Quirk a No-Show At Anaheim Protest

On Sunday various groups, objecting to what looks a lot like an assassination by the cops, and what was a police induced riot later, held a protest at the Anaheim Police Headquarters. My husband and I went down to show some solidarity with our neighbors to the south.

Tony Bushala was there along with some Kelly’s Army folks that I remembered from the Fullerton protests last summer. Even mean, uncaring Republican State Assemblyman Chris Norby was there with his family. But where was our would-be squishy-feely Assembly person for the 65th District, Sharon Quirk? I have no idea.

Loretta and I were getting our nails done…

Most liberals used to stand for things like social justice, fighting cop brutality, especially when applied to minority neighborhoods. And this would have been a good opportunity for Quirk (whose sole chance of beating Norby, according to her drum-beaters, is winning over neighborhoods in the western part of Anaheim) to show she cares about the little people who can’t fight back. Of course after the Kelly Thomas thing I’ve come to realize that establishment liberals are mostly just empty talk on the subject of police malfeasance.


Anyway, Ms. Quirk, here are some topics about the Anaheim incident you may contemplate at your leisure:

1) Possible assassination by cops of man in front yard

2) Arrest of innocent bystander for no particular reason, charged with obstruction, etc.,etc.

3) Overreaction by cops, contributing to near riot and assault on innocent men, women, and children by rubber bullets and attack dog.

4) Accusations of cops trying to buy potential evidence.

Yes, Sharon, Anaheim is in the district you wish to represent. Time to get out and meet your constituents.

Oh, yeah, about that PORAC endorsement thing…

195 Replies to “Quirk a No-Show At Anaheim Protest”

  1. The Anaheim cops don’t appear to have learned anything from Fullerton.

    Don’t expect Quirk to do anything remotely courageous. All i can say is come November we’ll be rid of her. And that’s a good thing.

    1. This is not in Sharon’s new district; hers is the area south of I-5. This is in AD-69 — where Julio Perez was running, and where Tom Daly and Joe (non-Doctor) Moreno are now running. It IS in my district; I was there for almost two hours but would have been there anyway — partly because I knew about it and had been involved in spreading the word about it.

      On the other hand, I doubt that Sharon even knew about it. Someone apparently called in Norby, and it was nice to see him show up briefly. I did not contact Sharon (or Daly) and say “get here so that people can see you.”

      I’m glad that so many FFFF people showed up but sorry to see this sort of politicized attack here.

      1. greg-you are an opportunistic arrogant piece of crap, please go away.

        Tony- you ban Omalley on not GD? what is it worth to you? My checkbook is open and pen poised.

        1. High-quality rebuttal there, mystery man. Do you sign your checks “Anonymous” too?

          I’ll give a modest cash reward to the first person who can prove that Sharon even knew about the protest, which I’d think would be a pre-requisite to calling her a “no-show.”

  2. I read that there was a second cop shooting last night in Anaslime. The cops apparently found a gun in that shooting and didn’t hesitate for a second to report it.

    Why is it when the cops shoot someone and don’t find a gun the spokeshole says that he can’t comment or confirm that a gun WAS NOT found?

    The cops only report information that benefits them. Why? Aren’t they supposed to be transparent? Aren’t they supposed to be the good guys? Why do they hide stuff when they screw up?

    This is why the citizens have lost faith in the police departments. They only report what makes them look good. And they fail to report anything that makes them look bad. IMO that’s nothing more than engaging in coverups and lies.

    So please, don’t ask “Why do the people disrespect the police?”

    The answer is obvious.

    1. they found a “gun” — was in in the HANDS OF THE COPS??? You know, the ones who shoot-to-kill before removing their heads from their asses???

  3. I hope Fullerton’s Future will follow the events going on in Anaheim closely as they unfold. Please keep up the good work and keep exposing abuse of power

  4. Tony missed a big chance when he supported Squirky. Now she is moving on.

    I don’t support police abuse but that was not a peaceful protest. It was gangsters and criminals mixing in with children and others. Those people deserve rubber bullets.

    Constitution does not allow riots and unpeaceful protests. Anaheim residents won’t tolerate the gangsters or out of control visitors. Be ready for more rubber bullets.

    1. @I Own Fullerton – That was residents of the apartments gathering outside their homes in the immediate aftermath of the police shooting dead – once in the backside, and once in the back of the head, killing him – one of their neighbors, whose family and friends were also their neighbors. They were not rioting, they were not protesting in an organized fashion, they were confused, curious, angry, and facing an overwhelming police presence who instead of controlling the situation, added to the confusion and intimidation and opened fire on a crowd containing young children, and also lost control of a dog that could have easily killed one of those children or the baby who was in the stroller the dog knocked down.

      Anaheim residents should not tolerate the lethal lack of control and utter incompetence that characterizes their police department. It is unacceptable. This police force behaving the way it does is completely unable to do anything to police gangs and associated crime. They are only contributing to the problem. How many more Anaheim residents need to die before the PD is brought to heel?

