Adios, Wolfe.

According to the OC Register, Joe Wolfe, one of the instigators of the fatal confrontation between six Fullerton cops and a mentally ill homeless man in July 2011, is no longer in the employ of the good people of Fullerton.
Naturally the cops won’t say squat about the separation because the public is not to know about any of the bad things cops do under the color of authority. Wolfe was either fired or permitted to resign, perhaps so he could go be an upstanding cop somewhere else.
Included in the story was a typical Lou Ponsi whopper:
Wolfe was placed on unpaid leave since just after the fatal confrontation.
Incorrect on two counts. Wolfe was never placed on unpaid leave. He has been on a paid vacation for almost a year; and remember, it took a month to get the cops involved off the streets. Of course Wolfe allegedly re-injured his bad shoulder beating Kelly Thomas’s with his club and elbow, so it is likely he is the cop that was not back on active duty. Of course since these sorts of details are all hush-hush we’ll never know – although we can almost certainly expect a disability claim from Wolfe.
Does this mean there’s an impending charge from the DA against Wolfie? Maybe, if he was fired, but I wouldn’t bet a plug nickel on that possibility. If he was quietly permitted to resign he will still be expecting a call from Garo Mardirossian.
Other nagging questions: is who is Corporal Tim Kandler, what happened to OJ jailer Jeff Stuart, and why in the hell does Fullerton still have an FPOA member acting as public spokesmen?
ABC7 has a crew and reporter at City Hall and reporting (6 p.m.); why did it take three people to “report” this for the Register?
This thing is run like the mafia. Ponzi scheme must have been made an offer he couldn’t refuse spinning the bs. No paisano of mine gumabare. As far as the other SS officers time will tell. I hope this isn’t just another bone that is being thrown at us but rather parts of the corrupt local political regime disintegrating.
Just have Chris Thompson ask Hughes when the have their next lunch date.
The Fullerton PD doesn’t have to tell the public why Wolfe was fired because we know from watching cctv Wolfe beat to death Kelly Thomas along with Ramos and Cicinelli.
Ron Thomas must push forward on having Wolfe charged with murder.
“The Fullerton PD doesn’t have to tell the public why Wolfe was fired. We know from watching cctv Wolfe , along with Ramos and Cicinelli, beat to death Kelly Thomas .”
Officer Wolfe. You served your city well. Be proud and hold your head high. All the way to the bank. God Bless You.
It’s now ex-Officer Wolfe. Pretty soon he’ll only be a number.
“Vaya con Dios mi Amigo Joe “. Happy trails to you.
To the bank? Is bank a new word for penitentiary?
…And he was so good he was fired, OR, forced to resign-my company tends to keep a person if they serve them well.
Yes, be proud-hold your head high, all the way to that Chippendale plus size dancer job.
Maybe Rincon needs a spotter.
As my sainted Irish Catholic grandparents would say to Jaynbond – OY VEY, schmuck!
Would Travis Kiger like it if it was revealed why he was reprimanded at his job? I think not. Businesses don’t like their employees to make personal threatening phone calls from their phones.
Travis is not a murderer so I don’t think anyone would care. Also, he is good at his job and is not an immoral, lazy piece of shit. So long Wolfe.
@alcagar…….TimeWilltell how long your love affair with Bushala’s city clowncil lasts.
Peaches, that’s Yiddish. oy vey
you just didn’t get it
He will be getting paid by the city….all the way to the bank..Disability Retirement baby
Disabled beating an innocent man to death? Makes you stop and think doesn’t it?
Fred – having dealt with disability retirement applications from LEOs and FFs – it’s amazing how many of them can perform their jobs well and then apply for a DR when they approach retirement age (50 or so).
And the LEO and FF lobbies/unions are a powerful force in Sacto; so many “presumptive” conditions that may entitle them to disability…
Had a LEO mid-management type who got a DR on the basis of pulmonary issues (presumptively related to work) and it was cheaper to approve it than to contest it based on the LEOs off-duty work as a member of a pit crew in auto races…
No dummy that is Cal Pers money. The city is not the one to pay directly for disability pensions, they pay indirectly. As those indirect costs rise and revenues do not (water tax gone for example) the city becomes closer to bankrupt unless it cuts police costs, fire costs, street rebuilding costs, and all those other costs. Good luck Fullerton, with all these thieves looking for some $$ to “tweak my beak” you may have some unpleasant choices to make regarding budgets. First I would cut city manager pay by 10%. If he refuses, get someone else. And so on….
Bring in the Sheriff. Save $10,000,000. Win valuable prizes.
