Chicken Colonel Dresses Down

According to a source our old buddy F. “Dick” Jones told friends he couldn’t make the League of Women Voters candidate forum because he was going to be away on vacation. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know that he didn’t show up last night, and today a sharp-eyed member of Kelly’s Army snapped this flattering image of ol’ Doc HeeHaw in the City Hall parking lot.

Nice ensemble..

77 Replies to “Chicken Colonel Dresses Down”

  1. Looks like the ol’ Doc was playing hooky and was trying to stay incognito from the Women Voter’s League by tooling around town in a Hyundai.

    p.s. Did I miss the memo that says to make sure your socks and shirt match?

  2. We wuz on va-cahshun Ah’ tell ya’! These is resohrt’ pants fer relaxin’ n’ suchlike! Y’all could learn a thing or two ’bout relaxin’ ‘stead a’ getting’ so wound up over nuthin’, lahk a lynch type mob! Jeesus! Cain’t a man have any privacy?? Yah’ll bettah’ believe Ah’m gonna be there Monday when mah’ Chamber buddies show y’all how to be good ta’ bidness, so shut up an’ get yo’self a life!!

  3. It’s hot, I’m still thinking I’m in Acapulco and I’m trying not to throw the baby out with the bath water, so would you please shut up?

    1. Sick of the residents who only rent commenting on situations where it doesn't affect them at all says:

      I agree. Just goes to show you the mentality of the majority of the people who comment on this blog. Buy a home and pay the taxes, then comment how all of this is making your life miserable.

      1. Since when do you have to be a property owner in a specific community to be able to express your opinions you about a fool who doesn’t care about the US Constitution or the people he represents and doesn’t make any sense?

      2. I did and I do and I am sick of financing a satanic mafia that produces snuff films. This guy is a frickin creep.

    2. That old man is supposed to be running the show, fucktard. Make fun of him because he’s an abject failure.

      1. Sick of the residents who only rent commenting on situations where it doesn't affect them at all says:

        Failure begins and ends with stupidity. Welcome to his party.

    3. Who’s making fun of him because he’s old man? We’re making fun of him because he’s a rude, ignorant,incompetent blowhard.

  4. Goodie for you if you own a home and pay taxes. But don’t discount renters in and out of Fullerton plan to cause to Fullerton’s economy.

    We don’t plan to spend one cent in Fullerton until all the involved officers have been charged and city council is removed.

    1. Sick of the residents who only rent commenting on situations where it doesn't affect them at all says:

      I believe you are 100% wrong. You are spending money n Fullerton and you know it. You can’t bullshit your way around it. You pay rent, believe me, a portion of your rent pays taxes. Maybe no directly, but it does.

      1. Recall-its happening. Have all the parties you want. Criticize good people all you want, clutch your pearls all you want, spew your demonic teaching if you want. Whine to the unions all you want. RECALL is happening.

        1. Sick of the residents who only rent commenting on situations where it doesn't affect them at all says:

          Oh merijoe, you haven’t a clue.

      2. The requirement that a ‘citizen’ own real estate, I think, end with the eighteenth or early nineteenth century. If you reside in Fullerton, you’re a citizen of Fullerton, with all rights and privileges and responsibilies that go with being a citizen.

  5. ^^ don’t discount the damage renters in and out of Fullerton plan to cause to Fullerton’s economy.

    1. Sick of the residents who only rent commenting on situations where it doesn't affect them at all says:

      I am glad you posted the above comment. Thank you. I know where to point my insurance agency just in case my home is destroyed. When will you feebal minded humans understand, everything is saved on the internet?

      1. Owning a home in Fullerton is not a prerequisite to voting in the election on June 5th, nor is it a requirement to have an opinion of the City Councilman who’ve failed us all miserably.

        And yes I do own a home in Fullerton.

      2. I said damage to the economy and it was followed by not spending a cent in Fullerton, get it? Meaning, I will no longer spend money in Fullerton.

        Dense much?

      3. i expect they will raising your rates now that you have informed them of the new risks you perceive

    1. Sick of the residents who only rent commenting on situations where it doesn't affect them at all says:

      Spunky, If you are what Kelly’s Army is all about, then needs to buy more insurance, lawsuits are on the horizon.

      1. Ok Larry – Goo-die…………. or who ever you are!
        Justice will be served!!!!
        Yes on the recall!

        1. I appreciate your outspokenness but I still think you’re still a POS for viciously attacking a fellow Kelly’s Army member and posting personal information about her here without provocation.

          What the hell were you thinking back then?

      1. I’m old too, and way cool. And trim. It’s easy.

        How does a guy get that blubbery? By eating too much.

        Fullerton is paying cornpone jones way too much to eat and wreck a fine city.

  6. Um, hey jerk wad. First you said this:

    “Buy a home and pay the taxes, then comment how all of this is making your life miserable.”

    Now you say:

    “You pay rent, believe me, a portion of your rent pays taxes.”

    In other words, you are so fucking stupid you are now arguing with yourself!

