It’s A Dirty Job….

…but somebody’s got to do it.






















And that’s not all. Do I really have to go on?

321 Replies to “It’s A Dirty Job….”

    1. Hey Travis, before you mouth off about the shape of Fullerton, how about cleaning up your own nasty yard. It looks like a Compton yard.


      1. Indeed. Let’s get in our time machines and travel back to 2002 where the redevelopment money leaks out like water in a a Fullerton water main, the council illegally taxes whomever and whenever it pleases, and the cops can beat a homeless man to death in peace.

          1. The only one I see texting at the City Council meetings are Barry Coffman on the aisle in the second row?

            Barry’s been attempting to orchestrate a circus all summer long, by trotting out speakers from MADD, and then have his own people trot out big purple bongs in front of hundreds of impressional children, so that he can attempt to scare the populace into voting for the three chimps that whenever it comes to issues with the police or fire departments will never…

            See no evil (Flory)

            Speak no evil (Alvarez)

            Hear no evil (Bankhead)

          2. Hey Giant, why don’t you focus as much energy on trying to raise your children correctly, so they don’t act out like abusive degenerates, as you do trying to trash decent council members to get the union puppets back on the dais to continue to fuck over the average citizen.

            Talk about cleaning up your own yard first…

            Someone who can’t run their family has no business telling us how to run our city.

      1. There’s no minimum age for city council. You’re welcome to convince him to run. Shame he’s being used for political purposes, but whatever.

      2. Keller is shameless in using old women and young children to do her political bidding.

        I always wondered why Pam Keller and the rest of the Fullerton Teachers Union was allowed to protest on Harbor Boulevard and ask people to honk to show their support for the demands that they were making, yet the Kelly Thomas protesters were given tickets when they did the same thing?

        That was until I witnessed the unabashed support that the Fullerton Police Officers Union has been giving Pam Keller and her ilk from the teachers union during the City Council meetings.

        The only ones that were clapping for that little boy were the union goons in the back three rows that oppose Kiger and Whitaker beccause they have enough chutzpah to stand up to these bullies.

        If any of you think that Teachers themselves are not some of the biggest bullies in the world, you’ve got your head buried in the sand and need to go and sit in the administrative office of any one of the schools here in Fullerton and observe for five minutes how your children are spoken to.

        All I’ve ever seen is mostly contempt and sarcastic and caustic comments, which can be even more damaging than physical abuse.

        I believe that there have been at least three incidents of bullying by Teacher and Administrators here in Fullerton over the last year.

        The last one, was by a Teacher who told the student that he was going to “skull fuck him if he didn’t stop looking at him”” because the student was upset that the Teacher had referred to him as a “faggot”…

        Bullying Teachers

        The dunce cap, standing in the corner, having one’s hand whacked with a ruler, having one’s poor grade announced to the class: all these methods that at one time were a common occurrence in educational settings might now fall under the category of bullying teachers. Bullying teachers can act by using degrading words and treatment, as well as physical punishments. Other school employees besides teachers can bully students, including coaches, custodians, security personnel, and the front office staff, even the principal.

        The public display of a bullying victim’s inadequacy often has a different feel in the classroom in which most work is independent and grades can be returned privately versus in the gym, on the sports field, or in the shop setting, in which nearly all work is on display, making everyone aware of the victim’s situation. The teacher responding to a student while standing beside his or her desk can maintain some semblances of privacy; the coach or teacher responding to a student half a football field or gymnasium away will likely be heard by all. Thus, in some school settings, humiliation is more likely for a sensitive student, even when correction or constructive criticism is given, let alone when teacher bullying occurs. It is unclear whether teacher bullying may actually set the stage for peer bullying.

        Teacher bullying may go unreported for several reasons. The victim may not trust the system to support or believe him or her, especially if there are any instances in which the victim had infringed school behavior rules. The victim may also fear retribution by the teacher in the form of a lowered grade or more teacher bullying behavior. The victim may also fear retribution by students who are in good standing with the teacher. When teachers bully an entire class, the feeling may be that they have the support of the school and that everyone must know and accept this behavior. Teachers may also bully other teachers and school staff.

        1. You seem to be attempting to justify Kiger and FFFF’s bullying with the argument that it’s OK because all teachers and police officers are bullies.

          Got it.

          1. So give us an example of FFFF bullying. Bullying is when the big kid picks on the little one.

            FFFF only picks on the big kids who deserve it. Like the FPOA, for instance.

            1. truth and logic will get nowhere with these folks.

              It’s like when you are killing a cockroach, and it isn’t quite dead, but almost dead, and the gross little legs flail around in an attempt to regain footing, and their life.

              Pam Keller is a dying cockroach leg. And Sharon Kennedy, and Flory, and that ugly teacher who likes to hear herself talk. The fact that they are all over the place, fighting with all their might against Fullerton being protected and told the truth, just shows we are this close to killing off these bastards.

              Just watch the legs flail and wait for death to come.

              Then set up the necessary protection to make sure they don’t come back to reinfect our city with their disease of theft and selfishness with our tax money.

            1. So when the cops stand up to Kiger, it’s bullying, but when Kiger stands up to the cops, it’s standing up to bullying.

              Got it. Thanks for the clarification. No hypocrisy there, no sir.

              1. Well, no. If Kiger had grabbed himself a badge, a gun, and a night stick and beat the crap out of someone to the point of them dying . . . then yeah– it’d be a little hypocritical.

                Well, no. I take that back. It’d be hypocritical if Kiger did those things, then rode around on the taxpayer’s dime handing out tickets for excessive honking to those police officers who were upset about his involvement in a public execution.

                OK, that’s still not right. It’d be hypocritical if Kiger did all of those things above, then held an open house event to smooth things over, used up police manpower to hold such an event that would have been better deployed preventing the bank down the street from being robbed.

                Yeah, that’s about right. THAT would be hypocritical.

        2. And how about Quirk trying to bully Seborn into caving in on the chief selection charade. She was looking back and forth trying to coax him into agreeing with her like it was her 3rd grade classroom. Thank God he flipped her the bird.

  1. Ahahahaha I saw this today and laughed hard enough that my good neighbor Flory could likely hear me over the sound of her gin pouring down her gullet.

    The best dirt they have on Travis is that he stored some signs in a basement “wasting tax payer resources”. And this from the same people that brought to you the illegal water tax that stole a few hundred bucks from EVERY fullerton resident to fatten up the bellies of the union guys that bank their campaigns.

    You want us to vote you in for reform and fear big bad Travis Kiger who let a stack or two of signs hang out in a basement?

    Oh my. Have another drink Flory.

    1. There was an old barfly named Flory
      Who told the bartender “I want more.” He
      Poured her a drink
      She gave him a wink
      And that ain’t the end of the story.

      1. There was a feller named Keller
        He liked the gals with hair colored yeller
        He met a woman named Pam and it was
        Wham, bam, thank ya ma’am
        Now he’s known only as the husband of Pam Keller.

  2. The list is absolutely enlightening. How about adding FPD officer Sgt. Shone, head of Internal Affairs that was supposed to investigate that above list of miscreants? He found NADA! And for that he is paid $135,000 per year + an exorbitant pension of 3@50 voted in by Jan Flory? He also spends his spare time bringing a bong to city council meetings where a large number of impressionable preteen soccer players were present. Total lack of common sense and decency and yet Acting Chief Danny Hughes did not see anything wrong with Shone’s appearance! And you folks want Danny as Chief despite his 29 years learning the culture of corruption? YIKES!

    1. I hear he flashed his sergeant badge to “borrow” the bong. That’s an abuse of authority but who can you complain to when the culprit is the Internal Affairs Sergeant.