All the Fullerton cops I’ve
Talked to are looking forward to working for the sheriff’s department. More pay, more opportunities, and a second retirement system to dubble dip. Thank you Kelly!!!!
good point. I wonder if someone out there would like to calculate how much time the city of Fullerton has left before it must declare bankruptcy?
I am far from being mathematically inclined but when I add up all the crooks who reside in our city’s government minus: the legal settlements our city has paid to cover up retired fullerton police chief Pat McKinley’s culture of corruption, the Fullerton collaborative, fullerton city manager , rubber stamp Joe Felz’s mismanagement of our city’s finances worsened by his favoritism towards his old stomping grounds, parks and recreations and the evil triad, McKinley, Jones, Bankhead, using unions to stay in power in exchange for higher salaries and pensions all at cost to the taxpayers, not them, it is only a short matter of time before our city must declare bankruptcy to make null and void its overly generous contracts with the proud and the powerful, our public servants.
what the evil triad foolishly never realized was the internet brought Main Street into government evidenced by this blog, FFFF. Politicians no longer need to buy the good graces of unions or political animals to gain and remain in power. All a man or woman who truly wants to serve the community instead of themselves, is set up a blog that allows discourse imagined by our founding fathers when they made precedent in good government freedom of speech and the press.
What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? It is never too late to do the right thing.
It’s time to go after some of the FPD execs who enabled all this to happen and who tried their damndest to cover it all up after Kelly died. The ones who let the cops rewrite their reports and view the video which showed them fatally beat a man to death. That’s the Council’s job —– go get ’em boys. That’s the reason you were elected. To be pit bulls not lapdogs. Go do what you were hired to do!
Those people all got promoted. Lol
Congratulations on your full disability retirement Officer Wolfe. Job well done. Good luck on your next adventure and your new job.
Congratulations on your full disability retirement Officer Wolfe. Job well done. Good luck on your next adventure and your new job. You will enjoy your next job much more than Fullerton.
Congrats on your full disability retirement sir. Well deserved. Good luck on your new adventure and new job. Sounds exciting and they are lucky to have you. Good luck.
Congrats on being an incompetent, useless coward. That qualifies for an FPD plaque at the annual awards dinner.
Lets welcome all the other boys back from paid admin leave….whooo hooo !!!!
The timing coincides with a disability retirement.
Just like that sell out Sellars, I feel the conversation kinda goes like this. “Dang it, they caught us. But we won’t fire you, we must protect our own no matter what happens. Just go on medical leave and then we’ll retire you. I mean you have to go out with honor, even though you clearly don’t deserve it. But we’ll protect you, it’s the least we can do.” Must be nice to to completely violate policy, have a total disregard to protocol (let alone human life), and beat someone to death without a slap on the hand. WTF. There hasn’t been any punishment for any of these creeps, except they are directed with loopholes, excuses, and behind the scenes safety nets.
Enough BULLSHIT already. You don’t know what you’re talking about but you just keep posting the same BULLSHIT! Why don’t you people do your homework before you go spouting crap about things and people about which you really don’t know shit and haven’t bothered to seek any information? Other than what your “friends” at FPD & City Hall have told you, what do you really know? WTF ????????????????
Hey B.S please tell, from what can’t be seen, exactly what is going on??? HMMM?? Shut your mouth. I have done my homework, I know how the system works, probably more so than you. On top of that my “friends” from the P.D and city council tell me more truth than the lies and deception that spews from the sideway mouths of those creeps that keep losing their positions. Except that bloated Good n’ Rich fella, he still has his even though he lied to the public. Integrity is everything, until you are exposed of your wrongs.
“How come he hasn’t been charged yet, and furthermore, why was he fired?” demands Ron Thomas, Kelly’s father. But he does think the possible firing was a step in the right direction, adding that he’s “happy that happened.”
The city issued a statement saying Officer Joe Wolfe’s employment had ended Monday. City officials would not say whether the officer had resigned or was fired, but Ron Thomas, Kelly Thomas’ father, said Acting Police Chief Dan Hughes had told him Wolfe was fired.
“I’m happy Wolfe is fired. He should be fired,” Ron Thomas said. “He needs to be tried and convicted of murder.”
Acting chief told Ron that Wolf was fired? Another big mistake chief. Now we know which way you sway. Maybe ffff will give you an autographed
picture of Kellys balls to hang in your office.
Why does such a fat man have such puny girly arms. Is this standard for the FPD?
Just askin.’
I know you are being facetious, but the fact that Ramos and Wolfe are both physical rejects really goes to the heart of the matter. Because they are grossly overweight and incapable of handling themselves they resorted to batons to beat Kelly Thomas.