    2. KKK’s historical influence in Anaheim…
      The Klan had numerous members in every part of the United States. At its peak, claimed Klan membership exceeded four million and comprised 20% of the adult white male population in many broad geographic regions, and 40% in some areas.[95] The Klan also moved north into Canada, especially Saskatchewan, where it opposed Catholics.[96]
      The Klan issue played a significant role at the bitterly divisive 1924 Democratic National Convention in New York City. The leading candidates were Protestant William Gibbs McAdoo, with a base in areas where the Klan was strong, and Catholic New York Governor Al Smith, with a base in the large cities. After weeks of stalemate, both candidates withdrew in favor of a compromise. Anti-Klan delegates proposed a resolution indirectly attacking the Klan; it was narrowly defeated.[97][98]
      In some states, such as Alabama and California, the KKK worked for political reform. In 1924, the Klan became active in local politics in Anaheim, California. The city had been controlled by an entrenched commercial-civic elite that was mostly German American. The elite gave little support to the prohibition laws—the mayor, for example, had been a saloon keeper. The Klan, led by the minister of the First Christian Church, represented a rising group of politically oriented non-German citizens who had been shut out of influence and who denounced the elite as corrupt, undemocratic and self-serving. Cocoltchos says the Klansmen sought to create a model orderly community. There were about 1200 Klan members in orange County, and Cocoltchos tracked them through local records, comparing them to 300 prominent anti-Klan activists. The economic and occupational profile of the pro and anti-Klan groups shows the two were similar and about equally prosperous. Cocoltchos finds no evidence of status anxiety. The Klansmen were all Protestants, as were most of the antis, but the antis also enlisted many Catholic Germans. The Klansmen had a much higher rate of voting and joining nonpartisan civic groups (such as the Chamber of Commerce) than the others before they joined the Klan, suggesting to Cocoltchos it was a high sense of civic activism that led to joining the KKK in the first place. The Klan easily won the hotly contested local election in Anaheim in April 1924. They systematically fired Catholic city employees and replaced them with Klansmen. The new city council tried to strictly enforce prohibition, and the Klan held large rallies and initiation ceremonies over the summer. The opposition organized, bribed a Klansman for the secret membership list, exposed the Klansmen running in the primaries and defeated most of them. The antis stepped up the campaign in 1925 and succeeded in a hotly contested election in voting to recall the Klansmen who had been elected in April 1924. The Klan in Anaheim quickly collapsed, its newspaper closed after losing a libel suit, and the minister who led the local Klavern moved to Kansas

      1. operation mockingbird? He sounds like a black uniformed storm trooper or a jesuit coadjutor or a sick puppy or all of the above. Americans have a right to petition their government for a redress of grievances. The Constitution still stands.

        1. The constitution still stands, but it’s slowly being eroded away by our communist thug president….

          I wonder how these rogue cops will act once the obamination agrees with the UN (New World Order) to ban guns… that will be the real fight IMO.

          1. The police will be first in line to be marched off against the American people in attempts to disarm us and they will fail. I just hope that law enforcement wakes up before it is too late. A lot of them know and are hoping to retire soon-its the young roid shaved head, video gamed, rambo type PTSD ex military that will be used. The air is thick right now with tension. This type of incident could lead to a race war. The Anaheim PD better handle this right. Well at least they suspended the officers unlike Fullerton.

            1. Truth. Race wars and riots just hurt innocent people. They are no good. Most cops will leave their posts anyways if that happened. Smart.

              You aren’t looking into the press release enough. All cops that shoot and kill someone are placed on paid leave for at least three days. Usually more because they get to relax, talk to psychs, and make sure they are ready to go back. So yes they are off but that’s all per policy and normal procedure. Just ask them. I did.

            2. Agreed — and I hope hope hope that the police and military will wake up before they destroy the people they are sworn to protect; protect “against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.”

              1. And most citizens feel the police do a great job overall. We will always have incidents that need to be looked at but overall we have good police in this country.

                1. Well, there sure are a lot MORE “incidents” coming out lately…. we will definitely see who’s the good cop and who’s the bad cop when the order goes out to remove weapons from the citizens …

                  With all the new roadblocks and check points being set up around the country, it’s really looking more like communist russia, I mean the USSA… time to bail out.

                2. I agree that overall we do have good police in this country for now but the balance is tipping to the wrong side and the good people in law enforcement agencies need to tip it back. Things can come unglued quickly in these times. People are on edge for a variety of reasons. The right thing needs to be done swiftly to diffuse this one. Fullerton is a whole different animal than Anaheim.

  5. And please note shooting rubber bullets, bean bags or other “non lethal” forms of ammunition at children can be lethal. The amount of children in the group of people the Anaheim PD were firing at was far too many to justify the police shooting anything. And it is not as if the children were not visible. One “non lethal” bullet to a child’s head or chest at the close ranges the police were firing at is deadly. They are lucky that they did not kill any children.

    The overwhelming police presence on the ground is also questionable – one video shows a full two minutes of police cars (akin to the size of President Obama’s motorcade) arriving to the scene – a police state saturation.

    Please keep us informed of what is going on. You were so good for Kelly Thomas and exposing the corruption and dangers of the FPD. Please do the same for Manuel Diaz, Joel Acevedo and the APD. I am confident you will find many of the same political ties, backing and finances behind the militarized state of the police.

  6. Kudos to Chris Norby for spending his Sunday in Anaheim with his family fighting for social justice.

    That’s what real leaders do.

    They see people that are oppressed and they act instead of act like they’re doing something for those same people.

    That means you SSSSSSSSSSSSilva.

    1. The absence of politicos out there yesterday was pretty obvious. So credit to where it is due: one Anaheim city council person, I think Galloway. Jane Rands and Matt Leslie. Shadow. Dave whose last name i can’t spell. Tony. Some of Kelly’s Army. Greg Diamond. Norby. I’m sure I missed a few.

      1. Come on, JT. The politicos are in the pockets of the cop unions. Do you think they are going to bite the hand that feeds them by attending a protest of the cops shooting some kid in the back for the capital crime of running from them???

