Where Is Albert Rincon?

The police unions in California have become so powerful that they have paid for legislation that makes it virtually impossible to find out anything about individual cops, including the ones that shame their badges and violate their oaths.

In Fullerton we have seen how this curtain of secrecy immediately descended when Kelly Thomas, a homeless man, was bludgeoned to death by several members of the police department. Well, okay, some of these goons were eventually brought to the bar of justice, and they get the same rights as the rest of us, even if it takes a veritable act of Congress to get crooked cops charged with a crime.

Of course the difference between them and us is that if they arrest us for something, our pictures can be plastered all over the evening news, and forensic evidence be damned.

So let us now consider the case of Albert Rincon, poster boy for the FPD Culture of Corruption, and the creep you will nevermore hear McKinley, Jones or Bankhead or Lou Ponsi talk about. Over several years, Rincon serially violated department policy by turning off his DAR and then, according to numerous complaints, sexually assaulted women in his patrol car. Rincon was given “pat-down” training as a corrective measure and sent back out on the streets of Fullerton to molest more females.

The City was upbraided by Federal Judge Andrew Guilford, for its years’ long tolerance of Rincon’s behavior as he denied a summary judgment in a civil suit brought by two of Rincon’s victims. The City immediately settled with the two women for a massive $350,000. And here’s where it gets even sicker, if that’s even possible.

Sometime in October, Rincon left the department. But we are not permitted to know the details. And for that matter we know nothing of the separations of the iPad thief, Kelly Mejia, or the Brady Cop, Vincent Mater.

Were these people fired? Were they permitted to quit? Are they still, or can they become cops someplace else? These things we shall never know – unless they continue the behavior cultivated under the corrupt chiefship of Pat McKinley, and get caught again.

But the case of Albert Rincon deserves special attention. We cannot see what this perverted sociapath looks like, nor know where he went, although such behavior by a civilian would certainly have resulted in a conviction and a life-long sex offender tag. That civilian’s name would be in an index the rest of his life; but not Rincon’s.

For all we know Rincon may already be a police officer in some other jurisdiction, fulfilling his life-long dream of being a cop.

Such is the ridiculous shroud of secrecy and special protections the cops’ politicians have erected for their patrons; the shroud protects all cops, good and bad. And that’s the way they want it.

133 Replies to “Where Is Albert Rincon?”

  1. It will take a standup cop, more than likely a retired one that won’t have to worry so much about violating their beloved ‘Blue Line of Silence’ to come forward with a photo or some valuable information about this scumbag.

  2. I’d like to know what the hell he looks like-Hard to believe no one knows.
    Curious, could an artist rendered likeness drawing be made somehow?

    1. I’ve been out of touch for some time; does anyone have a link to what Rincon has done? Or, is there a “list” somewhere we’re keeping? Thanks 🙂

  3. OMG brain fart….remember the case of the girl who was fondled at FCC? That was the same time he was no longer on the force. Was that a roundabout way of letting us know what he looks like? From my recollection this perp hasn’t been found. Hmmmm….

  4. “such behavior by a civilian would certainly have resulted in a conviction”

    Police officers are civilians too.

    As common as it has become for police to dress up like soliders, ride around in armored vehicles, and call themselves warriors and operators, they are not soldiers.

    You should not indulge the desire of some police officers to pretend they are.

  5. The Peace Officer’s Bill of Rights has become a Frankenstein. That union monster has escaped from the lab and is now running amok preying on the villagers.

      1. I was wondering how could things change too without some kind of popular referendum. Certainly very few politicians would want to revisit POBOR and make corrections unless things became drastically worse, or the issue was tied to a major case that appalled everyone.

        1. Paul, “…unless things became drastically worse (which we can count on), or the issue was tied to a major case that appalled everyone.” Like no convictions on Kelly Thomas’ murderers.

          1. Given the number of notable police abuse cases in CA and across the country, a statewide movement to pass a voter referendum to repeal POBOR or at least to change it to allow for transparency and oversight over police abuse complaints could attract a pretty diverse constituency.

            The beating of the students and faculty at UC Berkeley and “pepper spray cop” at UC Davis can’t hurt. Joe Public is increasingly upset about unnecessary use of force by cops.

