Begin with firing Dan ”i’m a phony” Hughes and Joe Felz for leaving the thugs on duty and covering up, stonewalling and impeding the pursuit of the truth.
Congratulations to Tony and FFFF on the successful recall and the election of Greg S. and Travis. I look forward to the good that you can do in those areas where it needs to be done. I look forward to opposing overreach by the new council majority, if and when it occurs, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. May the new majority govern well.
Greg Diamond :
I look forward to opposing overreach by the new council majority, if and when it occurs, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. May the new majority govern well.
Where were you when Tony, Travis and the others here at the FFFF were challenging the overreach of the old majority? It wasn’t until the media and camera’s showed up that you and the post-Pedroza OJB decided to take them on.
You’ve already thrown stones in regards to the “Kiger Agenda” as you call it. Face it the people/voters of Fullerton rejected the Repuglican and Diamond agenda.
I will not debate with you here. Have some respect for the venue.
Geez! Talk a self absorbed pompous gas bag.
Greg Diamond, your behavior here has been so over the top and your logic is extremely twisted. If you were a 17 year old kid I would understand but you’re a grown man.
If I were a member of a political or activist group I would distance myself from you as far as I possibly could. You are extremely unstable and nothing but a political liability.
There are so many talented politically active folks out there that your grossly overstated “services” are really not needed.
As another poster pointed out, even Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva sees this which is why she avoided being photographed standing next to you.
Love the name calling Greggy…And you want to be elected to State Senate?
The voters of Fullerton rejected your agenda last night and they will again come November. You campaign is DOA and much like your writing it should be in the morgue.
“…much like your writing it should be in the morgue.”
Nice rip. True.
“You campaign is DOA and much like your writing it should be in the morgue.”
Thanks for the chuckle.
OK, as people apparently want this discussion at the top:
Commission Mill (by virtue of Santa Ana Councilman Sal Tinajero), if I’m not mistaken, you hardly ever even post on this site. Who elected you avenging demon?
Tony’s team won; my team lost 2 of 3. Coming here to offer congratulations and wish the new guys well is a proper thing to do — which may be why it confuses you so badly.
Man alive will you please let the people of Fullerton enjoy this hard earned day of respite free from the establishment hacks and Southern poverty law center shills. Thank you.
Calling him a liberal, democrat, etc only gives him credibility which he has none. His ideology and political leanings are aligned with whatever rakes in the most money.
“Greg is not a Communist. He is an Opportunist”……. Hmmmmmm
And what is a difference?
I have lived for 22 years in the communist country so I must say that the communism is a form of opportunism.
You’ve completely missed my point.
He doesn’t believe in left or right. The only thing that matters is money. It just happens that giving the appearance of being a left leaning hack is how he maintains a comfortable living.
Within political circles its called pandering but I’ll give him credit, for a borderline mentally challenged guy he’s doing very well but that’s because the sheeple hes encountered were easily impressed by his use of the thesaurus and hadn’t vetted or done a proper background check on him.
He’s really taking a HUGE gamble with his livelihood by continuing to post here because he is way out of his safety zone. The 3 blind mice also took a HUGE gamble with the Kelly Thomas beating an lost big time.
That’s amazing, Anonymous. I don’t make a dime from my political work; in fact, it costs me money. You must have me mixed up with some hack like Sean Mill.
“I don’t make a dime from my political work”…….. Hmmmm
Anonymous did not say that you make a dime, what he said is that you care about a dime which is genetic with you Golem
Big difference, and I agree with Anonymous, but I should add that leftism is genetic with Golem too.
Lucky you, Stanley, to be on a site that tolerates anti-Semitic bigotry in its comments. Well-played, in its way.
Greg you are correct I rarely comment here and that’s because I don’t spend my waking hours trolling the blogosphere to tell everyone how smart I am or how important I am unlike you.
However when I saw your sanctimonious comments and faux graciousness I had to say something. The “proper” thing for you to have done was to not show your face around this blog today, kept your mouth shut for once.
Tony Bushala is a friend of mine. Tony was a friend of mine when the establishment ridiculed him and called him a “fringer” and he is my friend now that he has become one of the most dynamic figures in OC politics. I don’t like when people attack good people, especially when those good people are my friends.
Tony was a good friend of the OJ Blog long before you showed up. The fact that Vern has allowed you to come onto that blog and use it as a forum to go after Tony is disgusting.
I have sat back silently and watched you attack Tony, Chris Thompson, Travis and so many of the other good folks here at the FFFF during this recall election and after watching them succeed despite all of you jackals I’ve had enough.
I am not here to avenge anyone. The folks at the FFFF don’t need anyone to fight their battles. They hand you your lunch daily all on their own. That’s not that difficult seeing as how you’re bringing a knife to a gun fight.
What I am here to say is, “Shut up Greg!”…Take your sanctimonious bullcrap elsewhere. Today belongs to Tony, Travis, Greg, the FFFF and the residents of Fullerton. This is a party that you’re not welcome at.
Huh? You have a weird view of human relations. I do what I want. So, in your bromance, are you the one who “allows” Art Pedroza to do things or does Art “allow” you to do things?
You’re a self-promoting camp-follower, Commissioner. Tony is welcome to your belated support if he wants it, now that you’re not “sitting back silently.” You are nuts to think that I would listen to a weasel like you about deportment. This ain’t your blog, buttercup; don’t start giving orders.
This ain’t your blog, buttercup; don’t start giving orders.
That is exactly what he is doing – pretending to be gracious. I’d have more respect for him if he either stayed away or continued with his usual self-serving, condescending ways.
Anonymous people accusing me of “pretending to be gracious.” Wounds me to the core, it does. As usual, this site has some good stuff — under which lies a squirming freak show.
I bet your core is easy to get down into, I bet people need to act like they are walking on eggshells, if they have to be around you.
“As usual, this site has some good stuff — under which lies a squirming freak show”……… Hmmmm
Luckily, it is not Hollywood’s “Schindler’s List” show.
No, I’m no Barry Levinson or Chris Thompson, if that’s what you’re suggesting.
+ba-zillion to Mr. Mill
As for you, Disengenious Diamond -who the hell are you to refer to anyone as a “squirming freak show”? look in the mirror-you condescending goat.
You know damn well that you are purposely making fun of people. You sack of cowpies.
“Wounds you to the core” not that I care about your core-you fake, but, what do you expect?
You just called everyone here a freak show and in prior posts intimated that people here were dumb, accused Tony B. , without producing a single stick of proof, that he was buying 3 candidates to be on council (which he was not BTW-you disgusting slimeball) and videotaped yourself stealing papers off cars while arrogantly declaring that BL was a criminal because he didn’t have a permit, again without producing an ounce of proof…and declaring it like you just cracked a 50 year old cold case and had the rotten nerve to say YOU were taking care of litter.
You don’t just have a screw loose, the screw driver is missing too.
Not everyone here is a freak show, merijoe.
You, however — well, the comments speak for themselves.
How many people think all three of the recalled candidates are sitting around this morning stammering something to the effect of “I just don’t understand it……”?
This was a good day for Fullerton. The recall passed — and it wasn’t even close, even for the one councilman who actively fought it. I think all three councilmen who were elected to replace them will be an improvement — particularly Greg and Travis, who I believe will do an outstanding job.
Now, like info warrior said, the real work begins.
Sean is a class act all the way. Sean truly cares about our town and I know he would’ve served our city well if he were to ever be elected to the city council.
Enjoy your little victory bedwetters — it’s the last one “Kelly’s Army” will have! Jay will be found not guilty .. Ramos too …. and the rest of the cops involved in the incident Kelly Thomas caused will be back on the streets patrolling soon. Wolfe will get his pension.
To anyone here from Fullerton PD, God Bless You! And please know that most of us love and support you and stand behind you 100%!
Don’t you think it should have been: Stand up Mr. Thomas, I am placing you under arrest for possession of stolen mail. Instead, it was: “see my fists? They’re getting ready to fuck you up!”
Or is your name Trina? I’m sure the election results have really struck a nerve with you this morning. It must be painful for you to see Kelly’s Army experience one victory after another.
I would expect the utter nonsense, such as Jay will be found innocent, to fly from your mouth; especially after reading your post about the FPD failing to notify Jay of the Sergeants exam in December 2011 while on leave. Wake up Lisa, he was in the process of being terminated, not promoted.
You need to deal with your issues of denial. Jay will be convicted and he will lose his pension. Jay will go to jail and when he gets out will be pretty much unemployable as a convicted felon.
Lisa, predictions thus far from the pro cop crew on this site have been pretty far off. Maybe it’s time to take a deep breath and reassess. Just because you love ‘ol Jay doesn’t mean he didn’t beat an innocent man to death.
Lisa your side has been saying that all along and ”Kelly’s Army” and the GOOD people of Fullerton keep pressing on and winning because we are right, the truth is on our side and justice will prevail. Jay Sissynelli is a coward and a charged criminal and disgrace to law enforcement. I dont know how you and him sleep at night but God have mercy on you.
“To anyone here from Fullerton PD, God Bless You! And please know that most of us love and support you and stand behind you 100%! ”
Lisa, who is “most of us?” By my estimation, with almost 70% voting in favor of the recall I’d be willing to bet a majority of those fine folks have a thing or two to say about the morality within the walls of the FPD. Unless you’re a Royal, lay off the “we” mentality. thankyouverymuch.
Congratulations and thank you to all the people who have spent countless hours reclaiming the City of Fullerton and making sure the wheels of justice turn.
A lot has been accomplished in 11 months thanks to the commitment of Kelly’s Army.
Lisa :
Enjoy your little victory bedwetters — it’s the last one “Kelly’s Army” will have! Jay will be found not guilty .. Ramos too …. and the rest of the cops involved in the incident Kelly Thomas caused will be back on the streets patrolling soon. Wolfe will get his pension.
To anyone here from Fullerton PD, God Bless You! And please know that most of us love and support you and stand behind you 100%!
I believe you. The exiting three thieves will use their connections to get the DAs office to throw the cases against these psycho cops and the boys will be back on the streets of Fullerton. Sadly, the corrupt FPD will continue to run this new city council. Bigger raises and generous disability packages are first order of business for all involved.
Friends for Jay… Well he was a hero. Now he is an accomplice to murder. He will be convicted as will Ramos. There are good cops and there are bad cops, there just people , There are douches and there is Lisa, she makes douches look intelligent.
It was discovered by Snow Hume in 1994, and discussed off and on by others over the years, including Norby, who’s asked for an explanation, never got one, and conveniently forgot about it.
The credit goes to Snow Hume in 1994, rediscovered and questioned again by Norby in or about 1997. The City Attorney was suppose to get back to him with an answer on the legality of the tax. Thanks to the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association who articulated successfully that it was in fact illegal. The courts agreed.
Staff were nice enough to include it in a graphic they presented to me while serving on the Water Rate Ad Hoc Committee. They showed it as 11%.