        Maybe if the average cop lost about 50 pounds he would be able to catch the runners and take them to the ground instead of shooting them in their backs. It’s disgusting to see so many fat cops who couldn’t sprint 25 yards without keeling over and grabbing their chests in exhaustion. For the $100,000 plus salaries and pensions we pay them can’t they at least maintain some physical prowess which is part of their job??? All departments should outlaw donuts for their cops.

        1. Come on JustUs. You aren’t being fair. Look at the other videos from the riot and first shooting. I didn’t see one fat cop. I saw all fit in shape cops. The guy was a murderer and they knew it. He ran, they exited their cars, and caught him. No issues in this case about fat cops. I hate it when people just make stuff up. Very few gang cops anywhere are anywhere near out of shape.

          1. SB400 opened up the door for the 3%@50, JT. I think there were only 4 in the Sacramento legislature that voted against it.

            The large majority give the public unions and public safety priority over justice. That’s why so few speak out against the cops. Norby wasn’t very proactive in getting to the bottom of the Kelly Thomas murder, was he. Naturally when it happened it wasn’t election season. Now that he’s up for relection in November suddenly he becomes a civil rights advocate. Why are people so naive and why do they take the bait first time everytime?

            1. All well said. Finally some facts. Also, no one said much at all when everything was approved years ago either. Cops have always been underpaid and under compensated. Now that wall street and real estate have been blamed, the only thing left is the public sector. I felt the same way. Cops and fire would never be rich and are underpaid. Now that we are in 2012 it’s all reversed. It’s not the cops and fire and public employees faults, it’s ours and our leaders faults for not being vocal at the time. Then again, why would we be vocal at the time when they were all under paid? Strange turn of events for sure.

              1. “underpaid and under compensated”?

                Kelly Meija – age 26. Fired by FPD for being an iPad thief. Rank: Patrol officer. Salary = $86K.

                That’s overpaid no matter what the state of the economy.

            2. Norby is doing some good work on some issues. I don’t know enough about what he did on the KT case to comment.

              I guess when I said “politicos” I used that term very loosely. What I meant to say was, some local folks involved in the political scene WERE there, and not because they are seeking office. Because they care. I can’t speak for most but I KNOW that is true of Tony, Matt, Jane, Dave, and others that I talked with. There are people of integrity involved in our local political scene and as cynical as I am generally about politics it is important to recognize and support the good ones.

              How much BS did I have to read this last year about Bushala and his agenda blah blah blah. People who couldn’t imagine that anyone could do anything politically related just because it is the right thing to do. The fact is that there ARE people out there who do the right thing just because they know in their hearts it IS the right thing. That’s all I’m trying to say.

              1. “I don’t know enough about what he did on the KT case to comment”

                Jt, the fact that you don’t know what Norby did re: KT, is an indication that he did nothing or not enough. You are a well informed guy and watch the news, right? But now that election day is right around the corner suddenly Norby becomes an social activist? How many KT rallies did Norby attend??? Connect the dots, Jt

                Jt, all pols, whether they are your friends or not, need to have their feet held to the fire. Don’t become blinded just because you like them personally. Make sure they walk their talk. Make sure they do their jobs and fulfill their promises. Don’t be like one of the Ackerman’s of the world. Be objective. Otherwise nothing ever changes for the better.

                1. The fact I don’t know what Norby did just means I’m not that well-informed. I didn’t know that Shawn Nelson was the person who had initially contacted the Department of Justice Civil Rights division about the KT case until he mentioned it here a few months ago, even though he made that call very quickly after it happened. That doesn’t mean I’m now an uncritical Nelson supporter either. I just believe in giving credit where its due.

                  Politicians need their feet held to the fire sometimes but they also need encouragement when they do the right thing. I didn’t know who would be out there at the Anaheim protest but when I got there (late) and recognized some people I wasn’t surprised. Besides Norby and Diamond who are running for state office, the rest had no vested interest in being there. They were there because they care. That’s being objective.

                2. Two burning questions, Jt:

                  Can you show me any report that Norby was a social activist for KT?

                  Can you show me any press release that showed Norby at KT rally?

                  If you can I will back off on my criticism of Norby.

                  I just think it’s very politically expedient to show up at yesterday’s rally only 3 months before an election.

                  Can you say ‘hispanic vote’?

                3. Norby asked the Attorney General to investigate back on August 16, 2011. I guess that’s something.

                4. Oh, and not only did Norby show up – he showed up to an event that could have been very volatile with his family!

                  Yep, an election must be right around the corner! All the telltale signs are there! 😀

                5. “Norby asked the Attorney General to investigate back on August 16, 2011. I guess that’s something”

                  And naturally it was declined, right?

                  Do you have a photo of Norby with his family at any KT rally? There were dozens of those. All I want is one photo of him at one event.

                  Please, somebody surprise me! 😉

      2. Unfortunately, Galloway only showed up to make the proverbial appearance in front of the media. It was scheduled until 2 PM, she showed up a few minutes after. In fact, she was on the tail of NBC news. I heard more than a few residents make known their annoyance that she used this tragedy for nothing more than a self serving appearance.

  7. Quirk-Silva is nothing but a Pretender and a ‘Talker’; and not a very good talker for a supposed educator.

    NO substance.

    1. The voters who will vote for SSSSSilva don’t care about anything but her last name; just like the Sanchez crowd. That same voter group wouldn’t know what substance was if it slapped them in the face.

