Play It Again, Spam…

Last week several commenters noticed pronounced physical similarities between Fullerton and Anaheim PD spokesholes. And so, for your amusement and bemusement FFFF shares some images.

Here’s is Anaheim PD’s Cop Explainer-in-Chief, Sergeant Bob Dunn:

And here is Fullerton’s former official fibber, the egregious Sergeant (now elevated to Lieutenant by Chief Danny) Andrew Goodrich:

And finally, here is current FPD Yakkity-Yak, Sergeant Jeff Stuart:

Well I guess they’re on to something, although to be honest, you people all look alike to me.

141 Replies to “Play It Again, Spam…”

  1. What happened to their necks? Their heads disappear int fat rolls balanced on top of their shoulders.

  2. jowls: plural of jowl (Noun)

    1. The lower part of a person’s or animal’s cheek, esp. when it is fleshy or drooping.
    2. The cheek of a pig used as meat.

  3. Yes, this is quite entertaining.

    What is NOT entertaining is that these blobs have no reason or mandate to stay in shape to do the job they allege they are doing. And that job is so physically taxing that they get to retire at 50. And if their own bad habits (e.g. Sellers) result in hypertension or high cholesterol, well then hell, they get “disabled.”

    This is a public health crisis and it’s killing the taxpayer.

  4. Life Style Lift comes to mind – where is Debby Boone when she’s really needed?

    And, I don’t think there are any gym apparatus that focus on that part of the anatomy…

  5. It’s ok, short term retirement. Or it’s in the genes, or the donuts, or the fast food, or Moms good cookin.

  6. These guys are picked for a reason.

    They have low self esteem usually due to psychological, family and other personal issues and because of this they choose to let their physical appearance and overall health decline.

    They also lack social and interpersonal skills and cannot function as normal officers would.

    So, when given the opportunity to represent a police department on television they jump at the chance and not only that, they will take it upon themselves to go above and beyond to vigorously defend the department at all costs as if it were their own because they feel as if they are a part of something bigger than themselves and finally feel wanted.

    This is the type of person most small or medium sized departments need to represent them, they need someone to read statements without question and to be the hated face of the department.

    1. “They have low self esteem usually due to psychological, family and other personal issues and because of this they choose to let their physical appearance and overall health decline.”

      True enough, but that describes a large % of all cops. It could be that the biggest slugs in the dept. get themselves an AA or BA at some diploma mill because they know it will get them off the street and behind a desk where they don’t even have to pretend to be Hero and Deserve.

      They demonstrate their loyalty to the institution that took otherwise unemployable protoplasm and gave it a job. Therefore they actually get promoted the more their activity deviates from their job title – public information.

    2. You are so on the mark. They are easy to spot, too, because they look like overgrown children, which is a paedomorph. I have long suspected this phenomenon to be a characteristic of immaturity, too. In other words, paedomorphs can be mind, body AND soul! they think they are normal. In fact they are hard wired sociopaths. AMAZING.

      Now watch, there will be an army of provocateurs to chase me off!


      1. there will be an army of provocateurs to chase me off!

        Don’t flatter yourself. You’re more of a minor nuisance than anything else.

  7. Good Christ. They’re cut from the same cloth! This is starting to worry me. They aren’t cyborgs, are they?

    1. Paedomorphs. They are hard wired sociopaths. Police departments use them because they are easy to program. They are happy idiots, if that makes any sense, ARMED happy idiots that will kill on command. Just happy. Idiots. Armed. Kelly Thomas anyone?

  8. It appears that police work promotes morbid obesity, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, idiopathic non-specific aches and pains and other ouchies – and a lot of dunkin doughnuts.

  9. Gotta admit. Dunn with Anaheim is doing a great job. Active. On the spot. Informative. Great Effort.

      1. Fat. Overpaid. Militarized. Great pork chops. Costs the city millions. Outstanding Effort.

  10. Well versed in the art of propoganda.

    Posed with a difficult question that points directly to wrongdoing (a rarity for the media that generally carries the water for the cops) the pat LE answer is “Sorry, I can’t comment. The matter is under investigation”.

    But if there’s one bit of evidence that exonnerates the cops the spokehole will spill his guts for a half-hour regardless whether there’s an ongoing investigation or not.

    One doesn’t have to be a small particle molecular physicist to figure out the way the game is played here.

  11. The Reason That They’re All So F–ked-up and Fat is Because They’re Overpaid – Lazy Fat Asses!

    If You Really Want to Get Rid of this Excrement – You Need to Organize a Gigantic No Spending on Anything Taxable in Anaheim or Fullerton – Campaign!

    Make Sure When Protesting That You are Big in Numbers and Very Loud – and that There is a Disneyland Sign Behind You – and a News Camera in Front of You – at All Times – This is the Magic Formula – Cut Off the Money!