Question: what happens the morning after a recall election? Are the three “recallees” cleaning out their desks today, or is there some sort of official process or protocol that must first take place?
Ok. Thanks. So are they officially on the job with all powers and authority for 30 days, or is this more or less a “grace period” to allow them to get the hell out of town?
What are the newly-elected councilmembers doing during the next 30 days?
Do these three even care what has happened to them? They’re evidently awash in a sea of Fullerton money; they’ll never lack for anything as their lives dwindle to nothing and they vanish to one of many potential graveyards, so my question is what’s next?
I love Fullerton, I always have, we almost bought in your neighborhood right before Kelly was murdered.
The rotten three simply grab up their dough and fade into the sunset? Really?
They have thirty days, and then it’s adios, assholes. And the KELLY THOMAS Fullerton “thing” will take years to repair and heal.
As it was explained to me last night, it’s not a firm 30 days; they are replaced when the results of the election are certified, which I believe may take as long as 30 days (in the absence of a long recount, etc.) I don’t think that this one will take the full time period.
Greg is correct. The votes need to be certified. The sooner this happens, the faster they will be out. I was aware of the certification and my answer is a bit of an over simplification taking the worst case scenario.
I never comment on this blog and I don’t even live anywhere near Fullerton, but I’ve been keeping my eye on this case and all it’s fallout. My heartfelt congratulations and thanks go out to all who worked so hard to defend innocence and decency against corrupt and arrogant thuggery. Today is dawning as a brighter day for citizens in the USA. There are signs that the public has a bad feeling for greedy public employees’ unions, who are controlling and plundering our cities, counties and states, in partnership with bad and corrupt administration. I can’t imagine a more toxic brew.
The irony of the Fullerton recall and the Wisconsin recall fail on the same day is that in Wisconsin Scott Walker exempted the police unions from his ban on collective bargaining.
Think about it. The WORST, most DANGEROUS public employee unions in the country are the COP unions. That’s part of what the Fullerton recall was all about. And Walker PROTECTED his buddies in blue, while going after the easy targets, like teachers.
Scott Walker is no more Libertarian than Barack Obama. Just another corporate water boy. can you say Koch $?
Super villain? In a collapsing economy folks have woken up to the fact that they are being saddled with an unsustainable tax burden where the union employees are paid far in excess of the prevailing wage and pay little or nothing for their benefits and retirement and the taxpayers pay 99% of the costs. The majority of the American people lack the discernment necessary to elect people that would put the kibosh to the treasonous trade deals, destructive tax code, the illegal Federal Reserve’s debt based currency issuance and the military industrial complex’s orgy of illegal wars. All we can do is effect change and deal with issues within our control at the local level which Fullerton has done.
LAST NIGHTS VICTORY-THE FULLERTON RECALL- WAS ONE HELL OF A WILDCARD COUP THAT WAS OUT OF THE CONTROL OF THE WELL CONNECTED MALEVOLENT NEFARIOUS LOCAL POWERBROKERS THAT HAVE PULLED THE STRINGS IN TOWN FOR A LONG LONG TIME. FULLERTON RESIDENTS ARE AWAKE NOW. THE DEPOSED WILL SOON BE ON THEIR WAY TO VARIOUS VACATION SPOTS . Their long political careers have ended in shame. They had plenty of time to do the right thing and up until the very last minute, they dug their heels in. LAST NIGHT THEY DEFECATED ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT, SOME WALKED OFF THE JOB NOT BEFORE THEY CUT THE FEED. All along they tried to spin this whole thing by blaming Tony for trying to buy Fullerton. What a joke. They then run a retread lackey that has now inherited a ceremonial presence on the council. Pride has indeed come before the fall. Thank you Tony, Chris, Travis for breaking the story wide open on the Kelly Thomas murder and all of the other corruption in our town. Hats off to all those that came to the meetings, protested, posted here and gave ’em hell. The system works only if we are not asleep at the switch. The lights are on 24/7 now-metal halides, high pressure sodium, CFL’s and LED’s. What a beautiful day in Fullerton with the jacarandas in full bloom. Oh the irony-our city’s official tree.
Deep sympathies to the family of Kelly Thomas, BTW. Never underestimate the little guy. Kelly stands very tall, in my eyes. He is a hero, in my opinionI hate that he had to die in such brutality, but it took something like the death of an innocent and helpless man to wake people up to what’s been going on. By placing police in a shrine of worship, and indemnifying them of all responsibility, we’ve raised up and empowered the human monsters and cheapened the reputation of the good police officers out there. I used to like and support police, but I’ve lost too much respect for them in recent years.
God bless Bushala. Really. When you think about all the lies perpetrated by Ellis and Ackerman and Bennett and the Baldies it gets you sore.
If Tony wanted to be the King of Fullerton he could have spent half as much spent a whole helluva lot less energy and got three candidates elected in November.
This was about freakin’ ACCOUNTABILITY and making the geezertocracy responsible for its actions and inactions!
To quote Colonel Kilgore ” I love the smell of napalm in the morning….. it smells like…. victory”.
Classic sight last night at the end of the council meeting with Jones and McKinley having left the meeting upon learning of the results and Bankhead slumping in his chair staring in to space.
Bankhead should hold his head up high. He is a record setter. The only man in the 162 year history of the State of Californy to get recalled from the same office twice.
Congrats to the winners and to all the ordinary people who stood up to run for council in these trying times. It had to be tough on you and your families.
Now we need to balance the budget and revamp the police department to combat crime (on the streets and in the department) … and that’s about it.
Oh, and let’s return to calling the Holiday Tree what it is really is — the dang Christmas Tree!!
Why isnt Tony on here accepting this outpouring of gratitude for getting his guys elected? (not that I liked the sitting Council AT ALL), but with his puppets on board it is still a joke, only now Tony gets whatever HE wants pushed through without writing those $1.000 campaign donation checks he mentions in the OC WEEKLY story. Those would be the ones he wrote until he discovered they really were only donations . He thought he was buying back office approval for his projects that the average person doesn’t get. So I guess that won’t be a problem for him anymore. “His” Councilmembers, that he paid to get elected, had Chris Thompson tell everyone which 3 to vote for, his majority will approve whatever he asks for, fees waived no doubt.
This was NEVER about Kelly Thomas for him, Kelly just gave him the kind of event the media loves and he took and ran with it.
So many so easily manipulated by a power hungry guy with family money and his own personal agenda. Sad so many bought it.
I am a cynic and “careful what you wish for” is a thought that is always with me. We all hope it leads to real change, but you have to start somewhere.
I too woke up with a feeling pure joy. I think people all over the country have spoken loud and clear yesterday.
I am happy for San Jose, San Diego and WTG SCOTT WALKER!! WOOO-FREAKIN-HOO!!
Congradulations Fullerton residence for your VICTORY!!!
This wasn’t even a close call, it was a serious “ass whoopin” in my opinion.
You sent a SERIOUS message to many others watching this situation unfold.
Those leaders who allow ignorance and arrogance to be your guide, TAKE HEED in this situation.
Dan Hughes, I think you need to clear off your desk, OR confess your sins NOW and ask forgivness to the people of Fullerton.
FPD union members, YOU better start rethinking how you conduct business, because YOUR money right along with PORAC’s money to try and keep the 3 Amigos in office FAILED miserably.
I am very happy for the people of Fullerton, who fought so hard to bring about this historic change! Enjoy YOUR day! and YOUR victory! You have all earned it. And I pray God that none of us forget Kelly Thomas.
Next job-CLOSE THE FULLERTON PD AND RETAIN THE OC SHERIFF! Every city that has done so has saved millions. The Fullerton PD will continue to cost the citizens millions for the never ending civil litigation for its brutality. No self respecting cop would work for the Fullerton PD due to its corruption. Close it, save millions and instantly end the corruption in that department. Overpaid city employees are next…
No, Keep the FPD, and put it under the control of Ron Thomas, then have him screen who he wants and doesn’t want on the force. Rearange it, and ununionize it.
bring in the green!!! hmmmm, pay F-PD $80 million budget or OC Sheriff $25million ??.. plus the corrupt administration won’t be absorbed and the corrupt cops won’t be hired
I do not support this recall because some of the so-called “victims” like Martin Angel Hernandez was not only a gang banger but was armed with a shotgun in an alley when officers came up on him.
Kelly Thomas OTOH wasnt doing anything, wasnt harming anyone yet they brutally beat and suffocated him to death then to add insult to injury the 3 bald tires who just got recalled did nothing about it.
This Martin Angel Hernandez thug is no better than Ramos, Cicinelli, Wolfe, etc. They all terrorize innocent citizens and make life a living hell.
I hope they remove a person who had no qualifications for his role as city manager except that he hung around fullerton’s government long enough to gain entry into the inner clique of fullerton’s power brokers(on our tax dollars). It seems he rubber stamped whatever his masters, Jones, Mckinley, Bankhead, placed in front of him. Just my opine
Great blog post! Screw the Orange County GOP Machine! All they do is churn out tired career politicians like that douchebag Todd Spitzer, that phony Shawn Nelson, and countless other bureaucrats. Viva a Libertarian Fullerton!
Congratulations on holding a victory party at The Pint House…..which is exactly the type of undesirable downtown drinking establishment railed against by Bushala and his candidate puppets on this very blog.
Tony, I would like to express my sincere, very deep appreciation and gratitude to you -for your integrity, selflessness, kindness, concern, and generosity. And for your willingness to stand in the gap to protect and defend Fullerton residents from evil and malfeasance.
You have worked tirelessly for truth and justice in Fullerton; you are proof that one good man can make a huge difference.
Because of your efforts and your dedication, I was able to sleep a little bit easier last night, for the first time since I learned of Kelly Thomas’ horrific murder. You are working to restore Fullerton and in so doing, you are also working to restore America. May God bless you Tony.
Integrity & Tony Bushala do not fit in the same category!! Fullerton will be full of pot smoking thieves once Bushala gets these candidates in! And all of Fullerton better watch out, I’m sure some of you “supporters” will be having your house bought out by him so he can continue his building of Fillerton for his OWN benefit!! Tony has screwed his own friends in Fullerton, he can give a rats ass about any of you!!!
Our new city council will have the opportunity to take a good look at this when the FPD agreement comes up for renewal. Save millions on the basic charge for services and millions more in litigation costs that the FPD exposes the city to with the Ramos type cops it embraces. THIS IS A NO BRAINER. Reduce the budget and the size of government. The OC Sheriff can do it cheaper and not expose Fullerton, if they make an error it is on them, not us. Also, Sheriff Hutchins has a different hiring and discipline process than the FPD. She actually stands up to the union and won’t allow them to review documents and confer prior to questioning in investigations.
Congratulations Fullerton, for the last 11 months the whole world has been watching Kellys’ Army in action; and we like what we see. Fullerton has gone from a joke to an inspiration on how ordinary people can illicit big changes in government.
I’d like to make a small request of the new council.