  8. Interesting…..

    I don’t support police abuse either, but good riddance to the gang banging ass*ole that the Anaheim PD took care of. And God Bless rubber bullets! I Own Fullerton is right, the constitution doesn’t support rioting.

    Don’t call the police the next time, folks. Handle it yourself.

    1. To Kim Kardashian: YOU ARE TROLLING CIA “MOCKINGBIRD” SHILL #2. Watch the news clip when the Anaheim police release the dog into the crowd and onto the baby, we can neutralize you too KIM.

      1. Fita. They immediately admitted to mechanical error with that dog. What did you want them to say? The remote button got hit during the chaos. I give them props for admitting that human error so quickly. Are you an Occupy troll?

        1. Mechanical error. Priceless. What was it a canine wardrobe malfunction? They’re going to get sued over that, Reality.

      2. Whoa Fita, are you threatening me?! And who’s we?!

        And sorry, in the words of I Own Fullerton, no comprende. I’m only stupid by commenting on here.

        Tony and Travis, I take this as a threat. Please ban Fita.

        Fita, psych meds are wonderful things. Please take yours. And DO NOT EVER THREATEN ME AGAIN.

        1. And also, Fita=Anonymous. I’m sure you have better things to do with your time than give me a computer virus and check my ISP so you can oooohhhh, threaten to out me. Yep, my name is Kim.

          You’re quite the whack job dumb ass by threatening me over the internet.

  9. Ms. Silva was here shopping for a red dress. Very patriotic, good for the economy and she looks hot in a red mini-skirt.

  10. I dislike gangbangers as much if not more than the next guy.

    But you know what I hate even more? Cops who shoot people in the back and then to the head for merely running from them and then being tight lipped about it later to circle the wagons for the boys in blue. I know what to expect from gangbangers. But cops are supposed to be truthful and transparent which means that they release the FACTS after every cop shooting or killing so that the citizens know are aware of what happened. It shouldn’t be about mitigating damages. The damage has already been done. You can’t turn back the hands of time. Once it happens it important for those assigned big powers by the government to enforce the laws of the land be show integrity, be honest and be truthful – and then let the chips fall where they may.

    Otherwise they are no better than the gangbangers!

    1. JustUs. Would you ever admit that many shootings in the back can be proven good, legal shootings?

      1. Proven? How? By the cop’s word? “He was reaching for his waistband” when there was nothing in his waistband other than a belt? Yeah, that’s believeable.

        I would no more trust a cop’s word than I would a used car saleman trying to sell me a lemon.

        1. So then you trust someone else that didn’t see anything? Nevermind. You clarified the reasoning with your sentence above. Cop hater. Makes sense now.

          1. Maybe if they didn’t get caught dirty so often people would have more respect for cops. How’s that for a concept? When they act like criminals and the so-called “good ones” refuse to publicly condemn them – IMO the silent ones are dirty too. The fact that you clowns get paid $100k plus only adds injury to insult. The reason you’re disrespected is obvious. Be men and clean up your damn act.

            1. You say “so often”. What do you consider so often? I see it as very seldom when I’ve done research. Even calls that have even have the possibility were in the less than 1% range. Where do you get “so often” from?

              1. Look at all the bad shoots, jail killings, lawsuits and cop scandals in OC in the last 4 years. I couldn’t count them on both hands and feet. Even when found liable of violating civil rights they don’t get fired. The only one punished is the taxpayer.

                And like I said – the so-called ‘good cops’ never publicly call out the bad cops which IMO makes them just as bad as the bad cops. The code of silence (which is very real that the dirty little secret that everybody knows) is a testament to how dirty the cops are. They enforce the law against everybody but themselves.

                1. Yes. Less than 1% of calls. I think that’s good. Yes all incidents need to be looked into. There are no answers or volunteers (Feds due to money) to take over those tasks.

                2. But 100% code of silence.

                  That’s bad.

                  It’s systemic corruption.

                  You pigs get paid a lot to act ethically and above board. Grow the F up.

      2. In Germany in 2011 police fired exactly 85 bullets. 49 warning shots, 36 shots on suspects. 15 persons were injured, 6 were killed.

        How many fatal shootings in Anaheim this year?

        If shooting unarmed citizens in the back is “legal” (which is highly questionable) then we need to make it illegal. It is never “good.” The fact you would use that word just proves the psychopathic cop mentality we are no longer willing to tolerate.

    2. Agree. And being a gang member is not a capital offense. People who say “one less gangbanger” need to find a totalitarian country to move to.

      1. You obviously havent been robbed or beaten by one. Wait until your daughter gets gang banged by one. You will feel much differently.

        1. There are more kids (boys) who get raped by OC catholic priest than girls who get raped by OC gang members. The only gang member I can think of who raped a girl here in OC in the last 10 years is Greg Hadle’s gang… and his dad was an OC Sheriff. So much for your bullshit.

          1. so gang members are good since they aren’t rapists? ahhhh, thanks for that public service. I wonder why there are so many in prison, huh……that’s a real head scratcher now, isn’t it?

            Career gang members are a bunch of low life thugs that intimidate people, steal from people, kill people, destroy private and public property for a short list. They are a blight on society and should be sent to their own island to kill each other all they want. I wouldn’t stop em.

            Having said that, I don’t think a gang banger or a priest should be shot in the back.

            1. > so gang members are good since they aren’t rapists?

              Depends on how you define a gang. Not all gang members are high school dropouts, have felony records, wear saggy pants and oversize shirts.