            Here’s a nice one from yesterday. Police officer tased a 9-year old boy. http://www.officer.com/news/10654177/ohio-chief-suspended-after-9-year-old-shocked

      2. I like that idea. How about we petition the court too in regards to perp Rincon? Seems like a public safety issue. Attention Honorable Judge Andrew Guilford.

  6. Here is the mindsetof our servers and protectors

    “Rincon could be a cop. He’s never been convicted of a crime he has a Masters degree, he’s a wonderful dancer plus he speaks Spainish.” -McCone FFFF

    1. Sounds about right for a perp like Rincon. He has a degree so he thinks he is a Master. He dances well around the truth. And he is a bilingual sexual pervert.

      1. I guess the question that bugs me the most about the entire She-bear, rincon mess- why o why was his partner, Officer Wren, then promoted to Det Wren, after this? So Wren never saw, his partner possibly going over the line? Never saw that did ya? So since you have poor eye sight, and lacking any morals, I guess you get promoted- Nice work Kevin Hamilton, who was interrum cheif at the time- nice work. The Judge was right- weak sauce.

        1. I hear all the time that cop partners are BFF’s for each other-I’m quite sure if Wren didn’t see anything, he sure as hell KNEW something.

  7. There will always be bad cops.

    What bothers me most is that the rest of the cops protect the bad cops.

    That is why I have lost all faith and confidence in our police departments.

    Any cop who protects a bad cop is also rotten to the core.

  8. OK Rincon goes to another agency in lets say Washington State. He applies for a job and gives the details. The new agency calls Fullerton PD for info. Now the real question is what do they tell him? Do they say he worked here from start date to end date and then resigned? Then do they call his references? Ummmm Pat McPension who says those women that complained were not like you ladies!! See the problem? Is Rincon gonna be out trolling for girls again under color of authority in another state or County?

    1. Fullerton CANNOT disclose anything about his personnel record, except if he would be rehired.

        1. Marsha- I asked out HR lady in the city if she ever heard of google? she looked at me- like I just said..Hey you want some crack? I said…try google PRIOR to hiring. would have saved us close to a million in pay outs…again they think Im rude…just stating the obvious.

    1. You may not know such things. Peace officer’s privacy is sacrosanct. Even when they are no longer cops. That’s the way they like it.

      Always a clean slate no matter how crooked you are.

  9. Where are the disgruntled employees? The cops or civilians to spill all the corruptness about the PD? Where are they!!! Now is the time!! Well, the time was last July but they still have time!! Come out come out wherever you are!! You could make money right now too!! Sue!! you are protected. Give up the goods. Come on!! Tony will pay you too!! GEt out!! Come free!!

          1. I disagree almost completely, unless it was a city that just doesnt care like Fullerton seems to have done in the past. Now they are scraping the bottom though, I dont think people are calling FPD as much, streets and businesses seem very very quiet. Harbor Blvd downtown is no longer a bottleneck.

            People keeping quiet can be a very dangerous situation, Fullerton should go back to the very friendly happy town it was.

      1. no shit, do you brag to your pomona buddies that you spend all day trying to post at FFFF? They must be so impressed. (note sarcasm)

      2. Patrick, do you brag to your pomona cop buddies that you spend all day trying to post at FFFF? They must be so impressed. (note sarcasm)

    1. As you told me yourself, THERE is always a plan in the making. Neither of us will know for sure until more time has elapsed.

      If FPD was a department of several hundred or more, I’d be surprised no one has spoken out.

      But with small PD’s who are top heavy with managers who expect things to be kept quiet, controlling a few is easier.

      Time will tell as to the “disgruntled” ones. Interesting you use the term “disgruntled” like it has some compelling meaning.

      Remember ONE PERSON caused great grief for Richard Nixon, disgruntled or not, that person eventually brought down the President of this country when he started talking.

      Many a scandal has been brought about from disgruntled people.

      If the 3 Amigos are replaced with some people who can think, all of us might see many disgruntled people come forth when certain things that many have grown to expect, CHANGE.

      Even YOU RI should know that you cannot predict what others will do, when even the slightest act, can light the fuse to destruction.

