We Design our Buildings, Thereafter They Define Us


An old gas station was recently remodeled with a small addition along Harbor Blvd. And I might say it’s one of the most creative adaptive reuse projects we’ve seen in Fullerton for many years, and it’s very pleasant to look at. It has no fake columns, no fake second floors, no tile roof, it’s very simple and honest. Frank Webb Architects is the owner, designer and occupant of this very cool building located just north of Berkley on Harbor.  This project had no redevelopment dollars and no subsidy. Friends for Fullerton’s Future welcomes Frank Webb, his partners and his employees to Fullerton.


inside 2DSC00088

14 Replies to “We Design our Buildings, Thereafter They Define Us”

  1. I too am impressed by the project that included expanding the usable area by retaining the baranca. Frank Webb clearly spent alot of money. I will definately look into using them when I have need. Hey admin how about a link to FWA? The allowance of the dg parking lot shows that the current Planning Department is finally opening up their mind to the real world. Good ridens to that last regime of planners that thought that only they knew what was best for us plebes. Keep up the good work John.

  2. A very balanced building from form to materials. Understated and elegant. Well done.

    I wonder how the RDRC ever let that one by without adding clay tiles and gables.

  3. Winky :
    Oh dear, competition for Fullerton’s great architect Frank Lloyd Crane.

    Watch it now Winky, Frank Lloyd Crane was the master of disaster behind the tarantula building. I hear it’s already slated for demolition.

  4. Can we get this guy on the RDRC? I’ve heard Bankhead just appointed some retread who was already on the committee through some of the big aesthetic disasters of the 1990s.

    How about some new blood?

  5. Considering that Frank Lloyd Crane was on the RDRC and the Planning Commission, the new blood would support the “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” universal law. Does the new architect live in the Fullerton?

  6. Glad FFFF noticed this great new building. It had been a gas station in the 40s-60s, then a florist. Great creative reuse.

    No RDA or RDRC meddling. No fake 2nd story. No fake brick facade. Just a real creative clean statement!

  7. FFFF, thanks for posting the good with the bad. This is a a great building in so many ways. Why don’t we get more creative designs like this in Fullerton?

  8. Yes. true. But don’t forget the way the Development Services Department cast its low brow taste on the rest of us. Paul Dudley, Bob Linell, and now this Jay Eastman guy; would you hire any of them as a designer? Then why give them a nickel’s worth of say in how anything looks?

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