      1. Hello?!?!? U forgot me on the list? I beat up a kid at my home in Chino Hills!!! The kids injuries were so bad when the kid went to school his teacher reported it! But have no fear bcuz I “only” pleaded guilty to False imprisonment. I knew I was good bcuz I’m a cocky LAPD lateral who lives next to a FPD lieutenant. Pretty soon I’ll be promoted to Corporal and be a gang detective; oh wait I already did!!!!!!! Smh

  3. Actually, those signs were most likely stored there from the city or police picking them up and dropping them there.

    1. I agree. Why would Travis store anything at City Hall? My guess is those signs were stolen by off-duty FPOA who then staged a stupid photo-op – as if anybody cared anyway. More loserdom from Sgt. Shone & Co.

        1. Felz has no descisons for the city anymore. Didnt you hear? City Council took that away from him. So why is he around? Just to show up at the council meetings.

        2. “Parks and disenfranchisement” agenda, Fullerton’s provincial liberals
          ( a nice way to say small-minded) believe the crime rate in Fullerton’s low income neighborhoods or any poor neighborhood will decrease if you tell them they have a chance to have a voice in government then buy off their moral outrage by treating them like stupid dogs and buy off their righteous outrage by creating a park for them to frolic in all day. Plus, dedicating parks in low income neighborhoods are good political photo-ops.
          Google Pam Keller or quirk silva and Fullerton parks and you see this political ploy.
          Joe Felz served his provincial liberal masters well as director of Fullerton’s parks and recreation before being promoted to very important role of city manager.
          Need I say more?
          Just my opinion

        3. “parks and disenfranchisement” Fullerton provincial liberals( a nice way to say small-minded) believe the nuisance of Fullerton’s lower-income neighborhoods with their higher than the upper class neighborhoods crime rate and gang problems may be ameliorated if you promise these same neighborhood residents a voice in government then treat them like dumb dogs and buy them off by creating a park for these poor, dumb people to frolic in all day. Then at the end of the day these same people may use their EBT cards and give themselves a happy meal. Plus dedicating parks in low-income neighborhoods are good photo-ops for Fullerton’s politcal liberals. Google Pam Keller and nay othe city o Fullerton professed political liberal and parks.
          After serving as director of Fullerton’s parks and recreation, Felz was appointed to the very important position as Fullerton’s city manager. A role that demands financial acuity.
          Joe Felz has no academic background in finance or economics. He does have a master’s degree from CSU Fullerton in sociology
          hey, just my opinion

        4. He started his career as a recreation leader in Community Services (Parks & Rec), moved up to being manager of the NOC Museum (the old library @ 301 N Pomona), then was made dept head of Community Services, was pals with Chris Meyer, then viola — Meyer retires before he’s even hit 60 and recommends to Council that his interim replacement be Joe F. A real nice guy, but unfortunately not the guy we need at this point in time.

          1. i would be a nic guy, too, if i was making a six figure salary from a job that requires qualifications i did not earn

  4. Yes. Fullerton city council person, Travis Kiger, has plenty more trash to dump from city of Fullerton’s government along with the cronies of this same government.

  5. What a lame post! Really……. With all that’s going on that’s the best you got!haha must be running out of dirt!

  6. A picture really is worth a thousand words.

    Excellent. Bravo. My hope is that communities from coast to coast start taking out their trash as well.

  7. Ah, the pettiness of this charge against Councilman Kiger, Joe Felz is responsible for saving and storing the campaign signs. Even though Kiger never asked him to so (from the last campaign to boot).

    So Travis, Bruce, Greg, heed the warning that our illustrious City Manager, who the recalled trio of former city councilmen fought so hard to annoint with the permanant title of City Manager before they were recalled is playing games with the current City Councilmembers. Is that what he gets paid to do? I think not!

    Similiarly, was the campaign for Dan Hughes. I say allow the council do their business without interference from the “not so local” FPD and their families. Since when do the employees get to pick their boss in this manner?

  8. Travis has made some terrible decisions but if he is storing personal political items on city property that’s messed up.

    Also everyone remeber when Sebourn used city barricades and had them delivered by city personnel for his private block party? messed up

    Also when Honey Boo Boo whittaker went shopping in the dumpsters at fpd. Most of my stuff doesn’t make it here because they don’t want to hear the truth.

    By the way keegger had nothing to do with anything listed above about these officers or former officers. Missleading as usual here

  9. Fullerton Lover makes an excellent point comparing Pam Kelly asking people to honk on Harbor Blvd vs. KT Protesters asking the same thing on Commonwealth. One group gets tickets, the other is totally left alone by our police.


    Our government institutions playing politics, resulting in unequal treatment under the law.

    How dispicable and dishonest is that? It can not get much worse than this kind of uneven and unfair treatment by our Fullerton civil servants.

    Do not be Fooled Fullerton?


      Pam Keller doesn’t look much like a model of decorum in any of these pictures?

      I heard the “obnoxious blond” label was applied by Ken and John, so I’m pretty sure that Pam Keller is not exactly a shrinking violet as she likes to portray herself when she needs to pull the “victim card” and try and shame adults by writing a speech for her son to recite at a City Council meeting.

      I see lot’s of passive-aggressive tendencies and a very angry woman underneath that long face.

  10. Its “brightness” vs cold ass lying stupid corrupt murder helping torture loving want you to be stupid smelly fat slow not working city services sleepy stupid moneysucking pocket putting creepy shaddy scary lowlife losing sick*** 666 blowhard… etc etc etc…
    you know i could go on forever!!!

    Save not just Fullerton but the GOOD!!! Fullerton City Workers (GOD HAVE MERCY FOR THEM!!!)

    So, tell you neighbors less than 2 weeks til elections!!!


    If not im voting with my feet.

  11. Employees stealing signs? You honestly think someone would jeopardize there job for something so insignificant?

    Fullerton needs a restructure of management. The most ignorant and conceded people are in charge. Watch as officers and city management drive there city leased vehicles to and from work every morning and tell me how that is fair and not a waste of taxpayer money?

    1. There is more than enough evidence to prove they are that stupid, the rules dont apply to crazy people led by evil assholes, thats why they are crazy and there are sop many laws and lawyers etc etc etc.

      Coffman belongs on that trash list hes one of the biggest COCKROACHES!!!

  12. Kelly knew what he was doing

    Kelly was egging the cops on

    Kelly was disrespectful

    Kelly was a jerk

    Kelly said the “F” word more than 10 times

    Kelly resisted arrest

    Kelly has big balls

    Kelly was smelly

    Kelly was dirty

    Kelly liked to get high

    Kelly did not have a crushed thorax

    Kelly did not have broken ribs

    Kelly got up and ran

    Kelly did not comply with officers commands

    Kelly punched Officer Wolfe in the forehead

    Kelly grabbed Officer Ramos’ baton

    Kelly was kicking the officers

    Kelly was screaming like a little bitch, but would not comply

    Kelly tried to grab Officer Cicinelli’s taser

    It took six officers to try to control Kelly.

    No one sat or crushed Kelly

    No one killed Kelly.

    Officer Ramos did not know Kelly

    Officer Wolfe did not know Kelly

    Officer Cicinelli did not know Kelly

    Officer Hampton did not know Kelly

    Officer Blatney did not know Kelly

    Officer Craig did not know Kelly

    Officer Ramos was very professional with Kelly

    Officer Wolfe was very professional with Kelly

    Officer Ramos was very calm with Kelly

    Officer Wolfe was very calm with Kelly

    Officer Ramos was very patient with Kelly

    Officer Wolfe was very patient with Kelly

    Kelly brought the incident on by being very disrespectful and not complying with the officers.

    Kelly was dropping the f bomb and officer Ramos did not tell him to stop.

    Kelly had the right to say “Fuck”, but not Officer Ramos.

    We all know that saying the F word is not second degree murder.

    Just a word to make Kelly comply, which he had no intention of doing.

    Maybe Ron Thomas should of taught him to have respect for the law.

    1. Repeating BS and disengenuous statements does not change reality and the sum total of OCDA and Media actions.

      Were the department to do their duty there would be no story.