This is an issue that goes to complete a complete lack of standards. All cops should be required to pass a physical exam and meet basic height/weight requirements.
I keep wondering if the over-reaction with the batons wasn’t part of a scheme to punish Kelly for hanging around the Slidebar. Could I be wrong?
I don’t think you are wrong. Honestly, I’ve wondered if there wasn’t collusion between the Fullerton PD and Slidebar to hurt Kelly thomas so much he would be physically incapable of living on the streets and thus away from the Slidebar’s parking lot.
From the beginning of the cctv that caught the beating of Kelly thomas, it is obvious these officers were intent on inflicting severe physical harm to Thomas. I may infer from the cctv that Fullerton PD may not have intended to beat Kelly to death but to grossly maim him and thus incapacitate him.
From this blog and other media sources I gathered Kelly Thomas was a bizarre figure who became aggressive towards the unsuspecting public. Thomas lingering in Slidebar’s parking lot would drive away their customers.
Slidebar and the fullerton PD may have agreed to break Kelly’s bones. Instead they beat him to death.
And it is Kelly’s death that screams out the fullerton PD’s culture of corruption thanks to retired fullerton police chief Pat McKinley.
just my opinion
Unbeleivable, how many times are going to beat a dead horse. I think I will stick around to hear all the foolishness going on. Amazing.
Oh, that horse ain’t dead yet, GED.
True enough. Slidebar personnel will be deposed – under oath!!
tell me why my scenario is incredible
Nice to see Gasbag Greg hustling something new, I guess the check from the medical marijuana dispensary interests finally cleared. I honestly thought that shill was going to do his usual left vs. right song and dance tonight.
What’s really funny is this big-government sack o’ crap is now using a state’s rights argument to promote the legality of Prop 215.
What a sorry tool.
What? I’m a civil libertarian who doesn’t think that the government should be intervening here? You mean that I’m not a stereotype after all?
“What a sorry tool” back atcha, ‘poon, with feeling. Apology accepted.
Harpoon is right.
And you’re not a libertarian of any kind.
You’re going right past funny and stupid into horrifying.
Tell me, in your view, is the ACLU “libertarian of any kind”?
I’ve spoken to the Fullerton City Council about medical marijuana dispensaries before, when I was helping gather petitions for an initiative this year. I have never gotten any money from medical marijuana dispensary interests. Any other false statements you want to make about me?
Why don’t you gather signatures in the city you live in: Brea. Die-hard support for the dummies Sanchez and Quirk is all I need to see to figure you out, Mr. Complicated.
I live in Anaheim (don’t call us flatlanders, idiot, or you’ll lose Quirkie even more votes!) south of the 5. You can bet my neighbors will be joining me in voting against another dim bulb Sanchez 2.0.
I went to the City Council meeting because it was nearby and well-attended. Did I say that I didn’t also gather signatures in Brea?
“Anaheim” includes Anaheim Hills, making it ambiguous for some discussions. I’m sorry that you won’t vote for Loretta and Sharon, but I appreciate your implicit vote for me.
One less menace to society on the streets. Congrats on disgracing the uniform, throwing the first baton blow in a beating that left a man dead, and escaping justing because you have, oops I mean had a badge. Also, congrats on the kind words from Jaynbond and Master Sergeant Sellers. It must be satisfying to know you are being honored by an unemployed, soon to be felon, and a coward who abandoned his department to avoid having to implicate his underlings in a video-taped murder. Actually, these guys are probably just their groupies. The real ex-po-po’s are too busy figuring out how they can explain to friends/family/the public that they only condone murder and cover-up in certain situations.
You must have missed Dan Hughes press release: they are Heroes and deserve!
Are you kidding me?
And don’t plan on leaving town anytime soon. It’d be a bitch to have to extradite you when the DA finally charges your ass with involuntary manslaughter, the same gift your buddy Jay got.
Isn’t bad enough to be such a coward you have to hide your name on an online blog, can’t these guys/gals at least come up with more original names than John Doe and Anonymous II, the sequel to stupid?
Good riddance to ex officer Joe Wolfe. Fired. Finally Acting Chief Hughes is doing something right. Now remember, when the Billings, Montana police ask about his record to tell them the whole truth. Yup, Officer Wolfe will go to Montana or Idaho to get a job hoping no one will spill the beans on him. At least he didn’t do anything really bad like get fired for stealing a laptop, or stealing from the property room, or sex in the back of his patrol car, or……… (Gee what a corrupt police force!)
he will probably get a job with blackwater or at a halliburton detention facility.
