That’s Sick
Scott Moxley over at the OC Weekly is reporting on the case of a former Fullerton School District “recreational aide” named Emmanuel Moran who has been sentenced to 70 months in federal prison for possessing and distributing graphic kiddie porn. Apparently his computer contained thousands of images, and hundreds of videos.
Apparently Moran was employed by the FSD between 2009 and 2011.
No word on whether he was a good recreational aide.
FSD may have to start tightening up its hiring policies.
That should have happened long ago…as in immediately after Pam Keller was hired.
LOL You thunk the FPD is bad, dig into the FSD, and it stinks of the good ol” boys club!
opps think
This is the direct result of the substandard work by the FSD HR Department (Mark Douglas) and the District Superintendent. It is their responsibility to oversee and/or or direct the organization.
It is time for a change.
HR with the help of the State Ed Department have access to all types of databases. The problems arise when other districts or employers fire or terminate an employee but to prevent lawsuits by the employee they let them RESIGN! Nothing is then written about the problem areas with that employee.
So your friendly school district HR department calls previous employers and they are told yes, John or Jane Doe worked here from 2/1/2002 to 4/1/2008 and they resigned.
Verbally, one can ask were there any problems with this employee? However, the other employer may choose to say no problems in order to not be sued. Now the new school district has an employee that is a festering problem.
I have personally seen this happen with Principals, teachers and custodial staff. Luckily, I chose not to work in HR but in Academic and Testing services.
Are new or revised California laws and Ed code needed? A resounding yes!
Tuco is quite accurate; I also have seen “resignation in lieu of termination” (not child porn but other serious things). There was a landmark case where a school in CA hired someone who had been fired and that person later assaulted/molested a student. I’ll see if I can find anything; it was several years ago.
I’m extremely concerned after reading this story and would like to know exactly which schools was working at when he was employed by the Fullerton School District?
excerpts from OC Weekly story…
But, according to an FBI sting operation, Moran used the GigaTribe file sharing network and in June 2010 mistakenly allowed an undercover agent to access his computer, which held more than 15,000 erotic or sexual images of little boys and 860 child pornography videos.
One recovered video depicted a boy tied down and crying as an adult male anally rapes him, according to an FBI report.
Moran, who was indicted by a federal grand jury, worked as a teacher’s assistant for Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District from 2006 to 2011 and as a recreational aide for the Fullerton School District from 2008 to 2011.
FBI agents speculated that he “actively sought out” jobs giving him contact with young boys even though he made more money working at a Panera Bread restaurant.
I also noticed that Emmanuelle Moran also worked at Panera Bread restaurant.
This the same place that host Fullerton Mayor Sharon Quirk Silva’s monthly coffee chats.
I wonder if they knew each other?
Job description for recreation assistant…
“A former Fullerton School District “recreational aide” named Emmanuel Moran who has been sentenced to 70 months in federal prison for possessing and distributing graphic kiddie porn”……… Hmmmmm
It will get much worse now, after the legalizing of Gay Marriage by left-liberal-progressive-courts rejecting Prop 18.
The sexual disorders are unpredictable!
Wow, Stanley! Just wow.
The title of this blog describes Stanleys post perfectly.
“Friendly Neighbor”……… Hmmmm
If you are really Friendly Neighbor then I prefer an Unfriendly one.
What is wrong with you? Go crawl back under the rock, you crawled out of. You are very uneducated. You sick prick.
“You are very uneducated. You sick prick.”……… Hmmmm
“cg”, what ever acronym for a sexual deviant it is — maybe Sandusky — fortunately, my sexual orientation is not at same sex and children as your may be so I do understand your rage.
Here are your left-liberal-progressive and sexually disoriented San Francisco OCCUPIERS.
With the massive government bureaucracy in Fullerton – most of whom are inside players – it takes years, if not decades, for meaningful change in these bloated agencies like FPD and FSD.
I recommend that Fullerton elect Tony Bushala as ‘King of Fullerton’ for a 2 year term and just let him clean house top to bottom.
IMO that is your only hope.
That was a great laugh! You are kidding, right?
Serious as a rattlesnake bite.
But then Chris is the Queen and he’s already running the school district and that’s a mess. Tony is a slumlord. Please don’t make him King.
He would “clean up” alright , straight into his bank account………..suckers!
Fick Suck.
Fick Suck..ok, whatever.
A two year term is not long enough, it will take six years, there are three layers of the miscreants in Fullerton.