      1. Sorry for got to include RI, are you watching what is happening within LASD?

        It appears some higher ranking officials are disgruntled.

  10. Will Gennaco say anything about Rincon? Considering his past performance of the statement of his report he gave the FPD he hardly gave any reprimand.

    “Though Gennaco’s report clears city officials of trying to cover up Thomas’ death at the hands of Fullerton police, the attorney said they released inaccurate information after the death and failed to take steps to issue corrections.

    Immediately following Thomas’ death, a police spokesman said the officers involved in the fight suffered broken bones when they didn’t.

    Allegations also surfaced that Thomas was trying to break into cars when no evidence supported those claims.

    “Do your best, do your darndest to make sure that that information is accurate,” Gennaco told the Fullerton City Council as he presented his findings.

    1. some parallels may be found in the FPD murder of a homeless man and the story of the Guildford four whose cause was dramatized in the 1993 “In the Name of the Father” where Irish immigrants to London were convicted of setting bombs for the IRA. The London police wanted criminals and thus convictions so they constructed them by suppressing evidence that would find the four people convicted of these bombings innocent. These four persons were innocent and served 15 years of their life sentences in prison until someone stepped in and demanded evidence be released for their scrutiny and there the truth came tumbling out of the police reports.
      Gennaco’s weak language in his report suppresses the truth that the FPD’s leadership had to suppress evidence to convince the public and the district attorney that Kelly Thomas was a criminal who engaged in theft and that he a slender man busted the bones of two police officers and thus required a severe beat down to control him. “releasing inaccurate information” is a lie to convince the justice system and the people that Kelly Thomas was a violently strong criminal whose death was the outcome of his uncontrollable violent rage when confronted by fullerton police officers.
      Gennaco’s refusal to ask the hard questions as to why inaccurate information was released so soon by the FPD to the public when in fact they knew the officers had no injuries including broken bones, why three members of the city council denied access of the tape that recorded the beating death of kelly thomas by FPD to another city council member who was not a member of the Fullerton political clique shows me Gennaco supresses evidence that proves kelly thomas innocence and convicts not only Ramos, Cicinelli of murder but implicates the leadership of the FPD and the three members of the city council, Jones, McKinley and Bankhead who have obfuscated evidence in this matter.

      1. anyone who doubts Gennacos sincerity only has to read his whitewash of Mitrice Richardson. seen followed out of the jail by a deputy who nobody recognizes. forget him, he is FPDs butt boy now

    2. All of those actions you mention by Fullerton Police shows in effect, that they must have done this to ‘cover-up’ the truth.

      Yet, Gennaco says he did not find any intent to ‘cover-up’ by FPD. (Come on man!)

      The only compelling statement that Gennaco made that day at city hall was, “oh, there’s more”.

      Let’s just see how much more he is willing to uncover.

      1. How can there be no “intent” to cover up when it is obvious officers were given the opportunit to coordinate their statements with multiple viewings of the recorded videos? Gennaco is not genunie in his review, it doesn’t mean squat.

        1. Marsha,
          As I heard it after the initial report Gennaco read, there is a part II concerning the entire Kelly Thomas incident/murder…
          We should here about it then…I thought sometime in March, this month?
          The council MUST have pressed him on THAT issue big time.

    3. “Do your best, do your darndest to make sure that that information is accurate,” Gennaco told the Fullerton City Council as he presented his findings.”

      Sort of indicts Goodrich for either: a) incompetence; or, b) willful misinformation.

      Remember, Gennaco didn’t say there was no cover up. He said there was no evidence of it. I wonder if he even bothered interviewing Goodrich.

      1. I bet that’s the only one he interviewed. Maybe Hughes.

        When a man like Gennaco is completing a report like he is, that well be read to the world, it must contain ALOT more than it did.

        Gennaco NEVER said who he talked to, what documents he looked at to arrive at the conclusions he did.

        The man was paid $150k to simply say at the end of ROUND 1, I find no evidence of a cover up.

        Gennaco NEVER explained the 30 days these officers stayed on patrol, and how ONLY after FFFF blew the whistle, these officers were suddenly put on administrative leave.