    “Honey – That Anaheim Area Looks Pretty F–ked-up – With All of The Protesters – News Crews – Police Dogs and Military Styled Uniforms and Weapons in the Streets – This Looks Just Like Libya or Syria – Maybe We Should Cancel Our Trip to Disneyland and Go To Seaworld Instead”. LOL

    1. Ahh, a person with a conscience. That military look BTW is DHS, and this federal entity is going to squeeze out local police departments. Just watch. DHS got caught 2004 setting up a border insurgency. Most people have forgotten about this pre F/F run on California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Hell, even rick Perry was in the dark, but he’s not now! Brace yourselves for fully implemented martial control by November. They accelerated their agenda when Obama, Soros and Schwarzenegger got caught implicated in ritual human sacrifice mid April 2011.

      1. And LDX you can go f yourself you little cointelpro piece of crap. I’ve had it with your daily disjointed ramblings and disinfo.

        1. For the moment, when you click on the “Submit Comment” button, the world revolves around you, anonymous. At that time you are special, and what you have to say to the world a diplomat’s introduction to his character, or in YOUR case, a DIP SHIT’S mirrored and kaleidoscopic reflection on mindless abandon. What an idiot…

    2. When I saw the tubby sniper wearing the desert camo on the roof of the APD HQ spotting people I wanted to throw up.

      This ASSHOLE was willing and ready to shoot fellow Americans.

      Then I saw the cops parading around with the large sticks threatening to beat people. For a moment I through I was looking at some 3rd world nation.

  12. The Game

    They make good breadwinners, because they are oblivious to conscience and will lie on command. Policy rules the day for these individuals. Like it or not, they’ll suck up to every boss they’ve got pathologically cued to a pay check, fraud bonuses and an opportunity to matrix for the state department/DHS.

  13. Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin. Time to replace the jelly and creme filled donuts with some truth serum.

    1. I don’t mean to be rude, but clever and witty is not good medicine at this time. People need to think, and they are avoiding this believing they will wake up tomorrow and read a dozen other clever remarks to their little narratives, which is meaningless compared to what you folks are facing in your area. You won’t be so cavalier when the blackouts begin censoring discussion on an increase of summary executions over which you will have absolutely no control. It’s already out of control, and you are laughing about it. Very unwise.

  14. Have you noticed that there’s been very little national news on the unrest in Anaheim? Pretty much a media blackout.

    They don’t want to scare Jed and Dotty – the corn farmers in Iowa – into cancelling their reservations to bring the little ones to the happiest place on earth. So the quicker they put the kabosh on the protesters the better. Don’t forget. They got drones up in the sky now. Heck, with NDAA they can hook you up, call you a ‘terrist’ and deny due process. And that’s BY LAW!

    1. Thats also why they won’t let the group anywhere close to Disney. They might even resort to deadly force to keep them out.

        1. Duh u dumbass. I was there too. How close to Disneyland did they get? I thought so. Overtime has been nice though. Keep it up. We love it. I work for Santa Ana PD. thanks. Xmas will be great.

          1. Paycheck, bonus and matrix opportunity… you’re going to eventually get caught. Wait ’till you have to subordinate to some retarded TSA groper. You won’t be so cocky then.

          2. “I work for Santa Ana PD. thanks.”

            No, you don’t. Lying comes naturally to you, doesn’t it?.

          1. Were you the one with the jowls? Wait, I think there was more than one.

            the protests yesterday at Disneyland were right at the main gate. How much you want to bet there will be more?

            1. I hope so. Oh I hope so. Will be so much fun. Did you see me chase that guy down on video today? What a blast. Best time ever. I hope they rush the gates. Did you see the snipers on rooftops today? Awesome.

              1. Nobody was arrested at yesterday’s protest directly in front of Disneyland’s main gate. More disinfo.

    2. We are under martial law as of December 31, 2011. The media blackouts will magnify with an increase in police summary executions. Police will subordinate to federal intervention until they figure out what’s happening, the they’ll be squeezed out by DHS and an immigrant army. People are going to have to wake up NOW. There will be no figuring this out later. Normalcy bias WILL NOT work in these circumstances. Obama technically took the US for Britain with Healthcare reform, and he will do everything in his power to make it stick. You need a unified 2nd amendment to fight this. You don’t have this.

    3. “Honey – That Anaheim Area Looks Pretty F–ked-up – With All of The Protesters – News Crews – Police Dogs and Military Styled Uniforms and Weapons in the Streets – This Looks Just Like Libya or Syria – Maybe We Should Cancel Our Trip to Disneyland and Go To Seaworld Instead”

    4. All the cops are loving this shit though. Keep it up. Protests every weekend. Do it during an Angel game so the whole PD and the whole county is on duty. Please. Horses were great today.

      1. You’ve got it my friend – you must hit ’em again next week and the week after that and the week after that and forever – hit ’em when there’s an Angel Game – hit ’em at the front gates of Disneyland – hit ’em everywhere and every week.

        Grind ’em Down and make people watch this stuff every weekend – right at Disneyland – and watch what happens to their money supply – with all of the Cops Slurping-up the Overtime at the Pig Trough – and No One going to Disneyland – you can break these assholes very quietly and very peacefully – just make it your hobby – No Problem.

  15. Did you read SCOTUS Scalia’s quote today in the news?

    “Guns may be regulated”. Go read his opinion. Scary stuff. And he is conservative constitutionalist on the panel.

    Roberts screwed us on Obamacare. Now Scalia is going sideways.