Or, he’ll “vacation” in Mexico and los zetas will teach him how to sew faces onto soccer balls.
Whatever deal he got, it will not wash the innocent blood from his hands. Joe Wolfe is a murderer of the helpless. Fuck that fat, cowardly pig.
Lol Harpoon. Maybe Hughes was referring to deserving: pay equal to his education? being locked in a cage with a mob of angry homeless people he harassed while on duty?, a free month subscription to WeightWatchers?
Brandon, when dealing with stupid, we have to get down to their… your, level so you can understand what we are saying.
Anonymous II: Brandon has been a beacon of light on this website. If everyone had Brandon’s intelligence then the world would be a better place. Brandon, thank you again for your fight against injustice.
Man, this case needs more national attention. If the Feds can get 30 months for a couple of thug cops who beat a man high on PCP w/o seriously injuring him, imagine what they would do to make an example of three flunkies who took the life of a man who was not high on anything, was cooperative until he was threatened, and is white. Not saying race should be a factor, but it usually is.
they will be there. it will be awhile but they like to give everybody time to work the cover up. that’s what gets the big dogs too. NOLA did everything they possibly could to screw the Danziger case. they f#^ked the evidence so a tame state court judge could throw it out. now we got cops doing long time. when they convict Hamos and Half-pipe for civil rights bye bye. one NOLA killer cop got 80 years i believe. one of the cover up supes got 6. so it’s not over over by a long long shot. i would hazard they may be more worried about the feds than the state. hmmm. wonder if RT can sue them in federal court after he wipes the floor with them in state court? ahhh good thoughts
Anonymous II: I spent more time in college this year than you have in your life. (unless the academy increased their degree standards recently). One only need look at the spelling, grammar, syntax, logic, etc., of you and the other murderer apologists to know who the true imbeciles are here.
Fat man in a lil’ coat….Fat man in a lil’ coat”…good riddence you unemployed bum! kinda ironic huh!
Sorry admin but a couple of comments about tonight’s (07/17/12) meeting items –
1. The City Attorney should not be the person attempting to explain the ins and outs of bond issues – there are attorneys (and I’m sure Fullerton has those) who specialize in those issues based on personal experience; they should have been present
2. QS (personal opinion) should *not* have voted on the permitted parking issue even if she does not live within a specified distance; she had a chance to take a moral high ground stance but chose to support elitism – “we can park here, but you can’t”…
Great. Let’s add open enrollment for schools next. Be sure to invite the buses from South Central.
When you get done licking your own withered b###s sergeant sellout please elaborate whate the new adventure is, waiting online at the uneployment office? Full disability retirement and a new job? wolfe your only job is going to be washing and folding inmate undies when you go to prison for your crime.
Thanks Elaine: It helps to be around so many good people fighting for the same cause. I just have to be careful not to confuse my desire for justice and accountability with the desire to make all the cop apologists look bad; they do that plenty well on their own 😉
“Given everything,” Councilman Travis Kiger said, “I’m not really surprised that officers are not here anymore.”
But Kiger won’t tell us if Wolfe was fired? Here comes the new boss just like the old boss. Can you say cover up?
Maybe Ron Thomas missed the part where Rackauckas said he was not going to file charges on Wolfe.
Smoke, “Councilman” Kiger left himself wide open for a lawsuit when he made a previous statement about Manuel Ramos being “fired.”
He has probably been reprimanded by the city attorney for opening his big mouth. Just what the city needs, another lawsuit. It is against policy to say why any employee is no longer working at a particular place, any place. And Travis does not know that. I bet he does now!!!!
That is why he and the others will be no different from the previous council. If you thought bringing in a new set of dudes was going to give you more info about the police department, you are wrong.
Your days are numbered, you FPOA assclown.
Let me rephrase that, the days of FPOA and the FPD are numbered. And you have nobody but yourselves to blame.
@Anonymous II : Bushala finally has his very own city clowncil. Can’t wait until RT starts making his demands.
He already started….
did you think that was your job?
New times, my sad anonymous friend. it’s the City Council who reprimands the City Attorney – just the way it should be!!
Against policy? Hahaha! Council sets policy, GED ignoramus!!
YOur dummy cop buds on FPD along with the upper brass are the ones costing and continue costing the city of Fullerton boocoo bucks with lawsuits.
Travis is the guy that will be cleaning things up, such as getting rid of all the scumholes at FPD.
So take yourself and your gutless moniker and spew your crap elsewhere, Biatch.
Hey just askin….his puny girly arms got the job done
No they didn’t. He needed five other slugs to kill a skinny little homeless dude.