Would it be possible to Improve the audio/video equipment and broadcasting of each council meeting. And then make it easier to find the certain topics from the video archives?
And maybe it would be best to archive entire meetings on YouTube because streaming with the current video system is a pain in the ass.
Thank you’s are definitely in order for many people, first and foremost, Tony! Thanks also go to everyone who worked on the recall, everyone who signed the petitions to get it on the ballot and everyone who helped it pass. Also, thanks go to everyone outside of Fullerton who were here in spirit and gave moral support.
This is awesome news! Congratulations to everyone who worked on this. I actually read last night that the recall had succeeded, and I knew it would. Maybe Fullerton can still be saved. This proves that the people are good. The recall succeeded by a landslide…the voters knew what was going on, and they kicked the corrupt council members to the curb.
And to Lisa, Jay Cicinelli’s sister…wow. I guess mental illness runs in their family. Her brother is a psychopath, and by the comment she made, she’s a heartless, delusional b**ch. Her brother is a murderer and he’s going to jail. She just can’t wrap her mind around that.
Lisa, Jay is a MURDERER. He is going to jail. And guess what, for the rest of his life, everyone will associate the name “Jay Cicinelli” with a psychopathic, disgraced one-eyed former cop who beat an innocent man to death.
Look up “Jay Cicinelli” on Google and what do you find…the ONLY results that will come up are that he was a cop who murdered Kelly Thomas. Not that he was a “hero” or anything else. That’s the only thing anyone will ever read about him…that he was a murderer. 10 years from now, 15 years from now, 20 years from now, and for the rest of his life. Jay Cicinelli is a psychopathic murder and a former cop. And that’s the ONLY thing the world will ever know about him.
How do you feel now?
Maybe after he gets out of jail, he can change his name and move out of the state. And pray that people don’t recognize his face. That will work for a while, at least.
And Trina…you’d better leave him now. Unless you want to be known for the rest of your life as the wife of a psychopathic murderer.
Okay. Now the campaign talk stops. Let’s put some words into action. The first 2 months will tell us everything we need to know here. And don’t tell us that it will take more time. Not with 4 pro-citizen politicians on the council it shouldn’t take more time. We should see action and we should see it FAST!!!
I’m not disrespecting Tony here. He played an extremely important and vital role.
That said…
The biggest thank you should go to Kelly Thomas. It should be beyond dispute that he sacrified the most, and Tony wouldn’t have been able to pull this off without what happened. History needs to record that he did not die in vain.
If you’re religious, you need to say a prayer for him. If your not, you need to still remember him always.
Ron also deserves a thank you. I realize some people think he’s a PITA, but he did help get the ball rolling on this (e.g. gave the pictures to Tony) and helped keep the national spotlight on Fullerton. You don’t need to agree with a man 100% in order to give thanks. If you did, nobody would ever be thanked.
*IF* the new council wants to turn over law enforcement to OCSD, they need to start negotiations immediately after taking their seats. It should be one of the first things they do after firing the city manager and attorney. It’s probably going to take quite awhile to effect the transfer.
You do NOT want OCSD as the law enforcement agency in Fullerton. Bring our own PD up to ethical standards and renegotiate the $. OCSD as last resort only. Nat’l guard would probably be better than OCSD. And before anyone jumps on me for the “Nat’l Guard” idea it was a joke but not too far off.
I think people do need to do a little more research RE: utilizing OCSD. Sure, they won’t be fiscally responsible, but I thought the point was more about having a law enforcement agency that won’t harrass, kill, etc., its citizens.
Ron Thomas and crew, the new council members, and the Fullerton citizens could revolutionize the way cities are run. They could put together a plan that can help cities around the country heal from all the sordid bullshit that has been going on across America. This could be historic.
John, I definitely agree with you on both points. Kelly Thomas made the ultimate sacrifice, and without even realizing it, he helped to uncover the corruption that was rampant in Fullerton. He didn’t die in vain. His sacrifice might have saved a city. It shouldn’t have taken something this horrible. But what happened to him caused the public to become so horrified and angry that they DEMANDED change.
This set a precedent. The people have reaffirmed their power over government. This doesn’t just affect Fullerton, but cities across the country. People aren’t going to just sit and let things happen anymore. Cops aren’t going to get away with abusing power anymore. 3 members of a city council did nothing after the police brutally murdered an innocent person…and so the public kicked their asses to the curb. That sent a message, loud and clear. Corruption will not be tolerated. The government WILL listen to the people or ELSE.
If the Fullerton Police Department is disbanded, that will send an even clearer message. If cops abuse their power, then the people will shut down the whole damn police department. Again, the government WILL listen to the people or ELSE.
I don’t live in Fullerton, but the news that the recall was successful made me overjoyed…and relieved. From this point on, this will be an example of when the government was FORCED to listen to its people.
We all live in a slightly better world today, because of Kelly Thomas’ sacrifice.
I know I must speak for all the bloggers/readers on FFFF when I tell you that I was so happy to learn that you lost the 29th District State Senate race by a landslide as follows:
STATE SENATOR 29th District
Completed Precincts: 410 of 410
ROBERT “BOB” HUFF 40,075 64.5%
GREG DIAMOND 22,096 35.5%
CONGRATULATIONS GREG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t think I can bet on my own campaign, “Loser.” (Pete Rose — you know.) But I do hope that you’ll offer to make that bet with someone else! I expect to do better in November. I’m pretty tenacious, you know.
Greg Diamond :
I lost a meaningless primary in which I did not bother to campaign, saving my resources for November.
I love how you try and spin the thumping you received as being “meaningless” and that you would have done better at the polls had you campaigned. The best strategy you could have is not to campaign. The more people read and hear about you the less likely they are to vote for you.
If I were you I wouldn’t waste those “resources” come November either. 35% is your high water mark, its all downhill from here.
Maybe if you ask nicely Tony and Chris Thompson will give you some tips on how to run a successful campaign. Lord knows you need all the help you can get.
But then again if your campaign pieces are as uninteresting and longwinded as your writings maybe they’ll literally bore the voters in the 29th to death and perhaps you will have better chance do to a low turnout.
Kudos to Fullerton. Proves that when good people are fed up and unite they can make a difference. Do not let up and hopefully the other officers who escaped charges are either charged or fired.
I don’t think they have the conscience to care anyway, I think the 3 blind turds put on emotional acts , only to manipulate people into doing for them and giving them what they want. they may know the difference between right and wrong, yet I doubt they even care.
You could yell and scream, or coax and be nice with these turds, and they wouldn’t know the difference in emotion due to what looks like personality disorders, meaning It could be possible they have been putting on an act the entire time.
“Kelly Thomas made the ultimate sacrifice, and without even realizing it.”
…But didn’t he….. He stood up to those cops with courage instead of just going along with their game like most people would just so they could be on their way. He knew they were messing with his mind.He knew they already knew what they were asking him before they asked him because they had confronted him before and knew where he slept. ( Thats one thing you never ask a homeless man, is where he sleeps.) He stood up to them and called them on their bluff by basicly saying go ahead, make my day.( yea, I sleep next to trash… go ahead start punching if that’s what you want to do.) He is truly the Clint Eastwood of fullerton even if he was Skitzophrenic.
nside the pub, Orange County Supervisor Shawn Nelson celebrated and said, “There was a bully in the school yard and somebody [Bushala] had to have the balls to stand up and punch them in the mouth.”
….He could have been talking about [ Kelly] who had the courage to stand up and confront the bully’s in this city.
Does the TRUTH hurt Tony??? Funny how my comments keep getting removed!! The REAL Tony Bushala’s debut is coming soon!! Timing is everything you EVIL A**HOLE!!!
Yes indeed. Timing is everything. Attacking Tony on the eve of the recall is great timing. I’m sure when your bombshell bursts the entire recall election will be upended and the voters will flock to punish the scheming Tony and save the illustrious city council. All hail the savior of Fullerton! You did it, STUTK, you revealed the truth and scuttled Tony’s nefarious scheme to replace the independent thinkers on the council with his evil minions! Oh wait, the recall was yesterday. GODDAM IT!
Get A Life??? HA HA…all you Phony Bushala lovers are the ones who live on this blog and make yourselves feel important!! So the recall passed, great for all you idiots…again, Timing Is Everything and when all you idiots are celebrating his new puppets in office, he’s right behind you all ramming you in the A**!! IDIOTS!!!
Look another wizard with PMS who “knows” TB from back in the day has stepped out of his crypt just to degrade him, and warn us of his impending “puppet” attack
People who speak like you do are usually talking about themselves.
Merijoe…get a life you Blog whore!! It must make you feel special to have Tony’s D*** in your mouth and Ron Thomas’ up your a**!! You people are pathetic!!
Now aren’t you a bright one!! So called Kelly’s Heroes, what have you or Tony done for the homeless people of Fullerton? NOTHING!!! They are still roaming the streets and sleeping behind trash cans…if you wanna call yourself a hero, then be one in reality and not in your mind!!! Kelly Thomas is the Hero not all you douche bags trying to be!! He at least died fighting for his rights!
STUTK you are brilliant. We get it; you hate Tony, who cares!?!? You’re right those three councilmen were great and Tony was able to get the city to vote in a 2-1 margin against them. The Thomas murder never happened and Tony made that up too…genius…
Dumba** I can see how brilliant you all are!! NOONE ever said anything about the council or the murder!! This is about PHONY BUSHALA!!! And you are all HIS puppets!!! Cant wait to watch the reaction when Tonys truths are exposed!!!
Dumba** I can see how brilliant you all are!! NOONE ever said anything about the council or the murder!! This is about PHONY BUSHALA!!! And you are all HIS puppets!!! Cant wait to watch the reaction when Tonys truths are exposed!
STUTK-STUTK-STUTK you referred to the recall which was based upon the murder and it was a recall of the majority council. Ergo you referred to the council and inferred the murder (the basis for the recall). Something is just not right about you, poor thing.
The recall is based on Bushala’s own agenda…poor Kelly Thomas is just being used as a punching bag “again” and crutch for Phony Bushala!! Wow, you all really are some ignorant, blinded A**HOLES!! Poor Thing??? What a joke, poor people of Fullerton…you’re in for one hell of a A** Fu**ing compliments of Tony Bushala!!
Well, I voted yesterday, and was very relieved the recall went through and all three councilmembers have been served a notice to vacate.
I really liked the 4 reasons FF put forth on the recall blog. They were reasoned and fair.
Victory, yes, but the path is always a long one full of switchbacks and hills. It’s not going to be easy –we all know that, but at least now we can start with a new spirit of community, fairness and a long term view.
Congratulations all.
The entire problem with the FPD was its relationship to the city council. Two ex cops and Jones pulled the strings to “get hard” on the kids and homeless downtown with Ramos goon squads. While that dynamic was shattered by Kelly’s Army it could happen again. ANY policing option is a step up. The OCSD would answer to the city council on service and contract amount. They would not be subject to the whims of wing nuts on future councils. A young man is dead because of that. We can’t afford to make that mistake again.