      “Officer of the court
      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      The generic term officer of the court (not to be confused with court officers) applies to all those who, in some degree in function of their professional or similar qualifications, have a legal part—and hence legal and deontological obligations—in the complex functioning of the judicial system as a whole, in order to forge justice out of the application of the law and the simultaneous pursuit of the legitimate interests of all parties and the general good of society.”

        1. McSatan, do you refer to retired Fullerton Police Chief Pat McKinley and disgraced by recall Fullerton city council person?

    2. Wow…what an awesome defense. You are so fucking retarded, I would hate to have you on my side. The best think you can do for the FPD is shut the fuck up… Wait…keep talking…it is great insight into the mindset of your ilk.

      1. It’s my job to remind you all of your “gentle soul”, who didnt turn out to be very gentle. Freedom of speech jerk offs. I will remind you of this periodically, just to refresh you memory. What the hell is a “ilk”….stupid!!

        1. “Ilk” means to say same type of character, or mindset, boy I’ll bet you feel really dumb, I mean, what with insulting someone that is infinantly more literate than you. Close your mouth when you breath.

          1. Wow you got me with your unnecessary stupid words. Kelly’s Army will have a really hard time understanding your useless words. Maybe I should get a dictionary and thesaurus..not!

    3. fuck you porkchop.. should we check for your DNA at the coop behind The ball field.. How bout your victims. the one the piggies go to when shipping out the bodies on the frieght line. bet i can make you scream like a bitch. wanna play dog dick sucking cunt?

    4. and the last line

      Kelly drowned in his own blood caused by the beating given to him by Fullerton police officers

        1. the issue is not resist, the issue is fullerton police officers, you know the ones that won the award for their outstanding community-police program from Orange County Human Relations Commission, beating a disabled, homeless man to death

  13. This blog should be called FRIENDS OF FULLERTON BULLIES, since that what happens to anyone with a differing opinion!

    This entire post is pure BULLSHIT, Travis had nothing to do with anyone on the list above. WTF.

  14. Wow Tony my anonymous friend called me and said you didn’t post his reply to all those looser fuck ups. You are such a chicken shit. One sided blog. What happen to freedom of speech. Yeah no transparency on this blog. Thrrrrrrrr!

      1. We don’t need good grammar or worry about spelling. That is why we have record clerks. Ohh it’s nice to be a cop. BAHAAA!

        1. Most of them are far more intelligent than you are and I think their job classification is “Records Clerk/Technician” or something equivalent to that and the plural would be “records clerks/technicians”.

          I bet they joke about you behind your back…

        2. Not even a little embarrassed to post here Mickey? It borders on your parents being abusive by not seeing that you got an education, at the very least it reflects poorly on the public school system, they failed you, and several of your pals like, John Doe and Anonymous. Rather than worry about Mr. Thomas parenting skills, as it was pointed out by another contributer, Kelly never murdered anyone, maybe you knuckleheads ought to go ask your parents why they didn’t care for you enough to see that you got an education.

  15. I got this mailer. Obviously the police union is trying to take advantage of its well-respected position in the community and it’s excellent reputation as a top-notch law enforcement agency.

    HAH! Might as well say “Paid for by Satan”

  16. It is getting very obvious that FPD trolls are getting extremely worried as the election nears! The level of invective is amazing! They are also concerned about how law enforcement in Fullerton will be perceived if the officers are found guilty. Yet none of them has ever been concerned with the huge liabilities caused by their 3@50 pension spiking nor their cost of settlements for the few dumbells that cause large civil suits and settlements both in court and out of court. The city (for its size) has a low cash balance, the city has to refund a water tax that was illegally collected, the civil suits are getting closer to settlement day and yet not a word from the FPD supporters! Yet the people who actually live in Fullerton are the ones who have to put up with less than optimum policing obtained at a higher than average county law enforcement cost and whose houses and businesses are on the hook for the huge tax increases needed to pay for the decaying infrastructure + settlements. What a mess!

    1. Do we know, what they are asking for in settlements? I realize what they ask for and what they get is two different things. It would be nice to know.

      1. $50,000,000 in one case alone. If it goes to civil court and the jurors see a “culture of corruption” since Mardrossian has several of these cases, then they might decide the higher figures are OK as a punishment to the city for fostering the culture. Ouch! Until settled, think San Bernadoo!!

  17. No one is getting worried. Cause those dummies on the city council are gone. We only have one to deal with. NO sweat! No one that I have talked to want their money back from the water tax. They should put it up for a vote. There is a reason why they want to give the money back..of course an agenda. That person knows know who you are. If the officers are found guilty, (which they wont), they still have their retirement in the books. The 3@50 will not go away to the officers that are under that retirement system. Cant do anything about that. The new hire’s will start at a new rate. So dont sweat it cause it is not happening. Fullerton has never runned in the red…never. Dont let them fool you. Liabilities happen in every city. There is always money hungry jerks who want something for free. (Ron Thomas).

      1. He is dead cause his family didnt take care of him. If he was so mentally disabled, why was he roaming the streets looking like a wild animal? Opportunity hit Mama and Daddy Thomas. Mama is out of the picture. And it looks like daddy is out also. Shame on them.

        1. Though Kelly suffered from mental illness, chronologically he was of age and free to come and go as he pleased. You can not even get a veteran who suffers from schizophrenia, who wants one, a bed at one of the V.A. clinics, much less someone who prefers to be left alone, to come and go as he pleases. The truth to the matter has come out and you are grasping at anything to try to stop the momentum of public opinion that has turned against your corrupt little empire.

          1. So it’s the cops fault for not treating him with kid gloves when he was kicking, punching, grabing at the officers arms and taser. He was a violent asshole. He died cause of his bad health. Due to being on the streets. Easy money for the Thomas’s.

        2. So anyone who ends up on the streets is fair game for murder by the FPD. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE ARGUMENT YOU ARE PRESENTING???

          His family isn’t on trial. How he ended up homeless is not the question we are asking, and not what took his life.

          6 officers failed in their duties that night and made the poor decision to become murderers and accessories to murder with the public watching.

          Danny can try to cover for the remaining 3 as long as he wants, justice is coming for ALL involved in the murder and the cover up. FPD has the attention of the people now, your old regime is gone. Hughes wasn’t promoted (!!!!!!!) for a reason.

          The days of business as usual while beating, and raping, and killing, and stealing are over. Join us for reform or wait for the day when we uncover your misdoings.

    1. Barry Coffman and the boys sure looked plenty worried to me during the last city council meeting?

      In fact, if you watch toward the end of the last City Council meeting, you’ll see their Den Mother, Mayor SSSSSSSSSilva, saying to no one in particular that the red-headed police officer who was shouting insults and threats toward the City Councilman, is already escorting himself out so that she is powerless to chastise him further.

      I also heard a cacacophony of swear words, insults, and physical threats, aimed at the City Councilman when they realized that their cheap tricks to install Dan Hughes as Police Chief had failed by a 3-2 vote..

      1. I was one of two clapping through and at the blue-shirts anger.

        That was a sweet, beautiful moment in Fullerton’s history. Felt so good to know they had given it their all and failed. And Danny’s face! He was so angry yet trying to appear calm. SQS had smoke coming out of her ears at one point. SO worth staying til midnight for.

        Second best part of the night was beaming with happiness and laughing out of joy as Pam Keller walked past me, defeated and angry.

        Thank you Mr. Whitaker, Mr. Kiger, and Mr. Sebourn for serving the true people, not just the ones who think they are Fullerton’s elite. And suck it, Keller, not even your kid in a tux or the senior citizen you used like a political prostitute can help you bully your little Danny into a promotion he isn’t qualified for.

  18. I just received a proFlory Bullshit propoganda/election email from the Fruitloop Flory camp. I have reasons to believe they obtained this email from Troy High School, isn’t this illegal?

    1. if your name is generic (e.g., whatever@aol, att, etc.) it may be like spam and robocalls. A shotgun approach. If the email address can tie you to Troy HS (e.g.,, then yes, something could be amiss…

  19. With the City Council threats intimidation fraud and lies on CNN, this story is gonna be a full length movie, not a TV, Lifetime or HBO cable special movie like I use to think!