Hey Fred ….have you looked at your wife lately…you should…oh yeah …. Thompson also….ahhh the good old days of running trains on you fff’ers wives
Fred is your wife that fat blonde I saw you with? Gross dude as much shit as you talk I would think you would have better taste. Yuck!
whats next? mama jokes? thats it. every body give up. all have been burned to the ground by such rapier wit. oh. oh. the pain, the pain. what a maroon
Wish there was a way to post pics on here
There is a way to post pictures on here, however given the content of your posts, I’m afraid it’ll be awhile before you figure it out.
The URL/link is a story about another FPD that was fired for stealing community funds, and subsequently did jail time at Theo Lacy correctional facility.
This was just days before Kelly Thomas was murdered in our town square.
Note that there were bloggers that day that were fed up with some of the sophomoric diatribe between the trolls and the bloggers, and they declared that the FFFF blog would never amount to anything….
That’s why he was kept on the job. He was beefing up his pension. WOLFEY WILL HAVE A GENEROUS TAX FREE RETIREMENT ON US. HE HE HE
As they should.
Is the little IPad thief Kelly Meija still on the force? Still on paid vacation?
Who does pay you sir? Who do you work for? Do not say me, you dont, who actually is paying for the diamond house? Who pays for that, that who controls the strings? It aint you, who do you work for? Who pays your bills, your wife , you make her pay for all you do whilst running around playing school student council game….
I’m a plaintiff’s lawyer and a solo practitioner. I work for clients & myself. While I bring in more money, my wife’s job (low pay but high pride, working with the functional mentally disabled, and she’s great at it) gets us our health insurance.
The MMJ industry is one of the few for which I’d consider taking a salaried job without regret. I think that society’s refusal to allow people to use marijuana to alleviate pain, nausea, depression, and so on is absolutely barbaric.
O.k., now I can finally agree with you Greg. This isn’t about MMJ though.
I stand corrected on Woife’s unpaid status. He was indeed on paid leave the whole time. We made the fix in the web version of the story. My apologies to the FFFF readers. In response to Dave, Mejia has been off the force for months.
go away Lou, you stink up the room.
I think that was pretty upstanding for Mr. Ponsi to offer that explaination and apology.
Way to take the ‘High Road’ Lou!
Agreed Wrong Guy.
Lou, thanks for the update and the apology.
Rocky, you must have hearing impairment. Mr Thomas was very clear and succinct -made a demand that the City disclose cause for Ofc Wolfe’s leaving and relayed that it was at the City Attorney’s express request that Mr Thomas file his civil suit against the City and the involved Officers. So maybe you didn’t hear the same communication as all the others but that was the crux of it – no more, no less. If you need it translated in another language other than English, be happy to do that too.
E-ticket, don’t be a total fool. The police nor city council can disclose any information about an emploee. If Ron Thomas was a cop he would of known this. The council shouldn be announcing someone no longer works at the city either. Do they announe it every time an employee seperates from the city?
can disclose the why an emploee was fired. Does the city announce when an employee gets fired? No, I don’t now why it was announced night. The demands that Ron Thomas wants is not public information. If ron thomas was a cop he should now. Shows you what a fool he is.public
Shut your pie hole wrong guy. I am sending these through my iphone so its called texting to me. See get with the textng garb and fuck your correct spellng or your fuckng sentence structure. Get my point asshole. Rocky is in the house, so watch out ffff ass wipes.
Another fantastic display of your illiteracy JD… LOL
Nonono…It’s Rocky is in DA house. DA house.
John Doe they love you on this blog. You tell it like it is and it shrinks up their asshole. Keep on giving it to them. I am sure that Tony has been blocking most of your comments. Be we can all go to slide bar and celebrate with jeremy when this is over. I know fullertons best will have some spare change to buy us a beer and mac…lol!
Just like you John Doe. Praising yourself while using another one your lame monikers.
I hope Tony is not blocking your comments because they are so stupid, they’re amusing.
I guess they are not amusing to Tony. Why dont you ass wipes talk to King Bushala. He is the one that cant handle my comments. I am glad I amuse you behind that anger that you have.
Speaking of asswipe . . . JD, I saw you walk out the stall after that one. You did not wash your hands.
Anyone else think Rocky sounds like Rincon?
Stand by Kiger you will see what it is to keep your mouth shut. Open mouth insert foot. Let’s see who is gonna be sweating now. I hope Ramos sues the shit out you. Swipe,wipe,crab again.