I am a little concerned, about the statements Ron Thomas made on the news last night. Why would he want to make Fullerton a charter city? Then move to Fullerton and run for Mayor.
I am so proud of Fullerton residents now. It has shown me that the people here, really have a voice.
Bell was a charter city. Our form of local government will work just fine as long as we the people keep an eye on them. Ron is well intentioned I am sure. However the control vested in the 5 person elected council assuming that they are not corrupt is a far better option than having the power concentrated in the hands of a mayor or a city manager. POBAR and apathetic citizens are the real problem. One down one to go. State level changes are drastically needed.
Thank you for your input. I like the 5 person rotation myself. I think it is easier to pin point the rotten apple. Even though we had 3 rotten apples. Just one more bad apple to get rid of.
WOW!!! This cop Coffman is the best argument, he says: “They take this Kelly Thomas incident and say there has been a cover-up. Just because they didn’t get information when they wanted it, they conclude there is corruption.” This “incident” had a cop torture an innocent man by tasering him until the battery ran out and then said to the throngs of his colleagues and superiors “My taser battery ran out so I beat the hell out of his face with it” to which not one took issue. I think we know what corruption is Officer Coffman.
Use citizen participation to share tips via Facebook on crime. Joliet PD has a nice page.
As for the homeless, implement Laura’s Law and get pro bono law help if necessary. Find a city that conquered the problem of the addicts and criminals, like NYC, and emulate it. We don’t need more feel good actions. Look at Santa Monica and SF and their poop covered streets if you think that will work.
NYC conquered the problems of the addicts and criminals by tossing them all in jail by using unconstitutional stop and search laws, costing millions or billions of dollars, and you want Fullerton to do that? Gee, I think we already tried that McKinley. No, that is not what we are going to do.
PJ, in case you missed the last year or so, we just had a protest movement and recall election designed to do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what you are urging us to do.
No random stops and searches. No arrests for misdemeanor quality of life bullshit. No forced treatment or imprisonment for “drug addicts.” No moving the homeless to another town, or forcing them into facilities “for their own good.”
You might not personally want his lifestyle but Kelly Thomas was doing ok until he was BRUTALLY MURDERED BY COPS.
We don’t have a major crime problem in the city of Fullerton. We have a major police problem. Giving them more power is the LAST THING ON EARTH we want to do.
Ron Thomas needs to be transitioned into the city as soon as possible, before he becomes mayor, Like police chief, or city manager, until he moves into town.
Without FFFF — and this is to FFFF’s credit — Ron Thoma’s complaints about the death of his son would have gone nowhere. You went beyond publicizing his loss to making him into a celebrity, though — and now you see the result.
I realize that he’s responsible for his own behavior. And you’re responsible for your behavior — giving him his current celebrity status, because he suited your purposes, which allows him to announce for Mayor of what he hopes will be a future charter city.
(Or do you think that “responsibility for behavior” only applies to your opponents?)
Wrong, it was Ron Thomas and Kelly’s Army that should get the credit for making Ron famous. More than half of the people here are anonymous so we don’t know who is what here. Majority of the outcries were people who represented themselves as Kelly’s Army and not FFFF. We know the people who work for FFFF supported them, but that does not make the jump to Ron running for Mayor as a result, IMO.
Anonymous :
Vote to roll those back like San Jose and San Diego did.
Congrats to you voters, Fullerton! People everywhere who are fighting corruption in office are inspired by your determination. Now, SUE THE BASTARDS! lol!
Stoopid old re-treads, they had sucked the City teat so long their lips had attached themselves. All they could see of Fullerton was a big bosom. Gonna be funny to read about those 3 old coots wandering around downtown reliving their glory days, unless they get beat to death by a bunch of cops whose pensions have been voided because the city is bankrupt!
Hi, Jane – long time no see! The double-whammy of pension reform in San Diego and San Jose, and housecleaning at Fullerton, has the cockroaches screaming ” R A I D !!! ” I’m LMAO at the email from Bad News Barry – his sign-off should have been “K.Y.A. GOODBYE, BROTHERS IN UNIFORM !!!”
Nice work people of Fullerton, now it’s time to roll up the sleeves and get to work cleaning up this mess that took over a decade to make.
Begin with firing Dan ”i’m a phony” Hughes and Joe Felz for leaving the thugs on duty and covering up, stonewalling and impeding the pursuit of the truth.
Congratulations to Tony and FFFF on the successful recall and the election of Greg S. and Travis. I look forward to the good that you can do in those areas where it needs to be done. I look forward to opposing overreach by the new council majority, if and when it occurs, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. May the new majority govern well.
Where were you when Tony, Travis and the others here at the FFFF were challenging the overreach of the old majority? It wasn’t until the media and camera’s showed up that you and the post-Pedroza OJB decided to take them on.
You’ve already thrown stones in regards to the “Kiger Agenda” as you call it. Face it the people/voters of Fullerton rejected the Repuglican and Diamond agenda.
You Mill and you Diamond aka Golem are both first class evil opportunists.
Sean, out of respect for Tony’s right to have his celebratory post I will not debate with you here. Have some respect for the venue.
Geez! Talk a self absorbed pompous gas bag.
Greg Diamond, your behavior here has been so over the top and your logic is extremely twisted. If you were a 17 year old kid I would understand but you’re a grown man.
If I were a member of a political or activist group I would distance myself from you as far as I possibly could. You are extremely unstable and nothing but a political liability.
There are so many talented politically active folks out there that your grossly overstated “services” are really not needed.
As another poster pointed out, even Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva sees this which is why she avoided being photographed standing next to you.
Excuse me, who are you? I mean, what other handles do you use?
Did you ask Sharon why we were both standing on the opposite sides of Paula Williams? Or do you just somehow know?
If you had any respect you would have stayed away altogether. You have been attacking Tony, Travis and the rest of the FFFF crew for quite some time.
Don’t show up here pretending to be gracious now.
Elsewhere, you ass. Elsewhere.
Love the name calling Greggy…And you want to be elected to State Senate?
The voters of Fullerton rejected your agenda last night and they will again come November. You campaign is DOA and much like your writing it should be in the morgue.
Dude, just ignore him.
“…much like your writing it should be in the morgue.”
Nice rip. True.
“You campaign is DOA and much like your writing it should be in the morgue.”
Thanks for the chuckle.
OK, as people apparently want this discussion at the top:
Commission Mill (by virtue of Santa Ana Councilman Sal Tinajero), if I’m not mistaken, you hardly ever even post on this site. Who elected you avenging demon?
Tony’s team won; my team lost 2 of 3. Coming here to offer congratulations and wish the new guys well is a proper thing to do — which may be why it confuses you so badly.
Man alive will you please let the people of Fullerton enjoy this hard earned day of respite free from the establishment hacks and Southern poverty law center shills. Thank you.
Thank you for my second chuckle of the day!
Interesting, you can’t say “ass” in your fucking Orange Juice Communist Propaganda blog.
Greg is not a Communist. He is an Opportunist.
Calling him a liberal, democrat, etc only gives him credibility which he has none. His ideology and political leanings are aligned with whatever rakes in the most money.
“Greg is not a Communist. He is an Opportunist”……. Hmmmmmm
And what is a difference?
I have lived for 22 years in the communist country so I must say that the communism is a form of opportunism.
You’ve completely missed my point.
He doesn’t believe in left or right. The only thing that matters is money. It just happens that giving the appearance of being a left leaning hack is how he maintains a comfortable living.
Within political circles its called pandering but I’ll give him credit, for a borderline mentally challenged guy he’s doing very well but that’s because the sheeple hes encountered were easily impressed by his use of the thesaurus and hadn’t vetted or done a proper background check on him.
He’s really taking a HUGE gamble with his livelihood by continuing to post here because he is way out of his safety zone. The 3 blind mice also took a HUGE gamble with the Kelly Thomas beating an lost big time.
That’s amazing, Anonymous. I don’t make a dime from my political work; in fact, it costs me money. You must have me mixed up with some hack like Sean Mill.
“I don’t make a dime from my political work”…….. Hmmmm
Anonymous did not say that you make a dime, what he said is that you care about a dime which is genetic with you Golem
Big difference, and I agree with Anonymous, but I should add that leftism is genetic with Golem too.
Lucky you, Stanley, to be on a site that tolerates anti-Semitic bigotry in its comments. Well-played, in its way.
Greg you are correct I rarely comment here and that’s because I don’t spend my waking hours trolling the blogosphere to tell everyone how smart I am or how important I am unlike you.
However when I saw your sanctimonious comments and faux graciousness I had to say something. The “proper” thing for you to have done was to not show your face around this blog today, kept your mouth shut for once.
Tony Bushala is a friend of mine. Tony was a friend of mine when the establishment ridiculed him and called him a “fringer” and he is my friend now that he has become one of the most dynamic figures in OC politics. I don’t like when people attack good people, especially when those good people are my friends.
Tony was a good friend of the OJ Blog long before you showed up. The fact that Vern has allowed you to come onto that blog and use it as a forum to go after Tony is disgusting.
I have sat back silently and watched you attack Tony, Chris Thompson, Travis and so many of the other good folks here at the FFFF during this recall election and after watching them succeed despite all of you jackals I’ve had enough.
I am not here to avenge anyone. The folks at the FFFF don’t need anyone to fight their battles. They hand you your lunch daily all on their own. That’s not that difficult seeing as how you’re bringing a knife to a gun fight.
What I am here to say is, “Shut up Greg!”…Take your sanctimonious bullcrap elsewhere. Today belongs to Tony, Travis, Greg, the FFFF and the residents of Fullerton. This is a party that you’re not welcome at.
“Vern has allowed me to …”
Huh? You have a weird view of human relations. I do what I want. So, in your bromance, are you the one who “allows” Art Pedroza to do things or does Art “allow” you to do things?
You’re a self-promoting camp-follower, Commissioner. Tony is welcome to your belated support if he wants it, now that you’re not “sitting back silently.” You are nuts to think that I would listen to a weasel like you about deportment. This ain’t your blog, buttercup; don’t start giving orders.
– Greg Diamond
You should try taking your own advice.
That is exactly what he is doing – pretending to be gracious. I’d have more respect for him if he either stayed away or continued with his usual self-serving, condescending ways.
Anonymous people accusing me of “pretending to be gracious.” Wounds me to the core, it does. As usual, this site has some good stuff — under which lies a squirming freak show.
I bet your core is easy to get down into, I bet people need to act like they are walking on eggshells, if they have to be around you.
“As usual, this site has some good stuff — under which lies a squirming freak show”……… Hmmmm
Luckily, it is not Hollywood’s “Schindler’s List” show.
No, I’m no Barry Levinson or Chris Thompson, if that’s what you’re suggesting.
+ba-zillion to Mr. Mill
As for you, Disengenious Diamond -who the hell are you to refer to anyone as a “squirming freak show”? look in the mirror-you condescending goat.