    “Act 1, Scene 1.

  20. Kelly brought the incident on by being very disrespectful and not complying with the officers.

    Kelly was dropping the f bomb and officer Ramos did not tell him to stop.

    Kelly had the right to say “Fuck”, but not Officer Ramos.
    “We all know that saying the F word is not second degree murder.”

    No, but beating, suffocating, and shocking someone to death is.

    “Just a word to make Kelly comply, which he had no intention of doing.” Why would anyone comply with a dangerous thug who is threatening you for doing nothing wrong?”

    Good thing that thug is permanently off the force and will be off the streets for a long time.

    “Maybe Ron Thomas should of taught him to have respect for the law.”

    Maybe your papi should have taught you that just wearing a badge does not command respect. Respect is earned through hard work, treating people with dignity, and doing your job properly. At least Ron Thomas taught his son “thou shall not kill.” Can’t say the same for the Cicinelli’s and Ramos’.

  21. So many cops with the anonymous tag on here trying to blame Kelly and Ron Thomas for Kelly’s murder just proves they are scared little cowards who need their guns and badges to make them feel like men.

    BTW Mickey Doe Haller: Your boys who have been permanently removed from the police force may want to go back to high school cause they’re NEVER going to be overpaid goons again. Oh, and you and the rest of the Anon Squad make all of the cops who actually get degrees and work hard look bad with your ignorance and cowardice.

  22. Anonymous :Kelly knew what he was doing
    Kelly was egging the cops on
    Kelly was disrespectful
    Kelly was a jerk
    Kelly said the “F” word more than 10 times
    Kelly resisted arrest
    Kelly has big balls
    Kelly was smelly
    Kelly was dirty
    Kelly liked to get high
    Kelly did not have a crushed thorax
    Kelly did not have broken ribs
    Kelly got up and ran
    Kelly did not comply with officers commands
    Kelly punched Officer Wolfe in the forehead
    Kelly grabbed Officer Ramos’ baton
    Kelly was kicking the officers
    Kelly was screaming like a little bitch, but would not comply
    Kelly tried to grab Officer Cicinelli’s taser
    It took six officers to try to control Kelly.
    No one sat or crushed Kelly
    No one killed Kelly.
    Officer Ramos did not know Kelly
    Officer Wolfe did not know Kelly
    Officer Cicinelli did not know Kelly
    Officer Hampton did not know Kelly
    Officer Blatney did not know Kelly
    Officer Craig did not know Kelly
    Officer Ramos was very professional with Kelly
    Officer Wolfe was very professional with Kelly
    Officer Ramos was very calm with Kelly
    Officer Wolfe was very calm with Kelly
    Officer Ramos was very patient with Kelly
    Officer Wolfe was very patient with Kelly
    Kelly brought the incident on by being very disrespectful and not complying with the officers.
    Kelly was dropping the f bomb and officer Ramos did not tell him to stop.
    Kelly had the right to say “Fuck”, but not Officer Ramos.
    We all know that saying the F word is not second degree murder.
    Just a word to make Kelly comply, which he had no intention of doing.
    Maybe Ron Thomas should of taught him to have respect for the law.

    In 56 years I have never uttered a statement of contempt for cops in general. However, IF, I repeat IF, the above is the opinion of cops, then I hate cops.

    Fortunately, we have the grand jury indictmernt of Officer Wolfe.

    1. This isn’t the opinion of all cops.

      I would think that at least some of the people who are giving the impression that they are cops are not.

      Kelly’s death shouldn’t have happened.

      It serves no purpose and is irrelevant to say Kelly was smelly, dirty, etc.

      There are many valid points in the post, but the message gets lost when it is overshadowed by non-factual and some untrue statements.

      Officer Ramos did not act professionally. I don’t know of any officers who think he did.

      Most officers’ problem with the case stem from Rackaukas overcharging. Some charges may be appropriate, but there’s not a DA or officer around who thinks it was murder. The politically motivated charging of anyone, regardless of the circumstances, should be of great concern to everyone.

      I’m not saying that no charges are appropriate or that FPD wasn’t responsible, it just wasn’t murder.

      So don’t give up on all cops. I was disappointed in this post as well.

    2. Also…to clarify…..

      My personal opinion….and that’s all it is, based solely upon what’s been in the media and my own viewing of the videotape….is that Cicinelli is the only one who should be facing charges, but it still wasn’t murder.

      The charging of Wolfe is especially bothersome. Read my past posts as to why I believe this.

      1. Cold Chillin’ Cops Balls
        Not Murder? Do you say this because the assailants are cops? If I were to assault someone in this manner with the same result, what would you call it. In my opinion, you are right. It isn’t 2nd degree murder. I believe the charge for Ramos should be aggravated mayhem, which carries nearly the same penalty as 1st degree murder.

        1. I don’t get why there’s such resistance to a 2M charge.

          A homicide that results from injuries inflicted during the commission of a felony is murder.

          Unless you think that Ramos was just committing a misdemeanor, then the glove fits. Last I checked, battery was still a felony in this state.

          1. Read the jury instructions for the charges you believe are appropriate and you will find the answers.

            1. For your education.

              Mayhem. In order to convict a person of mayhem, all elements of the offense must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. According to the California criminal jury instructions (CALJIC) No. 9.30 the following elements must be proved:

              1. One person unlawfully and by means of physical force deprived a human being of a member of his or her body or, disable, permanently disfigured, or rendered it useless and
              2. The person who committed the act causing the bodily harm, did so maliciously, that is with an unlawful intent to vex, annoy, or injure another person.
              Aggravated mayhem. A felony, governed by Penal Code Section 205, which reads:

              A person is guilty of aggravated mayhem when he or she unlawfully, under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the physical or psychological well-being of another person, intentionally causes permanent disability or disfigurement of another human being or deprives a human being of a limb, organ, or member of his or her body. For purposes of this section, it is not necessary to prove an intent to kill.

              In order to prove the crime of aggravated mayhem, the prosecution must prove that the defendant specifically intended to permanently disable, disfigure, or to deprive the other person of a limb, organ, or member of his or her body. However, it is not necessary to prove that the defendant had intent to kill.

              Aggravated mayhem is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for life with the possibility of parole.

              1. “In order to prove the crime of aggravated mayhem, the prosecution must prove that the defendant specifically intended to permanently disable, disfigure, or to deprive the other person of a limb, organ, or member of his or her body. However, it is not necessary to prove that the defendant had intent to kill.”

                Good luck with proving intent to do these things a opposed to an intent to take Kelly into custody.

                1. You don’t know what you speak. I know Jen from the slide Bar, as wells as others. I know what they were instructed to do in the future regarding Kelly’s presence at the slide bar with instructions about calling the FPD. I know, the FBI knows. The facts not only show intent, but are very much in the realm of conspiracy to prevent someone from enjoying their constitutionally protected civil rights. When a person continually begs for their life, pleads that they can’t breath, and slowly drifts into breathless silence, while people sworn to protect them, sit their fat asses on them preventing normal respiration. When people sworn to protect stand by while a fellow member of the brotherhood pounds and breaks the face of a citizen (disfigure? Hmmm) Then, I believe there is clear intent. This was a mob. This was a mob conducting the definition of mayhem. Trust me. If the FBI is in any way disappointed with DA in this case, they will jump in with defining force to set an example for all PD’s in this country to take notice.

    3. Officer Ramos did not know Kelly
      Officer Wolfe did not know Kelly

      Then how come Ramos said he was sick of dealing with him?

  23. peaches :
    Most of them are far more intelligent than you are and I think their job classification is “Records Clerk/Technician” or something equivalent to that and the plural would be “records clerks/technicians”.
    I bet they joke about you behind your back…

    No..they all love me. I wink at them and it makes their day. It’s all good, I make three times more than they do.