It’s the lack of transparency, subterfuge, cloak and dagger tactics that’s turning this and other events in Fullerton into a pandora’s box of BS – it’s the lack of transparency that’s leading to a waste of resources, exponential costs – hiding things always comes at a price – and guess who gets left holding the bag? There is no reason not disclose Ofc Wolfe’s departure. Perhaps citing specific cause may not be allowable, but if the cause of record is in any way connected directly or indirectly to the events surrounding Kelly Thomas’ death, the city and court will be compelled to disclose the cause. Mr Kiger has a right to his own personal opinion as you do here. Insert that into your orifice as see what comes out the other end.
Very nice one E-Ticket… LOL
Let’s see how much transparency the new clowncil has. Even if it goes to court to disclose the reason of their departure. Its a sure E-TICKET to the bank!!
Hah. Ramos sues Kiger. That would be something else. Do you think he’ll file before or after sentencing?
Hey JD, you fool no one here…
We all know you are Rocky Raccon, because the correct way to spell that is Rocky Raccoon.
Only a half-assed analport like yourself misspells like that and spews the following non-sense:
emploee. (should be ’employee’)
If Ron Thomas was a cop he would of known this. (Should be ‘he would have known this’.)
can disclose the why an emploee was fired. (WTF does that mean?)
You’ll go places with FPD I’m certain…
Major trollsville on this blog today.
Our tax dollars at work once again…
Is it just me or does anyone else think Joe Wolfe has that punk-like smart-ass face you just want to bitch-slap and make him cry?
I think he looks like a real cool guy. Nice smurk!
YOU would…
The word is “smirk,” GED genius.
I would settle for JD washing his hands after using the restroom before improved grasp of the English language.
Dude is just disgusting. Poopy hands.
JD…please…just stop. It’s sad…plain sad. My third grader spells better than you do. And stop blaming your phone. Your phone didn’t make you an asshole.
But JD’s asshole has been all over his phone!
Isn’t the correct vernacular actually his phone has been all up in his asshole?
That will be useful in prison…
True dat. JD’s been corn-holed so much (plus that phone up his rear-end) he’s nice and ripe for Big Bad Brutus in the state pen.
There we go again thinking I am all over the place. You guys are pathetic. The joke is on you!
Well, your poop is on you. That’s way worse, bro.
cicis did too, they left his wife black and blue
Rocky let me tell you, Some of the indiviuals here are a riot. JFA, aka Ron, Wrong guy, brandon, Fred Alcazar, get their panties in a bunch when I mispell or us bad grammar, which I totally enjoy. Anonymous alway has shit on the brain, and they call me illiterate and stupid. Some of their comments are hilarious. You will enjoy reading them. If anything it will give you a daily good laugh.
Rocky let me tell you, Some of the indiviuals here are a riot. JFA, aka Ron, Wrong guy, brandon, Fred Alcazar, get their panties in a bunch when I mispell or us bad grammar, which I totally enjoy. Anonymous alway has shit on the brain, and they call me illiterate and stupid. Some of their comments are hilarious. You will enjoy reading them. If anything it will give you a daily good laugh. Stick around things are going to get better.
Someone has his eye on a new wiping buddy!
I find it odd that the words were so clearly worded to offer guesses at the truth of what happened to Wolfe. Yet I haven’t heard one person just straight out ask so was he medically retired? Odd.
Good point RI.
He was probably able to medically retire due to all those cuts on his knees and elbows from Kelly Thomas’ face.
I wonder if the citizens of Fullerton on the jury will hand these murderers their asses in court or the Feds will have to get the job done like they did with Koon and Powell. I hope for the sake of Fullerton they take care of business on their own, but either way the streets will be safer for at least a few years. Any bets on whether Jay-Jay and Manny will survive prison?
IUm guessing he will be testifying for the DA against the other two cops Cicinelli, and ramos.
I hate to bust your bubble, but there is nothing to testify on. Wolfe knows what happened just like all of you. Nothing!
Jay is not going no where but in my bedroom. He can sniff my panties anytime.
Jay is going in your bedroom? I’ve heard some good poop stories in my time, but that’s just gross. Tell him to go poop in the can like everyone else.
We all have stories. Yours are of poop and mine are of edible panties. Enjoy yours and I will enjoy mine.
Ewwwwww. Your stories are of poopy edible panties? G.r.o.s.s.
JD, I don’t care about your lack of ability to spell or write coherently. It’s your lack of regard for human life that concerns me.
I dont say anything that is not the truth. All you “people” really stretch the truth or make up stories. You think the Slidebar and the police were in cahoots. That is so stupid. See how transparent your new city council is. I cant wait. It was perfect they were elected. Cause they just took over and they are already in hot water.