              Some gangs prefer to call themselves brotherhoods. These “brotherhoods” like gangs often share the same tattoos, hang out at the same places and cover for each other.

              1. Cover for each other for what, watching the baby while a brother runs to the store?

                Just the words “cover for each other” are nefarious, enough said.

                1. > Cover for each other for what

                  Don’t play dumb.

                  > watching the baby while a brother runs to the store?

                  No, what I meant is these gangs cover for each other while the other shoots or beats the shit out of someone for “disrespecting” them.

                2. I agree with you, there is more than one definition of a gang. And corrupt LEO could certainly be considered a gang.

                  My first post was speaking to Leon. And I missed the sarcasm in your post and assumed you were talking about street gang bangers; the non-goverment employee types. my mistake.

        2. @I Own Fullerton, unarmed Kelly Thomas was beaten and murdered by six FPD “gang” members who were wearing badges. Yes, I believe the term “gang” is accurate when used to describe the FPD or other L.E.

          FPD’s Albert Rincon sexually abused many women and Rincon has not gone to jail for his crimes. The list of Fullerton Police Dept. gang crimes is very long indeed; however, their crimes are denied, covered up, reports are re-written, crimes are hidden behind a line of silence, excused, evidence tampered with, the crimes are minimized by their fellow gang members (who also wear badges) and their crimes are very rarely prosecuted. Instead, the FPD crimes, (the ones that somehow manage to be uncovered), are paid for by us, the taxpayers, in the form of hush money settlements, -while law enforcement gangs continue their violent abuses upon the unsuspecting public, or go on a taxpayer paid vacation for a year, or go on “disability” retirement.

          After seeing LE who believe that they are the jury, judge and executioners who can abuse and kill with impunity, shoot into a crowd of women and children, release a police dog into a crowd of women and children, shoot suspects in the back, crush and suffocate people to death, choke and bludgeon people to death, – I absolutely do “feel much differently” towards cops now than I ever used to.

          The law enforcement gang bangers, who wear badges and uniforms, are quickly becoming just as unpredictable and just as dangerous to the public as any other street gang.

          Khoa Ahn Le, an unarmed man, was beaten with flashlights, Tasered and kicked to death this past June at his family’s home in El Monte, CA.

          1. Understood. I’m just glad you are the minority. You aren’t a good example for our children. Children should be aware but also know that 99.9% of police encounters are outstanding. That’s what I want my children and grand children to know.

            1. @I Own Fullerton, Don’t be too “glad,” because I don’t believe that I am in the minority.

              A “good example for our children” is telling our child the truth, no matter how much it hurts. Our children need to know that good citizens must hold our public servants, including all law enforcement, accountable for their crimes.

              “A good example for our children” is to teach them not to blindly believe, or blindly trust in anyone, -unfortunately, not even men and women who wear badges.

              “A good example for our children” is teaching them that NO MAN is above the law, -not even cops.

              “A good example for our children” is to teach them about due process and about our Constitutional civil rights.

              I never thought I’d see the day where I’d have to warn my children about law enforcement; however, times have obviously changed. Think CRAIG PEYER; unfortunately, there are SO many more examples besides him.

              1. We are all fortunate that your kids are all grown and you have little influence on their lives, or ours, any longer.

  11. The children that witnessed the over reaction of the cops shooting rubber bullet’s and bean bags at their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters will forever be fearful of police.

    Talking about the best way to lose trust in government. This reminds me like what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan. I understand there are thousands of orphans who’s fathers and mothers were killed by US solders who have a bad taste of us in their mouths, and who could blame them. Not me, I’d feel the same, wouldn’t you?

  12. Riot? What riot?

    The video showed some fat dude in a mariachi hat burning a mattress safely inside an empty dumpster. Not even close to being dangerous.

    That’s certainly no reason to unleash a dog on a baby or shoot children with bean bags.

    Anaheim police are out of control.

  13. Although the protest was held in front of the police station, they should in the future be held on the perimeters of Disneyland where they could also show television footage of the Anaheim Police in action so that Disneyland visitors can see what they’re indirectly supporting by visiting Disneyland.

    Let’s see how the families that are visiting Disneyland appreciate seeing the Anaheim police attacking families and babies with guns and dogs.

    I’ll bet this mess would get cleaned up pronto with this approach.

    1. Storming the lobby of a police station is never a good idea. More than likely you will get pepper sprayed, rubber bullets, and batons. Anyone with a high school education knows that.

      1. Actually the police station lobby was stormed and the cops did nothing at all. Wisely. The rubber bullets was when the “protestors” included children in their own neighborhoods. Unarmed Latino kids in their own neighborhoods are apparently more of a menace to fully armed cops than angry protestors storming the station. Or perhaps the news cameras on scene for the station storming had something to do with the lack of a violent response?

      2. Simple economics is the reason that I would appeal to the public in protest outside of Disneyland.

        You start taking money from a corporation like Disneyland, and you’ll start seeing the police force patrolling the public streets as if they were patrolling tourists on Main Street inside of Disneyland.

        1. Protest Hobby City! Protest at the former doll museum in the back! How dare they turn it into a reception facility? I liked the doll museum!
          Wait…. Is that Anaheim?

          1. We’re all still waiting for your first intelligent post Kim. So far you’ve got about as much of substance to say as your namesake.