    I’m not a constitutional lawyer…..but what don’t they understand about “Shall not be infringed upon”?

    1. Scalia’s in the tank with neopolitics. Neopoliticians are a single party parliamentary entity masked bicameral, although there is no difference between a neocon and neoliberal except their fiscal plan. People don’t understand this. Ron Paul offered us a way out of this, but people didn’t want him. We face repatriation as a consequence. The supreme court went south with the law of eminent domain, which is why Sandra Day O’Connor resigned. People don’t think, then they start chasing their tails when a crisis ensues. Life, particularly life in the US, requires constant vigilance against occult government. People blew this off, and we are thus headed for disaster.

  16. “Honey – That Anaheim Area Looks Pretty F–ked-up – With All of The Protesters – News Crews – Police Dogs and Military Styled Uniforms and Weapons in the Streets – This Looks Just Like Libya or Syria – Maybe We Should Cancel Our Trip to Disneyland and Go To Seaworld Instead”

    Take a Good Look at the Police with Military Styled Clothing and Weapons in the Photos – Looks Just Like Libya or Syria Doesn’t It – What a Shameful Embarrassment to Americans Everywhere – But – Maybe This Is the Beginning of Widespread Change – the Beginning of People Taking Back Their Communities from Corrupt Cops and Public Employees!

    Hit ’em again next week – and make sure there is a Disneyland Sign Behind you and a News Camera In Front of You at all times – you must hit ’em in the Bank Account – if you want changes. Just like with terrorism – you have to cut-off the Money Supply!

  17. Cops love riots. Overtime. Batons. Gas. It’s like a wet dream for them. Ask em. They love these protests.

    1. So, what you’re basically saying is that cops are sexually turned on by pepper spray and beating innocents.

      You heard it here folks. Straight from the horses’, uh… pig’s mouth.

      1. Panic feeds on itself. That’s what’s important to know. Panic is mitigated by movement. Police experience panic in a riot, and so it’s natural for them to channel this into pressing back on a crowd. This is true also during an arrest, which is why it’s important for police officer to have above average IQ so they can control themselves psychologically. Retarded cops, paedomorphs, the ones they favor for police work, can’t do this and end up killing people unnecessarily. They don’t have the ability to constrain their panic, and a myriad of misunderstandings and mistakes ensue. Welcome to the desert of the real.

        1. Funny how we’re chatting amiably in this thread and tearing each others throats out in another. Gotta love blogs. For what its worth, your outlandish theories have some kernel of truth in them, I’ll give you that. Peace.

  18. As a spectator it really cracks me up.

    They leave huge holes in the international border so massive numbers of illegal indigents can enter and infiltrate our neighborhoods. And then they practically outlaw internal immigration enforcement (see AB 1081 for the final shoe that is about to drop). And then they can’t understand why these cities turn into war zones packed with poor people.

    Come on. You’d have to all be a drooling imbeciles not to see what’s happening. It’s being orchestrated. It’s not happening by spontaneous combustion from nowhere.

    Grow up. Do they need to draw you a map?

      1. It’s not really something to agree with me about. Perhaps a basic acknowledgment is in order. Just as if I were to tell you that the sun rises in the east or that a banana is curved or that 2+2=4. There’s really nothing to disagree about. It is simple fact.

        Although blaming the illegals is understandable – it’s not really fair. They are coming here for all the free crap. Who wouldn’t? It’s our leaders who are screwing us by leaving the front door wide open and allowing in millions of dirt poor people who are turning our cities into war zones. It’s our leader’s responsibility to shut down the borders and enforce internal immigration law. But they are doing neither. It’s being orchestrated. That can’t even be disputed. It’s simply an observation. Like 2+2=4.

        1. No JustUs. Illegals come here to get away from the screwed-up conditions in their own countries caused mainly by our agricultural policies and their own countries repression and corruption, much of which is tied to our own drug-war, forced upon them. But I’ll bet you disagree with me so I’m just going to leave it at that.

          1. You don’t see any mexican doctors or architects or engineers fleeing to America to escape the corruption and repression in their own countries, do you Plain Glazed?

            Only the poor ones flee here, don’t they? That’s because their governements tell them to move north to become our problem. Poor people gotta eat too, don’t they? And they love free crap. Just like you do.

            So your thesis is full of holes and senseless.

            And you don’t think we have corruption on a massive scale here?

            Are you blind, brother?

            1. Oh, your theory is that poor Mexican displaced agricultural workers, bankrupted and ruined by the declining price of corn and other agricultural commodities which resulted from NAFTA move to the US because “their governements tell them to move north to become our problem.” Do they tell them this in person, or is it a fucking phone call?

              As much stuff as we agree on, every once in a while you just ignore the most basic political and political-economic relations, as if the world is so damn simple you can reduce it to one variable “their guvmint told them to come up here to feed offa our trough.” You are smarter than that, so what is your excuse? And by the way, you argue like a jackass. You don’t try to agree with people who are agreeing with you. You don’t try to ever say, hey, maybe we’re both right. Then you always throw in shit like “are you blind, brother?” Come on man. You’re not the one genius out there we all need to listen to. Get off your high horse and maybe you can see the world is not as simple as you think it is.