    1. Don’t be so sure; I know a couple of them and they get a giggle out of your postings (and your posturing and your pustulent face)

  24. Brandon :
    Kelly brought the incident on by being very disrespectful and not complying with the officers.
    Kelly was dropping the f bomb and officer Ramos did not tell him to stop.
    Kelly had the right to say “Fuck”, but not Officer Ramos.
    “We all know that saying the F word is not second degree murder.”
    No, but beating, suffocating, and shocking someone to death is.
    “Just a word to make Kelly comply, which he had no intention of doing.” Why would anyone comply with a dangerous thug who is threatening you for doing nothing wrong?”
    Good thing that thug is permanently off the force and will be off the streets for a long time.
    “Maybe Ron Thomas should of taught him to have respect for the law.”
    Maybe your papi should have taught you that just wearing a badge does not command respect. Respect is earned through hard work, treating people with dignity, and doing your job properly. At least Ron Thomas taught his son “thou shall not kill.” Can’t say the same for the Cicinelli’s and Ramos’.

    My papi taught me to respect cops and not be an asshole. Kelly tried to kill his grandfather with a poker. Or did you forget. Ron Thomas gave a rats ass about gentle soul Kelly.

  25. I like the police. Its a tough job IF you are the one out on the streets and not pushing a pencil in admin. However, FPD members only have themselves to blame for several things:
    1. You have brought disdain on yourselves because now large numbers of Orange Co. voters realize what overblown salaries and pensions you are receiving. 2. Your disdain for the average voter in your own city and me first attitude is causing folks in other nearby cities to wonder about their own “public servants”. 3. A concern with the economy and future muni pension costs that did not exist before, now definitely exists. 4. San Bernadino and Stockton muni bankruptcies add reality to the situation that was formerly just a fleeting thought. 5. The City of Fullerton is embarrassed by their police force and the reaction of the former city council. Its not nice to feel embarassed by where you live. 6. Information has been released that Fullerton has 52 establishments that serve alcoholic beverages but begs for a $75,000 MADD supported grant to catch drunk drivers via announced traffic stops. Next will be an investigation into how many patrons leave the 52 establishments on a weekend evening then drive and how many are actually given a field sobriety check! (A very low percentage since the bars and restaurants know how to give political donations until it hurts!)
    Yes Fullerton PD has really opened the eyes of the rest of Orange County to what actually goes on in the OC. The record is not a good one!
    If I was an FPD policeman, I would be unhappy that my chances of obtaining employment in nearby cities is toast!

  26. Kelly was yelling “Dad! Dad! ” Why? Because he thought his dad was beating him again.?

    Not calling for help from Dad! Calling for his Dad to stop!

  27. Who thinks the cops are being overcharged? If that’s the mentality of the police in Fullerton, it’s no wonder there is a huge Us vs. Them attitude and general disdain for the FPD. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that Ramos and Wolfe provoked, intimidated, and humiliated Kelly. Cicinelli behaved like a wild monkey, and Craig, Hampton, and Blatney, if they have any experience or training in police brutality, should have known it was their duty to stop the murder rather than continue to asphyxiate an already half-dead Kelly Thomas. The only charges that come close to fitting the crime are Ramos’.

  28. Anon II must be confusing RT with one of the violent officer’s dad’s or step-dad’s. I think it’s safe to say KT had more respect for human life than any of the six officers on the scene.

  29. Haller, if your dad taught you any manners you would not be on here badmouthing a deceased murder victim and making cops look like undereducated, overpaid blowhards.

    Kelly Thomas had a severe mental illness but still managed to regulate his emotions better than the (supposedly) mentally balanced and trained officers who beat the living piss out of him.

      1. No Mickey, your mind is “diseased”, the word Brandon posted is “deceased” they look similar but not the same meaning. You ought to go ask your parents why they did not care enough about you to see that you got an education.

      2. I can’t tell if you’re too stupid to know was deceased means or if you’re too stupid that deceased and diseased sound sufficiently different that exchanging the two isn’t funny.

          1. If that is true, he and his “ILK” are not doing his porcine brotheren any favors with thier inane comments. CCCB usually posts opinions and though I generally do not agree with them they are literate. Where as these aforementioned deviants just come here to post inflamitory remarks, that just helps to turn the tide of public opinion even more vehemently against them.

                1. Seems like the sensible thing to do, but if they are left to post here, unchallenged by the facts of the matter, they will attempt to supress those facts and distort the truth in thier “move along, nothing to see here” tactic. Thus the attacks on R.T., Kelly, T.Bushala, Councilman Kiger, Councilman Whitaker, they even eat thier own in wannabe chief Hughes, anything to back peddle from the edge.
                  It’s no coincidence that when an inncident occurs in another city the bywords are always the same, “transparency”, “reaching for waistband”, “fear for our lives” “known gang member” “more training, so this tragedy does not happen again” Due to the overwhelming evidence of guilt this tactic has failed them and they are throwing any and everything, no matter how ridiculous, hoping something will stick.

                2. There’s nothing wrong with spirited debate, but too often rational and reasoned posts are responded to with personal attacks and name calling, and it’s hard for some people not to respond in kind.

                  When you resort to attacks and name calling, your message gets lost and you look like an unreasonable a-hole. It would be nice if everyone on both sides of this could be a little more respectful of each others views. Everybodys’ opinions would come through a little more clearly.

            1. It’s a blog, get over it. When I first started blogging here I was like CCCB. I wanted to reasonably give my opinion and all you guys just kept slamming me. So I gave up and now I am here just to have fun and fuck with you all. CCCB, you will get tired of their negativity also.

          2. I think you give him too much credit… I wouldn’t be surprised if he was completely serious. After all, he didn’t know a simple word like “ilk.”

    1. So glad someone did that. I would like one of my own as well. Flory is kind of a neighbor. One in my yard would be awesome. May have to make my own.

  30. the list should add Pat McKinley’s colleague, Rusty Kennedy, executive director of the Orange County Human Relations Commission where McKinley proudly served as a representative of law enforcement on this commission’s board.
    In 1999, Rusy and his commission gave Mckinley an award for his police force’s outstanding community-police program that built bridges of understanding between fullerton’s community and law enforcement.

  31. It amazes me how sacred the status quo is at City Hall. The thing is like a cult. Conditioning is being broken. We will know soon enough whether the will of the people is to remain Stockholm Syndrome victims or move forward with reforms for the greater good. May the Santa Ana winds blow hard on election day and take the trash to the back side of San Clemente Island where the California current can carry it away and disperse it so it can never be blown back ashore.

  32. Brandon :
    Who thinks the cops are being overcharged? If that’s the mentality of the police in Fullerton, it’s no wonder there is a huge Us vs. Them attitude and general disdain for the FPD. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that Ramos and Wolfe provoked, intimidated, and humiliated Kelly. Cicinelli behaved like a wild monkey, and Craig, Hampton, and Blatney, if they have any experience or training in police brutality, should have known it was their duty to stop the murder rather than continue to asphyxiate an already half-dead Kelly Thomas. The only charges that come close to fitting the crime are Ramos’.

    I don’t know which video you saw. The one I saw, I never saw six cops asphyxiating Kelly. Stop with the drama.

          1. Don’t kid yourself about network news reports. It’s stunning how much reporters get it wrong. I never realized it until I began working as a cop and read/saw reports regarding calls and cases I was involved in. We’re not talking minor inaccuracies, either.

            1. Misinformation intentionally disseminated by pd spokesholes i.e. “broken bones’, “breaking into cars,’ “super human strength”

    1. The video I saw shows six cops attempting to control a resisting Kelly and take him into custody.

      1. Are you really telling me that one cop couldn’t have taken Kelly down? That is odd.

        Every member of LE (particularly those who specialize in training in compliance holds and use of force continuum) I’ve spoken to are disgusted by this event. Then again, they don’t work for the FPD. They are also required to have a BA and continue with ongoing training. What the hell is going on in Fullerton?