              1. Ah Waiting… Now that the virus has been cleared from my computer, I just wanted to thank you for the OUTSTANDING graphic design of the virus I got this evening when I got online! The words, “F*CK INTERNET SECURITY” wasn’t original, but interspersing “WAITING” so that I knew it was you was PRICELESS. I like to see good graphic design, and this virus design was outstanding, down to the font choice! Bravo, you spineless sack of you-know-what! Even my friend who does this for a living was impressed,yet thought it was rather amateur.
                Waiting, I don’t want to start any trouble. I’m pretty sick right now and by no means want to start trouble by posting on here. However, I also don’t back down when threatened and intimidated in this manner. I have an opinion and I will state it. I don’t give a f*** what you think either!
                Bring it. I am not afraid.

                1. Kim, Kim, Kim. I unfortunately know nothing of virus design, and if I did, I would certainly find someone better to attack with viruses than an anonymous person who comments inanely but fairly inoffensively on a blog. I’m sorry you had to deal with a computer virus – I hate those things. And sorry to hear you’re sick. Get well soon.

  14. Enough is Enough!

    It’s time us citizens got together and start taking care of these badges murderers ourselves.

    It seems cameras and witnesses are never enough for our DA to prosecute these pigs.

    Let’s focus on the male white cops. It seems most if not all these police shooting victims are Hispanic males.

    1. Yes. That’s because the main Anaheim gangs are Hispanic so yes, most of the ones shot will be Hispanic carrying guns or running from the police tossing guns.

  15. Also, the shootings were not even in the district she is running for. She doesn’t have all of Anaheim, you would know that with a little research. Assembly District 72, Norby’s current district is where both of the shootings were so it’s there’s no question he should have been there. You should have stated those facts in you post!

    1. To Fullerton Liberal: Sharon Quirky Silva should have been there because an unarmed young man was murdered by the Anaheim Police, whether she REPRESENTS that neighborhood or not does not matter and is not a justifiable excuse for not supporting the traumatized family and neighbors of this young man that was murdered. Get her out of office now.INCOMPETENT.

    2. Um, it may have slipped your attention but Anaheim PD territory covers a huge chunk of AD 65, and is 50% Latino.

      1. Anaheim PD does cover a lot of AD-65, but neither the shooting site nor the police station are in her district.

        I’m hoping for a broad coalition of people to get involved in this. Turning it into a Norby vs. SQS thing really doesn’t help.

        1. The answer is because they said she should be there she should be there. They are always right and neve wrong. You haven learned that? I learned that in the week I’ve been here.

  16. Folks, after reading everyone’s postings and this morning’s front page OC Register article I decided to view a video on YouTube of the police shooting into the crowd and the police dog attack.

    Clearly, this is horrifying video – to see the police behave like this and to witness the dog attack an innocent bystander. If you haven’t seen this yet – take a moment and do so.


    We have to do something – we cannot stand by while the police behave like this. I feel
    deeply for the Anaheim community.

    It’s so deeply disturbing.

    1. Momof4j’s, I had the same reaction. Enough is enough. What APD dis this weekend was totally unjustified. Our LEO’s are out of control in my opinion.

    2. Having been around K-9 dogs and their handlers, I truly *doubt* this was an accident *and* in the case it was, those dogs are trained to respond immediately to their handlers, so the handler had a responsibility to call the dog back/call off its actions. At the very least, someone was very careless in securing the K-9.

        1. You have no idea what you are talking about. The dog will bite whatever is most stimulating and usually what is lowest to the ground. It’s a wired prey drive. Some dogs won’t call off without a shock collar. 99% of canines will bite its own handler if the handler is on the ground losing a fight. It’s a pack animal and it’s always going to fight with the winner. I’ve seen canines get out of units and randomly bite bystanders before usually other cops.

          1. Then someone was very careless (deliberately or otherwise is unclear) in not securing the K-9 in the vehicle so it would *not* get loose. Oh, and “losing a fight”? “Losing a fight” sounds like a face-to-face physical body-to-body incident (throwing punches, wrestling, etc.) That was not the issue here – the damn dog got out of the vehicle.

          2. Let me tell ya something. If a dog ever attacks me when I did nothing wrong to provoke the attack they’re going to have to pull me off that dog. And that’s a promise.

        2. So a dog is an “officer.” Well why not? They have the same level of academic accomplishment and the dog is better on the obstacle course!

      1. Peaches. Go to the local K9 training facility in Redlands. You will learn how it really is and not how you think it is from watching TV.

  17. quirky-silva knows to avoid settings where persons who may vote for her will ask her hard questions. f

  18. I Own Fullerton :So then you trust someone else that didn’t see anything? Nevermind. You clarified the reasoning with your sentence above. Cop hater. Makes sense now.

    R.I. hater “for sure”

  19. I Own Fullerton :Storming the lobby of a police station is never a good idea. More than likely you will get pepper sprayed, rubber bullets, and batons. Anyone with a high school education knows that.

    more than likly you will get batons, pepper sprayed and rubber bullets just standing on a street corner

    1. There has to be a way in the 21st century to employ cops who are accountable to the citizen’s who pay taxes!

  20. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/officers-364974-sunday-anaheim.html?pic=15

    Our tax payers money at work, kinda. Pic 15. How many detectives, are needed for one shooting?
    Also, I like how the Regsiter puts a picture of the suspects’ gun in the second killing, however, there is no gun picture for the first shooting. Oh because there was no gun and the officer decided to execute him by shooting him in the back of the head. Look I hate gangbangers as much as the next guy but as a police officer you can’t just execute some guy for running away. If gangmembers are such a dangerous issue then up the ante on punishment for gang members. If you are a gang member and commit a crime, 25 years automatically added to your punishment.

