61 Replies to “Caption This!”

    1. Only 2 city employees the rest were helping the ladies out so they could be home prior to midnight…O 3 in cluding Joe Felz….all the rest are RECALLERS…talk about an occupy!

    2. what you see isn’t always what you get; remember, appearances can be deceiving – don’t “assume” any of the city employees are idle, including Felz (he was doing outreach, maybe – grin). Oh yeah, you do know the old story about “assume”, don’t you, anonymous?

  1. Whew doggy…its been quite a year ladies ( I can call you that- your not that kind)…I got alot of calls on the stipper slime bar fiasco…allllooota calls..on that- ya did joe? Were they wondering where the bar is…or what?

    1. Gee Joe what are you doing here so late?
      I am just here trying to find out about them strippers. I am not a spy for McFuckNut…

  2. Well you know prior to this extinguished job with what 200 thou a year…and the only experience I had rpior to this was:
    1- handing out balls through parks n rec
    2-tour guide museum
    yep …..tough job city manager…woooeee

  3. Considering the disastrous fiscal train wreck that has flattened the city under engineman Felz the past year, he may have provided the most hilarious caption himself:

    “We’re going to have to pay overtime costs but I think they’ll be able to wrap it up in a couple hours,” said City Manager Joe Felz.

    He must have been fuming when the honking patrol racked up all those overtime hours.

  4. Felz: “Ya know Dan Bankhead, who knows way more about these recall things than I do, tells me A LOT of these signatures will be invalid.”

  5. “You know my friend Larry Bennett said that we should be locking the doors to City Hall just in case the “thugs and bullies” gathering signatures try to get in”.

    “However, I gotta tell you ladies, that if y’alls the criminals that these guys were worried about, than go ahead and phone the wifey and explain to her that I’m staying late at the office because I’m being held captive by Tony Bushala’s notorious gang of thugs and bullies”.

  6. “Ooooo…this is uhhhaaaaalooot more signatures than I was thinking. Maybe that Albert Pujols schtick to force my raise wasn’t such a good idea after all. I wonder if they’d keep me at $150K?”

  7. “Wow…you guys actually did it…should I be worried…I mean…congratulations…I mean…don’t tell the three I said that…well, at least until after they’re recalled…I mean…oh hell, I don’t know what I mean. Where are my supporters from the council meetings?”

    I think that about sums it up.

      1. lol and hehehe I’ve been very fortunate and in good company with others who equally rule. I can’t say it enough: this was a team effort and we all got to shine together.

  8. “I Joe ($200,000+/yr) air kiss you wonderful women, but how dare you enter our Devils’ playground and remove our exalted (raised or elevated, as in rank or character; of high station) leaders from this old and tired City.” -Joe

    “(Thinking) Thank You.” -Joe

  9. I just put this info on the she-bear thread and am putting it here so it’s not missed. It’s come to my understanding that McKinkley has a she-bear gig set up with the Women’s Club here in Fullerton. I’ve spoken to one of their members, had her watch the youtube video from the Brea gig and it will be passed on to their president. I encourage others to politely let this group know why this gig is unacceptable.

    1. I should add that the member requested contact through a mutual friend. I’m glad to see there is concern.

      (I’m having trouble with the Open Season on the She-Bear thread. If my info on this upcoming gig didn’t post, can someone please copy my comment here and paste it on that thread for me? Thanks)

      1. e-mail any information and I’ll do a special She Bear post.

        We’ll call it – She Bear II: The Reincarnation

  10. “ooooowwweeee, that fart was nastier than I thought it was gonna be. You should never fall for the “Pull my finger” schtick little ladies.~wink~”

  11. Forward thinking Joe… I’m considering applying
    for a couple of job openings. 1. Santa Ana Zoo-
    where the animals are not the ones in charge. 2.
    Barnum & Bailey Circus- similar work but better looking clowns. Also, is it ok to list you wonderful
    ladies as references?

    1. He makes about $900 per day of work, so do the math.

      I was questioning why he’s standing there doing nothing. By his own admission City staff was being paid overtime to count signatures.

  12. Understand that Joe Felz is a city manager with a fairly thin resume. He is basically a parks and rec manager kicked upstairs by the 3 dinosaurs to let them have their way with the redevelopment funds.
    Felz knows that with a new city council, his contract may not be renewed and a new managerial accounting type with a penny pinching bent could replace him. So Joe was showing his impartiality by being available to the signature folks. Play both sides, Joe!

    1. You know what’s scary about a guy like Joe Felz?

      Here you have someone with BA and MA degrees in sociology managing a City budget over $200 million per year. I’m willing to bet he never even took Accounting 101 in college. Following graduation his entire adult life has been spent with the City of Fullerton managing museums, parks, cultural arts, and other fluff programs, none of which offer the requisite experience to be a steward of the public’s tax dollars.

      So when the City’s accountants hand him a Balance Sheet or any other financial document, does he have the foggiest idea how to interpret them?

      1. That is precisely why he is in the position he is in. $257 million dollars is alot of money. You see this alot in the corporate world where they install a token VP or CFO as the strings are pulled externally. It explains the racoon eyes.

      2. You have not been part of the big corporate world lately. This is how it works. There are peeps who take care of all the financial stuff. He just gets their input. It takes more than the one person to run a corporation. Just because Joe is City Mananger does not mean, he knows it all. A good manager knows where to get input.
        And, Yes, I like Joe. So far.

        1. I like Joe, too. That doesn’t mean he isn’t a total lightweight in way over his head. Just look who promoted him.

          1. Slime disease is contagious. The most common method of transmission is generally acomplished from spineless to spineless. Lightweights often succumb to the treatment. The recall is the only known cure.

  13. “When the Recall is successful, will the Gravy Train ever stop at the train depot again?”

    ‘Sorry folks, I’m going through the Redevelopment Blues.”

  14. “Anyone want to hear and see a presentation about your Inner She-Bear?”

    “Why are all the blondes on one side of the office?”

    “Anyone want a date with Rincon? I’ll chaperone if needed.”

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