              Nah, probably not.

              1. “Do they tell them this in person, or is it a fucking phone call?”

                Whatddya doin? Smokin’ those plain glazed instead of eating them?

                The mexican government along with all the other 3rd world banana republics have been printing up flyers for their peasants directing them to the easiest and safest routes to enter America undetected and advising them where to go once they reach America for social services. The flyers also tell them how American law works and how they are entitled to free education and medical care in any hospital ER.

                Nafta screwed the USA. It drove our jobs south. It opened up brand new manufacturing plants in Mexico that never existed before. So it didn’t eliminate jobs in Mexico. It created tens of thousands of new jobs for their peasants. But obviously not enough. Because their indigents continue to flood our cities looking for handouts.

                America is an incredibly corrupt nation. That’s not speculation. That’s fact. We’re just a little more sophisticated than Mexico. Instead of giving the cop $40 on a bogus traffic stop – we give the cop a 3%@50 @ age 52-55 for the rest of his life and pay him a salary of $100k plus for his high school education. All of that was a result of corruption that took place within the halls of our polticial buildings. Personally, I would rather live under the Mexican system. It is more honest and less costly.

                That is only on small example of the corruption in America. It is virtually everywhere in the highest ranks of government. But of the little people get caught doing it we go to jail. 😉

                So you are bling, my friend. Either that or willfully ignorant.

                1. Typically, you don’t respond to the actual points I made. The ones backed up with facts.

                  NAFTA decimated Mexican and Central American agriculture. That’s because we subsidize big ag here. Archer-Daniels made a mint while the Mexican peasants all went belly up. The maquiliadoras are a poor substitute. Terrible working conditions, low pay, major US corporate profits.

                  As far as those imaginary flyers – if it was so easy and safe to cross the border and the Mexican govt. was behind this then why do all immigrants have to use coyotes (who work for the cartels) to get over the border? And is there a single documented flyer by the Mexican govt. that you can link us to? Or should we just take your word for it?

                  I am not denying the US is corrupt by the way, in that post or any other. Your argument style is to make accusations totally unsupported by what other people write, and then attack people for not debunking them fast enough. Its childish and disingenuous. So instead of defending your ludicrous assertion that illegal immigration is the root of all problems, and that the root of illegal immigration is the Mexican govt. telling their people to “go up north and get the free shit” you attack me for something I never said and don’t believe. Typical.

                  Your basic understanding of political economy is the problem anyway. Yes, the US is corrupt. Mexico is even more corrupt, hard though it may be for you to imagine. But the immigration problem is a creation of corporate America/the US govt.’s neoliberal willful destruction of the Mexican agricultural sector. Do the following research: look at the Mexican smallholding farmer’s profits after NAFTA and compare them to that of US agribusiness. Then maybe you’ll get it.

                  And I don’t wear bling, dumbass.

            2. Learn something:

              Illegal Immigration and NAFTA
              February 05, 2011 Dustin Ensinger

              One of the largely overlooked aspects of the North American Free Trade Agreement is the fact that the failed trade pact has been the catalyst for the massive increase in illegal immigration over the past two decades or so.

              An influx of highly subsidized corn flooding the Mexican market has displaced millions of rural farmers, according to McClatchy Newspapers. Prior to the implementation of NAFTA, Mexican officials claimed that factory jobs would fill the void left by disappearing work on family farms.

              Mexican officials had promised that NAFTA would result in the “export of goods, not people.” That, however, has turned out to be far from reality.

              Since NAFTA was signed into law, illegal immigrants in the U.S. has increased to 12 million today from 3.9 million in 1993, accounting for an overall increase of over 300 percent. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, 57 percent of those entering the country illegally are from Mexico.

              “The numbers of people displaced from family farming were much, much higher than the number of new wage jobs,” Jonathan Fox, an expert on rural Mexico at the University of California at Santa Cruz, told McClatchy Newspapers.

              Those displaced workers are largely the result of U.S. corn exports to Mexico. Heavily subsidized American Agribusiness not only put hundreds of thousands of American family farms out of business, but also dumped billions of dollars worth of American agricultural products into the Mexican market, putting millions of peasant farmers out of business.

              Between 1994 and 2001, the flood of cheap, subsidized American corn caused the price of the crop to fall 70 percent in Mexico. The drop in prices caused millions of farm jobs to disappear, with the numbers falling from 8.1 million in 1993 to 6.8 million in 2002.

              Those out-of-work farmers make up the bulk of the illegal immigrants entering the U.S. each year. Unable to compete with their highly subsidized American competitors – $10 billion in 2000 alone – rural Mexican farmers have increasingly sought employment in the U.S.

              Corn producing jobs – the nation’s largest cash crop – fell by over one million in the first decade of NAFTA. Additionally, another 142,000 job cultivating flowers and fruit have disappeared.

              In rural areas, the percentage of the population working in the agricultural sector fell from 44 percent in the early 1990s to just 28 percent at the beginning of the decade.

              Even those that did not earn livings on farms were likely to be affected by NAFTA. Since the trade pact was implemented, 30,000 small and medium-sized businesses have permanently closed their doors.