You’ve never live under a monarchy, have ya?
And by liberal-progressives he means people who are educated and can use empirical evidence to form logical arguments. Unlike him and the rest of the people who don’t understand the difference between child molestation/pornography and healthy, consensual sexual realtions.
“Unlike him and the rest of the people who don’t understand the difference between child molestation/pornography and healthy, consensual sexual realtions.”……….. Hmmmmmm
“healthy, consensual sexual relations”…… an interesting concept.
We know that we can try child, essentially of any age, as an adult because we believe that a child can give a “consent” especially if he commits something heinous.
In contrast, we believe that a child, essentially of any age, can’t give sexual consent.
So if 30 years old women has a sex with 17.999 years old male child she is tried as a dangerous sex offender.
Currently we are sporting Afghanistan government which executes homosexuals but the culture enjoys “dancing Boys”, essentially of any age, for a sexual pleasure. See
Therefore, it is clear that sexuality is cultural rather than moral issue and if the culture has thousands of years of a marriage between man and women and the liberal-left-progressive-gay-intelligentsia tries to change that, then it is done only for a purpose to destroy the culture.
Same as Jesuits put bra on American Indian and African women 500 yeas ago. Look Africa today as result of it.
Bottom line is that we must protect our culture more than appease liberal-left-progressive-gay-intelligentsia which historically brought the end of empire, whether Greek, Roman, Mongol or now American.
Personally, I do enjoy Prop 8 overturn, 4 more years of Obama and Jerry Brown because it will bring famine and the end of this liberal-left-progressivism followed by twenty years of prosperity until a new generation forgets the bolshevistic evil.
Then the cycle will repeat.
This is outrages, time to recall Chris Thompson!
I could tell how to do it.
Although you might need more help than I can offer if it’s outrages.
The Fullerton School District rec aide is guilty of child porn.
An assistant principal of a Fullerton school pulled a gay student off stage after the student voice support for gay marriage.
Clearly the Fullerton School District is out of control. All of their employees must be dirty and should be fired, and Chris Thompson must resign in shame for his failure to lead.
Sound familiar?
Actually, the other four should be recalled. Chris is doing the job he was elected to do.
Yes of course. Just like Sharon wasn’t recalled because she was doing a great job. Yep.
Reality Is.
Yes and if we can clone him two more times then the children of the Fullerton school district just might have a chance at a first rate education, and the taxpayers a real value instead of a first rate jobs program because that is what it has become. The current board needs a good house cleaning. Reform isn’t going to stop at city hall.
I like skin flutes.
grow up
Yep, O’Malley out does himself. Never very relevant, now completely irrelevant. Lonely chattering to himself.
Pleasuring yourself is part of life. Make it real and make it good.
Sad, lonely wanker. I feel sorry for the poor dog in the boat.
People call their wanker their dog. Some people beat their dog and their wanker. Some hurt. Some don’t. Dogs n wankers are both pretty cool though.
I won’t live to see it but many of you young bucks will. I predict that in 30-40 years that pedophiles will organize and become the new protected political class. There will be Pedophile Pride Day marches in all the liberal towns where the peds will dress up as little boys and girls and demand equality. And if you direct remarks of shame toward peds it will be considered ‘hate speech’. I won’t see it. But many of you will. This is the direction that American society is headed. Everything goes. All perverts and social deviants move to the front of the line. Regular folks, move aside.
If you look at some of the legislation already on the books and the likes of the manbla lobby you must realize that you will see it in your lifetime. It is the dirty secret of many of the political and hollywood elite. Dyncorp and social services provide the fodder. It is all around us but well hidden. The age of consent is an endangered species and we worry about the dolphins.
Truthseeker, you obviously did not read my comment. If you did, you did not comprehend it.
Today there is no such thing as Pedophile Pride Day marches in cities with pedophiles dressing up as little boys and girls.
Today it is not ‘hate speech’ to verbally shame pedophiles.
Today pedophiles are not an official ‘protected interest’.
I think those distasteful, deplorable and disgusting things will eventually come to our sick, dysfunctional society, but not in my lifetime.
I do know that the American government turned a blind eye to employees of contracted defense corporations in Afghanistan sexually abusing minor Afghan boys. That is documented. So I know it’s happening. But not yet to the extent as I predicted in my previous post. I will not see what I predicted in my lifetime. But, IMO, it will come to pass in this morbid society of ours.
JustUs is right about the American government turning a blind eye to the carpetbagger defense contractors that molest children.