        Yes Mr.Genacco please explain???? Your former federal prosecutor and state bar status means NOTHING to those of us who have investigated crimes themselves. Not all of us can be considered a lay person.

        Officers within hours of an officer involved shooting, fatal or otherwise are placed on administrative leave 99% of the time.

        So why 30 days for these cops? Or how about day 6 when Kelly died on day 5?

        While Gennaco is at reporting on FPD business, MAYBE he would like to make some comments on the Federal Judge who bashed FPD and Rincon?

        Maybe Gennaco can tell everyone that despite other cases of foot dragging by FPD on other matters, the public perception of a cover up in this case is BASELESS!!!!

        We await the rest of your report.

        1. Gennaco to Goodrich-
          (While shaking his head back and forth) “there was no cover up-was there?”

          Goodrich repling to Gennanco-
          (trying to pull his coat together over his massive gut)

          “ok then”

        2. It was my understanding that what we heard initially from Gennaco was exclusively for the outset of the Kelly Thomas incident.

          Part II I assumed would cover issues that occured after the phone call, broken bones, what was in Kelly’s backpack, etc. such as 6 cops involved not being placed on admin leave, etc.

          Then I believe Part III is to reveal (or aid in covering up) all other incidents of corruption outside the Kelly Thomas murder altogether.

    4. Well there is a witness that said he was try to open door handles and I am sure that is going to be a good witness for the defense.

      1. Could be, let’s hope the witness doesn’t come from the sleaze bar!!!

        Again if Kelly is truly this bad guy who is violent,crazy thief, who is known to carry an ax, all that is documented from days gone by. I think someone’s good word just isn’t going to cut it.

        If it isn’t, good luck. If it is, like I said, Kelly should have been treated like an armed felony suspect from minute 1, versus a guy the cops are on a fishing expedition with.


        Putting someone into handcuffs immediatly based on the probable cause some say exsist, is a very ACCEPTABLE method of officer safety.

        Let’s hope the officers reports reflect what has been said here about PRIOR knowledge versus what we know AFTER the fact.

        BIG DIFFERENCE there too!!!

  11. The Kelly Thomas bombshell the DA will surprise us with.Mr. Gennaco in his report may have stated some things politically correct although parts may be misleading. The part about the contents of the backpack.http://www.cityoffullerton.com/civica/inc/displayblobpdf2.asp?BlobID=7980

    place the focus on discarded attorney mail. It appears from the statement that it is only attorney mail in question and a passport. Were there more valuable items that are not being stated right now. Yes,(though the items were carried for days, no attempt was made to sell the items or hide them.) These items are important as they can be used in court to justify the setting of the process in motion which led to further detainment and deadly restraint.
    The public has a right to know what really happened. A suprise like this when not known in context may misconception to the public about the intentions and mindset of Kelly. The only displeasure the owner of the backpack had was his dealings with the police and the manner in which his things were all returned to him.The owner did not believe that Kelly intended his belongings any harm as he stated that Kelly could have if he had wanted to.

    1. from the streets, could you elaborate on where you got the information regarding other items in the backpack? Did you have a discussion with the individual who forgot his backpack at the depot?

    2. Kelly could have taken it to the police department and he didnt. There was important items for someone inside the backpack.

      1. The man was mentally ill. What’s your point?

        Kelly Mejia stole an iPad and the woman in the FPD evidence room stole cash. Neither were beaten to death.

        1. Nice one Fred. AMEN!!!! Remember when your talking those who support STUPID, their standards of logic differ from us.

          They really are not like the rest of us!!!!!

          1. So cause he is mentally ill he has carte blanche to do whatever he wants. Stop calling people stupid. Cause its alway gonna be about poor kelly than what the law is.

        1. Geez- when did finding a back pack- get you killed by 6 guys? Just asking? Is that the law too? Of just here in Fullerton?

      2. From what others have said, it was Kelly’s way to hold onto lost items until he saw the owner again.That could happen frequently at a transportation center.