You know damn well that you are purposely making fun of people. You sack of cowpies.
“Wounds you to the core” not that I care about your core-you fake, but, what do you expect?
You just called everyone here a freak show and in prior posts intimated that people here were dumb, accused Tony B. , without producing a single stick of proof, that he was buying 3 candidates to be on council (which he was not BTW-you disgusting slimeball) and videotaped yourself stealing papers off cars while arrogantly declaring that BL was a criminal because he didn’t have a permit, again without producing an ounce of proof…and declaring it like you just cracked a 50 year old cold case and had the rotten nerve to say YOU were taking care of litter.
You don’t just have a screw loose, the screw driver is missing too.
Not everyone here is a freak show, merijoe.
You, however — well, the comments speak for themselves.
What about this as cleaning up the mess?
Yes we need Ron.
Thank you again to everyone who helped take back the city of Fullerton. I am forever grateful.
Congrats to Travis, now the hard work begins. Get’er done!
Cheers to the entire Recall crowd!
Thank you Tony!
Tony, a gentleman and a hero.
Congratulations to all who worked so hard to make this recall happen.
How many people think all three of the recalled candidates are sitting around this morning stammering something to the effect of “I just don’t understand it……”?
They probably don’t understand their own sociopathy. Sociopaths are incapable of understanding that.
This was a good day for Fullerton. The recall passed — and it wasn’t even close, even for the one councilman who actively fought it. I think all three councilmen who were elected to replace them will be an improvement — particularly Greg and Travis, who I believe will do an outstanding job.
Now, like info warrior said, the real work begins.
Nice comments!
I imagine you’re feeling disappointed this morning yet would never know by your very classy comments.
Sean is a class act all the way. Sean truly cares about our town and I know he would’ve served our city well if he were to ever be elected to the city council.
Congratulations to the good ‘stand up’ citizens of Fullerton.
Congratulations to Travis for taking over Jones’ spot on the council.
Way to go Tony, Chris and everyone else at FFFF!
Did the celebration party end last night or is it still going on?
Enjoy your little victory bedwetters — it’s the last one “Kelly’s Army” will have! Jay will be found not guilty .. Ramos too …. and the rest of the cops involved in the incident Kelly Thomas caused will be back on the streets patrolling soon. Wolfe will get his pension.
To anyone here from Fullerton PD, God Bless You! And please know that most of us love and support you and stand behind you 100%!
Lisa, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.
Don’t you think it should have been: Stand up Mr. Thomas, I am placing you under arrest for possession of stolen mail. Instead, it was: “see my fists? They’re getting ready to fuck you up!”
Or is your name Trina? I’m sure the election results have really struck a nerve with you this morning. It must be painful for you to see Kelly’s Army experience one victory after another.
I would expect the utter nonsense, such as Jay will be found innocent, to fly from your mouth; especially after reading your post about the FPD failing to notify Jay of the Sergeants exam in December 2011 while on leave. Wake up Lisa, he was in the process of being terminated, not promoted.
You need to deal with your issues of denial. Jay will be convicted and he will lose his pension. Jay will go to jail and when he gets out will be pretty much unemployable as a convicted felon.
Lisa, predictions thus far from the pro cop crew on this site have been pretty far off. Maybe it’s time to take a deep breath and reassess. Just because you love ‘ol Jay doesn’t mean he didn’t beat an innocent man to death.
LIsa, YOU are the epitome of a ‘Sour Puss’!
Now go back in your closet where your ‘freak of nature’ brother put you and keep your mouth shut!!
Lisa you are really out there in dream land.
It’s over for Ramos and Cicinelli and the rest who stood around joking and tending to their boo boos while Kelly was dying.
Get the name of the headline? VICTORY.
Justice won; brutal cop thuggery lost. Can’t wait for the next round of labor negotiations when the FPOA contract comes due.
Um, right, Lisa.
Lisa your side has been saying that all along and ”Kelly’s Army” and the GOOD people of Fullerton keep pressing on and winning because we are right, the truth is on our side and justice will prevail. Jay Sissynelli is a coward and a charged criminal and disgrace to law enforcement. I dont know how you and him sleep at night but God have mercy on you.
Regardless of the trial outcome, they will be forever tainted by their actions and deserving of a “Scarlet Letter” – M
you should port more crying/screaming eagles on that website, im seriously doubting your commitment to America
You’ve been batting a thousand so far..
put that bottle of vodka away and spit out those vicoden!
#26 by Lisa on June 6, 2012
“To anyone here from Fullerton PD, God Bless You! And please know that most of us love and support you and stand behind you 100%! ”
Lisa, who is “most of us?” By my estimation, with almost 70% voting in favor of the recall I’d be willing to bet a majority of those fine folks have a thing or two to say about the morality within the walls of the FPD. Unless you’re a Royal, lay off the “we” mentality. thankyouverymuch.
Lisa, keep telling yourself that. It won’t work; they are going down to live with the sodomites
Dang Lisa, you forgot to add “my little prettys” I’ll be watching for the flying monkeys.
Congratulations and thank you to all the people who have spent countless hours reclaiming the City of Fullerton and making sure the wheels of justice turn.
A lot has been accomplished in 11 months thanks to the commitment of Kelly’s Army.
I believe you. The exiting three thieves will use their connections to get the DAs office to throw the cases against these psycho cops and the boys will be back on the streets of Fullerton. Sadly, the corrupt FPD will continue to run this new city council. Bigger raises and generous disability packages are first order of business for all involved.
WOW!! That must have been one hell of a party you attended last night!
Friends for Jay… Well he was a hero. Now he is an accomplice to murder. He will be convicted as will Ramos. There are good cops and there are bad cops, there just people , There are douches and there is Lisa, she makes douches look intelligent.
I don’t think he was ever a hero.
A sociopath maybe.
They still own this Fullerton.
Which Fullerton, genious?
And its not for sale. The battle won, the war rages on….
Congratulations! I think it is a positive step forward for Fullerton.
I have a question. Did Greg Sebourn discover the illegal water tax that is being assessed on all Fullerton residents?
I thought Jane Rands was the first person to notice it.
It was discovered by Snow Hume in 1994, and discussed off and on by others over the years, including Norby, who’s asked for an explanation, never got one, and conveniently forgot about it.
The credit goes to Snow Hume in 1994, rediscovered and questioned again by Norby in or about 1997. The City Attorney was suppose to get back to him with an answer on the legality of the tax. Thanks to the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association who articulated successfully that it was in fact illegal. The courts agreed.
Staff were nice enough to include it in a graphic they presented to me while serving on the Water Rate Ad Hoc Committee. They showed it as 11%.
Thank you for your response and congratulations on your victory!
Question: what happens the morning after a recall election? Are the three “recallees” cleaning out their desks today, or is there some sort of official process or protocol that must first take place?
30 days until they leave office.
Ok. Thanks. So are they officially on the job with all powers and authority for 30 days, or is this more or less a “grace period” to allow them to get the hell out of town?
What are the newly-elected councilmembers doing during the next 30 days?
From my understanding, they still have power for the next 30 days.
The newly elected council members won’t have any authority until they are sworn in.
Got it. Thank you.
Watch them all go on “medical leave”, seems to be the done thing amongst the Pentionistas on the City payroll.
Well, what can they do in the next thirty days?
Sore losers can be, well, you know, sore losers.
I’m curious as to what’s really going on here.
Do these three even care what has happened to them? They’re evidently awash in a sea of Fullerton money; they’ll never lack for anything as their lives dwindle to nothing and they vanish to one of many potential graveyards, so my question is what’s next?
I love Fullerton, I always have, we almost bought in your neighborhood right before Kelly was murdered.
The rotten three simply grab up their dough and fade into the sunset? Really?
They have thirty days, and then it’s adios, assholes. And the KELLY THOMAS Fullerton “thing” will take years to repair and heal.
They’re not responsible for anything?
How is this possible?
You just HELD them responsible. That’s how it works.
If you want to hold the outgoing majority criminally responsible, you’ll have to find an actual crime, not just something that sounds fun to say.
“you’ll have to find an actual crime”……. Hmmmm
There is plenty of cram there Esq. Golem #256598 but there is no competent uncorrupted DA to prosecute it.
Vote to roll those back like San Jose and San Diego did.
So that means their last day in office is July 5, 2012? That’s sort of interesting, don’t you think?
God works in Mysterious ways.
As it was explained to me last night, it’s not a firm 30 days; they are replaced when the results of the election are certified, which I believe may take as long as 30 days (in the absence of a long recount, etc.) I don’t think that this one will take the full time period.
Greg is correct. The votes need to be certified. The sooner this happens, the faster they will be out. I was aware of the certification and my answer is a bit of an over simplification taking the worst case scenario.
Thanks Greg!
Ha ha ha! Good bye failed leadership!!!
Thank you Tony for standing up to against the complacent council members who failed to acknowledge any wrongdoing by PD or show any compassion.
Thank you FFFF and followers! Driving through Fullerton this morning, I felt a renewed sense of hope.
I never comment on this blog and I don’t even live anywhere near Fullerton, but I’ve been keeping my eye on this case and all it’s fallout. My heartfelt congratulations and thanks go out to all who worked so hard to defend innocence and decency against corrupt and arrogant thuggery. Today is dawning as a brighter day for citizens in the USA. There are signs that the public has a bad feeling for greedy public employees’ unions, who are controlling and plundering our cities, counties and states, in partnership with bad and corrupt administration. I can’t imagine a more toxic brew.
except there’s that whole scott walker thing, apparently wisconsin prefers to stay under the iron fist of a literal comic book super villain
that state is running in the black for the first time in ages, since Walker took over. Bring on Superman!
The irony of the Fullerton recall and the Wisconsin recall fail on the same day is that in Wisconsin Scott Walker exempted the police unions from his ban on collective bargaining.
Think about it. The WORST, most DANGEROUS public employee unions in the country are the COP unions. That’s part of what the Fullerton recall was all about. And Walker PROTECTED his buddies in blue, while going after the easy targets, like teachers.
Scott Walker is no more Libertarian than Barack Obama. Just another corporate water boy. can you say Koch $?
and thats why Walker didn’t screw with the police unions. buying some bullets you might say
Super villain? In a collapsing economy folks have woken up to the fact that they are being saddled with an unsustainable tax burden where the union employees are paid far in excess of the prevailing wage and pay little or nothing for their benefits and retirement and the taxpayers pay 99% of the costs. The majority of the American people lack the discernment necessary to elect people that would put the kibosh to the treasonous trade deals, destructive tax code, the illegal Federal Reserve’s debt based currency issuance and the military industrial complex’s orgy of illegal wars. All we can do is effect change and deal with issues within our control at the local level which Fullerton has done.
