Sharon Kennedy Wigs Out At Council Meeting

In happier days…

At the December 17th Council Meeting, Sharon Kennedy, “former publisher” of the Fullerton Observer appeared to go bonkers when a public speaker began enumerating the reasons Ahmad Zahra was unfit to be Mayor of Fullerton.

FFFF artist’s fictional interpretation…

She began screaming from the rear of the council chambers, accusing the speaker of being a liar and disseminating “disinformation” while interrupting both the speaker and the meeting.

Kennedy’s violent outburst continued – she kept interrupting the speaker, who calmly continued to recite the damning bill of indictment against Zahra.

Time to come clean…..

Zahra himself interrupted the proceedings, too, as well he might, given that the list of objections to his mayoralty was so persuasive. Still, it’s bad form to engage public speakers – “chilling” is what County Supervisor Doug “Bud” Chaffee called it in 2012, and it treads upon free speech rights of a citizen, for sure.

Eventually, Kennedy removed herself from the chamber before Mayor Nick Dunlap could ask police Chief Radus to kick her out..

Why write about news when you can try to make your own! (Photo by Julie Leopo/Voice of OC)

Zahra’s supporters like Sharon Kennedy and her sister, fellow Observer Skaskia, continue to ignore his plagiarism, his marriage fraud, his false police report against Fred Jung, his assault and battery guilty plea, his ever-shifting coming out/coming to America tale, and his perpetual victimhood narratives.

Their emotional and psychological investment in Zahra is such that they will never see the real story. That’s the persuasion of the conman when his marks would rather buy into the con than face the truth of their own foolish gullibility. Or they are infinitely hypocritical. Either that or they’re really stupid.

23 Replies to “Sharon Kennedy Wigs Out At Council Meeting”

      1. Has anyone asked Nick why even after this meshuggeneh from the Kennedy lady, he then turned around and voted for Shana as mayor? Did he temporarily lose his mind? Thank the gods his buddy Fred bailed him out.

          1. Inclusive… Then he should have voted for the first openly gay Muslim of Middle Eastern descent elected to office as the mayor. We all know that’s not what he was trying to do. He just wanted to duck the mean girl comments from the cheap seats.

            1. “He just wanted to duck the mean girl comments from the cheap seats.”

              Please expand on your comment.

  1. By the way, the other person involved (no names mention in the Observer!!!) turns out to be Saskia Kennedy!

    Talk about objective reporting!

    Poor “Jack Hutt.” Another Yellowing Observer stooge.

    1. “By the way, the other person involved (no names mention in the Observer!!!) turns out to be Saskia Kennedy!”
      Yeah, that’s some awesome “objective news reporting”, there, Rusty, Sakshia, ScKaren, you know what I mean…them Kennedy sisters.

  2. She’s gone around the bend. Talk about a bizarre world view:

    “Maybe the public needs to come out on the streets like they did in South Korea.”

    1. Sharon bit the news bite seen on local tv stations, chewed on it for a minute then spit it back out at Bushala who dared to speak at Fullerton’s city council meeting. Because Sharon is ignorant, she couldn’t put her comment about South Korea’s current political strife into relevant context applicable to city of Fullerton’s political clime; Sharon is an editor of a newspaper?

  3. Korea? What is she rambling about? Crazy has no cure. Her family business, the Fullerton Observer, acts like the 6th member of city council trying to craft policy through their opinion pieces.

  4. How is the Observer still around? Fullerton is mired in mediocrity because this is the only source of fake news.

  5. I would like to amend something in this article, or more properly, correct…..
    The cops were up and approaching her when she finally headed for the hills. Still screaming the whole way out and into the foyer. I’m not sure what the point was when she could have easily just gone up to the podium and had her 3 minutes.
    It’s obvious to this observer that she feels above the rules. It’s a tricky business having a soap box that goes completely unchecked and then having to go out in the real world where the lunacy can’t go unchecked.
    Obviously very frustrating for the wonder twins of Fullerton fabrication otherwise known as The Fullerton Observer.

  6. What happened Sharon? Nurse forgot to give you your daily dose of Olanzipine? Or did you miss your afternoon nap? Psycho!

  7. What is the timestamp on the council meeting video where all this goes down? Interested in viewing it, not interested in trying to find it.

      1. Time management for those of us who have lives outside of the internet. I pay attention and I am involved, but slogging through hours of mostly uninteresting blah blah blah looking for a nugget of good stuff is not a luxury I have. Since you give the impression that you “pay attention to all” you could have just provided the timestamp instead of making a snarky comment based upon unfounded assumptions.

  8. Zahra and Sharon Kennedy both suffer from Dunning-Kruger effect. This occurs when people fail to acknowledge their own limitations and incompetence.

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