  21. Justice for ALL :
    @I Own Fullerton, unarmed Kelly Thomas was beaten and murdered by six FPD “gang” members who were wearing badges. Yes, I believe the term “gang” is accurate when used to describe the FPD or other L.E.
    FPD’s Albert Rincon sexually abused many women and Rincon has not gone to jail for his crimes. The list of Fullerton Police Dept. gang crimes is very long indeed; however, their crimes are denied, covered up, reports are re-written, crimes are hidden behind a line of silence, excused, evidence tampered with, the crimes are minimized by their fellow gang members (who also wear badges) and their crimes are very rarely prosecuted. Instead, the FPD crimes, (the ones that somehow manage to be uncovered), are paid for by us, the taxpayers, in the form of hush money settlements, -while law enforcement gangs continue their violent abuses upon the unsuspecting public, or go on a taxpayer paid vacation for a year, or go on “disability” retirement.
    After seeing LE who believe that they are the jury, judge and executioners who can abuse and kill with impunity, shoot into a crowd of women and children, release a police dog into a crowd of women and children, shoot suspects in the back, crush and suffocate people to death, choke and bludgeon people to death, – I absolutely do “feel much differently” towards cops now than I ever used to.
    The law enforcement gang bangers, who wear badges and uniforms, are quickly becoming just as unpredictable and just as dangerous to the public as any other street gang.
    Khoa Ahn Le, an unarmed man, was beaten with flashlights, Tasered and kicked to death this past June at his family’s home in El Monte, CA.

    Six Fullerton cops beat Kelly. We all saw it in the video. Yeah right. Stop the bullshit.

    1. Yeah right, indeed. We did see it on video.

      Please, stop the bullshit– or in your case pooping, wiping, posting, and inevitably repeating.

  22. To I Own Fullerton: Your job is to rewrite the story and neutralize all the facts. For Instance a police attack weapon dog is released into the crowd of unarmed protesters who are protesting the murder of a young unarmed man who was gunned down and murdered by the Anaheim Police Department.The attack weapon dog goes to attack a human baby and that is just “Mechanical Error” on the part of the police. Then be sure you “confuse” the facts by switching up the words and changing it to “Human Error” when a bystander goes into protect and shield the baby from harm and the attack dog draws blood on the bystander. So which is it Mr. I own Fullerton, Mechanical Error or Human Error, the only thing missing from your story is that police state euphemism “Collateral Damage”

    1. It means someone made a mistake. The city will pay with tax payer money. Yes mistakes happen. Car crashes, shootings, etc. anything involving humans will always have mistakes. No matter how perfect we want everyone to be. They should have just said they sent the dog after the murder suspect and it but the other person by mistake. Right? But no they arrested the murder suspect and admitted the mistake with the dog. Just as us citizens would want and expect.

      1. To I Own Fullerton: the murder suspects in this case are the Anaheim Police Department. Did they send in their attack dog to attack themselves? NOOOOO. The APD sent in the attack weapon dog to terrorize and attack innocent unarmed protesters. Get out your fucking checkbook Anaheim, as if that will make all this go away nice and quietly?

        1. Are you drunk? You are proving why PD’s say nothing. It’s a lose lose. Yes they will pay that guy for a few bites. More than likely they already wrote him a check at the hospital.

          1. To I Own Fullerton: You lose lose, and I don’t drink, but keep trying to neutralize me/us. The Anaheim Police Department does not need to say anything, we see the video.

              1. That would help bring proper justice to this killer cop.
                Something tells me the way Rauckauckas meekly charged only Ramos and Cicinelli for the Kelly Thomas beating death, expect him to go light on this one, especially if there is NO video evidence.

                1. Agree. I think no charges. Hardcore documented gangster with felony priors, prior gun charges, reaching for waistband? Case closed. No charges. Justified shooting.

  23. Anonymous :
    Yeah right, indeed. We did see it on video.
    Please, stop the bullshit– or in your case pooping, wiping, posting, and inevitably repeating.

    Let’s hear it for Mr Pooper!

  24. One

    Anonymous :
    Why are you asking for cheers for yourself? You’re the pooper, you poopy clown man.

    One more time ..Mr. Pooper. And Anon he just joined hi pooper friend. Get your hands together.

  25. I have viewed all the videos. Where were the supervisors? There was no announcement made to the crowd warning that force would be used. No announcement in regards to an unlawful assembly. The cops weren’t properly outfitted with protective gear. Pepperball launchers were fine but the less-lethal shotguns were being used at too close a distance per all guidelines. There was no coordination of officers. They should have staged, come in together with supervisory control, properly equipped, and handled this professionally. I wish I was an attorney representing the “victims” ka-ching!

  26. OK force expert! Lets discuss the police dog who “accidentally” was released from the police K9 car! That dog who knocked over the stroller and bit someone else who was watching the protest is a SWORN OFFICER! Yup! Thus, if those folks get their butts over to an attorney, they have a good case since a dog not under control is like a police officer not under any control or orders. Its a great case! DA Tony needs to get involved but he won’t! He was put in office by the police unions, its sooooooo obvious now!

    1. I believe that Quirk Silva will prefer to do fly-overs of her district by helicopter once elected-the war zone’s inhabitants are only useful for votes and nothing else.

      1. The war zones inhabitants don’t vote and she knows it. Unfortunately she does yet know that she will get wiped out in Anaheim and Buena Park where nobody knows who she is (luck them).