LAST NIGHTS VICTORY-THE FULLERTON RECALL- WAS ONE HELL OF A WILDCARD COUP THAT WAS OUT OF THE CONTROL OF THE WELL CONNECTED MALEVOLENT NEFARIOUS LOCAL POWERBROKERS THAT HAVE PULLED THE STRINGS IN TOWN FOR A LONG LONG TIME. FULLERTON RESIDENTS ARE AWAKE NOW. THE DEPOSED WILL SOON BE ON THEIR WAY TO VARIOUS VACATION SPOTS . Their long political careers have ended in shame. They had plenty of time to do the right thing and up until the very last minute, they dug their heels in. LAST NIGHT THEY DEFECATED ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT, SOME WALKED OFF THE JOB NOT BEFORE THEY CUT THE FEED. All along they tried to spin this whole thing by blaming Tony for trying to buy Fullerton. What a joke. They then run a retread lackey that has now inherited a ceremonial presence on the council. Pride has indeed come before the fall. Thank you Tony, Chris, Travis for breaking the story wide open on the Kelly Thomas murder and all of the other corruption in our town. Hats off to all those that came to the meetings, protested, posted here and gave ’em hell. The system works only if we are not asleep at the switch. The lights are on 24/7 now-metal halides, high pressure sodium, CFL’s and LED’s. What a beautiful day in Fullerton with the jacarandas in full bloom. Oh the irony-our city’s official tree.
Thanks truthseeker,
That was powerful.
well-said because it is the truth
The people have spoken. Jones, McKinley, Larry Bennett all left before public comments for a reason.
Fullerton should be renamed Beertown after last night. New city council has their hands full in the near future. Hopefully they clean up the mess.
…from the bondage of Ackerman repuglicanism.
Say goodnight Dick(s); say goodnight Larry Bennett; wake up Bankhead – then say goodnight.
I wonder how many people have the honor *cough* of having been recalled from the same office TWICE.
Nice work, Don, now go away forever.
Ha, already answered below. Don’s #1!
Deep sympathies to the family of Kelly Thomas, BTW. Never underestimate the little guy. Kelly stands very tall, in my eyes. He is a hero, in my opinionI hate that he had to die in such brutality, but it took something like the death of an innocent and helpless man to wake people up to what’s been going on. By placing police in a shrine of worship, and indemnifying them of all responsibility, we’ve raised up and empowered the human monsters and cheapened the reputation of the good police officers out there. I used to like and support police, but I’ve lost too much respect for them in recent years.
Amen! Thank you for putting my exact feelings into words.
We need to build a sculpture Of kelly and a monument for him, and place it where it happened, so he will be remembered forever.
Thanks Fullerton, for finally redeeming yourself. To the new generation of leaders I say thanks, too.
Hell, I might even move back from my desert compound what with the depressed price for zinc n’ all.
My little Desert Rat Friend, please move back to Fullerton, I miss you man!
Well done, everyone!!!
You are the man Tony! Way to go!!
Congrats to Travis, Greg and the people of Fullerton. Good for you!
Proud of you all.
I was under an impression that you are supporting COP’s Mill.
Just imagine your usual crapola that Kelly Thomas was actually endangering COPs so they had to kill him.
You are such a moron mongoloid commissioner Mill.
Congrats Y’all!!!
Fullerton was the first thing I thought of this morning when I opened my eyes.
Congratulations! I am so happy for the people of Fullerton.
This recall has restored my hope in the political process.
Thank you!
God bless Bushala. Really. When you think about all the lies perpetrated by Ellis and Ackerman and Bennett and the Baldies it gets you sore.
If Tony wanted to be the King of Fullerton he could have spent half as much spent a whole helluva lot less energy and got three candidates elected in November.
This was about freakin’ ACCOUNTABILITY and making the geezertocracy responsible for its actions and inactions!
To quote Colonel Kilgore ” I love the smell of napalm in the morning….. it smells like…. victory”.
Classic sight last night at the end of the council meeting with Jones and McKinley having left the meeting upon learning of the results and Bankhead slumping in his chair staring in to space.
Bankhead should hold his head up high. He is a record setter. The only man in the 162 year history of the State of Californy to get recalled from the same office twice.
Perhaps an award of distinction is in order!
I think he just got his reward lol
From the Protect Fullerton site:
“Supporters will be listed soon.”
Hahahaha! 35%?
Congrats to the winners and to all the ordinary people who stood up to run for council in these trying times. It had to be tough on you and your families.
Now we need to balance the budget and revamp the police department to combat crime (on the streets and in the department) … and that’s about it.
Oh, and let’s return to calling the Holiday Tree what it is really is — the dang Christmas Tree!!
I don’t wish to be cynical, I just hope this leads to real change.
The longest journey begins with the first step.
I agree with you WJRob. Seabourn, Kiger and Chaffee need to remember that their duty is to the City of Fullerton. Not Tony Bushala.
Why isnt Tony on here accepting this outpouring of gratitude for getting his guys elected? (not that I liked the sitting Council AT ALL), but with his puppets on board it is still a joke, only now Tony gets whatever HE wants pushed through without writing those $1.000 campaign donation checks he mentions in the OC WEEKLY story. Those would be the ones he wrote until he discovered they really were only donations . He thought he was buying back office approval for his projects that the average person doesn’t get. So I guess that won’t be a problem for him anymore. “His” Councilmembers, that he paid to get elected, had Chris Thompson tell everyone which 3 to vote for, his majority will approve whatever he asks for, fees waived no doubt.
This was NEVER about Kelly Thomas for him, Kelly just gave him the kind of event the media loves and he took and ran with it.
So many so easily manipulated by a power hungry guy with family money and his own personal agenda. Sad so many bought it.
Tony did a job 100% better than those 3 turds did.
I am a cynic and “careful what you wish for” is a thought that is always with me. We all hope it leads to real change, but you have to start somewhere.
I too woke up with a feeling pure joy. I think people all over the country have spoken loud and clear yesterday.
I am happy for San Jose, San Diego and WTG SCOTT WALKER!! WOOO-FREAKIN-HOO!!
I second that emotion!
I concur.
We are screwed!!
Yup. YOU sure are.
+2 on that one.
Congradulations Fullerton residence for your VICTORY!!!
This wasn’t even a close call, it was a serious “ass whoopin” in my opinion.
You sent a SERIOUS message to many others watching this situation unfold.
Those leaders who allow ignorance and arrogance to be your guide, TAKE HEED in this situation.
Dan Hughes, I think you need to clear off your desk, OR confess your sins NOW and ask forgivness to the people of Fullerton.
FPD union members, YOU better start rethinking how you conduct business, because YOUR money right along with PORAC’s money to try and keep the 3 Amigos in office FAILED miserably.
Good luck to ALL!!!!!
+3 and the train keeps rolling JD.
+4 Hold on to your lug nuts Doe boy, It’s time for an overhaul.
Maybe you feel like the guy in the clip?
Cheers, the battle is won, the war rages on………..
I am very happy for the people of Fullerton, who fought so hard to bring about this historic change! Enjoy YOUR day! and YOUR victory! You have all earned it. And I pray God that none of us forget Kelly Thomas.
amen! and amen!
Congrats Travis!
The Lomheim Family
Many thanks and congratulations to Tony and the recall team!
Recall the PD?
2nd step, Fire the city manager, and the city clerk.
John Wayne, Marshall J.D. Cahill (Cahill, U.S. Marshall):
“Cause even grown men need understanding.”
John Wayne, Hondo Lane (Hondo):
“Yup. The end of a way of life. Too bad. It’s a good way. Wagons forward! Yo!”
Awesome, Great work everyone, Thanks A LOT, Always take care, see yous!
Abolish the FPD!!!!
Start drawing up new contracts.
Congratulations to Tony, and the entire recall team. Fullerton residents should feel proud.
Tony: You really are a hero. A person who made a difference, because you cared.
God bless you.
Next job-CLOSE THE FULLERTON PD AND RETAIN THE OC SHERIFF! Every city that has done so has saved millions. The Fullerton PD will continue to cost the citizens millions for the never ending civil litigation for its brutality. No self respecting cop would work for the Fullerton PD due to its corruption. Close it, save millions and instantly end the corruption in that department. Overpaid city employees are next…
I totally agree with this 100000%
No, Keep the FPD, and put it under the control of Ron Thomas, then have him screen who he wants and doesn’t want on the force. Rearange it, and ununionize it.
Congratulations Fullerton! Thank you Tony for getting the recall rolling. Thank you to Kelly’s Army. God bless Kelly Thomas.
The future looks a little bit brighter this morning.
Congratulations to Travis and Greg.
Time to close Fullerton PD down. It cannot be fixed. GOOD WORK. This blog made a difference.
Let Ron Thomas run it. He would do a fine job.
bring in the green!!! hmmmm, pay F-PD $80 million budget or OC Sheriff $25million ??.. plus the corrupt administration won’t be absorbed and the corrupt cops won’t be hired
I do not support this recall because some of the so-called “victims” like Martin Angel Hernandez was not only a gang banger but was armed with a shotgun in an alley when officers came up on him.
Kelly Thomas OTOH wasnt doing anything, wasnt harming anyone yet they brutally beat and suffocated him to death then to add insult to injury the 3 bald tires who just got recalled did nothing about it.
This Martin Angel Hernandez thug is no better than Ramos, Cicinelli, Wolfe, etc. They all terrorize innocent citizens and make life a living hell.
But the corruption breads crime. Every man and woman have to work to stop it as a way of life.
To all the FFFF who made this possible:
Good Work. You exemplify community service. Others can talk and write about problems. You did something about it. All of you.
Good job Fullerton!
Good job people of Fullerton.
victorious in recall, victory in removing the rubber stamp Felzs’ from our town’s payroll
Is Felz gone Van?
I hope they remove a person who had no qualifications for his role as city manager except that he hung around fullerton’s government long enough to gain entry into the inner clique of fullerton’s power brokers(on our tax dollars). It seems he rubber stamped whatever his masters, Jones, Mckinley, Bankhead, placed in front of him. Just my opine
Congratulations everybody. What a great Team effort.
So happy for you Fullerton-ground zero now. You have helped all America.
“Since the people have spoken, I think the people don’t like the direction the city manager and the city attorney have taken,” Sebourn said.
Greatest. Column. Ever.
Great blog post! Screw the Orange County GOP Machine! All they do is churn out tired career politicians like that douchebag Todd Spitzer, that phony Shawn Nelson, and countless other bureaucrats. Viva a Libertarian Fullerton!
Yes, Orange county and America need this.
That’s the best you can do after all the hard work the citizens put in to make this recall possible.
How about at least thanking the voters??? Is that asking too much.
The best you can do is ‘Victory’? A one-word blog?
My God. Show some gratitude to the voters who slapped these clowns down by a 65% to 35% margin!!!
What did you do during the war, daddy?
JustUs, why are your panties in such a bunch?
Are you coming unglued because you were part of that 35% crowd?
Congratulations on holding a victory party at The Pint House…..which is exactly the type of undesirable downtown drinking establishment railed against by Bushala and his candidate puppets on this very blog.