        The topic detailing the contents of that backpack comprised fully a fourth of Gennaco’s miniscule interim report. The report already appears as though it could have been scratched on the back of a napkin over coffee at Denny’s. Now even that information is woefully incomplete? From the beginning, that trashed letter has been touted as the reason for Kelly’s lengthy, thuggish detainment. There turned out not to be multiple, crisp pieces of mail taken from boxes up and down the street, so suddenly there are now other reasons?

        1. You mean the officers took the time to examine what was in his back pack in order to determine if he should be beaten to death? Is that what is happening here?

          1. California Penal Code 148.11 says:

            Every person who is living as a transient, is homeless or has no permanent address and is suspected of being in possession of (or) is found in possession of any items that cannot be proven by a public officer, peace officer or executive officer as belonging to him or her shall be punished by flagellation, electrocution, asphyxiation and death.

            The punishment shall be carried out immediately by any public officer, peace officer or executive officer charged with the duty of detaining said person.

            Say what you will but I think the defense has a very good case thus far with this law on the books.

  12. http://www.fullertonsfuture.org/2011/federal-judge-shocked-by-fullertons-handling-of-fpd-sex-assaults/

    “If somebody says there is a culture of corruption, they’re either lying, they have other motives or they are grossly misinformed.”

    Its hard to fully except the preceding statement that has recently resonated from the department in light of the problems they’ve been having there with the growing list of individual officers involved in what appears to be corruption.

    “If somebody says there is a culture of corruption, they’re either lying, they have other motives or they are grossly misinformed.”

    1. To be precise that statement “resonated” from Acting Chief Dan Hughes and went unchallenged by the challenged Lou Ponsi who seems to be truly frightened of the cops.

      1. Lou Ponzi scheme appears to be just another spoke in the wheel of injustice. The spoke have termites folks. Its just a matter of time.

        1. Good analogy Truthseeker. Must be why City hall was always trying to “repel” us whenever we sought answers in the past.

  13. Paul Bunyan :
    The Peace Officer’s Bill of Rights has become a Frankenstein. That union monster has escaped from the lab and is now running amok preying on the villagers.

    It’s time for a taxpayers “Bill of Rights”.
    Something that will supersede the POBOR and give us back our ability to know who is working for us.

  14. Rincon is probably the new campus cop at some junior high or high school where they will allow him to be alone with our daughters.
    Wolfe was a campus cop for Sunny Hills. The laws that protect these preditors must and will be changed. If we have to use our hard earned tax dollars to pay lawsuits to victims of police misconduct we have every intention of knowing who they are. I want his picture. We have been asking for it since the emergency council meeting about settling with the
    victims. Give us his picture…

  15. I would really like to think that another police department wouldn’t hire Albert Rincon but if they are anything Fullerton PD then he is probably patrolling the streets elsewhere. Fullerton PD doesn’t care who they hire and obviously doesn’t check past history. Example: Officer Miguel Siliceo who worked for the Tustin PD prior to Fullerton PD, he was fired from Tustin for police brutality and illegal gambling but somehow managed to get a job with Fullerton PD and get his gun and badge handed right back to him. I don’t know about you all but he sure as hell shouldn’t be serving our streets. Also let me remind you this is the same cop (Siliceo) who wrongfully identified and an innocent man and sent him to jail for 5 months for crime he didn’t commit. Or how about Jay Cincinelli the one eyed cop who killed Kelly Thomas and who the LAPD fired and declared “unfit” to continue working but then Fullerton PD just came right on in and hired him. I could go on because the truth is the Fullerton PD is filled with corrupt cops who really shouldn’t serving this city, cops that no matter what they do just get a little slap on the wrist and or the issue gets looked the other way.

  16. One of the greatest pleasure we could all experience is seeing the look on FPDs faces when someone anonymous posts a real photo of Rincon; hopefully in FPD uniform…

    Just like you could imagine the look on Sellers face when the hospital photo of Kelly Thomas..


  17. I can assure most of you that guys like Rincon would not be given a second chance at wearing the badge, as most law enforcement agencies would not give him a second look.

    Negligent retention is to much of a liability these days for most police administrators to want to deal with a clown like this.

    Is it possible that there is a Chief McKinley out there who might hire Rincon as a favor to someone? Possible.

