What Has the City Council Accomplished?

Once a bold master planned development and site plan
Once a bold master planned development with a pioneering spirit
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Now, the pioneers are gone and so is their spirit

Why did the City Council vote to extinguish several office buildings, all which contributed to Fullerton’s business zone and stock of professional offices, as well as our historic built environment?  Besides a crappy deceitful plan called Jefferson Commons for more student housing on a private college campus, the city lost a huge asset, one that helped create the historic character of East Fullerton for the past 50 years. Shame on them!

Correction to this post: I have been informed that the project cannot legally be exclusively for students, despite the council repeatedly calling it “student housing”.  It is a private development, and they cannot discriminate against non-students who want to rent there.

2 Replies to “What Has the City Council Accomplished?”

  1. Next time you see Keller or Quirk be sure to remind them that they did not vote for “student housing”. They were tricked, again. Don’t bother with the others they are use to it.

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