        1. How many resisting people have you tried to handcuff? It’s not easy. No, one person couldn’t have handcuffed a resisting Kelly Thomas.

          There’s no requirement for a bachelor’s degree at most departments. It helps, but it’s not the end all be all. Common sense, street smarts, and understanding are far more important than a college degree.

          Ongoing training costs money. Ongoing physical tactical training takes a huge amount of money and results in costly work injuries and lost time/resources. You’d be shocked at how little ongoing training there is as a result of the costs involved. Budgets are only getting tighter, resulting in even less training.

          1. Okay…so how many officers should it have taken without resulting in the death of a 135lb, unarmed suspect? All you saw were officers were six cops attempting to get kelly into custody…everything by the book, right? That is all you saw. So then why is he dead? You are smarter than JD/Mickey/etc. Please tell in words I can understand – you seem literate. I’d appreciate some honesty from someone in LE on THIS blog.

            1. My opinion? Minimum of two, but usually three, are needed to take the usual combative suspect into custody. That having been said, you’re not going to turn away other cops who heard the call and are rushing to the scene anyway.

              As to why he’s dead, refer to the Coroner’s report.

              1. The coroner’s report doesn’t support your previous statement regarding “what you saw.” I wasn’t being disingenous when I asked for your opinion.

                1. What about the Coroner’s report doesn’t support my statement? Please be specific.

            2. I forgot to add that the only thing that wasn’t by the book was Ramos’ unprofessionalism and Cicinelli hitting Kelly in the face with the Taser.

              1. Kelly was unarmed and not under arrest. He was being questioned for a relatively benign matter. Was that response and degree of force necessary from what you saw on the tape?

                1. He was lawfully detained for the investigation of a felony and not free to leave. The degree of force necessary was the amount of reasonable force which would prevent him from escaping.

                  Many here are confusing civil liability for excessive force with criminal conduct. Two different animals. You can have excessive force without criminal conduct.

              2. Okay, Ramos’ unprofessionalism clearly didn’t kill him. So are you saying Cicnelli is soley responsible for Kelly’s death?

                1. It was a combination of things that occurred, including but not solely the result of Cicinelli’s actions, that the officers at the scene didn’t reasonably foresee as actions that would result in Kelly’s death.

                2. CCCC, that’s not a requirement for a murder charge. The officers made it very clear that they intended to hurt Kelly. Then they backed up their threat with action. That’s felony assault, felony battery; homicide that occurs as a result of the commission of a felony is murder.

  33. @ Mickey: When overweight officers, sit/kneel on you, or restrain you while their colleagues sit/kneel on you, while you are repeatedly screaming “I can’t breathe,” that constitutes asphyxiation. The drama will be over right after Ramos, Cicinelli, and Wolfe are sentenced.

    1. It’s drilled into officers at the academy and with ongoing training that if someone is able to talk, they are able to breathe. Obviously this isn’t what happened with Kelly. But the officers at the scene were working with this mindset, and you can be sure that this is going to come out at trial and be repeatedly stressed to jurors.

      1. Common sense tells you that when someone’s nose is smashed in and the person says he can’t breathe, he can’t breathe. The stupidity in the case is overwhelming. Stupid cops that will be convicted soon, and then sent to prison.

        Can’t wait ’til the elections are over and the people of Fullerton clean house. VOTE FOR KIGER, WHITAKER, & LEVINSON FOR CITY COUNCIL FOR TRUE POLICE REFORM!

          1. As do I.

            No to Flory and Bankhead.

            Kiger, Whitaker, and Levinson for TRUE police reform.

            Let’s get some people up there that represent what is best for the people of fullerton, not the wallets of city officials.

        1. He cant breath, but he is screaming. Bullshit!!Acted all tough with his big mouth, then he was crying like a baby.

    2. Brandon…look at the video again. I think you were drunk when you were watching it, or high. No one sat on anyone. Come on drama queen cut it out.

      1. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        OC’s Scariest People 2012!
        Thursday, Oct 25 2012

        During the Aug. 7 meeting of the Fullerton City Council, dozens of residents who had never once complained about the brutal beating death of Kelly Thomas flooded the council chambers. Clad in identical blue T-shirts reading, “We [Heart] Fullerton Police,” they gushed, one by one, about how wonderful the department was, even though the police department had terrorized residents for decades. Joining the charade were councilman Doug Chafee (who donned one of the T-shirts) and Mayor Sharon Quirk Silva. And while form-fitting T-shirts look great on buxom young ladies, wouldn’t you know that no one in this group fit that description. Mitigating factor: The T-shirts will provide comfort to the city’s poor once these idiots donate them to Goodwill.”

        “26. DAVID WHITING
        When local law enforcement wants to see its backslapping press releases turned directly into alleged real journalism, it turns to Orange County Register columnist David Whiting. To Whiting—a man we christened the new “Bootlicker” after former columnist Gordon Dillow retired—men in uniform never do anything wrong; if they did, it’s okay because they always have good intentions. It’s a mindset that allows Whiting to strenuously defend cops who ganged up to beat to death an unarmed, tiny homeless man in Fullerton. It’s a mindset that causes Whiting to answer critics of regular excessive force in our jails by parachuting in, spending a couple of hours with deputies, then report with enthusiasm that he saw no unnecessary violence, so it must not happen. Mitigating factor: Whiting’s lisp is somewhat sexy.”

  34. It could be worse, right?

    NEW YORK (AP) — A city police officer was charged Thursday in a ghoulish plot to kidnap and torture women and then cook and eat their body parts.

    Gilberto Valle sent numerous emails and other Internet communications about the torture and cannibalism scheme, according to a criminal complaint. He identified and catalogued at least 100 women on his computer, investigators said, but there was no information that anyone was harmed.

    “I was thinking of tying her body onto some kind of apparatus … cook her over low heat, keep her alive as long as possible,” Valle allegedly wrote in one exchange in July, the complaint says.

      1. “IT WAS A THRILL KILL!!!” testimony of city workers and heavy breathing prove it.

        Just like the numerous known and well documented terrorizing torture of the people in Fullerton would suggest.

        ” “We [Heart] Fullerton Police,” they gushed, one by one, about how wonderful the department was, even though the police department had terrorized residents for decades. Joining the charade were councilman Doug Chafee (who donned one of the T-shirts) and Mayor Sharon Quirk Silva.”

        OC’s Scariest People 2012!
        Thursday, Oct 25 2012

        1. Published: Oct. 25, 2012 Updated: 2:29 p.m.
          Orange County Register, Balboa Penninsula

          “Police: Man tortured before being dumped in desert
          A Fountain Valley man has been charged in connection with the incident in which two people were taken by assailants from a Balboa Peninsula home Oct. 2 and dumped in the Mojave Desert.”

            1. Hey idiot. If marijuana was legal and taxed there would be no crime associated with dispensaries. Reefer Madness might have worked in the Anslinger days. No longer.

              1. But it’s not legal. I don’t support wholesale legalization of marijuana, but strongly support reasonable medical marijuana. The problem is that the system right now is not reasonable, either for the prescribing of it or the dispensing of it. Conditions that are treatable by MMJ should be set forth with specificity and verifiable. Certainly every wasting disease or someone being treated with drugs that suppress appetite and/or cause nausea should be eligible, but that’s about it IMO.

                Marijuana doesn’t wreck lives like an alcohol, pill, or other hard core drugs. It kinda sneaks up on people. The biggest problem with it is that it tends to rob people of ambition and keeps people from forming meaningful relationships during a critical time during their lives. People who are addicted get to their late 20’s, and it’s like they suddenly wake up and think, “What the f&ck have I been doing the last 10 years? What a waste!”

                The rampant prescribing of marijuana to people whose only condition is a desire to get high does increase the availability of drugs to kids younger than 18. The vast majority of marijuana I find in the possession of juveniles is in MMJ containers given/sold to them by people with a prescription.