This has been going on for at least 20 years already, and is almost entirely funded by U.S. taxpayers…
“And if you direct remarks of shame toward peds it will be considered ‘hate speech’ I won’t see it.”………. Hmmmmm
Yes you will — JustUs!
You can see it even now if you open your eyes.
Over 30 years of Penn State sex abuse scandal couldn’t be reported because the football was more important than child abuse. You would be punished! The investigation continues so watch how many pillars of the Penn State society will go down.
Churches’ sex scandal can’t be reported because the religious crapola is more important than child abuse.
Teachers’ sex scandal can’t be reported because the teachers’ Union crapola is more important than child abuse.
Open your eyes!
Gay couples can now adopt as legally married couples and pedophilia is going on but you can’t report it because it would make you gay bashing hater.
See some raging responses to my comments above.
They are now militant:
And I, your eye opener, am the homophob based on the the liberal-left-progressive-gay-intelligentsia’s propaganda.
No respectable, peer reviewed studies link pedos to homosexuals. Sad the Republicans, or anything considered right of what you consider liberal has you in the bunch. Shameful.
And this is pretty much why Stanley is the only person I’ve ever banned (technically, “suspended until the next transit of Venus”) from OJ Blog. Enjoy him, he’s yours now.
Another “gift” from Typhoid Diamond.
If I controlled Stanley, he’d be blogging from the old county.
“blogging from the old county”………. Hmmmmm
Why Golem?
We feel exactly the same about you diamond.
Yeah, but you’re lily-livered, so it doesn’t matter what you feel.
“Enjoy him, he’s yours now.”…….. Hmmmm
It is well known fact that Golem’s suspensions are sexually based because he wants me to kiss his ass and I refused.
As soon as we start disusing a sex here, he flies in here like a kosher fly does on the shit.
Please take my legal advise Golem: Go to your OJ shit where no one is paying any attention to you.
“Shameful”……. Hmmmmm
Se I told you so!…… another raging moron mongoloid.
FYI, I am not Republican nor the Tea Party so as you can see above, I can criticize Church as well.
Mainly the Catholic one because of their unhealthy sexual celibacy which is directly responsible for their pedophilia.
I am sovereign person as provided by the constitution adhering and protecting my unalienable rights endowed by a creator.
Note: The creator and the god are not synonymous in the concept of the US constitution. So spare yourselves from religious based accusations.
I consider Church, religion and right wing as a form of the socialistic tyranny imitating the bolsheviks.
Could someone please explain to me why the large majority of the pedophile preists that we’ve heard and read about targeted little boys versus little girls?
I am not taking either side here. But I am just asking a legitimate question that demands a truthful answer.
Thank you.
I always figured that it was because of the Priest’s access to the alter boys who act as gophers for the Priest.
How many of you in the 60’s would have ever believed a little boy over a Priest?
How about nowadays?
That’s exactly how oppression is allowed to fester, is that no one ever wants to believe the little guy, over those who are in authority
Fullerton Lover, I don’t understand your point.
So priests had no access to little girls so instead they chose to target little boys? That makes no sense to me. Don’t pedophiles target certain genders of children for a reason? Are you claiming that pedophiles have no preferences? From what I’ve read – I don’t believe that for a second.
Besides, I have attended several Catholic functions in the last decade. I see little girls assisting the priests during the religious ceremonies. And the priests have ALWAYS actively participated in social groups that involved boys and girls. Being a former Catholic – I know that for a fact. Even in the old days.
So I cannot accept your answer to my original question. Sorry.
My point is that in the 60’s and 70’s you NEVER saw girls acting as alter boys who worked directly with these boys without any form of adult supervision.
My view is that pedophiles really don’t care if their victim is a boy or girl.
“My point is that in the 60′s and 70′s you NEVER saw girls acting as alter boys who worked directly with these boys without any form of adult supervision”
It might be a point. But it’s a specious point. Priests had direct access and sole supervision of girls through many means in the 60’s and 70’s. So, in all respect, you don’t know what you’re talking about. A child did not have to be an altar boy to be a target for a pedophile priest. The priests had a CHOICE of which gender to assault and abuse – and it’s was almost exclusively little boys.
“My view is that pedophiles really don’t care if their victim is a boy or girl”
You need to either read up on this topic or talk to someone who treats pedophilia. Pedophiles certainly have their preferences with regard to which gender of victim they target. To say otherwise is either an act of ignorance or simply a form of denial.