Speaking of panties Mrs. D, are you sending any of yours with Jay so he can remember you while he’s locked up. No need to worry, he’ll probably have other sexual partners while in the joint.
Lol anonymous. Scat, scat, scat.
Last night I submitted a denial letter from the city attorneys of my request to release the dispatch transcripts. We all know Slimebar made the call, and that they said Kelly was breaking into cars. I gave Hughes the opportunity to arrest them for filing a false police report, and we know he won’t because FPD coached them on the call. Anyway, Travis Kiger last night at the end of the council meeting requested that FPD be forced to release the transcripts by putting it on the next Tuesday special meeting agenda. Bruce Whitaker and Greg Sebourn also are on board for this. Only took a year!
Yes, your comments were outstanding. What was the reason for the denial?
Hughes obviously knows whether a false report was made.
RD way to stick to the facts every time you are up there. I am proud to live in a city where people like you have the guts to tell it like it is and ask the hard questions.Stay the course.
Mrs. Jay: Calling yourself someone’s girl makes you sound ghetto/white-trash, especially if you are over 25 or so.
Brandon don’t be such a stick in the mud I can call myself whatever I want. Jay loves me like this.
Do you look him is his f’d up eye when he’s giving it to you?
Funny, but horrifying.
Great news R.D. I wonder how the FPD is planning on continuing to cover this story up now that there is no longer a complicit city-council to look the other way. I smell more “cops” being fired, sued, and charged.
Or was that bacon frying?
I told Chief Hughes he had an opportunity. And that he knows the facts. Arrest them and roll the dice. If the DA doesn’t charge, no sweat off Hughes back. It’s all on the DA after that.
I don’t need the transcripts to know the truth. It’s obvious Slimebar did make the call. (Fired employee) Hughes is gonna fry when the transcripts are finally released. Denial is stupidity on his part.
R.D. You are a moron you can’t get nothing without a subpoena. Not even the clowncil can help you on this.
The BSIS is another avenue to take. If those bouncers were all licensed through the BSIS, they had an obligation to report the conduct of the management. They also had an obligation to document everything regarding their contact with Kelly Thomas while on duty protecting the patrons and property associated with that bar.
Security guards are required to observe and report. This is accomplished through the completion of a Daily Activity Report (commonly referred to as the DAR). When a notable event occurs, they are expected to complete an incident report. Both of these documents are routinely used in court cases.
If Kelly Thomas did those things that they say he did (harass patrons, behave in a violent manner, etc), there should be one or more reports that reflect what had transpired, how it was handled, and who was involved. If there was a notable event involving Kelly Thomas, there should be an incident report that also contains the identifying information of the police that officer that responded.
It looks like the former bouncer that is suing the bar is actually licensed through the BSIS. This individual should have contacted the police himself that night and revealed his concerns to the police. He should have also contacted the BSIS. He should have kept detailed documentation as to what was occurring and submitted that to the BSIS.
Another individual, who claimed to be a former bouncer at this bar, now runs his own security company. It is likely that during his employment there, he too was licensed through the BSIS. This individual claimed that the rule of operation at this bar was to avoid contacting the police. So, if this is all accurate and turns out to be true, it means that the security guards had a number of opportunities to intervene in what would ultimately result with the death of Kelly Thomas.
If the former bouncer is correct and that the management and/or owner(s) of the bar dictated, or otherwise overruled, how the BSIS licensed guards performed their duties, the bar is absolutely complicit in the death of Kelly Thomas.
Upon learning that the guards were not documenting their activities, the management and/or owner(s) should have intervened immediately and corrected this. Aside from their use in criminal court cases, the documentation provided by security guards is also used to free a property owner of negligence and wrong doing in court cases involving insurance.
At this point, the BSIS should be contacted and asked to investigate.
I also want to thank the new city council! They are definitely taking the steps to ensure that transparency will be the future.
Paul Bunyon:
Denied because transcripts are exempt from public disclosure pursuant to Government code section 6254(f) and Haynie vs. California 26 Cal 4th. 1061.
What’s really funny is that the “professional” attorney (Gregory P. Palmer) misquoted the wrong Government code section. The letter says section 62254(f). He was only off by 56,000 sections. What an idiot!
That statute indicates what types of records the city MAY exempt. It doesn’t say that the city MUST exempt them from a public records request.
Governments are always trying to confuse us between what can be done and what must be done. This was the sort of BS the Three Dead Logs always fell for.
You don’t subpoena the Police unless you’re in a court case with them. Do you even think before you type?
Don’t be stupid you can’t do anything without a court order. PD is probably falling off their chairs laughing.