              “It’s been roughly a tripling, quadrupling, quintupling of U.S. corn exports to Mexico, depending on the year,” Timothy A. Wise, the director of research and policy at the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University in Medford, Mass, told McClatchy Newspapers. “Is that a river? Yeah, that’s a lot of corn.”

              The end result has been a flood of illegal immigration into the U.S. With jobs drying up in Mexico, millions have illegally crossed the border seeking work. If it were not for NAFTA, illegal immigration would not be such a problem.

              “The great failure of this supposition is that there wasn’t economic growth that would absorb these people,” Victor Suarez, the executive director of the National Association of Rural Producers, told McClatchy. “The result has left rural areas increasingly populated by the elderly and women.”

              “In Chiapas, there was hardly any migration before NAFTA,” Suarez said, referring to Mexico’s southernmost state. “Farm laborers were even brought in from Guatemala. Now, more than 50,000 rural people from Chiapas go each year to the United States.”

              1. Interesting. I was just reading something though that said that illegal immigration is steadily decreasing right now. With hardly any jobs available, this seems plausible.
                And I know the reason why Mexico loves us is because this is the land of opportunity. This is why people cross the border here illegally. It’s an easy way to make extra money to send home. That’s the first key.

                1. Don’t believe the propoganda from the leftists. NAFTA send tens of thousands of jobs south. Don’t you recall Ross Perot calling NAFTA ‘the great sucking sound’? He was 100% right. Looking back every honest educated man realizes now that NAFTA hurt the US economically. Oh, the big white shoed boys and banksters made money hand over fist. But the common ordinary US citizen got screwed royally. Again, this is not speculation. It’s fact.

                  And illegal immigration into the US is not decreasing. That’s pure BS and a ploy to ripen you up for more amnesty programs. All you need to do is look at the amount of money wired from the US to Mexico and to the other 3rd world banana republics (referred to as “remittances”) over the last 5 years. The dollar amount has increased consecutively over each of those 5 years. So if illegals are self-deporting from the USA – why are their remittances to their latin american countries of orgin increasing year over year??? Use your brain. Stop swallowing their bait for christ sakes.

                  And why is the unemployment rate in Mexico about 5% when it’s over 8% in the USA???

                  Wake the hell up.

            3. “You don’t see any mexican doctors or architects or engineers fleeing to America to escape the corruption and repression in their own countries, do you Plain Glazed?”

              Actually, many doctors, engineers and others DO come to the USA to escape the corruption and the associated repression within their governments. For example, all you have to do is look at the list of doctor’s and other health provider’s names at Kaiser.

              1. “For example, all you have to do is look at the list of doctor’s and other health provider’s names at Kaiser”

                Why don’t you go ask those docs why they came to America? And most of them are Indian, not Mexican. None of them will tell you due to the ‘repression’ or ‘corruption’. In fact, they will laugh at you. We have an incredible amount of corruption here in the USA. You just choose not to see it. Foreign doctors come here for the MONEY to be made in medicine. That is the ONLY reason they choose to come here. At least those who qualify. Not all do. Most of the mexican trained physicians don’t come to America. The LARGE LARGE majority remain in Mexico.

                You don’t have professional mexicans fleeing Mexico to come to the USA. We get all of their poor indigents. Don’t believe me? Look at Santa Ana and Anaheim. Open your eyes. Why are you people in such deep denial?

                1. Another stupid false dichotomy. Hey blowhard, what if the US AND other countries are ALL corrupt? Not just one or the other, which nobody ever said, except for you. Why are you such a blowhard?

                2. “And most of them are Indian, not Mexican.”

                  And Chinese,Vietnamese and Filipinos.

                  Yes, of course it’s because of the money. Their degrees are welcome here, and much easier to leave when you have a needed skill in the US. They grant work visas all the time to people who have highly skilled jobs.

                  JustUs, I don’t think you know me well enough to say whether or not I’m in denial. For many years I lived in San Diego, where many legal and illegal Mexican immigrants reside, and I have traveled a lot throughout Mexico. There are many sad tales to tell.

                  Our immigration policies leave a lot to be desired.

                3. “There are many sad tales to tell”

                  There are sad takes to tell EVERYWHERE, Jane.

                  Have you ever spent a day in an American ghetto or barrio? Go there sometime. Those people must COMPETE with illegal aliens for resources. When the american jobs get sucked southwards the citizen underclass in the ghettos get screwed. So they have to end up selling dope and selling their bodies and robbing to survive. So don’t try to sell me on the old tear jerker “Oh, it’s so sad to see how the mexicans live”. It’s not the responsibility of AMERICANS to bail out the mexicans or to rescue them. THE MEXICANS NEED TO DO THAT FOR THEMSELVES!

    1. It’s being orchestrated.

      Exactly. There are some very bad people within our government determined to create utter chaos and havoc.

      This is why you cannot give a blank check and little to no oversight to agencies like the CIA or DHS because when it’s infiltrated, you’re basically allowing the enemy destroy you from within.

      1. When its infiltrated? The CIA has been lawlessly overthrowing governments since their inception, because all Presidents, conservative and liberal heroes alike, want them too.