    Have cops from one agency been hired by another after being fired? YES!!! Depends on what the termination was all about. I don’t be sexual predators would be given a pass though.

    Some agencies won’t hire anyone from LAPD because of the reputation they have for retaining knuckleheads over the years.

    An image LAPD has tried to change, but none the less, when a prospective applicant applies and his/her personnel file is full of garbage, his or her chances of getting hired are slim.

    But a sexual predator is a sexual predator. Rincon should not be getting a pass because he wore a badge.

    So plaster his picture ALL OVER this blog so others may know what he looks like.

    It’s a matter of great “public concern”, and it outweighs the rights of privacy. We are not obligated to be private about all this, FPD is.

    If I saw this scum bag doing to anyone what he is alledged to have done, I’ll only call 911 after I am done, so they can carry the trash away.

    I’d bet anything this guy is a kinky SOB whether he was on or off the job.

    Just saying!!!!

  18. At some point didn’t the attorny for Ciccinelli and Ramos publicly state that there was a hatchet/ax in the backpack that Wolfe inspected and therefore that justified the FPD actions? Thought I read it in the OC Weekly, maybe writted by Moxley, around the time Kathy Thomas was at court filling her request to view the evidence. Anyone else remember this?

      1. Yes your right, and thank you. But the known may bite you in the ass too, if you claim it and don’t take appropriate action.

        But why include such information if there was no ax in the first place? Help to try and paint the picture of a potential dirt bag?

        The flip side, if ALL this information is known about Kelly, then maybe he should have been proned out at gunpoint from MINUTE 1, cuffed up immediately, guess what???

        He might be alive!!!!!

        So the more you paint guy a dirtbag, dangerous person, previous violence, the more you should have handled things much differently.

        I am not going to have a guy sit on the ground, put my gloves on, make a speech, and give him an opportunity to do something dumb.

        Control will be immediate and swift. NO TIME to run or fight.

        A suspected car burglar (felony) who has a history of violence and known to carry weapons gets proned out at gun point with overwhelming force.

        NOT what we saw here. So FPD or who ever can paint Kelly anything they want. IF they believe all that has been said, then a different response and approached should have been taken.

        I like to slice the cake a different way sometimes. I can because i’ve been there done that.

        1. Obviously when the officers first approached him he was not considered a threat cause nothing was known about him. Stop believing what these people tell you happened.

  19. In a back pack that another officer was holding while Ramos put on the gloves?

    Justifies NOTHING!!! Kelly was not in possession of the ax at the time of the beating.

    Even if the statement was true it holds no water.

    Being in possession of an ax is not a crime.

    Pull the ax out of your back pack and start swinging it around, DIFFERENT story with guaranteed deadly results.

  20. Make it illegal for candidates running for city, county, or state office accept contributions from any law enforcement union, club, PAC, association, benevolent society, or knitting circle. And while we’re at it…do the same for ANY organization representating ANY municiple, county or state employee group.

    1. Note that Council

      unindicted coconspirator :
      Make it illegal for candidates running for city, county, or state office accept contributions from any law enforcement union, club, PAC, association, benevolent society, or knitting circle. And while we’re at it…do the same for ANY organization representating ANY municiple, county or state employee group.

      Note that each and every one of the City Council candidates that are currently being recalled from elected office, were financially supported in their respective City Council elections by all three of the Fullerton public employee union’s PAC’s.
      These include the Fullerton Municipal Employees Union, the Fire Department union,and the Police Department employees.

      Why are public employees who are supposed to be working for us as residents, able to select or influence who their next Supervisor is going to be, and whom is also going to be negotiating the next labor agreement for the same exact people that they are beholden to for getting them elected in the first place? This is absolute madness.

      I only wish that the

      1. Good luck getting that one passed after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision said all bets are off, and there are no restrictions on campaign contributions. Meanwhile, voters can always look for candidates who voluntarily refuse contributions from unions, PACS, corporations, etc.