Sorry Jay’sgirl. Grown women can refer to themselves as girls if they want I suppose. Does he like roughing you up while he calls you his girl? Does he bring in Manny, Wolfe, and Kenton to pin you down while he does it? Don’t let that shit go too far. He may kill you while having a Raul Jimenez flashback.
Brandon you are stupid. This person is just fucking with you. Wake up fool.
Your ugliness is showing.
R.D., What do you think is the worst that will happen to those who helped attempt to cover-up the murder? Hopefully they will be fired at the very least. Hard to believe Rackauckas will press charges on anyone else when he is dragging his feet on charging Wolfe despite all of the evidence.
Yeah, all the evidence. What evidence Brandon. Tell us.
You would think the cops would be the most pissed off. But then again…
Filing a false police report that leads to a murder is very serious. Not a slap on the wrist. Termination would be automatic. The lies from the Slimebar owner are another thing. That’s called obstruction of justice.
No one filed a false police report fool. Shut the hell up already.
Poop. Wipe. Post. Repeat.
New name, same shit. Keep telling the story JD.
Ok I will..There was no false police report filed, now shut the hell up.
Pretty sure both are felonies.
For those who want to see the denial letter:
Mr. Rackaukas has been busy trying to suppress a lot of things:
What happened to your letter? You took it down cause it was full of malarkey?
That must be how he locates you when you are standing slightly to the left of him….
So sick of JayNBond, I’d love to whoop his/her ass worse than the time Oprah got her ass beat all up and down the hallway with the shoe.
Sadly as can your neighbors who live downwind from you unless your windows and doors are shut tightly
“Moreover, the Orange County District Attorney has requested the Fullerton Police Department to refrain from releasing to the public any documents related to the Kelly Thomas Event.”
Doesn’t mean Fulleton has to comply. “Requested” is the key word.
Just a reminder to those who criticize FFFF and Tony B –
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”
― George Orwell
And face it, blogs are journalism – news, editorial, features, sports – welcome to the world of electronic journalism, that exposes and praises things that some would prefer not be exposed or praised.
I would like half of your medical disability retirement. They worded it so nicely. No longer employed here LOL
If indeed the DA’s case falls apart against Ramos and Cicinelli, it will be a sad day for these guys when the Crown Vic’s pull up in front of their house and they are led off to a federal judge!
Don’t forget Wolfe and the others who held Kelly down or lied, falsified documents, did not report the crime, etc. Books. I’m pretty sure the Feds do not give a rats ass about whether a DA who is very officer friendly decides to press charges or not. But maybe he’ll do the right thing to avoid tarnishing the image of the FPD anymore than it already has been.
Tell us about all the evidence Brandon. I am still waiting. You keep ditching my question..
The Feds saw all this and they are laughing their asses all the way back to lala land.
-quite possible and all the more reason to clean house- if we cant count on the FPD brass, the DA,the Feds or the DOJ then the reality is is that Fullerton LE needs to be overseen by the residents and not some corrupt alphabet agencies. Time will tell.
The videotaped evidence of Wolfe striking Thomas with a baton when he was trying to escape the beating Ramos promised him. The numerous eye-witnesses talking about the excessive force on the video. Take your pick.
The DA office owes favors to officer Wolfe. It is quite obvious.
He must owe a lot of cops favors with all of the FPD corruption he has failed to prosecute just in the last few years.
The same way they laughed when they gave Koon and Powell 2 1/2 years JD? And those guys just beat a man badly.
I think this is a tightrope for the DA and he has got his work cut out for him on this one.
Feds left long ago.
Feds don’t wait around for anyone.
They move quick.
Look at New Jersey today. Raided Mayors house yesterday. City hall today.
They have better things to worry about.
Rock has OC handled.
A tightrope between doing what’s right and pissing of a few crooked cops, politicians?
JD, just because you can’t use your scroll bar to find my comments does not mean I am dodging your question. You know damn well what the evidence is. So does the DA. So does the Feds. It will all come out in court. As much as the FPD wishes they could make this incident go away, it’s impossible. I would not be surprised to see Hampton, Craig, and Blatney start spilling what they know to avoid getting fired/prosecuted.
The DA is in so much hot water, he dosent give a shit about this case anymore.
( EXECUTE lying, falsifying, fabricating, unionized, overtime-abusing drugged up Dirty cop Terrorists with “police powers” PERIOD. 7-20-2012
Oh my God. Rich, take your meds.
Geeeesh Rich, get a life already!
“Fat man in a lil’ coat….Fat man in a lil’ coat”…..