Sidewalk Hijackers Support The Dinosaurs

Caution - ethical behavior narrows ahead...

And why not? Life is good when you can get away with grabbing a public sidewalk and build a building on it. “Are you crazy, Joe?” I can hear you saying. No. FFFF shared the story, here.

The sidewalk grabber was Mr. Anthony Florentine, proprietor of the Tuscany Club. Here he is chipping in to save the Three Dithering Diplosaurs:

And the guy that let Florentine get away with the heist was none other than former Fullerton Development Services Director F. Paul Dudley, whose incompetent tenure caused harm to Fullerton that will probably never be fixed. A member of Fullerton’s $100,000 pension club, Dudley makes extra cash lobbying his former employers on behalf of developers. So he’s working to keep the Old Boys in office, too:

Of course Dudley had help in brushing off the sidewalk scam, and then papering it over. And he had help in the persons of Don Bankhead and “Dick” Jones, previously beneficiaries of Florentine’s campaign largess.

What nice people.

59 Replies to “Sidewalk Hijackers Support The Dinosaurs”

  1. I always wondered how that building morphed out onto the sidewalk.

    Now I know. Fullerton is not for sale. It was sold a long time ago.

  2. Just not too many surprises here. How these guys hope to paint Bushala as self-serving when virtually all of their donors have been enriched by Bankhead and Jones is beyond me. Dudley takes in a tidy $140K kicking back in Raymond Hills and the Florentines would probably be allowed to open up a rent-free restaurant on the City Hall lawn.

      1. Wow, that’s almost as much as that meatbag Dudley makes just sitting around.for a few weeks. And he only gave $100? That’s gratitude for you.

    1. Chris,

      Not sure where to type this and off topic but I’ll try here. You are very up to date on unions, pensions, and other current budget topics.

      What’s your thoughts on Fire departments? You don’t say much about them and they are the strongest, most powerful union in the State. I find it interesting their tactics in this time of change also. Nothing has changed in fire departments budgets, staffing, or schedules. I find it odd that someone hasn’t taken fire to task on the fact that in time of no money we still pay multiple people everyday to sleep on the job. Millions could be saved each day by putting fire personnel on 12 on 12 off schedules, and when they are working they are working and not sleeping. But the main point is that fire unions are so strong and so powerful that no one will touch anything to do with them and you barely hear a word because they are so active behind the scenes.

      Just thought I would throw that out there to someone that has so much knowledge on that topic.

        1. Thanks donut. I had never heard of FFFF until July 2011 so yes I never saw that discussion. Covers most of it for sure. Still amazes me no one has touched them and we pay people to sleep. Oh well.

      1. It’s really disturbing that a City Hall staffer couldn’t do that “research” him/herself. Hiring Paul Dudley to do that was nothing more than a personal financial favor.

    1. “John Phelps” is mentioned in this report, as well as the 460 forms, as a frequent donor to the city council elections? Quid Pro Quo?

  3. More booze and cholesterol overflowing into the streets. Just what Fullerton needs. More DUIs for the FPD and more clients for St Jude. That is progress my friends. Hey all you geriatric ass clowns- just wait until the SV40 that was in your polio shots kicks in. Guess who will have the last laugh. You think the young people are nothing more than fools to be liquored up by your pals, beat up by your cops, fed garbage from your crony amigos slop joints, framed, fleeced and molested by your PEACE officers? The gig is up. There is an ocean of discontent out there and your are about to ride the wave of your lives. If you have any conscience left at all, walk into your phony churches this Sunday and get on your knees. It is never to late to do the right thing.

  4. Just an observation-what with the big bucks these dudes have and are given from various T-rex’s , only $250 donation from Florentine and $100 from Dudley to help out their old buds, really?

    Guess they aren’t THAT grateful or are concerned about their fixed incomes.

    What about that cartoon character with the stickers all over his truck? any mention of him in the 460?

  5. This isn’t a bill, its supposed to be a donation-from them.

    With all that loud and proud declarations and written reporting on Tony Bushala recall group, it doesn’t look to me that they were too sure about the outcome of the petition signing.

    How much is Larry Bennett on there for?

  6. McKinley: “We remained silent because that is the rule,” McKinley said. “We were told by the (city) attorney, ‘Don’t say anything.’ … A lawyer tells me what to do and I follow his lead.”

    Makes you wonder why it took the city attorney Jones 3 months to tell the public that the council has been advise to be silent due to the ongoing criminal investigation.
    He could have saved his council 3 months of interrogation and hollering at the city council meetings.

      1. Oh, and one more thing. After the recall is successful and new councilmembers are seated, I hope the first order of business is to terminate the contract of Jones & Mayer. Those idiots have done irreparable harm to Fullerton.

        1. Instead of stating YOUR opinion on the “irreparable damage” done, how about stating some facts to support them. All you people bitch and complain based on belief and bullshit “stories” posted on this pile of shit blog. And yes I read this BS cause it’s entertaining to listen to people such as yourself who are misled and generally unhappy with life. Makes me smile!