        1. Who says anything about hitting their head against the wall before the Supreme Court?

          What I’m personally advocating is that we as bloggers pay particularly close attention to whomever the three public employees unions are backing in the upcoming June election, and by way of FFFF and it’s resident bloggers, we all get the word out as to who they are backing and implore Fullerton residents NOT to vote for them due to what malfeasance that has occurred when we elected candidates that the public employees unions backed in the past. I honestly think it doesn’t matter one bit if we’re Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, etc… I think we can all agree that whomever the public employees union PAC’s are backing, these are the same candidates who have literally stuck it into Fullertons residents backsides, and remained there, in the past once they are elected and in office.

          Many ways

  21. Albert Rincon is about to be outed. And as far as twisted, douchebag narcissism goes, he puts McPension to shame.

    1. I sent in 2 pictures of this creep. I guess they have to be varified. Kinda hard to prove its him. But i know people who know him. So i know its him!

  22. On March 5 at 6:20pm in the Fullerton train station waiting room, my 70-year old father and I were waiting for a train so he could go back home after a visit. There was an Amish family with babies sitting nearby. About 5 minutes later a gangster-type bald headed guy came in with friends. He stared at me and I made the mistake of asking him, “What are you looking at? Do I know you?” He threatened me saying he would bash my face in if I was talking about him. At this point, both myself and my dad were nervous and scared by the confrontation.

    I went to the ticket window and asked the worker to call the police but I was unsure if he called the police or not.

    I called the Fullerton police station myself and told them that a man was threatening me with bodily harm. Their reply was “Give me your name.” I told them, “This is an emergency, get down here right now, and I don’t want to tell you my name because I don’t want him knowing my name.”

    My dad walked me to the car as he was really scared for my safety. I didn’t want to leave my dad, but I thought if I was out of the car I would be in danger. So I drove around the parking lot for a good 25 minutes, waiting for the police who never came. I saw my father get on the train at 7pm, so he was safe and I began to drive home. On Commonwealth the same man and his friends in a red Honda cut me off and pushed my car till it hit the curb and then sped off. I went as quickly as I could to the nearest restaurant and called the police again to let them know what had happened and to give them the license plate number of the car.

    The dispatcher said police were on their way. It was now about an hour from when I had originally called. I waited for some time but police never arrived. Now I find out that the police station is only two blocks away. What is their excuse for this?

    When I got home I called to make a report over the phone but I was told, “Call us back later, we are busy.” I don’t know what the police department is coming to. I could have gotten seriously hurt and my father as well. It was only 40 feet from where the police killed that kid. I guess Fullerton police department is going downhill fast.

    I plan to call and get a hold of Fullerton’s mayor and see what he says about this.



    1. WTF? what happened to all that BS Hughes and everyone spewed about changes and transparancy and the new policy Hamilton setup for reporting incidents. And why the heeeeelllllll would someone say they were busy, call back?

      1. Sounds to me like typical FPD behavior… You know that lazy cop crap…

        Oh boy, we just got a call about a homeless guy looking into cars, let’s go pronto!!!

        In fact, let’s beat him to death!

        On the other hand, you got a person who is on the recieving end of some thug threats, you call the FPD and they’re too busy (possibly afraid of a confrontation) to respond.

        My heroes, NOT!!!

    2. I’m missing the Amish connection.

      I do like the reference to Taxi Driver. You lookin’ at me?

    3. I guess you should have called in a homeless man with a possible concealed ax ane they would have been right out there!

  23. “I can assure most of you that guys like Rincon would not be given a second chance at wearing the badge, as most law enforcement agencies would not give him a second look.”

    It depends upon how thorough the background check by the potential new agency is, and how forthcoming his prior employer(s) are… If there is no “official” record (e.g., arrest, fingerprints – and I think [?] Rincon has no “official” record) the new agency relies on the thoroughness of the background check.

    Some of the teachers recently accused of molestation were hired by new districts, despite prior accusations… Who is to say Rincon wouldn’t skate like they did for a time?

    1. “I can assure most of you that guys like Rincon would not be given a second chance at wearing the badge, as most law enforcement agencies would not give him a second look.”

      Thanks for pointing this out peaches.

      As far as law enforcement and background checks are concerned, he has no “record” because he was never charged, found guilty and at this point we don’t even know that he was fired.

      Back in 2011 Dick Jones claimed that Rincon was being terminated by the city but unless Travis can dig up something we don’t have any proof of this. For all we know, he “resigned”, “retired” or is still on leave.

