Dick Ackerman For 4th District Supervisor?


What a guy...
What a guy...

Lost in the brouhaha over his wife’s sudden carpetbagging political ambitions in the 72nd State Assembly special election is the curious fact that Dick Ackerman is very likely going to be a resident soon of the 4th Supervisorial District.

We’re not real sure yet where the Ackermans have decided to take up their faux residence, but chances are pretty good it will be back in Dick’s old happy hunting grounds, surrounded by the love of all his old Fullerton Rotarian pals. And if he does “move” to Fullerton he would be able to throw his hat in the ring for termed-out Supervisor Chris Noby’s job.

Far-fetched? Well, maybe. But the Ackermans seem to be the type of folks who avoid leaving anything on the table, so Shawn Nelson would be well-advised to watch his back…

4 Replies to “Dick Ackerman For 4th District Supervisor?”

  1. The only problem with this scenario is that it requires the Mrs. to beat Norby so that the move back to Fullerton becomes permanent.

    When she loses it’ll be back to the antiseptic streets of irvine for the Ackermans.

  2. Norby should beat Mrs. Ackerman, in fact Sharon Quirk should beat Mrs. A., but I wouldn’t count Dick out of the Supes race if that happens.

    Career politicians greed for power and popularity is a decease that most politicians contract while in office.

  3. I pretty much see it as Grover does. Linda gets whupped in the primary and Dick has no reason to move back to the district.

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