          1. Anonymous :
            And yes I read this BS cause it’s entertaining to listen to people such as yourself who are misled and generally unhappy with life. Makes me smile!

            We aim to please! 🙂

          2. Hey ‘swipe, remember when you wrote this on July 8th, 2011:

            The cameras are not fixed on a certain area to view and have to manually be moved to whatever area you want to see. For this very reason it may or may not have captured the incident. Just an FYI to hopefully dispel any future conspiracy theories. One more thing, during the incident it may have not been feasible to train the camera on the incident amongst all that was going on. Give Officers a break, they do the right thing 99% of the time.

    1. If they were supposed to remain silent then why did they go around making asinine comments about seeing worse & having their eyes bloused. Fucking morons.

    2. “A lawyer tells me what to do and I follow his lead.”

      And that’s why the Three Dismal Donkeys are being recalled.

    3. Really you wonder WG? You have been to almost all the council meetings, the ones that I have gone to and this guy…hides in the corner and pop’s his head out like he is about to be bopped in a game of whacka mole….when you talk to him or ask him a question..he does the HUH? ME? look…I asked him for his job description…never have gotten that- come to think of it…I will get and share the contents with you WG.

  7. Why did McKinley stay silent on Power and Hampton and Mejia and Rincon and Mater, etc.?

    Right because he is the architect of the FPD Culture of Corruption.

    1. Even an egotistical maniac like McKinley now realizes he is better off being silent so he doesn’t stick his foot in his mouth as he did at his Brea Oroptomist She-Bear class last October.
      What a Buffoon!!!

  8. So based on McKinely being told to shut his trap, I can now only assume the city attorney is the one that made up the misleading No-recall flyers. That’s quite an attorney we have there. This does nothing to to protect and maintain my trust as a life long citizen of Fullerton, and isn’t that what they are supposed to do?

    from the Jones and MAyer website:
    ” Our clients are public entities who have a responsibility to protect and maintain the public trust and our office acknowledges and accepts that responsibility in its many dealings with the entities, the elected officials, and employees and their citizens.”

    And from what I can tell, Jones has been city attorney since 1995, is that correct? (please correct me if I am wrong) If so, that pair of underwear should have been changed a long time ago. A city council that keeps an attorney for that long has way to many skeletons in their closet for my liking.

  9. Took a trip to Maui this summer to attend a wedding. As I headed to the back of the plane, walked right past Dudley and his wife sitting in First Class sipping the bubbly. What a life! $100 – cheap bastard.

  10. Councilman seeks Kelly Thomas video

    FULLERTON – A City Council member is requesting the release of a video apparently showing a deadly altercation of police officers with a mentally-ill homeless man, but county prosecutors are refusing to release the video.

    The City Council is scheduled on Tuesday to discuss a request by Councilman Bruce Whitaker that members have the chance to review a security-camera video that was turned over as evidence in the death of Kelly Thomas. Whitaker said he plans to ask council members to take a vote on whether they want to see the video.

    1. well he did man up and step down….after he hid behind his moms apron in san clemente for months…now he retires..aint that rich.

  11. Reality Is :
    True. Was referring to the waste of tax payer dollars.

    Not as much as Fullerton taxpayers will be paying you for your bogus medical claims Mr.Sellers.

  12. In response to #46 FULLERTON – A City Council member is requesting the release of a video apparently showing a deadly altercation of police officers with a mentally-ill homeless man, but county prosecutors are refusing to release the video.

    The City Council is scheduled on Tuesday to discuss a request by Councilman Bruce Whitaker that members have the chance to review a security-camera video that was turned over as evidence in the death of Kelly Thomas. Whitaker said he plans to ask council members to take a vote on whether they want to see the video.

    Response: I thought the video was already seen by council…at least, by one of them. I know from a good source and good friend that the video was seen by at least one of the council members shortly after the incident on July 5, 2011 happened. And, the information that came from this source after viewing the video was “only two should be charged”. What a shame that one was able to view it, but not all got to view it. THAT’S JUST WRONG!!!!

    1. “I know from a good source and good friend that the video was seen by at least one of the council members shortly after the incident on July 5, 2011 happened.”

      “Could it be the infamous Pat McKinley?”, she asked facetiously.

  13. [A] On July 5, police came across Thomas in a parking lot [B] while looking for a possible car-burglary suspect.

    This is the second Register article to claim Kelly was in a parking lot when he was accosted. As commenter streets of fullerton has noted, Kelly was absolutely not in the parking lot at all. This is a not so subtle distinction. Parts A and B of the above quote are joined at the hip and tend to give the unwitting reader a false impression that there was probable cause to detain Kelly. At minimum, a casual reader could assume Kelly was involved in mischief. Can the Register ever get the story right? Also, someone had mentioned a possible city council resolution to clear Kelly’s name. He died in custody. Certainly, resisting arrest would have been a charge, but one wonders if he was also charged with assault or possession of stolen property.

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