      A lot of these sick dirtbags move out of state and get a job with a smaller agency that don’t do background checks or even care for that matter, another option is working for the TSA or airport security.

      Trust me with the TSA all they want to know is that you’re not a felon …oh wait

  24. If “Problem” returns to view responses – share your story with OCWeekly…

    I’m surprised that Hughes doesn’t at least respond to some of the comments on the blog (especially that one!) by saying “we are looking into this”…

    If calls were made to 911 – there is a record (or should be)

  25. Problem at The Train Station :On March 5 at 6:20pm in the Fullerton train station waiting room, my 70-year old father and I were waiting for a train so he could go back home after a visit. There was an Amish family with babies sitting nearby. About 5 minutes later a gangster-type bald headed guy came in with friends. He stared at me and I made the mistake of asking him, “What are you looking at? Do I know you?” He threatened me saying he would bash my face in if I was talking about him. At this point, both myself and my dad were nervous and scared by the confrontation.
    I went to the ticket window and asked the worker to call the police but I was unsure if he called the police or not.
    I called the Fullerton police station myself and told them that a man was threatening me with bodily harm. Their reply was “Give me your name.” I told them, “This is an emergency, get down here right now, and I don’t want to tell you my name because I don’t want him knowing my name.”
    My dad walked me to the car as he was really scared for my safety. I didn’t want to leave my dad, but I thought if I was out of the car I would be in danger. So I drove around the parking lot for a good 25 minutes, waiting for the police who never came. I saw my father get on the train at 7pm, so he was safe and I began to drive home. On Commonwealth the same man and his friends in a red Honda cut me off and pushed my car till it hit the curb and then sped off. I went as quickly as I could to the nearest restaurant and called the police again to let them know what had happened and to give them the license plate number of the car.
    The dispatcher said police were on their way. It was now about an hour from when I had originally called. I waited for some time but police never arrived. Now I find out that the police station is only two blocks away. What is their excuse for this?
    When I got home I called to make a report over the phone but I was told, “Call us back later, we are busy.” I don’t know what the police department is coming to. I could have gotten seriously hurt and my father as well. It was only 40 feet from where the police killed that kid. I guess Fullerton police department is going downhill fast.
    I plan to call and get a hold of Fullerton’s mayor and see what he says about this.

    I live next door, to the PD- I never ever call them, it take 20 minutes for them to get to me…Mind you I see the lady in dispatch, answer the phone, and turn around and look at me…yeah me, I need assistance- she asked the nature of the call- well 14 guys are in my parking lot throwing beer bottles at the wall…your wall…Maam, maam- please hold…I whistle at the cop strolling around the parking lot…he waves at me- Im stunned so I yell hey!- A police car just rolls in- and I ask the guy to help…He dropped his crap and ran to assist us- RAN- across the parking lot- and helped us out…I hung up on 911 who was still watching from the window…OFFICER RADUS, was the only cop, THE ONLY one who came to our aid- 34 minutes later FPD called and asked if I was ok…AFTER the fact that Radus, has busted ass, ran to a crime without even knowing,stood there and spoke to me-while I was wearing a DONT BEAT ME I LIVE IN A HOUSE>>.fpd shirt…even had the shirt on too….and he thought it funny- but HE was the only one to ever help. I live next door and never ever call them ever..Imagine 20 minutes to stroll your fat ass across the parking lot…to go to a call…next door- the funiest thing ever was a dispatcher asked me where my residence was, I said next door- she said” Im not familiar with fullerton-what address” NEXT DOOR- look out your window…Im waving at you. Horrible. Yep.it would be funny if it werent true.

  26. Anonymous :Kelly could have taken it to the police department and he didnt. There was important items for someone inside the backpack.

    they could have taken kelly to the police dept too…how’d that work out?

  27. Anonymous :I sent in 2 pictures of this creep. I guess they have to be varified. Kinda hard to prove its him. But i know people who know him. So i know its him!

    thank you so very much. you have no idea how stressful it is…..trying to get a molesters picture-well one with a badge is a bitch….thank you so very much.

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