        Or maybe she’ll get all dolled up and start handing out socks with Loretta.

    2. Why was the dog not secured by his handler? Big officer boo-boo worthy of suspension w/out pay.

  27. I Own Fullerton :You obviously havent been robbed or beaten by one. Wait until your daughter gets gang banged by one. You will feel much differently.

    Are you refering to the fpd ipod thief, or the sexual predators rincon and wren?

  28. I Own Fullerton :You obviously havent been robbed or beaten by one. Wait until your daughter gets gang banged by one. You will feel much differently.

    Maybe Emil should bend YOU over, it will only feel like you have been “gangbanged” you dirty lil’ man

  29. ipod thief “robbed”, fpd6 “beat” and Murdered, rincon and wren? rape is not the only sexual predatory act, they are sexual predators and you, hoping someones daughter gets gangbanged are a sick lil’ fella

  30. Rape is your word, We said rincon and wren are sexual predators similar but not the same as a sexual deviant like yourself wishing that someones lil’ girl gets gangbanged.This is what the cop trolls think of you and your kids:

    I Own Fullerton :Yes. That person I did hope that upon. Clueless moron he is.

    Go slither back under your rock you dirty lil’ man

  31. I Own Fullerton :Touching someone and raping them is no where near the same thing.

    From the mcKinnely school of policing no doubt “it’s not good touching, but its not a dangerous thing”

    1. @I Own Fullerton stated, “Touching someone and raping them is nowhere near the same thing.”

      Penetration with a finger or other object IS rape.

      Revised Rape Definition Approved

      In December 2011, Director Mueller formally approved the recommendation of the Criminal Justice Information Services Division’s Advisory Policy Board (APB) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Subcommittee to revise the definition of rape in the UCR Summary Reporting Program (SRP).

      Below is the revised rape definition:

      “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”

  32. Tuco, I originally thought the remote being carried by the handler was accidentally activated as mentioned by another poster. Anaheim spokeshole states the dog squeezed into the front of the unit and went out a window, which may be accurate. Either way, anyone injured by the K9 will score a payday. On a side note, did anyone think Anaheim’s PIO resembled Andy?

    1. I originally thought the remote being carried by the handler was accidentally activated as mentioned by another poster. Anaheim spokeshole states the dog squeezed into the front of the unit and went out a window, which may be accurate.

      BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! and even more BULLSHIT! All these cops and cop lickers do is lie, deny and cover up. They will look for any gap to insert BULLSHIT! and run with it.

      If a cop is caught on video on the ground with his pants down raping someone, they’ll say his pants fell off during a struggle and the humping motion we all saw was simply him trying to gain control of the situation.

      If a cop is caught on video shooting someone in the back of the head who is kneeling with their hands up, they’ll say the gun misfired or the tape doesn’t show the whole story.

      I’m so sick of this rampant culture of BULLSHIT! that permeates law enforcement.

    2. BINGO Force Expert!

      I commented on the Andy Pudgerich look-alike spokeshole of APD on the previous post yesterday.

  33. The Agony, my comment in regards to the K9 in no way excused the handler from either civil nor possible criminal liability. I am not an apologist for sloppy/criminal police work.

  34. Jt :
    Politicians need their feet held to the fire sometimes but they also need encouragement when they do the right thing. I didn’t know who would be out there at the Anaheim protest but when I got there (late) and recognized some people I wasn’t surprised. Besides Norby and Diamond who are running for state office, the rest had no vested interest in being there. They were there because they care. That’s being objective.

    I was there because of I care about the merits, JT, and as part of Occupy, and as part of Orange Juice, where I was promoting this heavily as soon as I found out about it. My position would probably lose me as many votes as it would gain me; political advantage is a very small consideration.

    I didn’t tell the crowd that I was a candidate for office or otherwise try to capitalize on it. I was prepared, though, to introduce myself to cops as a nominee, if they had moved to arrest people, and let them know that they might be making bigger headlines than they think.

    So tell me, do you think that I should make this an issue in my campaign or not? I’m inclined to do so, but my concern is that that just invites comments like yours, that I’m just doing it to get elected, and as a longtime activist I don’t need that crap from people. What’s your advice?

    1. Actually, my comment wasn’t implying that you or Norby were there JUST because you’re running for office. I was saying that of the various people with principles who were there for the right reasons, only 2 also happened to be running for office. That doesn’t mean you weren’t there for the right reasons.

      Yes, I think you should make the Anaheim shooting and Fullerton police problems aspects of your campaign and you should add reforming POBOR and passing legislation to overturn Copley as part of your platform. But I’m naive about politics – I think people should do the right thing and work with anyone else motivated to do the same.

  35. Change POBAB?
    Lets deep six the bullshit union and use contract employees who are accountable to Fullerton citizens. The union doesnt own fullerton tax paying residents like it does our cops. What good does pobar do in the 21st Century? How does the union help anyone but ITSELF?

    1. Yes, absolutely change POBAR.

      As appealing as hiring a direct contractor sounds, it’s not legal. Unions have a right to be here and that isn’t going to change anytime soon.

      With that in mind, getting POBAR fixed is a responsible step in the right direction that doesn’t need to take 6 years to complete. This should be a legislative priority to be completed by June 30, 2013.

  36. Agony what do you expect when you run from the cops?
    If a person being persued by the cops has done nothing wrong… why run? You run, you take your chances. Those guys ran and ran out of chances.

    Oh yeah and right.. they weren’t gang bangers. Just ask their moms. What was with all the banger tatts?

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