  7. I, for one, own a home on which I pay taxes – I rent it out and live in an apartment – a personal preference 🙂

    It’s “feeble” not “feebal”, by the way; apparently one does not need a minimal grasp of spelling and grammar to own a home… did you buy your in the glory years of “interest only” payments?

    I think the outfit may be “Doc Dick” Jones’ bowling outfit – I do have a suggestion for the name of his team : BOHICA

  8. I’ve never seen him standing from a side shot in casuals before. Boy….he’s got a big ass, huh? I would expect a medical doctor to take better care of his body. How does all of that fit on a Council chair?

    1. It’s not what Doc’ eating, it’s what’s eating him, that’s making Doc put on all that weight.

  9. This slogan was thought up by a homeless man that was there the night of Kellys beating death.There must be change in order to bring real justice for KT. A few years for Cicinelli is just a slap on the hand. Lets not stop till we reform the city from the bottom up. If each individual does thier part we can heave up the old stuff and bring healing and a better town for the citizens of tommorrow.

    1. Shhhhhhhhhhh! Its a soldier from Kelly’s Army

      getting ready to take Doc Jones out for his offensive outfit.

      Sort of a fashion policeman, rather than a fascist policeman.

  10. Well, consarn it and tang nation. I wuzza gonna git on ovah theyah ‘n participit n’ that theyah debayt thing, but bah golly Ed sed I oughtn’t ta do it so I staid home ‘n watch’t reruns ‘a COPS on caybull.

  11. How come Dr Jones drives a korean car? Did he ever hear of buy American? After all, he is a politician, ya know. On second thought, maybe not….

  12. I’m not fond of this guy either but this post is just immature and petty. Really? C’mon.

    1. The point of the post is to illustrate that F Dick Jones misled the

      League of Women’s Voters by misstating that he would be

      on vacation, and thus unavailable, for the candidates

      forums that allows us Fullerton voters open access to our

      candidates for City Council.

    1. Of course he’s Mexican, probably a gang banger and he ran from the police so cares what really happened in that canal. He’s disposable.

      And Kelly was homeless. Seriously, who gives a crap about some dirty bum and some gang banging Mexican?

      They’re all disposable filth 🙂

  13. The title of the post and photo caption says otherwise. Seems to be more concerned with what he’s wearing then what he’s doing or not doing. Petty.

  14. FPD Is :Of course he’s Mexican, probably a gang banger and he ran from the police so cares what really happened in that canal. He’s disposable.
    And Kelly was homeless. Seriously, who gives a crap about some dirty bum and some gang banging Mexican?
    They’re all disposable filth

    WANTED; For the MURDER of Kelly Thomas;

    Joe wolfe
    kenton hampton
    kevin craig
    jay cecenilli
    james blatney
    manny ramos

    Never forget these names, treat them like the social outKasts they deserve to betreated like. They earned it.

  15. Reality Is :How’s the FFFF shooting investigation going? Get ahold of the family. They will tell you he is innocent and was a nice boy. Hurry.

    Accomplices in the MURDER/COVER-UP of Kelly Thomas;

    Lloyd white
    johnathan munoz
    mike bova
    david mcshane
    jose torres
    john emia
    tony rios

    Never forget these names, treat them like the social outkasts they deserve to be treated like. By thier cowardice, they earned it.

  16. Maybe the League of Women Voters misunderstood. Is it possible Jones said he was going to dress like a tourist and they just assumed it was related to a vacation?

    The photo looks like one of those joke photos depicting a midwest tourist in Hawaii.

  17. It appears to me that Doc was headed in the wrong direction when he parked his car.
    He has a lot of practice doing such things!

  18. Coincidentally, July 5, is the anniversary of another dispicable crime in O.C. The gang rape of “Jane Doe” by the “Haidle 3” July 5, 2002. Yep, you guessed it John Barnett was one of the defense attys. representing the Haidle3.
    How did that work out for you?…..

  19. A very very well written piece as usual by
    “…A great example of what agitated citizens can accomplish is taking place in the Southern California city of Fullerton. Three council members are the targets of a recall election on June 5. The effort has gained steam after the Orange County district attorney…”

    “…Furthermore, the three council members opposed the release of the video to the public. They backed the department. McKinley, a former police chief who hired the officers involved in the beating, wanted to keep the officers on the street. These three didn’t seriously question the police department, which allowed the officers to watch the video and get their stories straight before giving their testimony to investigators. Jones referred to the peaceful citizens of his city who were protesting the Thomas death as the equivalent of a “lynch mob…”

  20. Police Tactics( American ingenuity at work) [ slice and dice words, slice & dice video /film clips & pretty soon you’ve got a mother
    Teresa turned into a Homeless mentally ill person who died worse than any DOG anywhere on the Planet !

    (i) Even North Korean, Chinese red communists show some mercy, through swift killing by a bullet bought by the Executed(e.g. THOMAS Kelly). (ii) All-American Police innovation at work in FULLERTON: Kill, then laugh all the way to Court and you’re half-way home free. (iii) 45+ years taxpayer-funded RETIREMENT (disability pay, “dirty cop terrorist with “police powers” PAY, overtime-pay) coming up !! EASY as Pie. in Fullerton. FPD (f’d up police disease) EASY as Pie.

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