                The problem with marijuana isn’t with people over 30 or so, and I don’t really even have objections to older people using it on an occasional recreational basis as long as they don’t drive while high. The vast majority of people I find with it, and certainly the vast majority of people I’d say are addicted, are in their teens and twenties. Like I said, a critical time in their lives.

                Just my personal experience and opinion. Flame away.

    1. That’s why we give them free donuts Shadow. No telling what would happen if Coffman and co. get too hungry.

  35. No, Rincon couldn’t get a job in law enforcement in NY State. My bro in law is city attorney of a major NY State city (Yes, THE city attorney – no his name is not Ramirez!) and he says the liability of any city hiring someone from a department with the recognizable past history of Fullerton would make it very difficult in civil cases involving the police. So Rincon is not in NY unless he is working at a “Health Club”! Its like Rincon taints any jury pool especially the ladies!

      1. Someone should tell him, that an apple can look ok on the outside, but rotten on the inside. There should be warning signs at all 24 fittness clubs.

  36. Cold Chillin’ Cops Balls :
    It was a combination of things that occurred, including but not solely the result of Cicinelli’s actions, that the officers at the scene didn’t reasonably foresee as actions that would result in Kelly’s death.

    In other words, when you get done compartmentalizing each of the individual actions that collectively killed a man, there is no guilt. I get it.

    No crime, no victim. Just a lot of bad luck.

    You and Dime Bag have a lot in common.

  37. “Cop @ 5/11/2012 8:26 AM
    Very disheartening to watch. Police Dept’s have to start doing more training on just this situation! These officers need to be trained in recognizing excited delirium. There is truly a difference between a subject that wont compli as opposed to a subject that does understand or cant comprehend how to comply. While a whole pile of officers are on top of a semi restrained person, someone has GOT to monitor his ability to BREATHE! I hate the arbitrary comment ” if you can talk, you can breathe”. There was a reason his brain was stuck on the repetitive comment, I can’t breathe! He was starting to get hypoxic and it was his last ditch effort to survive. When the subjects communication turned to low, slurred words, a trained professional would have recognized that as a compromized airway. Also at approximately 13:15 and 14:28 you can hear officers mentioning “he’s cyanotic now” and “he’s pretty cyanotic”. That’s right he IS………he’s no longer a threat, how about some immediate rescusitation efforts from someone. Cyanosis is a late time of O2 deprivation to the blood cells. It is a human being, guys!! Come on!”

    1. Policeman @ 5/11/2012 3:59 PM
      “The absolute worst piece of police work I have seen to date. Screw the local prosecution of these 3 guys who obviously don’t know how to perform police work. They should be more worried about the federal civil rights violation if they are not convicted, which carries a far more stiffer sentence. And knowing the Justice Dept and the FBI, they will be watching closely….”

      1. ” @ 8/2/2012 3:58 PM
        No where in the report does it indicate that this young man was on PCP! Yes he was mentally challenged,did he pose a threat while sitting down? No. So why the beating? Why not try talking to him like a human being instead “assuming” and beating him to death. Thank God these two cops were charged with manslaughter. They make all officers look bad.”

        1. Why didnt he stop fighting? All he had to do was stop fighting. Why didnt he? He didnt want to obviously. Oh well.

  38. “There’s nothing wrong with spirited debate, but too often rational and reasoned posts are responded to with personal attacks and name calling”

    Has anyone here witnessed a rational and reasoned argument as to how the Kelly Thomas beating death was justified? I know cops and their families have slandered Kelly and Ron Thomas, speculated/lied about him committing a crime that night, justified the excessive force that resulted in death, blamed the death on Kelly’s poor health.

    It must be pretty sad to live with the mindset that cops sometimes just have to beat unarmed, malnourished, mentally ill citizens who have committed no crime, to death because they refuse to kowtow to their absurd demands. I would be willing to bet about 75% of cops nationwide, and a good portion within the FPD feel that what happened to Kelly Thomas was a travesty of justice and that Ramos, Cicinelli, Wolfe, Hampton, Blatney, and Craig are a disgrace to the uniform.

  39. Can someone tell me, why would I ever support a local PD that harrasses, heckles, and shows nothing but disrespect for residents? (Counsil meetings) To blog on FFFF, which shows they disrespect the residents even more, with comments like they have been making. I have to say after living in Fullerton for 35yrs, I have never been so dissappointed and embarassed by this FPD. What makes their job so hard here?

  40. Interesting events at a Riverside City Council meeting –

    A 60-year-old woman who is a frequent Riverside City Council critic ended up on the floor in handcuffs this week after tussling with a police officer who then handed her a criminal charge.

    Her alleged crime? Disrupting a public meeting after speaking longer than her allotted three minutes.

    Karen Wright was blasting a proposed city contract for sludge waste removal at the council meeting Tuesday when the red lights blinked, signaling her time was up.

    Over the next 30 seconds, Riverside Mayor Ron Loveridge tried to stop her four times before a city police officer approached her at the lectern and asked her to sit down.

    “No, I’m not sitting down,” Wright told the officer, an exchange captured on the city’s video of council proceedings. “No, I am not stepping out.”

    It was unclear how she ended up on the floor, but the video shows the officer pulling her arm. Loveridge said police placed handcuffs on her, but quickly took them off after Wright yelled that she was disabled.

    Riverside Police Lt. Guy Toussaint said she was arrested on a misdemeanor charge but released on a citation rather than hauled into jail.

    He said he did not yet know who the arresting officer was and had not reviewed the police report, but said officers are allowed to handcuff those under arrest for the safety of the suspect and those around them.

    “All I was told was that you are given a certain amount of time to make statements to the council and she went over her time,” Toussaint said. “She was asked to leave and she refused to do so.”
    Loveridge said that Wright started showing up at council meetings a few years ago and became an active civic participant with “eclectic” interests who spends a lot of time preparing for her remarks.

    “She speaks on every single discussion item at every public meeting every time,” Loveridge said. “She speaks more than any council member or any mayor.”

    In fact, Loveridge said, Wright returned to council chambers after her run-in with police and spoke on two more items — bringing her total speaking appearances to six on Tuesday. On some days, he said, she will fill out as many as 20 speaker cards.

    The mayor said the only other incident involving police during his 32 years as a Riverside council member or mayor occurred several years ago, when a speaker slammed a knife into the lectern.

    As some residents criticized the arrest, Loveridge said the council has already changed the rules: As of Wednesday, he said, the meeting chair, not the police, will decide who to eject from council chambers.

    Wright told the Riverside Press-Enterprise that she was shocked at what happened and doesn’t believe she did anything wrong.

  41. Not true. I was harassed by FPD last Saturday for removing political propaganda from property that I rent for my medical clinic. I was detained for 30 minutes while I was lied to by the officer in charge, Sgt. Odom about my obligation to to turn illegally posted items from my property into the police. That I had no right to discard them. After they left, the remainder of the signs were removed. I can only wish that I had followed Sgt Odom’s misstatement of the law and delivered this refuse to the desk Sgt with a smile and a statement that I was following the esteemed Sgt Odom’s clear instructions on how to continue to be a law abiding citizen.

    1. Odom huh? Porker? Ugly? Bad breath? Donut-eater? Little-man complex? Dumb as a rock? Subhuman? Semi-moronic? Delusions of grandeur? Delusions of competence? Delusions the citizens respect his sorry joke of a cop ass?

      just guessing.

  42. Would have been fun… Trash for the FPD. Oh, by the way. When I was first approached by Officer Torres for removing signs, his initial statement to me was, “Destroying those signs, why are you being selective”. I responded, “Selective, how so?” He responded, “You took one down and skipped the next, why?” I responded, “Why is it important to you? Does that mean something to you?” He didn’t answer that question. Truth be known, as I was walking up to the signs, I noticed that officer Torres was in his car across Orangethorpe in a position to see what I was about to do. I decided to first remove the signs representing anyone who was on the city council at the time Kelly was murdered, and those of acting chief Hughes. So here you have it. I am within my rights to vote from my property by removing signs representing votes that I am opposed to. Apparently, officer Torres and Sgt Odom think it is within their rights as trained and sworn officers to conduct their work activities based upon their own ideological viewpoints. Nothing has changed from last year. Officer Torres, the disdain in your face was disturbing. I felt like telling Sgt Odom that you are a Ramos in the oven. Just not quite ready to pop, but getting closer by the day.