        1. I really wanted to avoid the word *if*.

          The CIA in particular has been allowed to run programs without any oversight and with the exception of a few high profile espionage cases, agents and assets are never held accountable for any actions.

          This policy leaves the door wide open for any person or group with nefariousness interests to infiltrate and run a bunch of “rogue” operations and programs that could severely cripple this country.

          This is probably the only country in the world that allows their intelligence agencies run amok with ZERO accountability.

          1. All completely true. But that’s also how the Executive branch has wanted it under every administration since Eisenhower.

  19. JustUs :
    Don’t believe the propoganda from the leftists. NAFTA send tens of thousands of jobs south. Don’t you recall Ross Perot calling NAFTA ‘the great sucking sound’? He was 100% right. Looking back every honest educated man realizes now that NAFTA hurt the US economically. Oh, the big white shoed boys and banksters made money hand over fist. But the common ordinary US citizen got screwed royally. Again, this is not speculation. It’s fact.
    And illegal immigration into the US is not decreasing. That’s pure BS and a ploy to ripen you up for more amnesty programs. All you need to do is look at the amount of money wired from the US to Mexico and to the other 3rd world banana republics (referred to as “remittances”) over the last 5 years. The dollar amount has increased consecutively over each of those 5 years. So if illegals are self-deporting from the USA – why are their remittances to their latin american countries of orgin increasing year over year??? Use your brain. Stop swallowing their bait for christ sakes.
    And why is the unemployment rate in Mexico about 5% when it’s over 8% in the USA???
    Wake the hell up.

    Propaganda huh? You mean documented facts? Why did the Zapatista movement arise? There are dozens of unbiased studies confirming the decimation of Mexican, particularly indigenous and mestizo agriculture after NAFTA. Of course the poor in the US got screwed too, but not nearly as bad as the poor in Mexico. That’s exactly why they come over here, though the violence in Mexico linked to the US-led war on drugs is another major factor that you seem to be missing. Turn off Rush Limbaugh and start paying attention.
    46% of Mexico’s population lives below the poverty rate. This is up since NAFTA passed.

    More on NAFTA and its effects on the Mexican economy:

    Maquiliadoras: 13-year old girls working for $3.40 per day. JustUs no doubt approves:

    1. The standard of living for the average mexican increased since NAFTA, you dolt. Look at their GDP today as compared with the inception of NAFTA. Most manufacturing plants for everything from hot water heaters to refrigerators to roofing materials to corrogated fibre went south after NAFTA. It’s what Ross Perot warned us about with his phrase “The Giant Sucking Sound” which robbed Americans of jobs for the underclass. And, of course, the corporations have taken over agricultural production in Mexico. It’s called PROGRESS, you dolt. Corporations can produce 10000x’s more units of production per day than the peasant farmer could do by hand planting his seed! Do you want Mexico to remain in the stone ages??? The mexican government sends all it’s undesireable peasants (criminals, feigners, leeches, etc…) north to American. I told you that the mexican governement prints up flyers telling them how to enter and where to go once they invade our country. You didn’t respond, naturally.

      All you need to do is look at Santa Ana and Anaheim to observe the immense damage that disorderly immigration has caused our country. I know you don’t want to face the truth. None of you do while your nation is slowly dismantled piece by piece. Shame on all of you.

      1. @JustUa You’re describing neopolitics. Good narrative, may I add. NAFTA’S OTHER mission is repatriation via the NAU. International corporations are doing the same thing here they did overseas. They make a presence and offer of business where the indigenous are subordinated to corporate policy thus displacing the Bill of Rights, constitution and production resources. Eventually people acculturate to corporate interests and will vote in favor of legislation that circumvents the rule of law thus capitulating to the devil as it were. this is right out of Genesis. I hate to repeat what I’ve already said, but when Ms. Thomas accepted her settlement she let the devil through the door. Mr. Thomas will likely do the same. It’s a herd mentality. The message is people in the US don’t have any dignity, and paying off a summary execution diffident to the rule of law precipitates corporatist malingering, transformation of conscience to criminal mindedness and collapse of a lifestyle that had we been paying more attention to this it would never have got this weird.

        1. If Mr. Thomas settles prior to trial and all the evidence of criminality and malfeasance is buried from public view – IMO that would be a slap to the face of his son’s memory. I pray he does not take that route.

          If my recollection is correct – they already offered Mr. Thomas nearly a million dollars for his signature. He declined. That was admirable. The stakes are high. We are all watching with interest. Please, Mr. Thomas. Do the right thing. Make Kelly proud.

          1. He didn’t take the million because the greedy s.o.b. wants more. Dont worry he is not going to settle because there isn’t an offer on the table and there won’t be. The gig will soon be up Ron and all your lies will be exposed.

      2. How many countries in the world’s GDP haven’t increased since 1994 when NAFTA was passed? Any? 85% of Mexico’s GDP is accounted for by a small number of families who control all of that manufacturing – people like Carlos Slim. Meanwhile 50 million people live below the poverty line and inequality continues to get worse. Yeah, Mexico got shitty manufacturing jobs where their workers earn less than $4 per day as I’ve already stated and backed up with sources. Of course corporations fled to Mexico with their complete absence of environmental and health safety standards for workers and their below-subsistence minimum wage. That’s called PROGRESS to you? Progress for US corporations no doubt, and other industrialized country manufacturers. I already explained to you (again with sources) that the number of people and the percentage of people in poverty has risen in Mexico since NAFTA passed. Too bad you don’t have the ability to process information that violates whatever moronic theory you’re currently indoctrinated by.

