Monday Robotext

Here’s a fun robotext message that just went out to nine thousand D4 voters reminding them of Team Jaramillo’s scam candidate and the DA complaint thereof. Simple and effective

Maybe this will make Democrat Central reconsider their meddling in Fullerton elections by creating sham candidates. Maybe it will make Diane Vena, Ajay Mojan, and Scott Markowitz regret their participation in electoral fraudulence.

But probably not.

10 Replies to “Monday Robotext”

  1. I got one. I thought it was effective. Normally these things ask money. This is a public service announcement!

    1. The real question is how is Hoogerbooger involved? For all we know, he helped.

      His mom is gonna be so proud.

      1. Hogerhuis’ firebrand support of Markowitz, mean Kitty and the other corrupt Democrats likely indicates he she or it is heavily involved maybe Hoggie is actually Ajay Mohan from Irvine.

  2. The lengths this person has gone through to get on the city council just amazes me. She is obsessed. Partly because she is a lunatic Karen who so desperately wants to be on the controlling side of people, but even worse, I believe she just wants to rub it in the face of certain people in this city. She has no plan, or even gives a $#!+ about creating any kind of change for this city. She is a power hungry scumbag who can’t wait to take her vengeance on her enemies.

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