If RI is using different screen names to play this game, even worse.
A subpeona to a service provider will get the posters exact address in most cases. If the postings are coming from a city owned computer or blackberry NOT GOOD!!!
I am sure one or more administrators has a good idea who RI is. They can see the bloggers IP address.
Not that the City of Fullerton’s credibility can get tarnished any more, but it can sure make things worse than they already are.
Like bring more voters out of the closet against the 3 Amigos.
But anyone who posts what RI posts, and had true conviction in their comments, would surely step up to the plate to defend their comments if they want to play here as much as RI does.
If RI is connected to the City, what has been said here can surely come back to huant them.
I just don’t care for those who think they are smarter than everyone else.
If you wish to educate people about something, then include the good,bad, and ugly into the lesson and let those reading be the judge, hopefully in an objective way.
Nothing wrong with fair and objective discourse.
So what did RI say? It is removed. Not a fan of censorship. Comeon FFFF let the chips fall where they may.
Crazy. I just posted a comment and it went up 3 spots. Maybe FFFF is having issues.
I don’t think it was one comment but many overall comments over a period of time.
I myself wonder how I move up in the list of posters, above others who have already posted.
Can anyone tell me how that happens?
We keep electing the retired cops, chamber of commerce types, and others deeply invested in the status quo. If there were a way to keep employee union money (cops, fire, and miscellaneous) out of city council elections — that might be a good first step.
It has come to my attention that McNeverGonnaGetIt has a she-bear gig set up with the Womens Club of Fullerton. I’m not sure of the exact group’s name. Perhaps some well worded messages will help them understand why his involvement with any women’s group is not a good idea. I’ve already made arrangements for this youtube video to be seen by their president after having one of their members view it.
“Reality Is” who or whomever he is from, he is a CREEPER. Emotionally stunted, sadistic and seems masochistic.