Dave Lopez Follows Duvall Slime Trail to Virtuous Ackerwoman Campaign

Dick Ackerman made me what I am today...
Dick Ackerman made me what I am today...

Well, now we know why Dave Lopez of KCAL news was at the the Summit house restaurant on Tuesday night. He was there to pin down Ackerwoman campaign fundraiser/organizer Desiree Mouzoon about an alleged relationship with now resigned Assemblyman Mike Duvall for whom she worked in several capacities. Here’s the clip from CBS/KCAL. Enjoy the sight of Lopez trying to chase down Mouzoon and then face off with a Corona swiggin’ Ackerman.

The humorous aspects of the story are manifold. First is the irony. Dick Ackerman is widely regarded as the creator of the slime bucket Duvall in the first place – yes the selfsame Ackerman, Inc. that is now presenting its public face of virtue even though there is hardly a single honest thing about Ackerwoman’s campaign. And now we get to see Ackerman intercepting Lopez to prevent him from speaking to the candidate. Apparently Ackerman does all the talking for Ackerwoman. It’s a team, see, and Dick is team captain.

Creepy image stolen from Orange Juice blog
Creepy image stolen from Orange Juice blog

Naturally the local blogs are enjoying this latest twist: Moxley at the OC Weekly has this. The always ebullient fringer Art Pedroza shared this with his blog followers.

As an aside, Pedroza notes that on her Facebook page Mouzoon indicates a “relationship” with Adam Probolksky – Repug slime blob who was once heard to opine that there was no such thing as a conflict of interest. What a crew!

9 Replies to “Dave Lopez Follows Duvall Slime Trail to Virtuous Ackerwoman Campaign”

  1. That video is hilarious! Look at her flee from the reporter and then hide behind Dick Ackerman. That’s always a sign of innocence.

  2. “Dez & Associates has developed an impressive
    client list in such a short period of time.”
    Jon Fleischman
    Publisher, The FlashReport

  3. “Dez & Associates is one of the premier fund raising firms in Southern California. Their work
    on my behalf has been remarkable.”
    Mike Duvall
    California Assemblyman

  4. Fleischman is Dez’s ex-boyfriend, and we know he and the party wanted Duvall out. Maybe Fleischman found out about the “car” incident with Dez and Duvall, then told Jeff Miller to turn up the mic for revenge.

    What a coo.

  5. duvall i understand, but ADAM PROBOLSKY is a tool. he’s not only easily bought, but it just bothers us that his head is way too big for his stomach stapled little body.

    i wonder if this power hungry, fake relationship will continue to go on

  6. Funny how Fart Boy Cunningham had this story up on his website 20 minutes ago, posted by one of his bloggers–then it was suddenly gone, and replaced with this important news item: “Migrant squatters move closer to a high school, fire dangers persist.”

    WOW, go get ’em Gerbil. We love it when you only post good things about your friends and not actual news in OC–or maybe something about one of the candidates running against his wife for Clerk Recorder…

    He is such a shill.

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