        Yeah, you made up some absolute bullshit about the “letters” the Mexican govt. sends it “undesirables” (probably most of the population from your point of view) and I asked you to prove that. You didn’t. Of course. Because those letters only exist in your imagination and that of your Minuteman buddies. I responded. You didn’t. So here it is again. Prove your dumbass assertion. I’m waiting…..

        All you need to do is look at Juarez to see how much PROGRESS there has been in Mexico lately. Why don’t you just move there? You can open a widget factory and hire child laborers. It’s the free market so it’ll give you a hard-on. They can get killed on their way home from work like the hundreds of women who went missing, documented in books such as Down by the River. Books you’ll never read, because Rush never told you to.

        Now, I proved to you that mass immigration from Mexico to the US increased dramatically after NAFTA because of US subsidies for corn which destroyed peasant agriculture. I also cited evidence (known to everyone in Mexico and everybody who reads the paper in the US) that the Zapatista rebellion happened exactly because of this. Hell, the Zapatistas would tell you that themselves. You ignored all of that, because it violated your initial inane proclamation. Guess what, being wrong is something that happens to all of us. Most of us can take it, but you can’t. Instead you just avoid the issues where you’ve been proven wrong, like a little bitch. You’ve also avoided the war on drugs issue completely. You don’t think people want to leave a city like Reynosa where there is open war between the Zetas and the Sinaloa cartel (and their army allies) and people get shot every single day?

        You don’t want to face the truth, including the truth that you argue like a 3rd grade asshole and that most of the people on this blog think you’re an arrogant blowhard. Shame on you, “brother.”

    2. @plain glazed Excuse me, but you will soon learn that Mexico was harvested by the Knights of Malta decades ago. Who do you think created the drug cartels, taught them how to use sacrifice to threaten their neighbors and struck down their effort to loft MK/ULTRA out of fear this would empower Mexican sovereignty? You’re too locked into normal to get the big picture. It looks like this:

      Very Brief Overview

      Council of Nicaea/Vatican
      Knights of Malta
      Templar Knights
      City of London
      Bilderberg (Reconvened Council of Nicaea)

      May I add that acronym for Council of Nicaea is CON. You’ll notice 1776 is missing from this time line. That’s because the Vatican never acknowledged our secession. We, in turn, prohibited the Catholic Church from establishing itself in the US. The founders warned not to allow this organization’s economic interests to penetrate US political infrastructure for the reason we are seeing today.

      Neopolitics is the Knights of Malta, kidnapping for torture, the Vatican and the prevalence of BDSM/pedophilia for entertainment. People are arguing with these circumstances with absolutely no clue they are chasing their tails. We predicted Fullerton and Anaheim a decade ago. People need to wake the fuck up pretty quick.


      1. Can you imagine the amount of pedophilia that must have occurred in the Catholic Church in Mexico? I shudder at the thought. Down there a Catholic priest can do no wrong. He is literally the town god who walks on water.

        1. In reality it’s not much different in the US. If you can get people to trust you they’ll do do just about anything for you, including hand over their children. TBI/Fusion Center co-matrixed XI-U, and even THOSE parents were and continue to be mystified with the exception of one whose beginning to think outside the box. In THESE circumstances it’s t he Baptist church that’s the problem with the local pastor nearly in tears trying to con the public to keep their faith against increasing awareness that he too may be involved in this. That would be a pretty quick gauntlet.

            1. I understand how you are making this comparison, but it not much different in the US. The word priest means sacerdos (sacrifice, eucharist), and the Greek form of this was human sacrifice of infants (Phoneticia and Carthage). This is the source of Catholicism and the myriad of minor religions that have come up around it in the US (eg Mormon, Baptist, Nazarene). Catholicism was NOT founded by Jesus. Jesus is a myth created by the Council of Nicaea, the formulation of the Catholic Church the product of the influence of historians of the day who were in part familiar with Greek mysticism. Also, sacrifice is NOT a feature of the protestant faiths.

  20. They remind me of something I used to hear in the old South…

    “Liar, Liar, can’t get under the chicken wire.”

  21. JustUs :
    “There are many sad tales to tell”
    There are sad takes to tell EVERYWHERE, Jane.
    It’s not the responsibility of AMERICANS to bail out the mexicans or to rescue them. THE MEXICANS NEED TO DO THAT FOR THEMSELVES!

    THE US FUCKED UP MEXICO you idiot. Most recently with NAFTA and the War on Drugs, not to mention the CIA propping up the PRI for most of its history. Read and weep my ignorant friend.

    1. HAH! 😀

      Yeah, Mexico is a victim. The US is to blame for Mexico being a ****hole!!! HAH!

      Put down the pipe, glazed. You’ve had enough today.

      And take your La Raza links and shove ’em up where the sun don’t shine, brother!