Not the same, No thugs, no guns, no rage, no violence.
Mr. Whitaker, Mr. Sebourn, and Mr. Kiger – this is worth inquiring into.
Tony, I would like to express my sincere, very deep appreciation and gratitude to you -for your integrity, selflessness, kindness, concern, and generosity. And for your willingness to stand in the gap to protect and defend Fullerton residents from evil and malfeasance.
You have worked tirelessly for truth and justice in Fullerton; you are proof that one good man can make a huge difference.
Because of your efforts and your dedication, I was able to sleep a little bit easier last night, for the first time since I learned of Kelly Thomas’ horrific murder. You are working to restore Fullerton and in so doing, you are also working to restore America. May God bless you Tony.
I’m noticing I’m starting to sleep a little bit better too.
It’s imminent that the corrupt FPD be dismantled. This corrupt hit squad are the real bosses in Fullerrton.
How can you be the Boss of News Crews, News Choppers, and Citizenry with STRONG HEARTS!!
Aerosmith Train kept a Rolling (LIVE 2004)
Integrity & Tony Bushala do not fit in the same category!! Fullerton will be full of pot smoking thieves once Bushala gets these candidates in! And all of Fullerton better watch out, I’m sure some of you “supporters” will be having your house bought out by him so he can continue his building of Fillerton for his OWN benefit!! Tony has screwed his own friends in Fullerton, he can give a rats ass about any of you!!!
Seasoned pot smokers do not steal or get violent, a-hole!
Talk about your sore loser…wah wah.
Actually, celebrating by allowing dispensaries in the city would be great.
But watch out, Mitt will cack down on that.
SomebodyTonyUsedToKnow, did you just describe youself?
David Bowie & Mick Jagger – Dancing In The Street
The FPD is still there. And they’re not going anywhere. Maybe early disability pensions.
Our new city council will have the opportunity to take a good look at this when the FPD agreement comes up for renewal. Save millions on the basic charge for services and millions more in litigation costs that the FPD exposes the city to with the Ramos type cops it embraces. THIS IS A NO BRAINER. Reduce the budget and the size of government. The OC Sheriff can do it cheaper and not expose Fullerton, if they make an error it is on them, not us. Also, Sheriff Hutchins has a different hiring and discipline process than the FPD. She actually stands up to the union and won’t allow them to review documents and confer prior to questioning in investigations.
Congratulations Fullerton, for the last 11 months the whole world has been watching Kellys’ Army in action; and we like what we see. Fullerton has gone from a joke to an inspiration on how ordinary people can illicit big changes in government.
Is OCSD really that much better? I have memories of Greg Haidl and Mike Corona dancing in my head whenever somebody mentions this.
You’ll shed liability, but will you get better policing? More importantly, will you be able to do anything about it if you don’t?
I’d like to make a small request of the new council.
Would it be possible to Improve the audio/video equipment and broadcasting of each council meeting. And then make it easier to find the certain topics from the video archives?
And maybe it would be best to archive entire meetings on YouTube because streaming with the current video system is a pain in the ass.
I hope Kiger takes advantage of his new dental benefits and has a doc take a look at those yellow rat teeth of his.
What’s up LoJack, you coming to the gym tonight bro…do some situps together like last week?
Hey Albey Al you got your hands full. You putting Seaborne and Kiger on the Clownsel fat squad with Mr. Twitcher.
More situps less donuts fat boys.
Thank you’s are definitely in order for many people, first and foremost, Tony! Thanks also go to everyone who worked on the recall, everyone who signed the petitions to get it on the ballot and everyone who helped it pass. Also, thanks go to everyone outside of Fullerton who were here in spirit and gave moral support.
This is awesome news! Congratulations to everyone who worked on this. I actually read last night that the recall had succeeded, and I knew it would. Maybe Fullerton can still be saved. This proves that the people are good. The recall succeeded by a landslide…the voters knew what was going on, and they kicked the corrupt council members to the curb.
And to Lisa, Jay Cicinelli’s sister…wow. I guess mental illness runs in their family. Her brother is a psychopath, and by the comment she made, she’s a heartless, delusional b**ch. Her brother is a murderer and he’s going to jail. She just can’t wrap her mind around that.
Lisa, Jay is a MURDERER. He is going to jail. And guess what, for the rest of his life, everyone will associate the name “Jay Cicinelli” with a psychopathic, disgraced one-eyed former cop who beat an innocent man to death.
Look up “Jay Cicinelli” on Google and what do you find…the ONLY results that will come up are that he was a cop who murdered Kelly Thomas. Not that he was a “hero” or anything else. That’s the only thing anyone will ever read about him…that he was a murderer. 10 years from now, 15 years from now, 20 years from now, and for the rest of his life. Jay Cicinelli is a psychopathic murder and a former cop. And that’s the ONLY thing the world will ever know about him.
How do you feel now?
Maybe after he gets out of jail, he can change his name and move out of the state. And pray that people don’t recognize his face. That will work for a while, at least.
And Trina…you’d better leave him now. Unless you want to be known for the rest of your life as the wife of a psychopathic murderer.
Okay. Now the campaign talk stops. Let’s put some words into action. The first 2 months will tell us everything we need to know here. And don’t tell us that it will take more time. Not with 4 pro-citizen politicians on the council it shouldn’t take more time. We should see action and we should see it FAST!!!
4 prop-citizen politicians? How do you come up with that number. I figure it’s only 3.
I’m not disrespecting Tony here. He played an extremely important and vital role.
That said…
The biggest thank you should go to Kelly Thomas. It should be beyond dispute that he sacrified the most, and Tony wouldn’t have been able to pull this off without what happened. History needs to record that he did not die in vain.
If you’re religious, you need to say a prayer for him. If your not, you need to still remember him always.
Ron also deserves a thank you. I realize some people think he’s a PITA, but he did help get the ball rolling on this (e.g. gave the pictures to Tony) and helped keep the national spotlight on Fullerton. You don’t need to agree with a man 100% in order to give thanks. If you did, nobody would ever be thanked.
*IF* the new council wants to turn over law enforcement to OCSD, they need to start negotiations immediately after taking their seats. It should be one of the first things they do after firing the city manager and attorney. It’s probably going to take quite awhile to effect the transfer.
The FPD contract with the City expires June 2014 with an option to renew.
The new city manager needs to hire Ron Thomas in to straighten things out down there.
In fact, the city should hire Ron Tomas in as a city manager.
You do NOT want OCSD as the law enforcement agency in Fullerton. Bring our own PD up to ethical standards and renegotiate the $. OCSD as last resort only. Nat’l guard would probably be better than OCSD. And before anyone jumps on me for the “Nat’l Guard” idea it was a joke but not too far off.
Expensive consultant: FPD do you promise not to beat people to death or abuse your authority?
FPD: We cannot make promises but we are committed to continuing to making streets of Fullerton safe.
Expensive consultant: Good enough for me!
Citizens of Fullerton: YAY!
I think people do need to do a little more research RE: utilizing OCSD. Sure, they won’t be fiscally responsible, but I thought the point was more about having a law enforcement agency that won’t harrass, kill, etc., its citizens.
Thats why you keep the dept under the control of Ron Thomas
Ron Thomas and crew, the new council members, and the Fullerton citizens could revolutionize the way cities are run. They could put together a plan that can help cities around the country heal from all the sordid bullshit that has been going on across America. This could be historic.
John, I definitely agree with you on both points. Kelly Thomas made the ultimate sacrifice, and without even realizing it, he helped to uncover the corruption that was rampant in Fullerton. He didn’t die in vain. His sacrifice might have saved a city. It shouldn’t have taken something this horrible. But what happened to him caused the public to become so horrified and angry that they DEMANDED change.
This set a precedent. The people have reaffirmed their power over government. This doesn’t just affect Fullerton, but cities across the country. People aren’t going to just sit and let things happen anymore. Cops aren’t going to get away with abusing power anymore. 3 members of a city council did nothing after the police brutally murdered an innocent person…and so the public kicked their asses to the curb. That sent a message, loud and clear. Corruption will not be tolerated. The government WILL listen to the people or ELSE.
If the Fullerton Police Department is disbanded, that will send an even clearer message. If cops abuse their power, then the people will shut down the whole damn police department. Again, the government WILL listen to the people or ELSE.
I don’t live in Fullerton, but the news that the recall was successful made me overjoyed…and relieved. From this point on, this will be an example of when the government was FORCED to listen to its people.
We all live in a slightly better world today, because of Kelly Thomas’ sacrifice.
So yes, thank you Kelly.
Well said Chris. Kelly’s life an death certainly woke up this average citizen. I think of Kelly every day.
I am in awe at how the people of Fullerton came together to stand up for what’s right. It’s inspiring.
Hey Larry Bennett, whatcha got to say now? Thanks for letting everyone know you’re nothing but a lowlife piece of shit.
O Larry’s gonna miss me!
Once City Clerk Lucinda gave me the word I made a mad dash for him…..I got lucky enough to break the news 🙂
Is the city clerk on the straight and narrow? Is she worthy of keeping around?
I know I must speak for all the bloggers/readers on FFFF when I tell you that I was so happy to learn that you lost the 29th District State Senate race by a landslide as follows:
STATE SENATOR 29th District
Completed Precincts: 410 of 410
ROBERT “BOB” HUFF 40,075 64.5%
GREG DIAMOND 22,096 35.5%
CONGRATULATIONS GREG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I lost a meaningless primary in which I did not bother to campaign, saving my resources for November. But I’m sure that you know that.
You think I’m going to lose 80-20%? I so wish I could bet you on that.
I’m willing to be that once you actively campaign you will lose by an even bigger margin.
Resources? What resources? An endorsement from Sharon Quirk and Pammy Keller?
I don’t think I can bet on my own campaign, “Loser.” (Pete Rose — you know.) But I do hope that you’ll offer to make that bet with someone else! I expect to do better in November. I’m pretty tenacious, you know.
I love how you try and spin the thumping you received as being “meaningless” and that you would have done better at the polls had you campaigned. The best strategy you could have is not to campaign. The more people read and hear about you the less likely they are to vote for you.
If I were you I wouldn’t waste those “resources” come November either. 35% is your high water mark, its all downhill from here.
Maybe if you ask nicely Tony and Chris Thompson will give you some tips on how to run a successful campaign. Lord knows you need all the help you can get.
But then again if your campaign pieces are as uninteresting and longwinded as your writings maybe they’ll literally bore the voters in the 29th to death and perhaps you will have better chance do to a low turnout.
Kudos to Fullerton. Proves that when good people are fed up and unite they can make a difference. Do not let up and hopefully the other officers who escaped charges are either charged or fired.
The thee blind mice are eating crow!
I don’t think they have the conscience to care anyway, I think the 3 blind turds put on emotional acts , only to manipulate people into doing for them and giving them what they want. they may know the difference between right and wrong, yet I doubt they even care.