Sounds to me like your point of view has an agenda, and that is to blame homosexuality for pedophilia.
I’m not subscribing to your point of view, so your labeling me as ignorant.
It won’t work.
“Sounds to me like your point of view has an agenda, and that is to blame homosexuality for pedophilia”
No agenda at all. I am just giving you the facts. Please reread it.
I know it’s hard to accept. I understand.
“I’m not subscribing to your point of view, so your labeling me as ignorant”
Ignorance is not a bad thing. All of us are ignorant on many topics – to include me.
What’s inexcusable is when someone delivers the facts and others refuse to accept it.
Let’s stick with the ‘facts’ and leave ‘point of views’ out of it, shall we? 🙂
You must have forgotten to add the URL to the facts that you purported to present?
If homosexuality is to blame for pedophilia, why is it that so many married female teachers are being charged as pedophiles for having sexual relations with underage boys?
“If homosexuality is to blame for pedophilia, why is it that so many married female teachers are being charged as pedophiles for having sexual relations with underage boys?”
Who blamed homosexuality for pedophilia? You must be referring to someone other than me.
The vast majority of pedophiles are men, not women (FACT).
The vast majority of Catholic pedophile priests violated underaged males, not underaged females. (FACT).
As with any sexual deviation – there will be some exceptions to the rule. Women who violate underaged males are in the vast minority in the pedophile population. (FACT).
In the 60’s and 70’s (just as today) priests had equal access to both underaged males and underaged females in their daily mentoring activities. But in the majority of instances the pedophile priests chose to violate underaged boys. (FACT).
None of this is to say that pedophile men exclusively violate underaged boys as opposed to underaged girls. To make such a statement would be absurd. So your claim that I hold homosexuality accountable for pedophilia is not even worth an intelligent response.
Sorry if these facts conflict with your reality.
“When the legend becomes fact… print the legend”.
““When the legend becomes fact… print the legend”
Point out one FACT named that isn’t true.
Careful now… might backfire on ya!
I suspect this will be the last of our exchange of ideas on this topic. 😀
Here’s your original question…
“Could someone please explain to me why the large majority of the pedophile preists that we’ve heard and read about targeted little boys versus little girls?
I am not taking either side here. But I am just asking a legitimate question that demands a truthful answer.
Thank you.”
Would you have preferred that I give you my other answer which is that the priest molested mostly boys because they could never get pregnant?
“Here’s your original question…
“Could someone please explain to me why the large majority of the pedophile preists that we’ve heard and read about targeted little boys versus little girls?
I am not taking either side here. But I am just asking a legitimate question that demands a truthful answer”
Haven’t you read the news for the last 5-10 years? Most of the publicized priest pedophile cases that resulted in huge legal judgments against the Catholic Church involved underaged male victims. To deny that would either be a result of ignorance or an unwillingness to accept the facts.
“Would you have preferred that I give you my other answer which is that the priest molested mostly boys because they could never get pregnant?”
I’ll assume that was an attempt at a joke and not meant to be a serious comment.
Let try to stay real here.
It’s ironic that someone who is so interested in bashing gay people and liberals doesn’t realize, or want to admit, that most child molesters are conservative religious folks. Many times they are obviously gay, but because the were brainwashed by their religious, conservative parents, they transfer their urges to have healthy, consensual sexual relationships with grown men, into molesting little boys while they stay in the closet. Perhaps if they had escaped the clutches of the ultra conservative Catholic church earlier they would have realized that homosexuality is a genetic trait that is perfectly acceptable to act on while molestation is an unhealthy urge that harms countless lives. I know it’s difficult for people like Stanley to make the distinction, but if they bothered reading empirical journals, they would stop making inane comments about sexuality not being defined by morality. And thanks for conceding the election to Obama so early. There may still be enough conservative WASP’s out there to get Romney elected, but ultimately women, LGBT, racial minorities, people with disabilities who don’t want their rights taken away will probably get Obama elected again. I know he’s only had four years to erase the monumental mess that GW left our country in, but hopefully with another four years he’ll continue to undo the damage.
“I know it’s difficult for people like Stanley to make the distinction, but if they bothered reading empirical journals, they would stop making inane comments about sexuality not being defined by morality.”………. Hmmmmm
Obviously you have hard time to read my ESL comments.
You have stated: “homosexuality is a genetic trait that is perfectly acceptable to act on while molestation is an unhealthy urge that harms countless lives”.
