The Saga of Christine Richters

Sex sells…

A very considerate friend just passed along this tidbit. Sort of an iffy news source. Still…

An ex-Orange County employee (and Fullerton native), Christine Richters is suing the County because she says her boss, 3rd District Supervisor and District Attorney hopeful Todd Spitzer wrongfully terminated her. Nothing unusual there. Apparently Spitzer goes through staff like normal people go through those disposable dental floss gizmos.

The hook here is that Ms. Richters, who disappeared from Spitzer’s staff last October, happens to be a former Playboy Playmate of the Month.


Eternally young at heart…


What qualifications Ms. Richters had to be hired as a County Supervisor’s aide first place remains to be seen, as do the merits of her lawsuit.

Of course all of this is bound to reflect badly on the megalomaniacal, hair dyed Dorian Gray of OC politics. Spitzer already has problems stemming from his gun-totin’ handcuffing of a Christian evangelist in a Wahoo’s restaurant a few years ago.

One thing is certain, though. There are very few people who can claim as their employer both Todd Spitzer and Hugh Hefner.

UPDATE:  FFFF has received a copy of Ms. Richters’ legal complaint.

22 Replies to “The Saga of Christine Richters”

  1. Not editorializing one way or another, but the bar for Supervior’s ‘aide” is set very low indeed.

    1. I heard sensual Christine had worked very hard since 1986 to earn her aide position…. oh, well! She’ll be ok-still cashing royalties from the picture above

      1. For the toad that Nelson is, he sure walked a fine line long enough to line up the fitting for that oversized ceremonial black robe. But Todd, well Todd is in it for the action.

  2. City News Service isn’t really “iffy.” It’s the largest regional wire news service in the US and it’s been around since the 1920’s.

  3. Nice internal memo from Spitzer at the end of that court filing. You can’t dock hourly employee pay for not answering texts, on or off the clock. What a jackass. Get ready to pay out the ass, OC.

  4. Poor Christine lasted three months before she went down. That could be an endurance records for Spitzer’s staff. Any settlement should come out of HIS office budget.

  5. I see that Spitzer has taken to labeling all of his memos “deliberative.” No wonder he’s also getting sued for public records law violations.

    1. The County has cooked up a new legal theory called the Supervisors’ “privileged deliberative process.” They use it all the time now and will keep doing it until a judge tells them to shove it.

  6. “the megalomaniacal, hair dyed Dorian Gray of OC politics.”

    That’s pretty funny. But Nelson’s bad dye job makes Spitzer look fairly normal.

  7. That attitude on Spitzer’s part explains a great deal about Steve Vargas’ attitude toward Brea staff! I’m living through it – the guy is virtually Spitzer’s clone…

  8. What are you anonymous posters afraid of? How about a woman supervisor for a change? Obviously the men in charge cannot conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. My husband reminded me of the close relationship Tony Bushala and Shawn Nelson still share. Don’t any of you find it peculiar?

    1. “How about a woman supervisor for a change?”
      Great suggestion as long as she does not resemble Fitzgerald

    2. You have an unnatural obsession with this Tony Bushala person. Your husband may be getting jealous soon.

  9. Of course Donna has an obsession with Tony Bushala. The recall in 2012 would have not been possible without his help. The recall was tantamount to a successful motion to say enough is enough to the City Council and the FPD. Donna is a cop making $200,000 or expecting to make $200k in the future like the average earnings from the top 100 active police employees. FPD’s bad doing, the exponential weight of FPD public financial liabilities, Fitzgerald’s misrepresentation of the state of the city…she does not give a crap about all that. Guarantee her fat check and pension while Fullerton burns to ashes . She understandably sees Bushala’s ghosts everywhere.

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