    1. lol, FPD is very sensitive right now. Sorry you had to go though that. But, this is the place to vent. Nice that you got their names.

  43. Been Askin: I think you should file a complaint against the officer who was obviously trying to bully you into showing support for FPD/FPOA friendly politicians. Someone needs to knock these overinflated egos down a notch and remind them that there is a new city council in town that will not tolerate their bs.

    1. I’m waiting to see if CCCB has anything to say about this. I don’t agree with all of his thoughts, but he is intelligent.

      1. I wasn’t going to comment but since you’re soliciting…..

        It’s kinda hard for me to say what was going on. As an officer, it kinda boils down to whether there was any evidence you were the renter/tenant/proper possessor of the property in question with the authority to remove the signs. That’s the first thing that I would want to establish, and in the absence of proof, I’d be giving you the third degree in an attempt to figure out whether you were just giving some BS story to cover your butt.

        The next issue that comes up is whether the signs were placed there or given permission to be placed there by the landlord, and that gets into the terms of your lease.

        There are also other issues regarding whether you are the sole tenant of the property in question or whether there are other tenants. If there are other tenants then there are issues regarding whether the signs were placed by or given permission to be placed by the other tenants.

        Your post implies that you are a doctor….are you a sole practicioner with your name on the office or windows, etc., or are you part of some anonymously named medical group and it’s only the name of the medical group on signs, doors, etc.? If you are just part of a medical group, even though you work for the group, you may not have the authority to make the decision regarding taking down the signs. This also makes it harder to establish whether you had the authority to remove the signs.

        Bottom line is that if you are the sole tenant on the property and had some sort of proof of that, then you had every right to remove the signs, but at the same time, the officer had every right to make an attempt to establish that, especially given the charged political climate right now.

        If the issues I have brought up are things that were covered by the officer during his contact with you, then it sounds like he was making an honest effort to sort things out and make the right decision.

        If you had clear proof that it was your office, your office alone, no other tenants on the property, etc., then it sounds like the officer had his head up his ass.

        The above should be an illustration to people of how complicated a seemingly simple issue/call can be. Not all officers have the ability or knowledge to properly sort this out in an expeditious manner. Sounds like there was an officer at the scene, and later a sergeant. Not sure how both came to be there, could be that the officer realized he didn’t have the knowledge to handle the call and called the sergeant out to hold his hand.

        I’d like to know more, please give more information. If after you read my post you believe the officers were just doing their job, please say so. If not, I’d like to know about that, too, and please give extra details.

        1. Thanks for your honest and clear response CCCB. First, I am not a physician. I am the CEO of the not for profit foundation that operates the clinic. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any business cards on my person at the time I was detained and forced to sit on a dirty sidewalk like a drunk or gang banger. About 10 minutes into this situation, 2 members came out of the clinic to see what was happening. They had no way of knowing why I was being held. I motioned them over and asked them one question. “Am I the CEO of this foundation?”. They both responded that I am. This should have been the end of it, but I was held for another 20 minutes waiting for Sgt Odom to arrive. I believe officer Torres conduct was unprofessional in that he allowed himself to get wrapped up in his emotions about my conduct rather than the legality. LE is not paid to express their opinions in the execution of their duties. I’m old enough to remember a time when LE wad friendly and participatory with the public. When the sense of us v them only existed in the minds of criminals. This is no longer the case among a growing number of law abiding people I believe two things need to take place to start healing this problem. 1) LE needs a global retraining on how to interact with the public in general. 2) Certain aspects of POBAR need to be reconsidered, as they give bad cops too much freedom from prosecution.
          Respectfully submitted

          1. You don’t mention whether your clinic is the only business on the property. If it was, for me, as soon as your employees verified that you were CEO, then I would have finished it right there and both of us would have moved on with our work day. If there were other businesses on site, then I still probably would have let you go, but would have completed a Field Interview card just in case it became an issue later.

            As for sitting on the sidewalk….don’t take offense, as there are multiple safety and tactical reasons for this that I won’t go into. Anytime someone is detained, they get seated.

            I’m guessing that the sergeant probably let you go shortly after he arrived. Don’t necessarily view this situation as the officer letting his personal feelings interfere as opposed to the officer being unsure as to what the relevant issues and laws were.

            One other potential issue that may have been involved…sometimes it’s hard to know where property lines start and end. If there was some question as to whether the signs were located on your property, an adjacent property, or public property, that could have factored into the officer’s confusion as well.

            Just as you have some employees who are on top of everything and other employees who aren’t very good but not bad enough to fire, the same situation exists with police departments/officers. It also has a lot to do with experience. An officer with less than a couple years experience would likely have a lot of problems sorting this out. Sounds like something the sergeant wanted to see himself before giving advice on the situation.

            And, again, I must stress that this is merely my opinion based solely upon the facts you presented to me. I wasn’t there and don’t have the benefit of knowing all the nuances of what occurred. For me, this is Monday morning quarterbacking at its worst.

  44. The boys from FPOA were downtown tonight with their oversized black pick-up toting a huge marijuana leaf poster with Whitaker and Kiger’s name on it.

    A bunch of hard core gold clad Jan Flory supporters hanging out next to the political trailer.

  45. Brandon :
    Haller, if your dad taught you any manners you would not be on here badmouthing a deceased murder victim and making cops look like undereducated, overpaid blowhards.
    Kelly Thomas had a severe mental illness but stillmanaged to regulate his emotions better than the (supposedly) mentally balanced and trained officers who beat the living piss out of him.

    1. You mean to say that you were intentionally disparaging a mentally ill murder victim just for shits and giggles? You’re better off with everyone thinking your an imbicile.

  46. BeenAskin: Based on your statement it sounds as if Torres was not concerned about you taking down signs that did not belong to you, but rather that you were taking down signs that he felt needed to stay up (I’m assuming because they showed support for the FPD or politicians supporting the FPD).

    I totally agree with the increase in “Us vs. Them” attitude. I have never been arrested or harassed by an officer, but I have witnessed or read about enough officer misconduct being overlooked, covered up, etc., to be weary of cops in general. The fact that not a single FPD officer has shown an iota of remorse for what happened to Kelly Thomas illustrates either apathy, cowardice, or a self-righteous feeling of cops being above the law IMO.

    1. I would have to insert the fact this was under the McSatan Reign, Sellars was a pliable whimp who was willing to take the fall.

      Bankhead and Jones were pliable olding whimps, our good Doctor eluded to the fact that he was overly drawn to power and control.
      Does he and his still have control over these people, I dont know for sure, but the DA is turning many many more are quiet.

      (“Send me an Angel” the old term)
      Send us all the… Investigators our pocketbooks may bear!!!

        1. I have to say Lifesaving Service that I hated reading this blog and your posts for awhile because you are so far out there and you think strictly one way without even glimpsing in the other direction. But you do crack me up because you are so far lost out in that direction that you don’t even realize it. Keep up the humor, it’s all that’s left on this blog.

            1. Even with Americas, then economic and industrial might, the pivotal moment was when Reagan publicly declared the Russians Evil!!! (AND THEY KNEW IT AND AGREED!!!)

              Millions of lives were possibly saved. There is ties between Public Labor Unions and Communist and Socialists.

              Look at what happened to Americas Public School!!!

  47. Yes :
    I have to say Lifesaving Service that I hated reading this blog and your posts for awhile because you are so far out there and you think strictly one way without even glimpsing in the other direction. But you do crack me up because you are so far lost out in that direction that you don’t even realize it. Keep up the humor, it’s all that’s left on this blog.


    I have a Cop Blog version too.

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