      1. Keep denying reality and history JustUs. Why do you think the PRI was able to exercise one-party rule over Mexico for 71 years? And you think that a website which provides documents from the CIA gained through FOIA requests are “La Raza” links? I’m not sure if that makes you more of an idiot or a racist. Let’s not split hairs and just say both.:D

        Speaking of pipes, you ignore the war on drugs again. Why do you think Mexico got involved in the drug business at all? Prohibition of alcohol and then prohibition of marijuana, aided by US demand for both. But that isn’t the US’s fault right? I mean, all they did was control the Mexican government and enable its smugglers and growers to make a profit. 😀

        Now why don’t you go chant U-S-A! U-S-A! to yourself for a while. More comforting for you than actual reality, isn’t it. 😀

      2. Here are some more links you’re far, far too stupid to understand:

        Excerpt: “One of the most crime-ridden CIA assets we know of is the Mexican DFS, which the US helped to create. From its foundation in the 1940s, the DFS, like other similar kryptocracies in Latin America, was deeply involved with international drug-traffickers. By the 1980s possession of a DFS card was recognized by DEA agents as a “license to traffic;” DFS agents rode security for drug truck convoys, and used their police radios to check of signs of American police surveillance.[10] Eventually the DFS became so identified with the criminal drug-trafficking organizations it managed and protected, that in the 1980s the DFS was (at least officially) closed down.[11]Thus the CIA-DFS alliance was at best an uneasy one, with conflicting goals. The CIA’s concern was to manage and limit the drug traffic, while the DFS sought to manage and expand it.”

        Excerpt: “The Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement in drug trafficking is back in the media spotlight after a spokesman for the violence-plagued Mexican state of Chihuahua became the latest high-profile individual to accuse the CIA, which has been linked to narcotics trafficking for decades, of ongoing efforts to “manage the drug trade.” The infamous American spy agency refused to comment.

        In a recent interview, Chihuahua state spokesman Guillermo Terrazas Villanueva told Al Jazeera that the CIA and other international “security” outfits “don’t fight drug traffickers.” Instead, Villanueva argued, they try to control and manage the illegal drug market for their own benefit.”

        Don’t worry brother! None of these articles are by Mexicans! I know how scared you are of La Raza but these are all by God-fearin’ Americuns!

  22. @Plain Glazed/JustUs First of all, NAFTA is a Knights of Malta enterprise. Most insurgencies are. The dark side of the CIA/State Department is MK/ULTRA.

    Mexico is being preyed upon via drugs, and we see this and condemn the indigenous immoral, but did you know the same thing is going on in the US with an equally devastating impact?

    Here they’re ripping us apart with entertainment. We cater to the world’s entertainment addictions the same way Mexico resources drug addiction. You would think people would stop and think and problem solve, but they lock horns in territorial disputes instead, and the fallout is occult government, always.

    1. I associate MK/Ultra with the 50s-60s CIA testing of chemical agents on humans for brainwashing purposes – marijuana, LSD, etc. Are you saying MK/Ultra is a bigger project than that, and is ongoing?

      1. State of the art! It merged Hollywood with the state department. Hell, Disney Underworld in Florida is a part of this. That checkered dress Anne Hathaway was wearing is MK/ULTRA. Whitney Duncan/Butterfly Sting, MK/ULTRA. Prison Planet… MK/ULTRA.

        1. That checkered dress Anne Hathaway was wearing is MK/ULTRA. Whitney Duncan/Butterfly Sting, MK/ULTRA. Prison Planet… MK/ULTRA.

          Classic COINTELPRO tactic here. He’s desperately trying to discredit all opposition and divert your attention. You’ll commonly see these rambling messages on sites or news articles that delve into illegal government activities.

          You’ll probably see a bunch of spam or other rambling posts referencing to the “End of days”, religion or race very soon.

          These guys are suddenly here because something big is happening within law enforcement in Orange County and I have a feeling its only going to get bigger.

          If you’re involved in law enforcement in Orange County and get orders to shoot protesters or infiltrate protests to cause mayhem, get names, record it and anonymously report it to the media like the OC Weekly.first (I don’t trust mainstream media like the OC Register).

          1. Hahaha. Vermont, what online creative politic course are you taking? I would like to have a look at the curriculum! Then again, if it ma ma makes you haa-pee, what difference does it make, eh Simple Jack?

      2. Ah, before I forget, Amy Winehouse refused Hollywood Rehab, which is MK/ULTRA, which was the basis of her song, Rehab. They killed her for this.

  23. Okay, damn.
    All of these guys are about 40-50 pounds overweight. At least.
    So here’s the deal:
    1. No eating in the car. Please, it looks bad.
    2. Limit your calories to 1200 a day. Sorry, I know that’s mean, but you’re on my payroll. This is what I demand.
    3. The only snacks you’re allowed to have is fruit.
    4. Bread, once a day. That’s it. No big sandwiches.

    Oh damn. Here I am giving fat advice to cops. Man, that is bad. Too bad we just can’t give out tickets for being public servants and being fat.
    Like I said in the other post. The new logo for the Fullerton PD will have a Fat Caliper.

    1. “The new logo for the Fullerton PD will have a Fat Caliper.”

      I know funny. And that’s funny.

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