Fullerton v. FFFF – New Judge, New Court Dates

OC Superior Court in Santa Ana

Things just keep on moving in the legal battles between us and Fullerton.

Yesterday the Hon. Judge Lee ruled that our two cases, Joshua Ferguson v. Fullerton and Fullerton v. FFFF, Joshua Ferguson, et al are related in response to our request for such a ruling.

As such we will no longer be gracing Judge Lee’s courtroom in Department C31 on 27 February 2019.

Currently we have a Status Conference regarding the City suing us on 12 Dec & a Case Management Conference on my Writ of Mandate case on 16 Dec in front of the Hon. Judge James Crandall in Department C33.

OC Superior Court Related Cases Dec2019

For context we argued, and the city opposed, the point that these two cases are related owing to them involving the same parties and general facts:

“[T]he two actions are based on similar claims, arise from the same transactions and events, and require the determination of substantially identical questions of law and fact. The CPRA lawsuit alleges that the City has improperly withheld records it claims are confidential or exempt from disclosure. The City’s lawsuit claims that in the process of responding to Defendants’ CPRA requests, it placed confidential or exempt information on its website, www.cityoffullerton.com/outbox. In both cases, the City has the burden to show that the documents are confidential.”

We’re of the opinion that the city’s case against myself and this blog is retaliatory owing to the fact that the city waited months to file their case and only did so AFTER I filed my Public Records lawsuit.

The city claims they waited to “secure their network” which is utter nonsense considering their own experts, in their own declaration, stated that the city needed approximately 30 days for the company Glass Box to fix their network (not Dropbox) vulnerability. Yet the city sent their original Cease & Desist email on 14 June, their letter to our attorney Kelly Aviles on 17 July and then they waited an additional 99 days to file their lawsuit against us on 24 Oct.

That’s a lot more than the 30 days recommended by Glass Box and sure is convenient timing. It’s even more convenient that the City had to vote “again” on 19 November “in an effort to clarify any Brown Act violations” when they refused to report out about their alleged vote back in September that Whitaker denies even took place.

I will be very surprised it the city does not attempt to appeal this decision to link the cases.

14 Replies to “Fullerton v. FFFF – New Judge, New Court Dates”

  1. Jones and Mayer are such clowns. I can’t believe they roped Zahra and Silva into this embarrassment. Oh wait, yes I can.

  2. This rates right up the with the impeachment hearings in terms of entertainment value (sorry, Josh. I don’t mean to trivialize).

  3. Thanks for keeping us informed about what is going on. Seriously, this is an important case for journalism brewing in our own backyard.

  4. It will be good if the users of this blog show at the court hearing to show their support, and show to the judge the blogger is not alone.
    It’s no nice they audience here , are comfortable writing their thoughts., but when the real situation comes. The user’s (audience) of this blog abandonment the blogger.
    Real situation expose who are the real friends.

    1. Hey idiot, did it ever occur to you that most people on this blog don’t use use their real names. And would you like to know why?

      It’s called retaliation.

      Fortunately, Ferguson, who has balls made of steel, is the face for the rest of us. Even if it’s just him and his attorney, he knows who’s there in the court room with him.

    1. “I’m a huge defender of the First Amendment. I wouldn’t be involved in this case if I thought we were crossing a line,” Barlow said. “I’m doing what I believe is a righteous thing in protecting people’s data.”

      Yes, she’s a huge defender of the First Amendment. Unfortunately, she’s an even bigger defender of her own behind and those of the City of Fullerton’s “leadership”. I hope she knows better, but after all, she knows who’s paying the bills. And win or lose, she still gets paid.

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