Latest acceptable homo genetic trait to you was probably demonstrated by gay porn star suspected of killing and chopping up a Chinese student in Canada
Read more:
Yes it is sick — and sad.
Imputing it to the hiring policies of public schools or public employers generally, though, is loco. As if this never happens with the employees of private schools — or private employers generally. My guess is that it’s more common, in fact.
Spend a lot of time getting them their jobs back?
No, although if I became convinced that there was a strong likelihood of their being falsely accused, I might. Do you have a problem with that?
Interesting that you feel public schools are somehow not responsible for the pervs they might hire. Something tells me that if Mr. Moran created some victims their lawyers might not agree with you, Clarence.
What do “private employers generally” have to do with this?
I’m responding to the subtext of “public employees are bad.” Employers have some responsibility for who they hire — and no responsibility to know about things that they couldn’t know about. I’m saying that private and public employers should be treated alike in this respect. Have your employer sifted through your hard disk for porn? Should they be able to do so?
You mean like maybe do a background check. Did they do one on Moran? Bet not!
From what I have been able to figure out, they don’t drug testing nor reference checks of those applying for not only aide positions but substitute teachers also. An untrained monkey can get a job at FSD. Think about it people, your children are quite possibly with these people all day long. Add that to the bad teachers or administrators that play musical chairs between all of the schools and you have a wonderful education system, don’t you think? There are three or four elementary schools that have been passing the same bad front office secretary for years. She shouldn’t be in charge of watching a cat, and I hate cats.
Why don’t you ask someone on the school board?
I find it hilarious that Tony’s blog features someone apparently calling for drug testing employees.
Why dont you asshats post this shit on your own blog? Nobody here gives a rats ass what you think.
“Nobody here gives a rats ass what you think”……… Hmmmmmm
And that is the major problem!
Now you want to be the boss too? 🙂
Perhaps Moran can share a prison cell with Sandusky. The two would apparently get along just fine.
I wonder if Pam Keller will be writing a letter of apology to the community for the hiring of Moran? Is it ok to yell at him?
“A+ Comment”
ESL? So English is your second language? Ok, that explains the difficulties writing coherent sentences.
So the fact that a gay porn star killed someone proves what exactly? The huge majority of rapes and murders are committed by heterosexual men. The huge majority of molestation cases are perpetrated by either heterosexual men or closet gays, 90% of whom would never become pedophiles if their parents had accepted them they way they were born. Do some research and get some facts if you want to make a logical argument.
“The huge majority of molestation cases are perpetrated by either heterosexual men or closet gays, 90% of whom would never become pedophiles if their parents had accepted them they way they were born.”………… Hmmmm
You have made my case, Brandon!
It is relevant whether or not the gays are closeted or whether their parents are assholes!
The fact is that genetically ideal person will not commit any crime. The crimes are always committed by the persons who are genetically less than ideal.
Therefore, the sex-crimes are committed by individuals whose genome, which is responsible for sexual instincts or their conscious control, is less than ideal.
Obviously homosexuality is failing in the category of non-normality so such individuals are less sexually stable.
By observing homosexual parades clearly demonstrates a difference of the abnormal sexual behavior vs. normal.
Such demonstrated gay abnormality transfers into every days’ social behavior including the crime.
Normal individuals will express their sexual deviation by their fetishes and phantasies which they can control and not to bring them into the reality of crime.
Cicinelli and Ramos get arraigned tomorrow
It’s actually the pre-trial.
Correction. It was the arraignment and it was postponed until July.
Stanley, everything you post is fantasy (not phantasie). Show me one study that links homosexuality to crime. The research actually suggests homosexuals tend to be more educated, intelligent, and committ less crimes thanthe average heterosexual. You sound like a neo-nazi with your babble about genetic purity. The Nazis also believed they were genetically pure and they committed some of the most heinous crimes ever. So I guess that’s another argument out the door. The abnormal sexual behavior you allude to also occurs rampantly at Mardi Gras. predominantly by heterosexuals. Your last sentence is the most telling of your lack of understanding of the topic of sexual behavior. “Normal” individuals who develop fetishes are in fact frequently addicted to abnormal sexual behaviors. As a person in the field of psychology and an addict myself I can attest that not all “normal” people who engage in fetishes and fantasies are able to control them. A large number end up becoming addicted and committing crimes.
All employees in school districts must pass a fingerprint scan by the department of justice in order to be hired. This was the case with the employee. Nothing in the person’s background indicated an issue. Not a good old boy when women are in management too. Need to educate yourself before making comments.