You could yell and scream, or coax and be nice with these turds, and they wouldn’t know the difference in emotion due to what looks like personality disorders, meaning It could be possible they have been putting on an act the entire time.
The 3 turds may appear to be angry or happy, yet it may be only an act, for they may not have the mental wireing it takes to feel those emotions
I bet the real reason these turds were on the city council, his because the all see it as a game, and they learned to play that game together.
“Kelly Thomas made the ultimate sacrifice, and without even realizing it.”
…But didn’t he….. He stood up to those cops with courage instead of just going along with their game like most people would just so they could be on their way. He knew they were messing with his mind.He knew they already knew what they were asking him before they asked him because they had confronted him before and knew where he slept. ( Thats one thing you never ask a homeless man, is where he sleeps.) He stood up to them and called them on their bluff by basicly saying go ahead, make my day.( yea, I sleep next to trash… go ahead start punching if that’s what you want to do.) He is truly the Clint Eastwood of fullerton even if he was Skitzophrenic.
Voters Recall 3 Fullerton City Council Members
Really good video, Tony, Travis, and Mckinley leaving City Hall in Parking lot interview, Recall victory Party.,0,87874.story
nside the pub, Orange County Supervisor Shawn Nelson celebrated and said, “There was a bully in the school yard and somebody [Bushala] had to have the balls to stand up and punch them in the mouth.”
….He could have been talking about [ Kelly] who had the courage to stand up and confront the bully’s in this city.
Does the TRUTH hurt Tony??? Funny how my comments keep getting removed!! The REAL Tony Bushala’s debut is coming soon!! Timing is everything you EVIL A**HOLE!!!
Yes indeed. Timing is everything. Attacking Tony on the eve of the recall is great timing. I’m sure when your bombshell bursts the entire recall election will be upended and the voters will flock to punish the scheming Tony and save the illustrious city council. All hail the savior of Fullerton! You did it, STUTK, you revealed the truth and scuttled Tony’s nefarious scheme to replace the independent thinkers on the council with his evil minions! Oh wait, the recall was yesterday. GODDAM IT!
Why do I get the impression you have issues of a personal nature?? Get a life and get over it.
The last comment was directed to SomebodyTonyUsedToKnow.
Get A Life??? HA HA…all you Phony Bushala lovers are the ones who live on this blog and make yourselves feel important!! So the recall passed, great for all you idiots…again, Timing Is Everything and when all you idiots are celebrating his new puppets in office, he’s right behind you all ramming you in the A**!! IDIOTS!!!
STUTK-do you need a Midol?
Look another wizard with PMS who “knows” TB from back in the day has stepped out of his crypt just to degrade him, and warn us of his impending “puppet” attack
People who speak like you do are usually talking about themselves.
Merijoe…get a life you Blog whore!! It must make you feel special to have Tony’s D*** in your mouth and Ron Thomas’ up your a**!! You people are pathetic!!
I think whoever SomebodyThatUsedToKnowTony is suffering from psychological transference.
Now aren’t you a bright one!! So called Kelly’s Heroes, what have you or Tony done for the homeless people of Fullerton? NOTHING!!! They are still roaming the streets and sleeping behind trash cans…if you wanna call yourself a hero, then be one in reality and not in your mind!!! Kelly Thomas is the Hero not all you douche bags trying to be!! He at least died fighting for his rights!
STUTK you are brilliant. We get it; you hate Tony, who cares!?!? You’re right those three councilmen were great and Tony was able to get the city to vote in a 2-1 margin against them. The Thomas murder never happened and Tony made that up too…genius…
Dumba** I can see how brilliant you all are!! NOONE ever said anything about the council or the murder!! This is about PHONY BUSHALA!!! And you are all HIS puppets!!! Cant wait to watch the reaction when Tonys truths are exposed!!!
Dumba** I can see how brilliant you all are!! NOONE ever said anything about the council or the murder!! This is about PHONY BUSHALA!!! And you are all HIS puppets!!! Cant wait to watch the reaction when Tonys truths are exposed!
STUTK-STUTK-STUTK you referred to the recall which was based upon the murder and it was a recall of the majority council. Ergo you referred to the council and inferred the murder (the basis for the recall). Something is just not right about you, poor thing.
The recall is based on Bushala’s own agenda…poor Kelly Thomas is just being used as a punching bag “again” and crutch for Phony Bushala!! Wow, you all really are some ignorant, blinded A**HOLES!! Poor Thing??? What a joke, poor people of Fullerton…you’re in for one hell of a A** Fu**ing compliments of Tony Bushala!!
Over 65% on all 3 recalls. $200k well spent!
Only thing is the FPD enforcers can’t be removed. They are untouchable. The BOSSES still rule. SADLY.
Well, I voted yesterday, and was very relieved the recall went through and all three councilmembers have been served a notice to vacate.
I really liked the 4 reasons FF put forth on the recall blog. They were reasoned and fair.
Victory, yes, but the path is always a long one full of switchbacks and hills. It’s not going to be easy –we all know that, but at least now we can start with a new spirit of community, fairness and a long term view.
Congratulations all.
The entire problem with the FPD was its relationship to the city council. Two ex cops and Jones pulled the strings to “get hard” on the kids and homeless downtown with Ramos goon squads. While that dynamic was shattered by Kelly’s Army it could happen again. ANY policing option is a step up. The OCSD would answer to the city council on service and contract amount. They would not be subject to the whims of wing nuts on future councils. A young man is dead because of that. We can’t afford to make that mistake again.
I am a little concerned, about the statements Ron Thomas made on the news last night. Why would he want to make Fullerton a charter city? Then move to Fullerton and run for Mayor.
I am so proud of Fullerton residents now. It has shown me that the people here, really have a voice.
Bell was a charter city. Our form of local government will work just fine as long as we the people keep an eye on them. Ron is well intentioned I am sure. However the control vested in the 5 person elected council assuming that they are not corrupt is a far better option than having the power concentrated in the hands of a mayor or a city manager. POBAR and apathetic citizens are the real problem. One down one to go. State level changes are drastically needed.
We need a state ballot amendment revoking POBOR.
Thank you for your input. I like the 5 person rotation myself. I think it is easier to pin point the rotten apple. Even though we had 3 rotten apples. Just one more bad apple to get rid of.
“”I think they are misinformed,” Coffman said about anyone saying the department has had corruption. “They don’t know what corrupt is. … ”
Way to spill the beans there Barry. “You fellas think you know corruption? You don’t even know what corruption is! Ha ha ha ha ha..”
WOW!!! This cop Coffman is the best argument, he says: “They take this Kelly Thomas incident and say there has been a cover-up. Just because they didn’t get information when they wanted it, they conclude there is corruption.” This “incident” had a cop torture an innocent man by tasering him until the battery ran out and then said to the throngs of his colleagues and superiors “My taser battery ran out so I beat the hell out of his face with it” to which not one took issue. I think we know what corruption is Officer Coffman.
YES !!!!!
Use citizen participation to share tips via Facebook on crime. Joliet PD has a nice page.
As for the homeless, implement Laura’s Law and get pro bono law help if necessary. Find a city that conquered the problem of the addicts and criminals, like NYC, and emulate it. We don’t need more feel good actions. Look at Santa Monica and SF and their poop covered streets if you think that will work.
NYC conquered the problems of the addicts and criminals by tossing them all in jail by using unconstitutional stop and search laws, costing millions or billions of dollars, and you want Fullerton to do that? Gee, I think we already tried that McKinley. No, that is not what we are going to do.
Was Kelly Thomas helped by his “right” to live on the street?
Is a drug addict helped by his “right” to live on the street?
Should we allow parole violators to wander around Fullerton unquestioned?
It worked in NYC, whether you like it or not.
The ends do not justify the means. They do, however, pave the road to fascism and communism.
Do not tread on me, sir. Even if you think it’s for my own good.
PJ, in case you missed the last year or so, we just had a protest movement and recall election designed to do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what you are urging us to do.
No random stops and searches. No arrests for misdemeanor quality of life bullshit. No forced treatment or imprisonment for “drug addicts.” No moving the homeless to another town, or forcing them into facilities “for their own good.”
You might not personally want his lifestyle but Kelly Thomas was doing ok until he was BRUTALLY MURDERED BY COPS.
We don’t have a major crime problem in the city of Fullerton. We have a major police problem. Giving them more power is the LAST THING ON EARTH we want to do.
Fuck Giuliani, that fascist POS. And fuck NYPD.
Sorry about my language but NO!!!!! This is everything we have been fighting AGAINST!!!
You can always tells a True Believer: when all else fails, use a four-letter word.
End of discussion.
A more humane, as well as cost-effective, approach to helping those who are homeless…,0,5536032.story
Ron Thomas needs to be transitioned into the city as soon as possible, before he becomes mayor, Like police chief, or city manager, until he moves into town.
Um, no.
Ron Thomas needs to stick to a Kelly-related charity.
You’re the ones who released the Kraken; you tell him what he “needs” to do.
His intentions arent bad!
Is a Kraken anything like a golem?
That’s an assholish thing to say. Ramos, Wolfe, Cicinelli and the Three Lame Ligaments “released” Ron Thomas.
Although I realize you lefties don’t get it, he is responsible for his own behavior.
Without FFFF — and this is to FFFF’s credit — Ron Thoma’s complaints about the death of his son would have gone nowhere. You went beyond publicizing his loss to making him into a celebrity, though — and now you see the result.
I realize that he’s responsible for his own behavior. And you’re responsible for your behavior — giving him his current celebrity status, because he suited your purposes, which allows him to announce for Mayor of what he hopes will be a future charter city.
(Or do you think that “responsibility for behavior” only applies to your opponents?)
Wrong, it was Ron Thomas and Kelly’s Army that should get the credit for making Ron famous. More than half of the people here are anonymous so we don’t know who is what here. Majority of the outcries were people who represented themselves as Kelly’s Army and not FFFF. We know the people who work for FFFF supported them, but that does not make the jump to Ron running for Mayor as a result, IMO.
Congrats to you voters, Fullerton! People everywhere who are fighting corruption in office are inspired by your determination. Now, SUE THE BASTARDS! lol!
It’s good to see you here again Cacklefoos.
Stoopid old re-treads, they had sucked the City teat so long their lips had attached themselves. All they could see of Fullerton was a big bosom. Gonna be funny to read about those 3 old coots wandering around downtown reliving their glory days, unless they get beat to death by a bunch of cops whose pensions have been voided because the city is bankrupt!
Hi, Jane – long time no see! The double-whammy of pension reform in San Diego and San Jose, and housecleaning at Fullerton, has the cockroaches screaming ” R A I D !!! ” I’m LMAO at the email from Bad News Barry – his sign-off should have been “K.Y.A. GOODBYE, BROTHERS IN UNIFORM !!!”
Greg, Greg, Greg.
Give it up.
You’re not preaching to the choir here. Your words ring hollow.